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    Friday, December 18, 2020

    Taught myself vba, what next ? learn programming

    Taught myself vba, what next ? learn programming

    Taught myself vba, what next ?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:13 AM PST

    Hello y'all,

    I'm a 29, taught myself vba and would love to continue doing automation/data analysis work as a freelancer. What languages or tools should I learn next ?


    I'm 29, taught myself vba while working for a tech subcontractor in the aviation industry 2 years ago. I was so happy to finally have an actual skill, as I only had a masters in management from a business school, which aside from landing me my first entry-level was mostly a waste of time.

    Knowing vba made me the go-to "Excel/VBA" guy at my consultancy firm. I went from doing the chores usually attributed to juniors to being assigned on specific tasks like automating a reporting tool or debug or optimize RAM and CPU usage of existing code. This meant I was in a much more comfortable position where I'd be the one who'd define how long the task was going to take me. They'd also cut me much more slack and I could work from home, and manage my time as I wanted as long as the job was done.

    Speaking to friends in CS or Engineering, I gathered that VBA is a dying tech, so I completed 7/9 courses of the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate. I really enjoyed the course, especially the hands-on projects and it was a great way of getting into Python, with extensive use of the Pandas, Numpy and Matplotlib libraries.

    Objective :

    I feel like there is a demand for doing the same thing I was doing in my previous firm, namely automating reporting tools, connecting multiple data sources, but using more modern and more powerful tools than VBA : what should those tools be ?

    When the Covid crisis hit, I got a severance and moved back to my native country. I got my first automation gig as a freelancer at a lease company and was excited to try out the things I had learnt in Python but VBA still turned out to be a more appropriate option. Turns out you can't pronounce good ol' VBA dead yet. That said, I've dabbled with tools such as PowerBI which could do so much without any actual coding so this could seriously affect the demand for VBA skills.

    submitted by /u/Temporary_Resident25
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    How to rename a selected file using python?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:06 AM PST

    here I can only get the file path

    import os from pathlib import Path dirpath="C:\\Users\\0\\Downloads" paths = sorted(Path(dirpath).iterdir(), key=os.path.getmtime) latest = paths[-1] print(latest) 
    submitted by /u/hwpcspr
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    No code tools

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:00 AM PST

    Hey guys what is your opinion on Bubble?

    submitted by /u/morzevavagina
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    Retiring early but considering coding for fun

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:57 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm 36/M and made a mistake when I was younger. Although I had a big interest in computers and programming from a young age, I never went into it for my job.

    I did a mathematics degree (some CS-related modules including Java, Linux and few others), and despite getting good results felt that all the CS students knew so much more. I was worried I would be at a disadvantage if I did that as a career so I went into finance/accounting where I felt it was less technical.

    Fortunately, I've been able to use good IT skills to develop a slight niche, get a high paying job and my wife and I have almost saved enough money to quit our jobs. I'm part of the FIRE community r/Fire so it isn't like I'm super rich but confident I have enough as we are not big spenders and don't plan to have kids.

    I'm now considering what I actively want to do when I've quit my job and considering programming for fun as I've always had an interest in it (although overwhelmed by the amount to learn at times).

    I have continued with my interest over the years and have made an eCommerce website for my wife's side business (Wordpress using Elementor with some custom HTML/CSS and learning basic PHP) and also some basic Javascript and Python scripts to automate manual tasks.

    They are all probably very badly coded and I don't understand a lot of the underlying workings (particularly the website/plugins etc) but I'll learn over time.

    My issue it that I'm not motivated just to earn money so getting up early and doing 40+ hour weeks for a company that I don't care about just in order to learn doesn't seem appealing. I do however have various apps/website ideas that I would like to make but they are way beyond my technical ability and not sure if I would ever be able to do it on my own.


    1. Would you have chosen your job/career if you didn't need the money at all ? If so, what job do you do and do you find meaning in the products you work on? Would you not really care about the hassle of working (getting up early, meetings, presentations etc)?
    2. I was reading an article the emphasised that when it all gets tough, you need a strong purpose to push through this period. What is your purpose for programming if not money?
    3. Do you think you could learn everything you need to know without a job? How would you go about this? I plan to do:

    - Courses/certificates including Odin, Open Source Society University, Google certificates etc.

    - Join communities to practise challenges with different programming languages.

    - Once I've developed my skills sufficient, start to contribute to Open Source Projects and find people who could help me develop further by actively working on projects.


    Went into wrong career when I was younger but looking to "retire" early now and considering programming for fulfilment. Not sure if I would need a programming job to get the breath of experience or if total self-learning is possible or unlikely. If a job is needed, would you have gone through your job/career if you didn't need the money at all?

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive-1875
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    [C++] How do I do this problem? It was given by our programming teacher but I don't think it can be solved because she insists that we use FOR loop. I only know how to solve this in normal terms.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:52 AM PST

    Create a program that user enters 5 positive integer numbers then computes and displays the sum. It is very simple to do but how do I even do this using FOR loop.

    submitted by /u/Aztrekat
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    How to use custom font to your website (Google Fonts) ?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:51 AM PST

    Showing your website unique in design is a great way to attract user attention to your website. In this article, I will show you step by step way to adding a font to your website. In this tutorial, I will go to use my simple HTML page to include the fonts. Read more wing your website unique in design is a great way to attract user attention to your website. In this article, I will show you step by step way to adding a font to your website. In this tutorial, I will go to use my simple HTML page to include the fonts.

    Read more be 👇


    submitted by /u/dcpushparaj
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    [Python] Counting the number of sequences in a given array

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:48 AM PST

    Hi! The following code counts the number of target sequences in an array consisting of zeroes and ones. In my opinion it is correct, as I simply iterate through the subsequences of target length, and check if they are equal. However, in an online course that I am now completing, the tests indicate that my result is one off from the correct one. My adding the missing one in the return I get full marks from the problem. Is there a problem in my code, or the online grader?

    def count(seq): counter = 0 target = [1, 0, 0, 1] for i in range(len(seq)-len(target)): subseq = seq[i:i+len(target)] if np.array_equal(subseq, target): counter += 1 return counter 


    submitted by /u/wabhabin
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    What transition function should I use to transition an image properly?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:15 AM PST

    I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask, but I'm not sure where else to ask. How do I transition an image manually properly? I know there are existing packages that can do this much more efficiently, but I would like to understand what transition function they actually use so I can implement it myself. Say I have two RGB images and want to transition from one to another. How do I do that? I want it to look like one image being overlayed onto another till it is replaced, just like a regular image transition.

    I tried two different methods, and they still don't look right. Say one image is the start image and the other is the destination.

    The first method is to have each pixel of the start image increment at the same rate, so some reach the destination pixel's value faster than others

    The second method I tried is to have each start image pixel change with different gradients so that all pixel's reach their destination value at the same time(gradient is just determined by the ratio of the "distance" it needs to go divided by the transition time)

    The third method I'm thinking to try but I haven't implemented yet is taking the weighted average of each pixel and changing the weights as a function of time. I am not sure if this is essentially the same as the second method I tried though.

    Thanks for your help in advance.

    submitted by /u/sttann
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    Looking for suggestions on how to go about storing information for a DND inventory management program in C#.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:45 AM PST

    I'm working on a program that will allow my party members to add items to their inventory. I think I'll have a class to store individual items information, and store new instances of the class in a vector/list/array.

    I initially thought I'd just write the information to a file, and use it as a way to save your inventory, but I'm unsure how to best go about this. Is there any commonly accepted way to do something like this?

    submitted by /u/Surpex
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    In what order of the following would say are the most important priorities in programming?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:39 AM PST

    I get this asked in a few interviews.

    How would you sort these from most important to least?

    1- Security
    2- Readability
    3- Performance
    4- Reusability
    5- Maintainability

    My answer was:

    1- Redability
    2- Reusability
    3- Maintainability
    4- Performance
    5- Security

    submitted by /u/Roid96
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    Python game help

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:25 AM PST


    i started writing a code where a soccer ball moves all around the window with pygame, can someone help me, i want the window to be split in 4 equal squares of different colors and after 15s the code tells me where did the ball have been the more (top left (blue) or bottom righ t(white) for exemple)

    here is the window that i'm talking about : https://gyazo.com/c1659fcd259708487b0d432659d0411c

    import pygame

    from pygame.locals import QUIT

    from random import randrange

    import pygame.freetype

    import random

    clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    largeur = 1200 #defini la largeur de la fenetre

    longueur = 950 #defini la hauteur de la fenetre

    fenetre = pygame.display.set_mode((largeur, longueur))

    balle = pygame.image.load("balle.jpg").convert_alpha() #importation de l'image de la balle.

    position_balle = balle.get_rect()

    balleRandomX = randrange(1, 5) #creation d'une valeur aleatoire pour la vitesse en X

    balleRandomY = randrange(1, 5) #creation d'une valeur aleatoire pour la vitesse en Y

    while not pygame.event.peek(QUIT):


    fenetre.fill((255,255,255)) #couleur

    position_balle.x += balleRandomX #on addition la valeur aleatoire a la position actuelle de la balle

    position_balle.y += balleRandomY #on addition la valeur aleatoire a la position actuelle de la balle


    fenetre.blit(balle, position_balle)



    print(position_balle.topright) #on affiche la position de la balle dans la console

    # Si la balle touche les cotes, on inverse la variable concernee pour qu'elle change de cote

    if position_balle.left >= largeur or position_balle.right <= 0:

    balleRandomX = -balleRandomX

    if position_balle.bottom >= longueur or position_balle.top <= 0:

    balleRandomY = -balleRandomY

    Thank you for helping because i m struggling and sorry for my english

    submitted by /u/llTurnll
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    Why is my python program failing test even if everythin is fine?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:03 AM PST

    I am creating a CLI todo app(python) in which where I already have a testing file(javascript file) for automated test. My python script fails all tests where there is multiline string to print. All I get is this :

    Expected: StringContaining "Usage :- $ ./todo add \"todo item\" # Add a new todo $ ./todo ls # Show remaining todos $ ./todo del NUMBER # Delete a todo $ ./todo done NUMBER # Complete a todo $ ./todo help # Show usage $ ./todo report # Statistics" Received: "Usage :-· $ ./todo add \"todo item\" # Add a new todo· $ ./todo ls # Show remaining todos· $ ./todo del NUMBER # Delete a todo· $ ./todo done NUMBER # Complete a todo· $ ./todo help # Show usage· $ ./todo report # Statistics· " 

    These dots are added by testing file showing that there is something extra here. I tried both multiple prints and triple quote string but I get same exception. If I want to print multiline string I will have to as a newline but print does this job for us so is there anythin with print? If I add '\n' to string and then print it, I get three dots(one for \ one for n). How do I fix this?

    submitted by /u/GeneralPY101
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