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    Thursday, February 25, 2021

    What is the “standard” or “expected” knowledge base that modern web developers should be expected to know by employers? web developers

    What is the “standard” or “expected” knowledge base that modern web developers should be expected to know by employers? web developers

    What is the “standard” or “expected” knowledge base that modern web developers should be expected to know by employers?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:06 AM PST

    For front-end web development, what technologies (besides the fundamentals /html/css/js) are jr web developers expected to know?

    I know that Rect and other front-end libraries are popular, but beyond those frameworks and libraries what other knowledge-bases should be be drawing from?

    Are working with API's and a solid understanding of design patterns expected? If so, what are some good resources for these technologies?

    I know that the common advice to newbies is "after a couple of tutorials, build something". But that's like telling someone who just learned the alphabet to go strike up a conversation on the merits of federalism.

    The gulf between tutorials and the real world is a wide chasm of DIY projects and uncertainty. So, if you guys could help offer a bit of direction to us newbies, that would be super helpful. :)

    Update: Wow, this post got way more feedback than I'd ever anticipated! I've got a lot of advise to parse through. Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/AcademicF
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    Get Waves – Create SVG waves for your next design

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:22 AM PST

    getting back into web design after 8 years and feel lost on where to begin

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:04 AM PST

    hey all!

    I am looking to design a website for my own business - I have past experience with HTML and CSS and feel comfortably able to refresh my knowledge of them.

    However, I am completely lost on where to start. When I was making websites, I was using Adobe Dreamweaver for page structure and implementing Adobe Flash Professional .swfs for the interactive portions of the sites. This was incredibly easy for me to do back then, and I imagine I'd have no trouble taking the same approach.

    HOWEVER, Adobe Flash is no longer supported on major platforms , and I am reading that Dreamweaver is obsolete as welll.

    Do website devs still rely on platforms like these? I feel like an old man - I have no idea where to begin.

    submitted by /u/nikolapicola
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    Let's reason about state management (e.g. Redux, Apollo) in web apps

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 07:28 AM PST

    I think that:

    • client-server state management became complex with the arrival of SPA's, which caused view logic to move to the browser, which means we need caching and caching is complex.
    • state management solutions can be divided into "explicit cache" solutions (Redux, MobX) and "implicit cache" solutions (Apollo, react-query).
    • ultimate simplification/solution might be in the form of RPC (calling functions over the network) + some metadata describing these functions.

    What do you think?

    I have been developing full-stack web apps (MEAN, MERN) for some time now and one of the most complex and boilerplate-ish parts for me was always state management between client (SPA) and API server (what we use Redux, MobX, Apollo and similar solutions for).

    By that, I mean fetching data from the server on the client and then successfully keeping it in sync while also keeping it all smooth and performant.

    Currently I am working on open-source web app framework/language (Wasp - https://wasp-lang.dev) and state management between client and server came up again, as one of the potentially most interesting parts of web app development to simplify/improve.

    Therefore, I have been doing some research on the topic, trying to comprehend it better, understand where the complexity is actually coming from and what are the pros and cons of different solutions. As a final result I hope to write a blog post about it and use the learnings in Wasp!

    I wanted to share with you what I have learned so far and hear your opinions and feedback, and then continue thinking from there. Pls see this as an open discussion / brainstorming. Below is my current train of thought.

    Where is the complexity coming from?

    When thinking about it, I am focusing on web client (SPA) and API server - we could imagine the client being written in JS/React and server in Node for example.From client perspective, server is the "source of the truth", it is gateway to the real state of the web app. Client can't be source of any truth, since the web page can be reloaded or closed at any moment. Server can provide any and all the data - all the users and their activities and content and so on. Often this data is stored in a database like Postgresql, or multiple databases, or is also fetched from some API - but that is actually irrelevant right now - it is up to the server to care about details like that.

    Therefore, whenever a client wants to use some data, it needs to fetch it from the server (there could be multiple servers, some of them being managed by us, some not, but to simplify let's focus on just one server). If a client wants to update/create the data, it needs to send a request to the server to do so.

    This is actually great and relatively simple - server has all the data/state. And things were relatively simple some time ago when we didn't have fat SPA clients and instead all the views were rendered on the server side - data travelling to and from view logic was travelling inside the same server/program.

    But, with the arrival of fat SPA clients and separation of client and server, more data/state started travelling via the network! That means it takes some time for data to travel, especially if there is a lot of it, and there could be network errors. To keep our web app being performant and fast, this means we have to use some kind of caching on the client, and this is where the complexity happens, because we need to keep that cache up to date and reason about it.

    So, to summarize, complexity is coming from the caching we need to do on client due to client and server being separated via the network.


    Next, when looking at some of the popular state management solutions, I came to the conclusion that we can divide them into two main categories: those with explicit cache and those with implicit cache.

    In implicit cache solutions (Apollo, react-query), operations (queries and mutations) are the central concept, instead of cache. Cache is still there, in the background, but it is more of an implementation detail and you access it only when you have no other choice.In explicit cache solutions (Redux, Mobx), cache is the central concept. You reason about and model the the state, which is in big part used to cache state from the server. To be fair, Redux and Mobx are more general and they don't have to be used at all for caching the server state, they can be used only to model local client state, but they often are used to cache server state so that is why I am talking about them here.

    I think implicit cache solutions are lately being recognized as a more attractive solution for client-server state management due to them not forcing you to think about the cache, how it is structured and what it will look like.

    If we dive deeper into the concept of implicit cache solutions and their central concept of queries and mutations, we really come all the way back to how it was done before SPA's, when views were rendered on the server side -> we were just using normal functions calls, since it was all part of one program. So, if we are coming back to that, can we make that final step and just call functions again?So finally, we come to the concept of RPC (remote procedure call), where we call a function from the client which then in the background calls a function on the server (e.g. via HTTP), seemingly blending the fact that there is a whole network between them. RPC is a pretty abstract concept but what we are specifically currently doing in Wasp is enabling you to write nodejs functions that you can call directly from the client (browser).

    While RPC is as simple to use as it goes, solutions like Apollo GraphQL are more powerful than basic RPC since you declare schemas, so there is better understanding of the data being operated on and additional checks and automatizations can be done (e.g. automatic cache invalidation and query composition). On the other hand, we could do some kind of RPC and then supplement it with metadata to achieve the same thing - this is what we are doing right now in Wasp, where you write nodejs function, describe it a little bit in Wasp language, and then call it directly from frontend/client (https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/language/basic-elements#queries-and-actions-aka-operations). Why don't we use Apollo? We didn't feel we had enough control, and RPC + DSL felt like an on-par solution, but that said we are still in alpha so we will see how that develops, it is somewhat of an experiment.

    Uff, this ended up being a long post, and while I could go more about it I think it is best if I stop here! I would like to think my opinions on this topic are still forming and are relatively malleable so if you have different views / ideas please share them!

    submitted by /u/Martinsos
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    How do sites like this fetch data without anything showing up in the network log?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:45 PM PST

    While checking cryptocurrency prices the other day, it dawned on me to take a closer look at how sites like this appear to update the view in real-time with the current market book and recent trades. The result is impressive, but when I open up my dev tools and look at the network log, there are very few requests that happen after the page loads, and none of them look like they contain the live market information that I'm seeing. How does the browser seem to receive data without it appearing in the network log?


    submitted by /u/Trentskiroonie
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    Transform Excel to Full-Blown Application

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 07:47 AM PST


    I'm super excited to show-case what I've been working on for the past 2 weeks. This was possible thanks to Kaviar framework (which I've been working on it for the past 1.5 years) and I show-cased that with a strong and solid foundation we can redefine what rapid prototyping means in 2021.

    Techstack: MongoDB, GraphQL, Node, TypeScript, React powered by KaviarJS.com

    Feedback is super welcome! May the code be with you \/

    submitted by /u/theodordiaconu
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    GLab: An open source GitLab CLI tool bringing GitLab to your command line where you are already working with Git and your code

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:11 PM PST

    2 mil page view website earning $200 in ads? $100 per million views...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 12:35 PM PST

    The website that I work for used Venatus for ads & generated 2.2 million page views (Google analytics) in January and brought in $197 which turns into under $100 per million....

    That seems absolutely ridiculous. Am I wrong?

    The website is in the gaming / competitive gaming space.

    I know GEO is important so here's January with that info -
    -Page views: 2.28million
    -Unique page views: 670,370
    -Philippines 42.1% of sessions
    -United States 11.9% of sessions
    -Malaysia 9.8% of sessions
    -Singapore 5.6% of sessions

    Everything else is below 5%

    Ad revenue earned: $197.

    Are we doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/HeartBreaker_TV
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    Can credentials (or anything in general) be securely held in the front end? (ReactJS web app)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:11 AM PST

    So I have a little blog/personal site that I use as a sandbox and to showcase ideas;

    Recently I've been playing around with the Duolingo API (which is undocumented btw, i've just been looking at the traffic and replicating the calls in postman).

    Essentially I want to "log in", get a jwt (token), and then GET all my data so I can display my course progress on my page (nice excuse to play around with some graphing tools).

    I dont need a backend for this as i'm just making an interface for an existing API, however, I need to include my duolingo username and password in the request headers. For obvious reasons i dont wanna just plaintext them in the front end but do i really need to add a backend just to safely hide 1 password?

    Is there any middle ground? Some package or pattern or something I can use to mask a front end js var?

    Cheers all.

    submitted by /u/Duttywood
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    Is the IE option in Safari actually IE?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:16 PM PST

    Was just curious if for example you have some code that runs in IE and rather than setting up a Windows VM in a Mac, to just load it up in Safari with that IE feature turned on.

    submitted by /u/post_hazanko
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    Your window into the magical world of SVG.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:18 AM PST

    A good book to progress from beginner?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:59 AM PST


    I've just completed the Jon Duckett book HTML & CSS.

    What would be a good next book?

    I would love a book that goes through building a website from start to finish. Is there anything available like that?


    submitted by /u/r__warren
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    Tabbed application mode for PWAs

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:48 AM PST

    Any good books/tutorials on websockets? Preferably not only how to implement them but the computer science as well.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:59 AM PST

    Looking to read up on websockets. Would appreciate any suggestions!

    submitted by /u/Stargazer5781
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    Why do some web apps have domain.com as static website with login and signup button which redirects to app.domain.com, what's the advantage of this?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:43 AM PST

    I'm trying to understand why do some web apps have domain.com as static website and app.domain.com for actual app. Typically in such cases domain.com will have a button for login and signup and clicking on it user is redirected to app.domain.com and do everything there.

    domain.com only shows static content like pricing, privacy policy, about us etc.

    I can't think of any advantage of doing this, why not just have everything on domain.com?

    Can someone please help me in understanding the logic behind doing this, how does this benefit devs?

    submitted by /u/NoSilver9
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    Computer advice for dev

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:34 AM PST

    Hi guys!

    It's time that I change my computer and since I'm starting my journey as a dev I want to get a laptop that's not going to take hours to run a single line of code or crash when I'm using massive datasets. Any suggestions or what I should avoid when choosing?

    submitted by /u/ozgecany
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    How to manage dependency versions across federated modules?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:33 PM PST

    My team is working on module federation and micro-frontend adoption and education across our org.

    One of the problems is doing dependency updates on a regular cadence, so that at any given time there's a recommended dependency version for our recommended dependencies.

    What I want is a command line utility that I can run in a project to tell me if the project dependencies are "correct", according to some central authority.

    Does anyone know of anything like this?

    submitted by /u/BlueJeansAndRain
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    Just wanting to develop an imageboard

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:29 PM PST

    Hi, I took some web dev stuff in college - but I have since forgotten it. In the meantime, I have registered a domain, and would like to create an imageboard in the vein of ylilauta.org - although I would like each post to show geolocation - the geo of each poster (with an option w/each post to hide it).

    Really unsure of where to go from here. It's been SO long since I've done any of this stuff - is there any one I could go to for direction, or anyone I could simply pay? The people I've approached so far seem clueless.

    Basically - a typical imageboard, with the option to register an account (with the later option of being able to give icons if they meet certain conditions - not important now) but with each post, to show the geolocation of each post.

    Can anyone help me? I'm willing to pay. I have the domain and all.

    submitted by /u/phantomforeskinpain
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    What changed in webpack v5 that causes my jasmine/karma tests to fail?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:14 PM PST

    Despite hours of Googling, Stack Overflow, etc, I can't find anyone else who has had this issue.

    A bit of background: Previously, we were using jasmine, karma, webpack v4, and karma-webpack to use webpack as a preprocessor, all without issue. To be honest, our tests are a bit of a mess—in many files ES6 imports and global state are overwritten with spies which aren't cleaned up, which occasionally caused issues where tests would fail because of spies which were leftover from tests which ran earlier. But regardless of this, everything was working and tests were running in an order such that they were passing.

    Cue upgrades to webpack v5 and karma-webpack v5. After upgrading both packages, about half of our 5,000 tests fail for various reasons, but most because of the reason I mentioned above: a lot of "already spied on" errors from previous files and within files (if spied are defined in multiple describe blocks).

    I've been able to gather that some of this is because webpack v5 causes tests to run in a different order (therefore surfacing some of the run order dependencies which already existed). But randomizing test order using webpack v4 results in ~100 failures (slightly different on each run, obviously), while with webpack v5 it's ~2,500 failures, so there must be something else going on. Has something changed with the way webpack handles imported modules? Perhaps it caches differently than in previous versions?

    Any suggestions on what's going on are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. I'm pulling my hair out here!

    submitted by /u/loveofphysics
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    How can I simplify the back end for myself?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:14 PM PST

    I am currently working on a website and would like to avoid word press and am unsure how effective headless CMS frameworks are. I am trying to make a social media website but struggle with some of the backend API, database storage and tracking, etc. Does anyone know of anything helpful to more easily resolve this outside of more classes as I do not have time to take additional courses right now?


    submitted by /u/sco_cap
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    Website Questions

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:22 AM PST

    Greetings, I hope all is well with you.

    Anything technical regarding websites and development stretches far from expertise. I was planning on using a web developer to create a website for my business, as I expect to receive medium traffic.

    I assume the steps are, buy a google domain, buy Wordpress & server hosting? I have no idea what server hosting is the best as I hear bad things about everything. So I'm really looking for guidance and help from experienced individuals.


    submitted by /u/RunningFatKids99
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    security "researchers" -- the new snake oil salesmen?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:47 PM PST

    I'm working on a website that will open to the public soon, and I'm seeing hits to all sorts of obviously vulnerable URIs in the log, such as:

    • /.git/HEAD
    • /wp-login.php
    • /vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-stdin.php
    • /pma/

    and so on, with lots of visitors from self-described "security research" agencies.

    I'm wondering if any of these locations had returned a hit, I'd start seeing spam from consultancies offering to audit or secure my site for a fee.

    I'm a cranky old 8-bit-era programmer. I don't trust code I didn't write or don't understand. I don't use popular CMSes, libraries, or frameworks. I don't make private APIs accessible over public networks. I simply don't have the sort of attack surface these folks are looking for.

    When the site opens these Nosey Parkers should be drowned out by legitimate traffic, but I'm thinking about writing a program that searches the logs for 404s and bans the IP number of anyone obviously looking for vulnerabilities, because I think they're pests even if they think they're doing me a favor.

    Does anybody else have any opinion or insight into this phenomenon?

    submitted by /u/GoldsteinEmmanuel
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    Where are you searching for images ?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:35 PM PST

    Something like this.

    You know, how there is for ex. color hunt for color combinations, where is your go-to site when you need an image ?

    submitted by /u/sudolake
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    Headless CMS w/ LDAP or custom auth support

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:32 AM PST

    Hello all,

    is there any headless CMS that supports LDAP authentication (or writing your own auth plugin) for admins/writers that can be self hosted? I like the concept but I can't seem to find anything that doesn't need its own account.


    submitted by /u/illiriath
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