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    Monday, January 18, 2021

    I finished Angela Yu’s Udemy course, some of freecodecamp, read a few chapters of Js Books... I felt like I’ve been learning, 100s of hours in but when I try leetcode or something similar I can’t do it, help? learn programming

    I finished Angela Yu’s Udemy course, some of freecodecamp, read a few chapters of Js Books... I felt like I’ve been learning, 100s of hours in but when I try leetcode or something similar I can’t do it, help? learn programming

    I finished Angela Yu’s Udemy course, some of freecodecamp, read a few chapters of Js Books... I felt like I’ve been learning, 100s of hours in but when I try leetcode or something similar I can’t do it, help?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:43 AM PST

    I feel like I've been very reliant on the tutorials and now I want to actually start learning and practicing doing things on my own. I'm leaning towards progressing through codewars but even the easy problems are too much for me. Where should I start at this point?

    I kinda feel like I've been a phony this last few months.

    Edit: I'm going to try to reply to everyone but in case I miss you. Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement and advice. I think I need to just view these DS&A skills and web dev skills as parallel tracks that I need to practice separately. I feel pretty okay about actually using JavaScript but I'm realizing I was just never taught these DS&A concepts. I'm going to start splitting my time into learning them specifically, thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/DJMM9
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    I'm stuck on the fundamentals

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:31 PM PST

    I'm a 2nd year College studying Computer Science, like I said I am stuck at the fundamentals, I can't even fully understand the For loops even though I watched many tutorials videos on it and explanation of it.

    What do you think I should do to advance my learning. I love programming and I don't wanna stop here


    submitted by /u/claudjinwoo26
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    trying to add/subtract values in an array, returning NaN

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:37 PM PST

    beginner javascripter, working on some challenges i found online, and im running into a wall on this one. code looks sound but im returning NaN on each test run. heres the code

    var number = function(busStops){

    var tally=0; var i, j;

    for(i=0; i<busStops.length; i++){

    for(j=0; j<2; j++){ tally+= busStops[i]-busStops[j] } } 

    return tally; }

    my instructions: You are provided with a list (or array) of integer arrays. Each integer array has two items which represent number of people get into bus (The first item) and number of people get off the bus (The second item) in a bus stop. Your task is to return number of people who are still in the bus after the last bus station (after the last array).

    [ [10,0][3,5][5,8] ] are being injected into busStops with the expected return value of 5 (+10 - 0 + 3 -5 + 5 -8)

    my code looks pretty solid to me to run, but tally returns NaN. any ideas? TIA.

    edit: figured it out thanks to the replies. i had to modify the tally line to reflect tally+== busstops[i][0] - busstops[i][j] and it worked.

    submitted by /u/LokiiVegas
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    I want to be a game developer but I have zero knowledge in programming. Which language I should learn first? And is it worth it? I’m 29

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:04 PM PST

    Currently work as a 3d artist in a construction and design company. I've been wanting to be a game developer, but I have zero knowledge in programming. I'm confused which programming language I should learn first? And if it's even worth it. How many years will it take? Will I get a job within a year if I spent 6hrs every day learning? Kind of worried because I'm already 29.

    submitted by /u/cirstine-
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    Best way to store hundreds of custom entries locally

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:00 AM PST

    I'm making an app to store and visualize data about boardgame plays. The problem I quickly ran into is how to store each individual play. Depending on the game the fields that each play should store may vary, for example, some require to store game score, while others only boolean state "win/lose" and some of them need both.

    In my previous projects, I used JSON to store data but considering that now I need to store hundreds of entries it doesn't seem very efficient. What would be a better way to store a lot of entries that may contain different data but generally follow some template (defined by each boardgame in this case)?

    Currently, I plan on storing all of the data locally and I use C# if that matters but am willing to look into something else.

    submitted by /u/Lamossus
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    Which IDE are programs made by Apple developed in?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:57 AM PST

    I don't mean made for Apple, but by Apple:iOS, iTunes etc. Do they use XCode? Because I heard from a Microsoft developer online that all of the Microsoft programs, including Windows itself, are developed in Visual Studio. Does the Apple use their own IDE for that as well?

    submitted by /u/Westnest
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    Need ideas on final year projects

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:16 PM PST

    My initial idea was to make a Pi temperature sensor along with an interface(or app) but the supervisor said it was too simple, he wanted me to focus more on the programming part.
    I'm already running out of ideas, and I'm willing to not use the Pi if it means I can achieve a good and complex enough projects.
    If anyone has any ideas for me please tell me, I'd be very grateful.

    submitted by /u/bluends1
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    First developer interview tomorrow. Any advice?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:32 AM PST

    I have my first interview tomorrow. I have been self learning for about a year now and have an interview with a company for the role of Java Developer. I will be interviewing with the team lead who knows I'm self taught.

    It will be my first development interview and I am terrified. Most of my learning has been in web dev so I feel extra nervous as I have only taken one course on Java specifically. It is only a 30 minute interview, what questions should I expect? Will there be technical questions for such a short interview? Any last minute prep that would be a good idea?

    Any advice at all will be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Colourised
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    Can you have submit form in html without using php?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:50 PM PST

    Question above

    submitted by /u/TheWizard427
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    Don't know what else to do

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:03 AM PST

    Hello! I am pretty new to programming and I have just finished a beginner tutorial series about C++, and I liked it alot. Although after that tutorial, I didn't know what else to do, what projects to create or something. I really need someone to point me in the right direction

    submitted by /u/loafontheinternet
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    What programming language is best to create a social networking website?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:02 AM PST

    Hi! so I wanna know how to create a social media site and what would be the best programming language to learn. I dont have any previous knowledge of programming. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/iz-avi
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    Best way to learn C++ for Competitive Programming?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:05 AM PST

    Are there any suggested YT videos that cover everything? I already know the basics of C and Java.

    submitted by /u/SmartGuy106
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    [Github] Am I supposed to be writing out each change made to each file when committing?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:13 PM PST

    It seems like a hassle. For example I made a few changes/bug fixes to a project of mine, and this left like a dozen files changed in some way. Am I supposed to git add file.py then git commit -m "did such and such" for each and every file? Surely not... I like trying to keep track of what I did to my project, like I won't ever just git commit -m "fhjidgbfjhdk", but at the same time I honestly just can't remember what I did. Even maintaining a changelog is a nightmare

    submitted by /u/Missing_Back
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    Anyone struggling to pay for courses due to stinginess?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:21 AM PST

    I always use inferior free courses offered by my company or those publicly free even when I see great reviews for paid courses.

    My friend ended up sharing one of his paid courses that had high reviews and it was so much better than what I was using. I was able to learn much faster and practice more.

    This saved time could be used to earn money from side gigs that could more than pay off the amount spent on a course. This would indicate spending money on a high quality course has a good roi and is a rational decision.

    The problem is that I have a hard time actually getting myself to pay for courses since I hate paying for anything other than living essentials.

    I wonder if anyone else has this problem and how they overcome it?

    Edit: I'm a full time software engineer with a Bachelors in computer science with a reverse spending problem.

    submitted by /u/xuhu55
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    Can someone explain me how this problem was solved with this code?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:27 PM PST

    This the brief of the problem

    I understood everything here expect for the Bitwise operation. How was Bitwise And operation was able to solve this?

    def solution(n): new_num = int(n) counter = 0 if new_num == 1: return 0 while new_num != 1: if new_num % 2 != 0: if new_num & 2 and new_num !=3: new_num += 1 else: new_num -= 1 counter +=1 new_num /= 2 counter +=1 else: new_num /= 2 counter +=1 return counter print(solution('33')) 
    submitted by /u/CanIGoNegativeKarma
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    What is the largest number for which you can find the fibonacci number?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:09 PM PST

    Same as above, i need to write a program in c++ language.

    submitted by /u/Dumbhosadika
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    How do I get my code to run in visual studios 2019?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:01 PM PST

    Hey all, I just recently signed up for a C++ course as a tech elective through my college. I was planning on running with microsoft visual studios 2019 for assignments and whatnot, but I cant get my code to run. Im just trying to do a basic hello world program following the program my instructor laid out and while I can build it with no errors nothing comes up where I can see that it is in fact printing hello world. Any help understanding what is going on and how to actually run it would be much appreciated.

    #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { printf("Hello World!/n"); return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/urquhartloch
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    How many hours should you put aside just for coding problems?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:33 PM PST

    I've done abit when I started learning basic js, but recently it's been projects or reading through courses. What's a good amount of time per day you'd say is good?

    submitted by /u/rainx5000
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    Software skills/languages/frameworks that'll be useful in 2025

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:06 PM PST

    Ive 3 more years college years and also I might do higher education. Which skills/languages/frameworks I can learn now, that'll be helpful in 2025

    submitted by /u/Extension-Wallaby515
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    How do I convert a decimal to binary in assembly?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:48 PM PST

    Hey guys, I'm working on creating a decimal-to-binary converter and I can't seem to figure it out. I'd prefer for the number to be a double digit. Any ideas what might have gone wrong with my code? I need to get it done ASAP and I would really appreciate any kind of help .


    .MODEL small

    .stack 200h


    MOV AH,09H


    INT 21H


    .model small

    .stack 100h


    msg db 'Enter a decimal number:$'

    number db 0 



    mov bx, u/data

    mov ds,bx

    mov dx,offset msg

    mov ah,09

    int 21H


    mov ah,01H

    int 21H

    cmp al, 0DH

    je FinishedNumber

    sub al,30h

    mov bl,al

    mov al,number

    mov cl,10

    mul cl

    add al,bl

    mov number,al

    jmp CharRead


    ;binary conversion

    and al,0fh ;first 4 bits are set to 0

    mov cl,3 ;cl used as counter

    mov bl,al

    mov bh,bl

    shr bh,cl ;shift right three times

    add bh,30h ;make binary value visible as 0 or 1

    mov ah,2 ;print binary value

    mov dl,bh

    int 21h

    xor bh,bh ;clear bh register

    mov bh,bl

    mov cl,2 ;counter=2

    and bh,04h ;deletes all bits except the last third

    shr bh,cl

    add bh,30h

    mov ah,2 ;print last three bit

    mov dl,bh

    int 21h

    xor bh,bh

    mov bh,bl

    and bh,02h ;deletes all bits except the second last bit

    shr bh,1

    add bh,30h

    mov ah,2 ;prints

    mov dl,bh

    int 21h

    xor bh,bh

    mov bh,bl

    and bh,01h ;deletes all except the last one

    add bh,30h

    mov ah,2 ;prints

    mov dl,bh

    int 21h

    jmp exit 


    mov ah,2 ;prints the number in binary 

    mov dl,bh

    int 21h

    mov ah,4ch

    int 21h

    end ProgramStart

    submitted by /u/Jdefon
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    Struggling with leetcode? That's normal. It's NOT for beginners - do this!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:56 PM PST

    I see beginners that get stuck with Leetcode and get disheartened but they don't realise that Leetcode is for Developers who are more so intermediate/advanced.

    I have done several junior developer technical interviews and not seen one question that is harder than the easiest question on Leetcode.

    6 months ago I couldn't do a single leetcode until I found code wars. Codewars is way way better for beginners and helps you build the skills required to solve those leetcode problems:

    Step 1: sort Codewars challenges by MOST COMPLETED

    Step 2: Do them!

    Step 3: Can't do them? Check the solution and try to do it again, maybe another way.

    Step 4: Remember the type of solution you had to come up with because you will probably need it again.

    These algorithm challenges are all about patterns, tricks and things with the languages you learn from practice.

    Here is the link to the challenges:


    It starts with simply adding to numbers or multiplying numbers, reversing strings and then more difficult from there. A much more reasonable starting point than leetcode.

    Source: I started learning in March 2020 and with no idea of programming and now I start a job as a Junior Developer. It's not because I'm talented, its because I kept practicing these things. Looking at solutions, understanding solutions and trying to solve problems on my own.

    submitted by /u/Onedweezy
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    Turtle graphics

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:26 PM PST

    Hello everyone. I have been assigned a task to build turtle graphics on my own. Using array floor[50][50]. Then printing a sketch pad. Initially all the array elements should be 0 and those should be assigned 1 which the user asks. That is he uses pen down pen up turn right left, and the numbers of spaces he tells us. The program should print any symbol of our choice from the arrays that have been initialized to 1 through the user's instructions. I only want someone to explain me the problem and the approach I should take. I DON'T WANT ANY SOURCE CODE. SO FAR I HAVE PRINTED THE FLOOR[50][50] SKETCH PAD AND I AM HAVING PROBLEMS IN GENERALIZING THE COMMANDS.

    submitted by /u/Turbulent_Spray_3752
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    Trying to make a booking/reservation system

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:41 PM PST

    I am trying to build a web app? so basically a website where you can set the date and time and schedule stuff. I looked into it and a lot of resources talked about what types of backend/ database system I should be using. I have never had an experience making web apps so I wanted to know what to do, what to start with and what workflow should I follow. Here are some details

    1 .I am not thinking about people logging in. Users can just select the date and that will be confirmed. maybe send an email as confirmation?
    2. Do I start learning database concepts/ languages needed or read as I go? And if the latter, how do I know what to read if I am a beginner here.

    Any tips and suggestions would be helpful


    submitted by /u/_TheDankKnight
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