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    Best ways to learn Programming on your own learn programming

    Best ways to learn Programming on your own learn programming

    Best ways to learn Programming on your own

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:21 PM PST

    • Ask yourself why you want to learn it.
    • Choose the right Stack.
    • Start Small.
    • Read Books and articles.
    • Watch & learn from online video courses.
    • Practice with personal projects.
    • Ask for help.
    • Find a mentor.
    • Celebrate small wins.

    Feel free to add to the list.

    submitted by /u/desoga
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    Stop trying to memorize stuff

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 06:26 PM PST

    Professional engineer here who started out self-studying years ago for a career change. I just want to share a tip about something I see beginners do a lot that's actually counterproductive. And that's trying to memorize programming.

    Stop it. Stop doing it. You're wasting your time.

    Programming isn't that time sensitive. It doesn't matter if you need to look up syntax. It doesn't matter if you need to look up how to write a loop or use some API method. As long as you know what to look up, that's all that matters.

    It's also a much better way to learn. When you memorize, everything is devoid of context. You learn facts, not skills. It's also devoid of motivation. You don't know why you need to know something, so by design your brain doesn't much effort into remembering it.

    But when you have to look something up you have all the context. You know why you need to know it. You know what details are particularly important. And the harder it is to figure out, the better you learn it. You better believe you're never going to forget the lessons you learned during a 5 hour rage binge on a stubborn bug. And for the easier stuff, like syntax, don't worry. You may have to look it up more than once, but after enough times you'll have memorized it just from repetition.

    You don't even need to know everything to get a good job. If you want to become a software engineer, you're going to be hired to figure out problems, not code from memory. I work at FAANG and I look things up constantly. Sometimes I even come across syntax I've never seen before. I'm hardly alone. The trick to being a good engineer is knowing how to research effectively.

    EDIT: I'm seeing a lot of "that's not true for interview" posts. Yes it is. You learn by doing. I never studied the syntax for my interview languages, I just picked one to do all my interview prep in and in the course of grinding out hundreds of leetcode problems I knew all the library methods I needed. Same for algorithms, data structures, and the fancy little tricks those problems often require.

    This post isn't saying "don't learn", it's saying "you'll learn everything faster by just doing it".

    submitted by /u/iprocrastina
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    Best live tutor website for programmers?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:08 PM PST

    I'm learning programming by myself but I always feel like its good to have someone to talk to as well so as the title suggests looking for a live tutor website for help understanding programming concepts.

    There seem to be quite a few of these live tutor websites, but which one is the best (least scammeist lol) and had the most programming tutors?

    Thank you for any reccomendations!

    submitted by /u/silent--onomatopoeia
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    Can someone explain to me their process of learning?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:58 PM PST

    So I understand that the beet way to grow in programming is by making projects and learning from the process. However, I do not know the process of learning a feature. I mainly want to learn to Google and find answers to my code, but I would also like to know how to figure out what tech I should use like libraries frameworks and languages.

    submitted by /u/Interesting-Trash-75
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    I have a two part question about installing flask in visual studio code. Can someone help answer the questions? More detail below.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:35 PM PST

    Part 1

    Here is the guide I am using https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/tutorial-flask.

    In visual studio advance this is what it looks like in my pc in visual studio code.


    This is what it should be in my pc in visual studio code.


    Will this cause a problem?

    Part 2

    At one time I was getting the error below so I googled it.


    I got the link below

    Windows Powershell – "Running scripts is disabled on this system


    How do I reverse what I did?

    The reason I turned the error off is because I was following different instructions that were more complicated and it popped up in the ide.

    Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/Professional_Depth72
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    I've never programmed before and I lack knowledge about what it's useful for. Here's a list of questions I have. I believe this might be my passion.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:50 PM PST

    I'm a full time gamer. I have been for 17 years. I know programming is used to make apps and games and I want to make games, very very badly. I have for quite a long time now.

    So, questions.

    1. Is it hard to learn new programming languages? Like, if I learn c++ for games and a new language is produced, will it be square 0 again?

    2. Can I learn programming on my phone as well as pc? (As well as practice on both?)

    3. Best free course? If paid is a must, then I will when I can afford it.

    4. What else can I use programming for? Websites?

    5. Where should you start as a clueless beginner?

    6. Can I expect to make my own indie games with complex elements such as world cycles, inventories and stuff?

    7. Is there anything I MUST know that isn't usually covered in courses or other methods of learning?

    8. Can I use the same programming knowledge I want to use for PC games for mobile games/apps too?

    9. If I'm a solo programmer, can I expect to make quality games? For example, if I wanted to make a game with 20 hours of story, day/night cycles, AI for enemies, inventories, skill points, complex combat system etc. Can I expect to even pull that off within a year of working on it?

    submitted by /u/thevirtualgetaway
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    Is Processing a good place to start?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:31 PM PST

    So I'm learning how to code for the very first time by taking a university coding elective that focuses on Processing. Is this actually a good place to start or is it more suited for individuals with artistic interests? I don't mind being artistic but just wanna know.

    submitted by /u/Eddie_078
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    Can you learning programming with your phone only?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:41 PM PST

    Hello Everyone

    I'm going to be serving the mandatory South Korean military for the next 18 month starting from the 2nd of March. Basically according to the military regulation I can only use my phone 6-10pm everyday. No other electronic devices are allowed.

    I'm planning on pursuing MSc Robotics degree after military and I believe learning python and C++ in the military will help me prepare for the master's course.

    Does anyone have any idea how I can study coding without actually using a laptop or PC?


    submitted by /u/JuniorEngineering98
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    What exactly counts as a project?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:39 PM PST

    So I have been learning Python and Raspberry Pi, and after some time, I got confused on what exactly counts as a project. After growing the web, I saw some interesting Youtube tutorials meant for beginners. However, my question is, if I follow those tutorials on Youtube to create something, does that count as a project, or do I have to think of something myself and create it to count as one?

    Note) I am a beginner in Python and Raspberry Pi.

    submitted by /u/GoshDarnz
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    To make career-planning less confusing while learning to code and I made a website with over 50 CS career roadmaps!

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 05:22 AM PST

    Hey folks! Four years ago as I was learning to code, I was frustrated about my lack of clarity about where to go and whom to learn from. With overwhelming career choices within tech and everchanging programming languages and frameworks, the first few months were painfully hard for me.

    Six months ago I decided to revisit this problem again and came to learnprogramming to talk with folks to see if they still faced this problem and they very much did. To solve this, I decided to build a web-app to curate and share learning roadmaps where people who are new to coding can have more clarity regarding how to go about building their tech career and hopefully not face the problems which I did.

    I managed to get over 50 learning roadmaps on a variety of careers and programming languages which I gathered from my friends, network and the internet and it's only increasing by the day! If you want to give back to the community, feel free to build your own roadmap and share your journey with the people starting out! I'd love your feedback and your criticism to know how I could make this better.

    You can find the platform here and everything is entirely free - https://reallyconfused.co

    Best Regards.

    submitted by /u/roonishpower
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    What is better suited for a template language, LL parser or LR?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:22 PM PST

    I was leaning towards LR because it allows left recursion. But LL seems a lot less complex... Can I get some advice?

    submitted by /u/Regular_Owl2387
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    Pro-Tip: If you are researching bootcamps, create a separate email/phone number for them to contact you.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 06:37 PM PST

    (This can apply to other industries like mortgages but I digress...)

    I've requested information from 5 different bootcamps (using a burner number and email through MySudo).

    Every day, and even late at night, I'm getting bombarded with emails, phone calls and voicemails. Some offering 'deep' discounts, or just trying pitch you on other bootcamps (like data science, as I had requested info for web dev bootcamp).

    So for the sake of your sanity, setup another email and free phone line if you are sure you want request info from a bootcamp school.

    submitted by /u/Wookiedooki
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    I am totally frustrated at learning Java, From the POS Pearson ebook, and overall am frustrated with programming.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:03 AM PST

    I don't know what to do anymore. The beginning of the book was easy to get (like first 3 chapters). Now I am in arrays, chapter 7. I fucking hate Pearson so much. I have to do these practice "quizzes" in the ebook where I only get 3 tries for each, and the format of what you type in is SO fucking arbitrary and confusing. I lose points every time I try!

    You don't even include the main methods or declare the class sometimes, making it even MORE confusing (in these quizzes; sometimes they don't even bother to tell you that).

    The further along I have gotten through the book, the more confused and frustrated I have gotten. I have had to resort to copying down answers from quizlet forever. My grades are basically completely artificial.

    I've reached the limit of that now because nobody has the right answer to anything online that I need, so now I am completely screwed.

    My plan has been to transfer to uni for comp sci but I honestly do not enjoy programming. I'm only doing it for the money but now I am questioning myself if it's even worth the money. The frustration of programming makes me literally want to bang my head against a wall, and I put things off to the last minute because of how much I anticipate the frustration. After I am done programming and get something correct/figure out how to do it, I don't feel satisfied - I am just relieved it's finally over.

    submitted by /u/qw6934
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    where would i start if i wanted to port half life to wii U?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:49 PM PST

    i have very little programming experience, a little C here and a little javascript there. can anyone help me start the road to porting the original half life to wii u?

    submitted by /u/McChill_yeet
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    Java framework to interact with Web automatically?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:39 PM PST

    Want to build a bot in Java that checks status/accesses data on a website and has scripted reactions.

    Does java have a framework for that? Something similar like Silenium but not for testing purposes?

    submitted by /u/JavaDev97
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    Maybe an Atypical Kind of "Real World" Success!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:36 AM PST

    I just wanted to make a quick post to say thank you to this sub for the help it has given me over the past few months. Thanks to the help I've received on this sub, both from lurking and having my questions directly answered, I have managed to create a reporting system that my company has used with actual clients over the last several weeks. My success story is maybe a little bit different: I haven't gotten hired (and don't want to get hired). Rather, I wanted to develop and deploy technology in my pre-existing (non-tech) company to make it more efficient and effective.

    The program I created ingests reports, translates them sufficiently, and automatically pushes these reports to clients on regular intervals. It's not glamorous (and it's not even pretty), but it's going to save us between 25k USD and 50k USD this year (which is a lot in my market -- the fact that we haven't had to pay for a 3rd party solution is a pretty big deal given the pressures created by the pandemic). As the company grows, the program will scale with the reporting burden and it'll become more valuable. I'm not a programmer, I didn't study programming in college, and I've never been a technical person, so this is a pretty cool thing for me. Thanks all for your help -- I'm looking forward to the next project. Maybe something that creates jobs rather than destroys them next time...

    submitted by /u/SmartAcadia1
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    Taking Algorithms next semester and would like a headstart, book recs?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:26 PM PST

    I would like to somehow get a jump on understanding algorithms before taking the class, so i could have an easier time. Are there any books that most poeple find success using? I full heartedly plan to read the book start to finish and do as many exercises that come with it. I really want to not struggle in my algorithms class :)

    submitted by /u/flashynatsu
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    How to transfer files from Raspberry to PC automatically using python codes?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:11 PM PST

    I just would like to ask if how can I transfer my files, CSV files to be specific, from a directory in Raspberry Pi to PC automatically?

    My project looks like I am collecting the data per day and its automatically stored in the directory of Raspberry Pi, after one day I want to transfer the data automatically to my PC for reference in my database in Visual Basic.

    submitted by /u/LanthaYtrri
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    Advice on going about modeling 3D shapes for a project?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:57 PM PST

    Not sure if this is the right subreddit to post this. I'm a freshman majoring in CS and wanted to create a project that models the planets in the solar system. What language and/or libraries would you recommend for this project. I'm best with Python and Java, but I also know a decent amount on other languages such as C++ and JavaScript.

    submitted by /u/kwasi3114
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    Need Java android development tutorial focusing on a file storage app

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:41 PM PST

    Hello all. I'm learning Java as part of my college work and I'm working my way through online tutorials. I started on a couple of hour-length tutorials on Java basics & fundamentals, then moved to a 4 hour tutorial by Caleb Curry on Java app development and I'm coming to the end of that now. It's taught me a lot but now I need to move forward with more specific learning that relates to my project. It's an android app that holds notes, files etc and encrypts them with a master password. I think I'd like to divide the making of the file storage app into one section and then focus on the encryption later.

    Any recommendations? I don't mind paying but I'd ofc prefer free. (Additionally, I'd really prefer to be taught what's going on instead of just copying a finished product line-by-line from a youtube video if possible). Thanks guys.

    submitted by /u/Early-Winner9849
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    In java, if i wanted to print out a user input in the form X + Y = Z how would one do this?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:20 PM PST

    Here is what i've done so far.

    System.out.println("Give the first number:");

    int first = Integer.valueOf(scanner.nextLine());

    System.out.println("Give the second number:");

    int second = Integer.valueOf(scanner.nextLine());

    int additionTotal = first + second;

    System.out.println(first + second = additionTotal);

    the out put does not work, if i remove additionTotal from the last sout command i simply get the total of the two user input. I'm not looking for this result!

    id like for the last sout command to print out both the user inputs in the form of X + Y then perform the addition and print out the answer next to the X+Y.

    How do i do this?

    (Exercise is from java mooc )

    submitted by /u/LEMON1025
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    How to store multiple inputs? C language noob

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:17 PM PST

    Hello! I'm stuck here. What sould I do? My plan here is to take one %s string using scanf and divide it into two strings later. The problem here is the "[ i ]" when I'm using loops does not work (soory I'm a beginner). I know how to implement a function to multiple and add the coefficients and exponent, but I do not know how to get the inputs of the test cases.

    P.S. I am currently learning about functions, records, and enumerations so please do not add any advance-level code that I will not understand. Thank you!!!

    Here is the problem:

    Ask the user for a positive number t. This number represents the number of test cases (make sure that you only accept a positive number of test cases). Then t test cases will follow. Each test case will consist of two strings. The two strings represent two terms with 'x' as the independent variable. Perform multiplication. Display the resulting term. Implementation: Implement the term as a structure. A term has a coefficient and an exponent. Since the independent variable is always x, I leave the decision to you whether to include this or not in the term definition. Sample Input: 5 x 4x^3 45 2x^3 x^9 5x 2 x^3 2 10 Sample Output: 4x^4 90x^3 5x^10 2x^3 20 

    P.P.S. I already posted this with other subreddit. Sorry if I get u annoyed.

    submitted by /u/AllowEditUsernamePls
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    Grabbing source code of a website

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:08 PM PST

    So I am starting a tech repair business, and I need a website. Unless someone magically appears and says bibbity bobbity heres a website, then I don't exactly know where to start. I found a website that I would like to model mine after, and I was wondering if there is a way to download the source files, or copy and paste the code from chromes ctrl+i (inspect) feature. I tried httrack, but could not figure out how. Any ideas?

    I did not exactly know where to put this, so thought I should put it here. It is code, after all.

    submitted by /u/Goboosh
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    Question about converting a hex digit to a byte in Python and C#.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:41 PM PST

    I'm currently studying Electrical and Computer Engineering and I guess I didn't pay that much attention in class when we were going over data structures and types because I'm having trouble with this programming project for my co-op. I'm writing a python script based on the c# script that these lines come from. I'm better with Python than I am with c#.

    I have this line in c#

    byte Value = (byte)(StringXnToInt(BytesString.Substring(0, 1)) >> 2); 

    StringXnToInt() is defined as follows:

     //Convert Hex string to 32-bit Integer private static int StringXnToInt(string stringXn) { return int.Parse(stringXn, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier); } 

    My understanding is that it converts the substring (which is a hex digit. In this case it's just 'C'.) to an int, typecasts that int to a byte, then shifts it by two (which I don't quite understand byte shifting but the good news is that the syntax is exactly the same in python). Cool. But wait, why am I converting hex string -> int -> byte? Wouldn't it make more sense to go straight from hex string -> byte?

    So I try this in my Python script:

    value = bytearray.fromhex(char_list[0]) >> 2 

    which gets me the error 'non-hexadecimal number found in fromhex() arg at position 0' because it is looking for an even number of digits but 'C' is just one digit

    Come to find out that all bytearray.fromhex() would do anyways is convert a hex number, say "AB", to


    And I'm not good enough with this topic to know if that is useful to me or not if I were to just attach a 0 in front of my digit.

    Okay, whatever. So I guess I'll go the roundabout way and just convert string -> int -> byte. I can convert a hex string -> int just fine (int(char_list[0],16)) but the best resources I can find via google to convert int -> byte suggest just to convert it to a string and back again to int, but why wouldn't that just spit the same int out that I fed it?

    This also came up:

    n = 5 s = str(n).encode() 

    which is int -> str -> hex... but I already have a string... but it's a weird hex string that isn't necessarily a base 10 digit, and I don't want it to be mistaken for one if it is... so now I'm really confuzzled. Does this mean that I have to convert hex string -> int -> string -> byte to get what I want?

    I also see a lot of information suggesting I convert my hex to ascii, which also doesn't make sense to me. Are ascii values/indexes the same thing as what I'd get by expressing a hex digit as a byte? Or is Google assuming that I want something that I actually don't want at all?

    If anyone can clarify this, I'd super appreciate it! Especially if I've misunderstood anything. I'm probably being silly but my brain is tired lol.

    submitted by /u/Brekry18
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    Where should I be on the spectrum of understanding? "understanding the info given to you" vs "come up with it yourself"???

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:56 PM PST

    Not sure if the title makes sense. I think this question applies to all programming concepts, but right now it's specific to a data structures and algorithms course I'm in.

    I feel "guilty" for not being able to "come up with" the code for, say, a binary heap, even though I understand the concepts well enough to do them on paper (nowhere near perfect of course). So I look at the code in the textbook, write it down in my program (tbf this is what my instructor says to do in the directions), but I make sure that I actually understand what the code is doing before moving on. Even with me making sure I understand what it's doing, I still feel like I'm cheating because I don't understand it enough to figure out the code for myself.

    Is this thinking valid? Or am I being too perfectionist?

    submitted by /u/Missing_Back
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