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    Friday, February 26, 2021

    This is why you shouldn't work with templates. web developers

    This is why you shouldn't work with templates. web developers

    This is why you shouldn't work with templates.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:10 AM PST

    When ROOT is not enough

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:26 AM PST

    I am so overwhelmed

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:36 PM PST

    Hello, i am 14 yo boy who is addicted to coding.Ive been programming in python for like 5-6 months and ive been pretty good so far.So i decided to jump to web dev.I learned html and thought this will be easy.Then came css a bit harder nothing special.Js was super easy cuz i knew the concepts only thing that is different is syntax.After that i made couple of small projects.Then i said aight im ready for the backend.Sudenly there were million of thing i didnt understand.It was like everything i tried i couldnt get it.How do databases work? How does api work.How to deplay a website.Whats the difference between a web app and a website.What is node js.There are so much things i dont know where nor how to start.It is so overwhelming.How did you manage to learn all this?(sorry for grammar English isnt my first language)

    submitted by /u/notYeetusDelitus
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    Hiring for a Fairly Specific Set of Skills... Am I Right to Pass on "Bootcamp Graduates?"

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:58 AM PST

    Hi! I'm currently hiring for a web development position on my team. It's a legacy codebase that, as time permits, we're refactoring. But it's a lot of Perl, and a lot of what I'd call "legacy" PHP written in a PHP 4, procedural, all the things are in the global scope format. It is untestable and fairly terrible.

    We're slowly refactoring all that code into modern PHP 7.4 object-oriented code that followed common design patterns, clean coding practices, unit testing, all that jazz. Applications also need good front-end chops. All the front-end code is quite ugly, messy JavaScript. Eventually we'll be rewriting that as well, probably into a React-based front-end, but not today.

    Most of the applications are what I'd categorize as Straight Outta Bootcamp. I really like giving people that first opportunity. But every applicant seems to have the exact same set of skills, no work experience, and a strikingly similar set of examples on their GitHub, if they have one. Everyone has been brought up to speed on modern web development: React, modern ES/JS, Node-based build tools. Where they have backend skills, it's is Node.

    When I read the resumes, I don't see people with the skill or education that is easily transferred to what my team is doing today. Somebody, correct me if I'm in the wrong because I hate so easily shooting down everyone's first shot at getting real work experience.

    submitted by /u/breich
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    CSS/JavaScript: Unable to make certain Elements not to appear by Default in Lightbox

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:56 AM PST

    I want to implement a lightbox in my project, but the number text in the upper left corner and arrows are always visible in this W3Schools tutorial. How do I get those elements to only appear when I hover my mouse over the image? I already tried settings those elements to display: none and then to display: inline-block in the classes with the :hover selector, but that didn't work.

    submitted by /u/savory_sauerkraut
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    Rust vs Elixir as backend

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:36 PM PST

    Hello, recently a few friends of mine and I decided to start a project and as we are still in the conception we discussed some languages as options for our backend. The requirements are that they need to be fast, efficient and secure. Following that, I started taking a closer look at Rust and started working through the Rust book. Although I have not yet looked at Elixir in detail a lot of people praise it for its capabilities in web development. What are some general advantages that would favour using Elixir instead of Rust?

    submitted by /u/TheOnlyAdmiral
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    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 07:58 PM PST

    Sometimes after I know I've done a good job, I like to just look at my code and admire how nice it looks. Anyone else do this?

    Tonight I learned how to create sql stored procedures.

    submitted by /u/mikemills88
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    How do you make an account based app open source?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:21 AM PST

    If I understand the definition of open source correctly, the whole code is available publicly. How will I go about making the backend logic such as user accounts and make it public?

    submitted by /u/98Phoenix98
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    Need some help before meeting with graphic designer

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:07 AM PST

    Hello guys, hope everyone's great.

    See, in my current job (actually my first job) I was assigned a new project to recreate an old mobile app the company I am working on had previously developed for another company into a web app, this app was forgotten but know they want to start again with the project.

    The situation is that I got a meeting scheduled with that company's graphic designer and I am supposed to ask him whatever I need from him, but I'm not sure what should I ask, I thought that I would be only moving this app from mobile to web just like it looks but it seems that the 'corporate image' from that company is changing so I think they don't expect the app to look like it used to.

    Anyways the only thing I can think of is to ask if there's some sketch or wireframe of how they would like the app to look like but I wouldn't like to miss something important since I will be having this meeting alongside my project manager and I'm expected to ask as much as I need to start development asap.

    Was wondering if any of you could help me to know what things a web dev is expected to get from a graphic designer in order to start development of an app. I'm not that experienced yet and I haven't worked with a graphic designer before.

    Thanks for your help, and I'm sorry for my bad English, I'm not a native speaker.

    submitted by /u/diegoarrow12
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    Tips to reduce build costs for websites to only the domain name. I want to build a discussion where people come to find ways to build their websites from scratch for no input cost. It can be daunting to start and I hope more people take the jump. Comment with your ideas

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:36 AM PST

    1. Use GitHub pages to host your website

    2. Use Python subprocesses for database like dynamic pages by pushing data updates (like api calls but scheduled like cron jobs)

    3. Use Tenplates online for free to build a web base

    4. For visualization use forums like Observable to create visuals and then embed them where needed

    Let's keep this going, I want to learn more but I'm sure this will help people out there too

    submitted by /u/BrilliantScarcity354
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    How To Deploy Your Website So It Doesn't Crash With High Traffic

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:12 PM PST

    Just cause you made a website doesn't mean it will scale to thousands of users.

    It can be daunting thinking about infrastructure but thanks to the tools in place these days, the heavy lifting is done almost completely for us.

    I hope this is enlightening for someone! ... I know it was for me


    submitted by /u/dylan_alb10
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    Here’s what’s happening with the Firefox Nightly logo

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:15 PM PST

    I'm a 1st year CS student. What is the best way for me to become a full stack developer/engineer?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:22 AM PST

    Hi everyone, i'm a first year CS student in Canada. My plan is to complete a Udemy course on full stack development that has great reviews while doing my CS studies. I'm also planning on making some full stack projects by myself apart from the online course or my uni studies. Apart from this what can I do to score a job as a full stack dev/engineer?

    submitted by /u/Calm-Scientist-
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    NVM altrenative

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:34 PM PST

    Hi reddit,

    In last couple of months, at work, we have to support projects which use different nodejs versions. We couldnt use NVM, because our accounts are user accounts. So i created https://github.com/LyuboslavLyubenov/nvma, which is a tool that acts like nvm, but without requiring admin rights.

    I'm sharing it here, because i believe it could be helpful to some of you.

    submitted by /u/nesymmanqkwemanqk
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    Anyone want to help create a react quiz website? Collaboration wanted, no experience necessary!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:18 AM PST

    I would like to create a react website. I have several ideas and want to start with a quiz app. I have a server for some local hosting experience as well, and several guides and tutorials to follow. I would like all of us inexperienced people to help motivate each other to push through the constant setbacks that is learning to code. I have a discord server, and a dozen unique and fulfilling projects to follow. It's not for the money that a site can make (although we can try), it's for the experience and the dev position knowledge.

    submitted by /u/throawayer11133
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    Django help

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:40 PM PST

    Hello! I'm a novice with django and wanted to know if anyone here could help setup a django project using python that simply can import a txt file from cmd line and stored in a Postgres database to be viewed on an admin site? Any links, advice, or help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/CPF32
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    Have you ever been asked to do anything unethical or against good morals as a web dev by your business?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:39 PM PST

    Just anything they asked you to add to the website that you didn't feel comfortable about, probably mostly related to back end stuff

    submitted by /u/joananananan
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    Ending my most ambitious project so far, with a smile on my face!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:02 PM PST


    Hello! My apologies if I am a little bit faster than your Saturday, I waited according to my time zone. But I'm not going to lie, I am also really excited to post this. Today, I want to share with you something I've been dreaming about since I was 13 years old, started working on since 14 years old and ended today, at 16 years of age. Three years ago, I wanted to learn how to make software. Today... let's be real, I'm bad at it but I seem to be doing good as well! Yeah! I wanted to make something so big, it would become popular. I also wanted to become quicker at making websites. So... just like that, I told myself - I will make a website builder! And just like that, this adventure began.

    The name

    My project is called Wealm. Originally, it was called Webdom - "web" and a portion of the word "kingdom" - because every website is like a kingdom, I guess? Yeah, it was taken. So I mixed some of my relatives' names, mixed it with the original name and Wealm happened.

    Why PHP?

    I wanted to make it with Node.js actually, but since I wanted Wealm to be as accessible and easy to get and set up, I decided to use PHP. Not much of a big deal to me, it's still a good language, in my opinion, but I still prefer stuff like Node.js or Python.

    What does it offer?

    You can make separate users editors, style your navigation bar, add elements like text, images, videos, contact forms and separate pages. Some other stuff, obviously, but yeah, you get the idea, I think. Hopefully.

    It sucks! How did it take so long?

    Well, it was my first project of this scale actually. So while it sucks, it was pretty amazing to me while I was developing it. I spent time on it all nights, ruined my sleep schedule, my eating habits. That's what the power of ambition does. And learning, the desire to do something.

    Is it actually the product I wanted to achieve?

    Actually, no. Not at all. I wanted this thing to be even more massive. I wanted to add the ability to write separate blog posts, with comments, community pages, store functionality. I was also planning an app, to make it easier to install on your website, via an FTP connection. It's honestly intended for the casual users. I saved the app on my computer, in its unfinished condition, but it's not something worth sharing. So I'm not including it here. For now. Even if it was finished, it would have been a simple form, where you enter your website's file transfer protocol's credentials and it would just put Wealm there. Simple. It really isn't hard to set it up afterwards actually, the first user to register will always be an administrator. Then, you can simply give others the permission of editors. Or demote them later. Even ban them, if you want.

    So why did I stop working on it?

    Realisation. That it isn't such a great idea. That there are better alternatives to this. There are website builders that just turn your Instagram page to a website. For large corporations, this is just... a big no. But Wealm was intended for casuals. So imagine how easy it would be for them to just type in their Instagram page's username and watch the magic happen. I also think I started making it when I was too young. Without much of an experience. The design isn't that great, its functionality isn't amazing either. The whole execution of the idea could have been done better. And while I'd happily do it again, even better and stronger this time, I just want to move on. To something bigger, and more interesting. Every ambition has an end. Wealm gave me a lot of lessons. That's why I admit its failure with a smile. It means I have improved, over these three years. It's also part of growing up.

    Fine, shut up, where can I see it?

    You can visit it on nemalp.com. It's just my name. But in backwards. Now, I wouldn't give some stranger on the Internet the chance to be the first one to register and obtain the admin privileges, so I did that instead. You can, however, log in with the dedicated editor account I just set up. Its username is Editor and its password is Wealm2021. Don't worry, Wealm doesn't store any information like locations, IP Addresses and such but please, if you want to turn this website into a mess, download the project instead and run it on a basic Apache server that supports SQLite databases. You can edit the stuff on my website, just don't post images with inappropriate content. In fact, if you really want to check it out, I suggest you download it and run it on your own anyway. And do not register. I mean, would you really trust a teenager? I encrypt the passwords, made sure the database CANNOT be downloaded and use prepared SQL statements, but before a professionalist take a look at it, I will not force anyone to sign up!

    Is that the end?

    Yes, thank you, kind stranger, for reading this! I'd love to hear some criticism (though I love sweet words as well)! Am I, as a young developer, that started at 13-14, going into the right direction?

    submitted by /u/plamendobrev
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    After 1 year of html css js i started learning wordpress. Any tips?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:58 PM PST

    As the title says, i have been building apps in JavaScript, especially angular and react. I really need money and i can not get a job due to highschool. I started learning wordpress to work as a freelancer or create websites for smaller businesses. Do you have any tips i should know related to wp, freelance or money? Thanks a lot

    submitted by /u/SnooCookies3463
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    I have a redirect strategy planned and want criticism/feedback on it

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:58 PM PST

    Currently we have https://business.com hosted on IP address 100 (just a mock address)

    In 2 weeks the site will be upgraded. The domain name will stay the same but it will be hosted somewhere else. The IP address of the new host is 200.

    There is a back page that won't exist on the new site. https://business.com/payment.html. However this page is critical. A new page is being developed called payment.business.com but it won't be ready until after the upgrade.

    So my plan goes as follows:

    1. On the new server (200) put a 301 redirect on https://business.com/payment.html to point to
    2. payment.business.com will point to IP address 100 (the old address) and I will use htaccess or other methods to hide the other pages
    3. Once the new developed payment page is developed I get rid of the hosted server at 100 and swap for the new one on payment.business.com.

    So my questions being:

    1. Should there be anything I'm concerned about this plan?
    2. If I move the SSL certificate from the old host (100) to the new one (200) and add a second SSL certificate for payment.business.com will any unexpected problems pop up?

    Thank you for reading

    submitted by /u/personalfinancejeb
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    Review my Vue.JS/PHP website and give me advice?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:26 PM PST

    Hello! Over the last few months I have been working on a website using PHP and Vanilla JS, recently about 1 and a half weeks ago I began learning Vue.JS and changing this website to use it. I was hoping to get some peoples opinions on the website and the code I have written so far. I have been learning to program for a little over a year.

    I was hoping to get some advice on how im writing the website, also with the way I am writing and making requests to the api, is this the correct way to go about things?

    This is the current "Live" version of my website:


    My website does have a few problems,

    after you login in and it sends you to the home page, you need to refresh for the proper header links to show up. Been trying to figure out a solution to this problem for a while now.

    The Chapters link that appears after you login works, but the CSS is currently broken. I will be fixing this after I re-write the page to use Vue.JS like the Series page does.

    To test the administration section out use this user/pass.
    Username: Guest

    Password: Guest

    This is the github:


    P.S. Please dont mind the "genre" of the website. Edit - the home page is empty and sorry about the SSL, I host the website on infinityfree atm so if it is a necessity I will work on SSL.

    submitted by /u/Thatguy553
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    Rust for web development: 2 years later

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:27 AM PST

    What are the concrete benefits of a making your HTTP API RESTful?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:42 AM PST

    I have a reasonably good understanding of the underlying principles behind REST, and how it differs from a more RPC-style HTTP API, but I still don't really understand what the concrete benefits are.

    Can someone give me an example of a bug that gets caught or something that happens automatically instead of manually or similar, explicitly due to using a more RESTful API.

    I guess for a quick real world example, how is Slack's API worse than Stripe's due to it's less RESTful nature?

    If it's more of a personal preference thing then that's totally fair. I can totally understand someone preferring either one of these styles over the other due to aesthetics or because it mirrors the way they think and organize things better. However I'm looking for non-trivial concrete benefits.

    submitted by /u/Tysonzero
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    Form validation: HTML5 vs custom?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:16 PM PST

    I'm torn between not relying on HTML5 validation whatsoever because of the dependency on browser-specific interpretation of the standard. If Safari decides to implement it differently than Chrome, we're stuck making browser-specific changes and throwing our modern app back to web 1.0.

    What do you guys normally do? Trust the browser for brevity or implement your own?

    submitted by /u/asdfdelta
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