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    Tuesday, March 23, 2021

    A little story for everybody who want to start making games.

    A little story for everybody who want to start making games.

    A little story for everybody who want to start making games.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    Few years ago (it was 2018 I think) I received an e-mail from some guy who was making his own game.

    We didn't know each other, but he found me via a presentation about "Unreal Engine 4 and mobile games" I made long time ago. He had some problems and decided to ask me for help.

    He was making a small game on IOS. It was almost done, but he had serious problems with publishing it to the AppStore. We've been solving his issues and corresponding each other.

    During this time I've learned that he lives somewhere in middle-east Africa. He was a student and the only thing he had was iPad4 (already old device for that time) and rather weak computer. He could use the Internet only in school and local library. He couldn't build UE4 from source, because it'd took him half a day. He had to use the old version of the engine, because the new one dropped support for the only device he had to test on. He was spending his own money on apple developer program and renting iMac.

    And he did it! With my little help at the end he succesfully published his own game to the AppStore. Let's be honest, the game wasn't anything great but hey, he DID it!

    So, every time, when someone who lives in a well developed country, with an unlimited access to the Internet and access to the good hardware I just tell them this story. And then, the only advice I have is: "Pick the engine. Download it. Open official tutorials. Start doing them". Because, in my opinion, this is the only way to start making games. And most of us who can read this are in a fantastic position, because we live in a time when starting making games is silly easy.

    I hope You enjoyed this little story. Have a good day :)

    submitted by /u/zompi2
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    How to Become a Game Designer | Game Maker's Toolkit

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:04 PM PDT

    It turns out it's super easy to setup custom icons for your scriptable objects based on their type. In a few cases I like to have two different types of scriptable object in the same folder and this allows me to easily tell them apart.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    Photorealistic Vintage Television | Blender intermediate tutorial | Part...

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    What's your game's pitch?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    While working on focusing my game, I started trying to pitch it out loud to see if I could sum it up in a concise sentence. It's hard! While working through what makes a pitch work, I realized how useful it was in refining my thinking not just trying to sell others on playing it (someday).

    Do you have a short pitch for the game you're currently working on? If not, have you ever tried summing it up out loud in a few seconds? Is it better to come up with your pitch early as I'm starting to believe or is it better to wait until the game's done to avoid curtailing the creative process?

    submitted by /u/Austimized
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    Devlog about making my own RTS from scratch using just C - Projectile Simulation + Big Group Pathfinding

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 02:33 PM PDT

    Run unity instances to make a multiplayer server

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:00 AM PDT


    I plan to make a multiplayer game using Unity, it would be a co-op game with from 5 to 10 players per game. All of this without peer to peer. I had in mind to make a hub made with pure C# that would receive the client connections and manage them (authentication, instant messaging, friends list, matchmaking etc.)

    And for each game session it would launch a headless unity instance that would become a game server. Once in-game the players would send packet to the hub that would redirect them to the unity instance. The same for the unity instance to the client.

    All of this using reliable UDP.

    Is it a good idea? What could be the limits? I'd like be able to handle at least 1k players.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/ZauChoco
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    Drawing A Simple Triangle - WebGL Programming | 3D Web Development

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    I've been a junior character artist for 1 year but i'm hating it and I need advice

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:42 AM PDT

    Hey guys, so i'll just throw out my whole situation here, I need to vent and I need advice. So i've been a junior artist at an indie game company making cosmetics for over a year now, its been a constant grind because we are understaffed, overworked, underpaid and have deadlines that must be met no matter what. We do all the concepts, 3D modelling, sculpting, texturing, implementation for, etc for the cosmetics and there is a pretty vast level of time lengths that each cosmetic could take.

    I like the creative freedom here but I feel stuck, its been the same cycle over and over again and i'm extremely stressed out and I don't think this job is going to get any better unless I keep at it for another year or more. I'm constantly trying to better my art and cosmetics and I have been improving but I've been doing this for a year now and it seems like I can't go anywhere else in the company besides this task or another one which is absolutely soulless with no creativity because there is too little staff to go around to take over my position.

    I don't think my company is the standard for what happens in the games industry, I get is an indie company but it feels unprofessional and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there was some illegal stuff going on in the background. My coworkers are nice but some of the people in charge have some attitude issues, I am also aware that I also have some attitude issues (but I repress it or try to) because i'm getting fed up with this process. The amount of feedback I get compared to my other coworkers in the same position as me is disproportionate, mostly because i've been striving to make much more higher quality content but I'm getting really bothered by the excessive feedback, maybe I'm just having difficulty separating my ego and my art but it also stressing me out because they give the feedback way too late in the pipeline, meaning I have to constantly keep going back to fix things that take awhile.

    I've built up a lot of good stuff from this job for my portfolio though and i'm thinking of just quitting and finding somewhere else to work. Please give me advice, this year ahead seems like nothing is going to change for me but maybe i'll be able to get a slight pay raise but I don't think it is worth it since i'm not enjoying my job anymore.

    submitted by /u/TAGameDevS
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    Discussion-What is better in Stategy Games? Pops? Abstract Growth? Or Something else?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 05:25 AM PDT

    So I have played different Strategy Games, and they all have different types of economic systems. In Civilization 5, you have pops that work different tiles that provide bonuses according to the tile they work. Pops grow with food. Pops are concrete numbers that are like little tokens you place on the tiles inside your territory. By improving tiles you gain a set static number of stategic and luxury resources that limit the max number of units that require said resources. Example: if you have 5 Iron tiles that give 1 iron each, you have 5 Iron in perpetuity. You do not accumulate Iron, you have 5. You can also only field up to 5 units that require Iron as upkeep.

    In Stellaris, instead of increasing the global total amount of resources, you grow them over time, with the resources being added to a pool. You could have a massive space empire with multiple sources of different resources (Energy, Minerals, Food, etc) as well as secondary resources you must refine with the basic resources (Alloys, Consumer Goods, etc). Units and buildings cost a set amount of resources to construct and to upkeep. Hypothetically, If a Battleship costs 2000 alloys, an empire that makes 20 alloys a month, and an empire that makes 5 alloys a month can both build the Battleship, the only difference is that the former will get the necessary amount of alloys in less time and have an easier time maintaining the battleship after construction. This is a more realistic take, with resources being concrete units that you accumulate and spend. Population is similar to Civ, where you have to develop pops that work tiles that may of may not have buildings on them(earlier version), or work jobs provided by buildings and districts on the planets (new version). This is more realistic but also number crunchy.

    In Total War Shogun 2, things are radically different, there is town income, tax level, and growth. Settlements have a base income provided by farms, buildings and other sources, and depending on your tax level you get more or less of the percentage of the base income. There is Growth, a positive, or negative value that depends on various factors, such as: how much growth are the region's buildings providing, the public order of the city, what is the global food surpluss in your faction, and many other factors. This abstracts the idea of population and city management. There are no cities with high or low population, there are cities with high income, and cities with low income. Cities are inilially valuable for their farms and speciality buildings, but over time the player can turn their relatively poor provinces into decent income cities with careful stewardship.

    In addition to the growth mechanic, the game lets you possess regions or trade nodes with speciality resources like iron, horses, silk, etc. Owning these gives you direct income, but also allows you to build certain buildings that can increase your income even further or allow more elite units to be recruited. While the game does specify the amount of resources gained from these key locations (aka, tones of iron, or bales of silk), this is never a factor in unit recruitment or building. You either have the resource, or you dont. For example, you can build stables in any province, and there is no limit to the amount of cavalry units you can recuit. However, you can only recruit the first tier of cavalry units, if you want the next tier, you need better stables, but these require the Warhorses resource, which can only be obtained in certain regions. You can gain acess to these warhorses by conquering the regions with this resource, or importing them through trade. There is not really a point in having more than one region, you either have warhorses, or you don't. This streamlines things and makes it easier to manage, as well as incentivise the player to conquer. But it is all abstracted.

    So my question is this. What are some of the implications to the gameplay of Strategy Games, to have their resource management and Base/City building be a certain way? What does having pops you can manage manually in Civ and Stellaris do for these games that may or may not work for games like Shogun 2? What types of economy systems are best for games of certain genres (4X games, turnbased or realtime, RTS games, Grand Strategy games, or hybrid games, and any other genre of games that involve economy in order to expand and build stuff.)? Is one type of economic system the best depending on the specific type of game?

    Also, what are some interesting and fun economic systems that you have encountered in games?

    submitted by /u/ozu95supein
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    Controller and Keyboard Menu Navigation w/ Input System - Unity Tutorial

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 05:07 AM PDT

    Question - Issues with Inverse Kinematics

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    Sorry in advance for the formatting; I haven't posted on Reddit before. However, I tried to make it readable for you.

    I've been trying to make this work for a while now, and I'm getting annoyed at having to go back to blender every minute.

    I want to make the player a giant four-legged being that moves around the map, trying to destroy things. However, after watching many tutorials on blender, inverse kinematics, and animation rigging, I still am running into an issue with the leg model I made. Whenever I move the bones in the leg, it gets really distorted and stretched out.

    I've tried making the bones precise and such, but it just isn't working. I don't honestly know what to do to fix this, as there aren't many tutorials out there that I know of that cover this.

    I guess I should also mention that I am not incredibly experienced with Unity, but I wanted to make my first "real game," not some few-day project like I've made in the past.

    Moving the bones.

    The only idea I've thought of and haven't tested as of yet are loopcuts and such, but I am unsure whether or not it will work.

    submitted by /u/TrueKmcarroll
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    Has anyone ever seen games with full IDEs built in?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    I'm thinking about trying to built a Battle Royale style game that has players competing to create the best image (based on viewer vote or something) using something like Processing, which for those who don't know is a Java IDE with a built in graphics library.

    I actually got this idea from using Processing in a class and finding the rate of learning to be roughly akin to something like Minecraft, so I thought it could be a pretty dope competitive creative thing.

    I'm a relative newbie, only worked in Python, Java, RoR, HTML, and a few more, but does this seem like something that could be done? Can one fit an entire IDE in a game that easily or would you have to basically create a new "language" for the game that is very simplified?

    submitted by /u/LuggagePorter
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    New devlog filled with cutscenes I made after learning UE4's Sequencer tool. Check it out!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    *Unity Creator | Review Unity Asset Horse* Animset Pro (Riding System) |...

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    Hey Guys, we're starting a new series where we interview real devs on parts of the industry that are massively important but less spoken about. Not just game design, but marketing, monetisation, and creative inspiration �� And we want to talk to YOU �� If you want to chat about your game contact us!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    Game engine workflow feels weird

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:29 AM PDT

    Anyone else out there who doesnt like the workflows in unity or unreal? Feels kind of backwards when u come from a standard software engineering background where u have control over the runtime and build process. What kind of stack/libraries are u guys and girls using? :) Im on cpp, glfw, glad, glm, imgui, stb, steamworks and tiled. And trying out entt atm.

    submitted by /u/DistinctMap
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    Software engineering or interactive media

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    I m about to select a course for my higher education and I have a problem between selecting interactive media or software engineering.I know the best choice would be interactive media but there are lot of things you can learn in software engineering that can be used in game development(ex:-programming) . The thing is I'm not a REALLY creative person and I'm not sure interactive media would be a great fit. Any advice would be great.

    Thank u in advance!!!

    submitted by /u/YR_01
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    Create Flappy Bird clone in Unity Bolt visual language in 10 minutes or less

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    Server Illegal Object Spawning/Deletion Prevention

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:12 AM PDT


    does anyone know about any article describing how server-based games handle and prevent illegal object spawning/deletion? Or if you have your own experience with such matters, i'd be glad if you could tell me all the thing needed to take care of.

    I'm using the Core Games engine which does allow me to network objects, so the server takes care of such things, but even that has a limit and it's pretty low and on top of that i'm limited to sending 10 data with the maximum size of 128 bytes to the server and vice versa. I could compress the data, but that still wouldn't allow me to send multiple things from multiple scripts.

    submitted by /u/ThatChase
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    Steam and game update

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:22 AM PDT

    Hello there,

    I wanted to know how Steam handles updating games on its platform, specially regarding games built with Unity.

    I am working on a game which weights approximately 2 Go. With Unity, I have big "sharedassets" files that can weight between 400 to 900 Mo.

    When building a new version of my game and uploading it to Steam, will steam flag the whole "sharedassets" folder as new and makes the user download it all again (with updates that could be more than 1 Go?) or will Steam split these files into smaller files and updates only what needs to be updated?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Adurnha
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    Easy way to split revenue?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    I am selling a revshare format game on Steam. Is there any good way to automatically pay each member their share?

    submitted by /u/TimelessPR
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    How do you decide on what style your game will have?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:36 AM PDT

    I'm thinking to make a stylized 3D environment. I have many styles I have in mind but I can't chose which one to go for.

    In this kind of situation how do you chose the style? It's tempting to try all but it would take too much time.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Tekcore
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