• Breaking News

    Monday, February 22, 2021

    My First $10,000 as an Indie Game Developer took only 3-YEARS to earn!

    My First $10,000 as an Indie Game Developer took only 3-YEARS to earn!

    My First $10,000 as an Indie Game Developer took only 3-YEARS to earn!

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 06:05 AM PST

    As a 15 year old who dreams of becoming a game developer, is there anything I can start doing now that could help me get to that goal?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 03:07 PM PST

    Fellow game devs of reddit,

    I am very passionate about videogames; I think they are a really unique form of art, as they unite all the other types of art and adds up interactivity.

    To gain some concept "experience", I've been playing a variety of games from all different types of genres, just so that I can know what would I want to put in a possible game of mine.

    I've been learning music for the past 5 years and also been analyzing a variety of music genres and videogame music.

    Now, I know I can't do much more right now, but still I ask: is there anything else I can do at my age that could help me in the future? I would really appreciate your assistance :)

    • A 15y videogame lover
    submitted by /u/fredleoplayer
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    Introduction to Emergent Behaviours - Unity (8:07)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:53 AM PST

    Blind Game Design Development

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:06 AM PST

    I think I just accidently send a key to my game to a scammer

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:41 AM PST

    I got an email from a big youtuber and send him a key. But after sending it, it dawned on me that there is a high probablilty that this email was actually from a scammer. Is there any harm in this beyond the scammer getting the game for free? (the game is only 8$ so this would not be that big a deal for me)

    submitted by /u/JeffJelly
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    Do Games Need Stories?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:43 AM PST

    Hi all,

    Over the past two weeks, I developed the main mechanics and bare essentials for my game. Now, I'm moving on to level design. Up until now, I haven't thought much about a "story" for my game. I completely focused on the main mechanics, then graphics. So I didn't have enough time to come up with a story.

    I'm basically asking if I should require my game to have some form of a story.

    submitted by /u/PixelSteel
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    What is the best way to display range and movement borders?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:04 AM PST

    How to handle save data for an ever-growing game?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:55 PM PST

    Hi! I'm quite desperate for advice on how to handle save data for a game that's always expanding and changing. A little context might be in place.


    How do you handle save data in a game that is getting updates (i.e. bug fixes, new content, new features) every 14-21 days. Sometimes this brings whole new features and refactoring in code, unfortunately.

    Bit of context on the situation

    Software engineer for a game studio here. For the past 4 years, with a team of two programmers, we've been building a (singleplayer) training game about building a company and learning about agronomics, finances and cooperatives. The past year has been spent on refactoring the game to be more like a framework/template in which we can easily swap out skins, settings, items, etc. for different clients.

    A month ago, we've had a major problem with save data corruption. During a stress-heavy crunch period (while working 100% remote due to COVID-19), our communication was very poor and we merged five branches into our main branch all in once and it resulted in a big tangled mess 'we've got no idea what we've put together now'. Upon very superficial testing we pushed the update. It worked for new save files, but wasn't properly tested and rendered all save data from games started before that update corrupt, useless. Due to our save data system (I'll get to that now) we couldn't revert. Needless to say, people weren't happy.

    Our game needs to run on 'mid-range' tablets, as well as 'mid-range' PC's.

    Our current implementation

    We're making the game in Unity and we split the codebase into two fractions: the front-end Unity works (Scriptable Objects, custom inspectors, UI code, components, etc.) and our back-end, which is a .NET library of models and logic.

    In that back-end, we've got our model classes like GameWorld, Item, Inventory, Business, etc., but also a SaveData class, which contains all models necessary to load the game again. Basically, every 'thing' in the game inherits from a base class called Entity, which has basic stuff like an ID and Name.

    Right now, the SaveData model is literally a List<Entity> that gets persisted and loaded again with a BinaryFormatter and converted into a Base64 string. Usually, with our updates and refactorings, this works fine when properly tested.

    As a lot of programmers pointed out, using a BinaryFormatter isn't the wisest of choices when you've got a codebase that changes and gets expanded very rapidly.


    I've seen quite some alternatives mentioned in various threads and forums, like how many MMO's use SQL databases, a lot of level-based games use JSON/XML or that some 'bigger' games use a (custom?) binary format. A lot of options and right now, I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out what a fitting solution would be for us, especially since we can't screw up again.

    I'd love to hear your advice, thank you for taking the time to read (and hopefully reply) to this lengthy post.

    submitted by /u/FerdieQO
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    Blender is hard

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:20 PM PST

    Hi, I'm relatively new to game development and am still not very good at modelling. I was just wondering if someone could help me by pointing me to a good learning source or anything. I'm kinda stuck rn with this modelling thing

    submitted by /u/Tadeopuga
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    I leave my ability system alone for 3 days...

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 10:15 AM PST

    Question about making an inventory

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:44 AM PST

    I'm using Unity, if that helps with anything. Would it be better to make an inventory out of a list<item>, with item being my custom class, or a list<int>, and getting the item data from something like a json file? Sorry if this doesn't make much sense.

    submitted by /u/MouldyBread_
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    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 02:02 AM PST

    Are you intrested in joining a game jam where you get to vote for what the theme will be? Then you might be intrested in CatJam. You can find more information on https://catjam.no

    submitted by /u/Independent-Switch-7
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    How do you deal with voxel characters' clothes in animations?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 09:12 AM PST


    I recently started developing my first game - a voxel-based one.

    I'm getting used to build with voxels in MagicaVoxel, and after I created the first character I decided to try animating it and put it in the game. I am still a beginner at animations so please forgive me if I ask silly questions.

    I have tried rigging in Blender but there's actually a problem which I can't find how to handle: the character's clothes. Particularly, not the clothes he "wears" tight which should move along with the body - I'm not talking about his shirt or his trousers. I'm talking about coats, bandanas or even weapons.

    How do you actually achieve this kind of modularity?

    First, I tried creating the character mesh along with his coat and his bandana and, obviously, when animating, the coat and the bandana moved with the character's limbs (even if painted weights are correct, there's nothing I can do to separate the coat's vertices and the arm's) in a weird way.

    For example, the character I created:


    Obviously looks weird when rigged and moved:


    So, I tried creating the character WITHOUT his coat and his bandana and so he rigged pretty fine but... now I don't know how to add his accessories to him, in his animations and in the game.

    Is there anything I don't know that I need to know about rigging, layers and things like that? Maybe should I handle this step in the game itself?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/DanielVip3
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    Reborn: The Mark Of The Blood Windows, Mac, Linux game

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:40 PM PST

    Is it bad to have a ton of scripts?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:28 PM PST

    I'm working on a project right now with no plans to ship it or anything, mostly just for learning purposes. I felt like I had lost a lot of my coding ability so I wanted to test it and just opened Unity and started working. Because I was so disorganized, I had so many scripts. Like nearly every mechanic or object had it's own script. I went through and combined some last night, but it took forever to fix the new errors and then go through and reassign everything, if needed. Then I had to go through again and kind of fine tune it all. I still have probably 10 or more.

    Is it bad practice? I do want to put this in my portfolio, so I don't want it to be really bad or anything.

    submitted by /u/boredforgood
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    How Do You Guys Deal With The Worry Of A Crappy Resume?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:09 PM PST

    I'm planning on being a level designer, but I'm fearing that my resume is horrible and ill be laughed out the room due to only having one finished game in rpg maker, and tons of levels made in Escapist 2.

    How do I conquer this fear?

    submitted by /u/MasterDragonKing9999
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    Calculating damage on client vs server

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 05:25 PM PST

    My partner and I have been software engineers for over 15 years each. Together, we're now creating a game using Unity. We're using websockets as our method of communication. The game is a morpg (it's in development, so it's not massive, but we're hoping to get that first 'm'). If you need more context, please ask.

    When a player attacks an enemy, my theory behind the logic is what I believe we can all agree is classic client-server methodology:

    1. Client sends server: I want to use ability X against target Y.
    2. Server identifies who YOU are, verifies if target exists, is valid, etc, calculates damage
    3. Server sends damage results to client
    4. Client shows the damage number

    My partner wants to calculate damage on the client, and tell the server how much damage was done. He's not dumb, he's literally smarter than me, so please don't insult anyone--he recognizes that clients could cheat if they identified both of:

    1. the format of the messages being sent from client to server
    2. our source code

    He's convinced that these two things are not possible because of 1-SSL and 2-Proguard and other similar obfuscation tools.

    Does anyone know of ANY popular games that are successful doing semi-important business logic on the client? Eg, you open a random chest, the client "rolls" and tells the server what you found.

    Thank you all in advance.

    Edit Thank you all for your wonderful responses.

    submitted by /u/chesterjosiah
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    Hey! If u designing a game,which 3d models you would buy from 3d models website?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:01 PM PST

    Hey! If u designing a game,which 3d models you would buy from 3d models website?

    submitted by /u/Cosinix
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    Advice on getting my game published.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:57 AM PST

    Hello everyone I'm a recent game design graduate. Instead of hopping into the industry right away and working on other games me and two of my graduate buddies decided we would take a hand in making our own game. Between the three of us our skills are vast enough to get a solid prototype done but definitely not enough to have the game made to completion. Sadly I am not entirely so sure how to go about the whole pitch a game to a publisher process goes.

    I know having an idea is a dime a dozen but I have faith our game is worth while.

    Tldr. We don't have much funding or certain skills necessary but we can certainly make an appealing demo and pitch.

    What I'm asking is, would a publishers be willing to work with recent grads with no real industry experience in publishing a game? Is there certain things I should be doing first? Any advice is appreciated or if anyone has been in a similar spot.

    Much love.

    submitted by /u/terenblah
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    2D Platformer - 8 - How to pick up & throw an object in Godot

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:51 AM PST

    MythOS - little choose-your-own-adventure engine

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:49 AM PST

    Hi reader!

    MythOS (itch page) is a tool to help you create choose-your-own-adventure games that run in command line. You provide MythOS with ".txt" files, and it pieces them together into a playable game. That's it! The text files simply have a description at the top, which MythOS prints to the console for the player to see; and a line at the bottom surrounded with square brackets [ and ] that links that file to other text files. Based on the number the user then inputs, MythOS navigates to the next file and prints that one.

    With MythOS, you can make a game where every choice matters.

    Bigger AAA games have a tough time accomplishing truly significant player decisions because of the huge number of assets needed to construct any story path the player might choose, so they need to make the player feel like their decisions matter when they don't actually. When you're only working with text, your story can go wherever you want.

    A couple cool functions we include right now: 1) Typing \% in your description for a node will pause until the user presses enter, giving you control over the flow of your game to the player. 2)Typing \t will toggle a typewriter effect on and off. (Definitely works on Windows, pretty sure it works on Mac, but not Linux just yet!)

    MythOS, of course, is in constant development, which you can follow on Github or our Discord server (https://discord.gg/5GSNRMGMrh).

    Find MythOS on Itch here: https://geojax.itch.io/mythos

    Comment any feedback, comments, or questions you have. Thanks!

    PS we're also going to be hosting a little text-based adventure jam if anyone is interested. Use any tools you want to enter and make any form of text-based game! https://itch.io/jam/text-based-adventure-jam

    submitted by /u/OneToothSammy
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    Making my first proper game. Any suggestions?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 05:44 AM PST

    Hello guys,

    I have been making hypercasual games for about 8-9 months now with no luck getting any success so far (You need to pass KPI requirements to get it published with a publisher).

    Hence now I am looking to make a good mobile game with a good storyline - Something in the middle of a hypercasual game and a mid-core game.

    The thing is I am scared, what if after putting in a lot of work it fails? What if it just goes to trash? Because right now, for hypercasual games the development time is roughly 1-2 weeks which is alright!
    And the publishers support you as well!

    Does anyone here have a mobile game that has had any success? I would like to hear your story!

    submitted by /u/snorlaxerr
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    Mirror and Unity

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:36 AM PST

    Does mirror support only local hosting and LAN connections? I can't find anything on online multi-player on internet

    submitted by /u/pfix03
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    Steamworks - Pricing Reminder: making sure customers all over the globe can buy your game

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 11:27 AM PST

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