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    Friday, January 29, 2021

    Any books/resources about how to make an exchange? I want to make an open source Trading application after the current Robinhood manipulation. Ask Programming

    Any books/resources about how to make an exchange? I want to make an open source Trading application after the current Robinhood manipulation. Ask Programming

    Any books/resources about how to make an exchange? I want to make an open source Trading application after the current Robinhood manipulation.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:32 PM PST

    Hi all

    After the recent events of Robinhood and GME, I wondered why are we still depending on those organizations to trade and why aren't there decentralized exchanges like in Crypto. So I am thinking about making one (at least to be used within my country), but don't know where to start.

    Are there any books/resources which describe the common algorithms/data structures of exchanges? like how to make and fill order books, slippage, etc...

    submitted by /u/a_smartman
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    Completely New To Programming

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:22 AM PST

    Hello all. I'm currently on my 2 week in Intro to CS and I quite possibly may be having a panic attack :) It seems I'm either of below average intelligence, or my professor assumes coding is an innate concept for most. If anyone could link me a programming tutorial that an actual 5 year old could comprehend, would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Edit: Removed a word

    submitted by /u/swmitabyss
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    Time Complexity of a TreeMap in Java

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:56 PM PST

    Hello! I have a question regarding the time complexity of inserting elements into a TreeMap in Java. So I know that the cost of inserting elements into a TreeMap is O(log n) where n is the number of elements in the Map. While inserting k elements from a collection into the map, would the worst case time complexity of the program be O(k log k) ? I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm new to programming. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Err404-usernotfound
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    Company I applied to advertises they're paying a 150k salary on the job description but they're asking me how much I want for salary, what should I say?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:57 PM PST

    I'm worried about asking for the full 150k and getting turned down because I only have a degree and one previous paid programming job. But at the same time I don't want to undersell myself. Given the listed job duties I think I can very easily do this job. For some extra context the company is in Cali so that kind of salary is expected but I'm going to be working remotely outside Cali in a cheap farm area. What kind of numbers are reasonable?

    submitted by /u/AmericanPotatoTamer
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    When a company gives you a programming project as part of the interview process, do they expect you to get it 100% and no less?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 04:06 PM PST

    Got one and I'm using completely new technologies that I havnt used before, I have 4 days (2 od which are gone) to complete it and I'm going to be against the wall with the time limit, not sure if I'm going to get the whole thing done or if I will get it to the level they are expecting.

    It's for an associate role if that means anything.

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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    Earning money through coding

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:39 AM PST

    I learned HTML, CSS, Javascript and some Python in the past few months and made some projects for practice. I'm trying to make some money online through coding so naturally I tried to get into freelancing but I had absolutely zero luck there. Nobody wants to hire someone without professional experience. I just got into university so internships aren't really an option rn, specially in my country. If you guys could mention some ways for an entry level programmer to earn money online I'd really appreciate it

    submitted by /u/tnxol
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    Newb HTML5 Help

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:20 PM PST

    Hi. New to coding and am finding cheat sheets super helpful! Are there any sites that provide HTML5 templates?

    submitted by /u/JCalla14
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    How to delay installer exec after a restart until after it's own virtual iso mounts?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 04:58 PM PST

    I am trying to install software from an ISO image. Due to lack of persistence of a mounted ISO image after restart in Win10, I am using the 3rd party freeware Virtual CloneDrive to provide persistence of the ISO image after restart. However, the software controlling the install executes (after the restart) before the ISO has remounted. Result: the install fails because it's installation media is "no longer there" (not mounted yet.) This specific ISO is a bit over 9 gigs, so it cannot be written to physical media.

    So, any idea how to delay the installer? Some way to make Virtual CloneDrive load and mount sooner, before the installer?

    submitted by /u/bsenftner
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    How do I hide API key from Javascript code?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:15 PM PST

    I've done some research on this topic. Let's say you are writing a frontend website and you need to use a third party service that has an API key (say payment).

    Ok the teaching is that this should be done from a backend, where the API key is protected.

    But how do you protect access to your OWN backend? Doesn't that require a API key of its own and then in that case you are back to the same problem?

    submitted by /u/yalag
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    What should i indulge in?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:43 AM PST

    So im a fairly new unity programmer who has made a couple of games and released some few as well. Recently, i got interested in dwelling beyond unity and trying out other languages or other fields of programming. With that in mind, i was really interested in trying app dev using Java (Since im in school and i am learning very basic java atm). The problem is, i am very split between whether i should do app dev using java or using python. Java is the first programming language i learnt, so i thought it would be exciting, at the same time python is very easy to get into along with being in huge demand nowadays; and to top it all off, web dev looks interesting too, since i always wondered how and why websites work.

    So it would be real helpful if someone is able to give me some guidance on what should i try, what resources can i use or why learning one is better than the other.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Verysexy1532
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    Useful tools for browsing the source code

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:59 AM PST

    Does anyone know of any tool that's helpful for browsing through the huge source code? SourceTrail seems like a good option but it seems to compile the entire source files upon adding them to the project, and it fails to open certain files.

    Something where you could see a sequence of calls to get to a specific function?

    submitted by /u/Kax91x
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    Looking for best email notification API that does not spam user.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:25 AM PST

    Hey everybody! I am looking for an API for this scenario: Person A messages Person B within my platform to initiate a conversation. Person B sends a quick response, and 3 follow up messages within the next X minutes with more information. I am looking for an api that would notify Person A that he/she have an unread message, but not send them 4 separate email notifications.

    So essentially, I want to send an email on the first event and am just looking for something that is better/less annoying and spammy than sending an email for every new message received by person A.

    I have looked into SendGrid and their timed scheduling email system for digests, but not seen too much on event based notifications (user sends a message) which can happen at any time. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/soccerxbox07
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    How do you make your own cryptocurency?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:28 AM PST

    How to change a data in MySQL (or other Database) automatically

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:24 AM PST

    We have a form which is stored in draft mode. That means editing any data or deleting the entire form is possible. The beginning to end process is as follows

    -When a person tries to submit the form for the first time, that is stored in draft. (the isDraft column is set to 0)

    -The user is redirected to another page where s/he can view the Form id (a generated number), name, a few other details and Edit/Delete options.

    -The user can click edit button to edit anything, or even delete the form.

    -However this will be allowed till a given date (say 15 days from the first submission date). Once that date is passed, the form can no longer be edited or deleted. In case the form isn't deleted, the isDraft column is set to 1.

    Thousands of people can submit the form . So ,it is not possible to do it manually.

    Our project is done using Laravel v6.2, but I want a general idea as well .

    How to do it?

    submitted by /u/AsishPC
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    Function help? <Beginner>

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:43 AM PST

    void Mouse::GetKeyPressPositionX(int x)


    if (LeftIsPressed()) { staticX = x; } 


    void Mouse::GetKeyPressPositionY(int y)


    if (LeftIsPressed()) { staticY = y; } 


    int Mouse::ReturnKeyPressX()


    return staticX; 


    int Mouse::ReturnKeyPressY()


    return staticY; 



    So basically I have two private functions that grab data from a class that handles the mouse input and returns the data into the parameters x & y . StaticX & StaticY are set to default 0 but will be assigned to x & y when the user presses a button. However I get no data from the private functions when I try to actually use the return functions. My values don't change. I've assigned values in void functions before and never seemed to have any issues, so if someone could enlightenment me to my mistake that would be swell :)

    submitted by /u/Gloomy-Bite-6908
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    Fetch finds branch, cannot push to it

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:34 AM PST

    I am working on dealing with some merge conflicts and running into the most peculiar issue.

    I was able to checkout the branch, pull, fix conflicts, and commit. When it came to push I got the error

    "fatal: <branchname> cannot be resolved to branch"

    When doing a git branch, it was not in the branch list. Furthermore, my repository clearly has it.

    when I do a git fetch I get this:

    * [new branch] <branchname> -> origin/<branchname>

    So it finds the branch with fetch... but still doesn't add it somehow.

    Has anyone ever run into this? no idea how to fix it.

    submitted by /u/tempacct123454321
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    Very basic Question about Coordinates

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:59 AM PST

    Hi everybody,

    I am developing a program where II need to convert coordinates.

    so basically i have world grid which is defined by rows and columns. if we have 5 columns and 3 rows its gonna look like this:

    0 1 2 3 4

    5 6 7 8 9

    10 11 12 13 14

    so my question is if I have something in position 8, how do I get the x, y coordinates? I thought about just simple modulo operations of the position with the number of rows and columns, but for position 1 I get 1, 1, which is obviously not correct.

    or do I need to do a whole bunch of if statements?

    Thanks in advance for reading

    submitted by /u/VOLVIC_KOKS
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    Stock and crypto price prediction based on reddit posts' sentiment.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:05 AM PST

    Stock and crypto price prediction based on reddit posts' sentiment.

    1. The app analyses reddit posts, extracts stock/crypto name, sentiment, and data.
    2. The app downloads from some free API stock/crypto prices
    3. Tensorflow (machine learning) analyses historic data - stock/crypto name, sentiment, future price to train the model. It is possible to add a few more pieces of data, like unemployment numbers, covid cases etc.
    4. The model returns future price prediction (day, week, month, 6 months, year)

    Why do you think it will or will not work?

    submitted by /u/marcinxyz
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    Ruby or Firebase/Heroku/etc...?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:43 AM PST

    Hi all, I'm a relatively new developer. I'm trying to grasp the entirety of how various programs and applications are organized and developed. So far, I think I understand that web and mobile apps can store data locally and can access a server via an API. I guess the question I have is, why would I develop an API in Ruby or something instead of using Firebase or a similar pre-developed service I can use? I'm just trying to grasp the whole of a programming project.

    submitted by /u/BubbaBaggins360
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