• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 13, 2020

    What is going on here? I was checking a site in Chrome dev tools at mobile width and also had the same URL up on my phone in Chrome for iOS. Scrolling on my laptop is synced to the phone. web developers

    What is going on here? I was checking a site in Chrome dev tools at mobile width and also had the same URL up on my phone in Chrome for iOS. Scrolling on my laptop is synced to the phone. web developers

    What is going on here? I was checking a site in Chrome dev tools at mobile width and also had the same URL up on my phone in Chrome for iOS. Scrolling on my laptop is synced to the phone.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Chrome DevTools: Performance Panel Survey

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    We, the Chrome DevTools team, are working on improving the Performance panel.

    Do you find the Performance panel easy / hard to use (or do you never use it at all)? Help us by completing this short 5-question survey.


    submitted by /u/mathiasbynens
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    I'm an Engineering Manager looking to hire React engineers. Another user reported failing a take-home assignment. Here's what I would have been looking for.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    Another user reporting failing a take-home assignment yesterday: https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/j9rthg/i_failed_a_home_assignment_as_part_of_an/

    Many users offered great advice. I wanted to take it one step further and offer a revised solution that would be much more in line with what I would be looking for from a candidate. I tried not to vary too much from what the OP had submitted. It should look basically identical to their original output.

    It's not perfect, but hopefully it will offer you all some insight into how you could upgrade your failed exam results.


    Please check the OP for the original submission, I don't want to copy the link here in case they choose to take the link down.

    submitted by /u/musicnothing
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    I'm scared of the idea of single page applications which are delivered by transpiled JavaScript rendering on an empty body. Do I appear old-fashioned?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    I come from server side development background with expertise in making APIs using PHP. I want to get involved in front end web development as well to become a full stack developer.

    Now in 2020 single page applications seem to be a trend but I'm scared of the concept. If the website is interaction-heavy (e.g. a real time chat room) a single page app is the right thing to do, but I'm scared if these are applied in more traditional settings which focus on delivering content over interaction (e.g. forums)

    I looked at some popular frontend frameworks like vue.js . I created a project from vue ui and I couldn't imagine creating a useful website out of that stuff. I couldn't understand a thing inside. In my understanding a website has the content in HTML, styled in CSS, and can be interacted by adding JavaScript on top of it.

    I then looked into my personal portfolio website. My website has about 12 years of history from PHP 5.2 era. It was written using a very 2000's style of "each page was a separate .php file". In recent years I did 2 rounds of modernisation. The 1st round was to redesign it completely using modern CSS and responsive design, giving it a completely new look. The 2nd round was to rewrite the crap legacy PHP which intermixed presentation and logic to modern PHP 7.x OOP on my mini-framework. I achieved separation of concern and got controllers and views classes in my PHP code, but still, every page was rendered by PHP on the backend and required a reload when switching pages, even they had a common shell, navigation bar, etc. and only the <main> were different. The PHP template I had called a function to render the <main> which is implemented in my view classes. Some views have static <main> and some is generated using PHP which connects to business logic. My framework didn't include routing capability because I was still staying on the each page having a separate .php module, and I used .htaccess magic to strip away .php in the canonical URL and having .php URL redirect to it to make the URL pretty.

    My website didn't contain JavaScript apart from Google Analytics code and a few pages to ease the usage. It worked perfectly without JavaScript. It can be read using text-based browsers, screen readers, web crawlers, etc.

    Today I felt that single page application is a cool thing and I noticed that if I load the <main> over AJAX when clicking the navigation bar, and updating the URL and title, my website becomes a single page application.

    I then progressively enhanced my website. I added a couple dozens of lines of JavaScript which involved loading a routes.json file defining the pages can be loaded dynamically, adding a listener on all links, if the target is found in the route file then use AJAX to replace the <main> without reloading the page. And, on the server side, if the URI path is found in the routes.json file, load the <main> referenced there are well. I then configured the .htaccess to load my index.php for 404 which throws a real 404 if the URL is not defined in the route file, but loads the appropriate page for defined routes. That means my index.php becomes a router without using any rewrite magic. After doing all these my site still works without scripting as in the past.

    I haven't completed single-page-applify my whole personal website yet because some pages have search functionality and respond to query strings which have more work to do (i.e. to return a JSON when AJAX-called to be consumed on the single page application). Currently if the link clicked supports single-page mode (as defined in my route file), the corresponding view is directly loaded by AJAX, if not, the link is followed. However I still intend to use server-side rendering on initial page load, and only progressive enhance it when navigating in my pages if JavaScript is available.

    So, am I old-fashioned by being reluctant to use JavaScript frameworks for content-delivering websites and insisting on making everything server-side rendered by default, only using the technology for single page application after the page is JavaScript-enabled after loading?

    submitted by /u/miklcct
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    How to balance work and learning outside of work?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Im learning web dev and I am imagining the future. The internet is fast paced, so we need to be learning to keep up, that sounds fair enough, but what does it look like in practice? You come home tired from your 8 hour shift, and then you boot up the pc for another hour or so of learning every day? Or does it take less to keep up with new technologies and updates? It just seems a bit unsustainable for me, and might lead to burnout if its a lot of work outside of work.

    submitted by /u/MeMakinMoves
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    I was looking for inspiration for a portfolio site and was supprised by how powerful front end alone can be.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    So disclaimer, I'm a total noob. And maybe what I saw is something that's pretty normal but I was going through a GitHub repo full of portfolios and I came across this one


    And holy shit, it really made me rethink my decision on rushing through front end to get to back end so I can call myself a full stack developer. Because I would love to be able to do something like this.

    I am a computer engineering student who completely fell out of interest in the field until the pendemic hit and I found my liking again by taking up web development. I basically wrote more code in 3 months tham I did in 3 years.

    The reason I love this field is because it provides me visual feedback as if I'm painting or a sense of creating something, faster than anything else I've worked with in this field. Even if I send hours and hours just finding a right colour or figuring out why something isn't working, I find myself being able to this for long periods of time.

    But it always made me feel as though I won't be appreciated for doing something as easy as front end with a degree as heavy as engineering. Which I was absolutely wrong about, I still have to Google a hundred times to centre a div sometimes.

    I don't know if I'll be able to be as good as the portfolio above, but damn I'm gonna be spending a lot more time perfecting my style.

    submitted by /u/stfuandkissmyturtle
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    A set of color widgets for the web

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Gaining "Fullstack" experience as a Frontend developer

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:59 AM PDT


    I am a Frontend developer and have been for around 5 years. I am currently in the process of looking for a new challenge, and see a lot of interesting companies who are only offering Fullstack roles.

    I have interviewed at 1 said company recently, and got to the final stage (which lasted 5 hours!) after doing a technical screen, and "take home challenge" but was rejected because of lacking backend experience.

    The technical take home challenge was 90% frontend (asking for a simple mock API layer), and during the 5 hour interview, I talked in great detail about one of my fullstack side projects, which is a web app hosted on AWS where I have built a fully self managed (IE not using amplify) web app, with log in, log out, registration, email confirmations using SES and redis tokens, redis sessions, postgres backends and more.

    This verdict shocked me slightly, because I am quite impressed about my side project, the backend for the take home challenge was almost non existent and I don't really see how I could do anything "more" backend than an entire backend of a web app, but my question is how would I best go about gaining "real" backend experience which I can demo?

    Are there any good resources which I can turn into meaningful backend "things" to demo - potentially in Java?

    submitted by /u/CardinalHijack
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    I am creating a video website . I wanted to know where can i host my videos . is it possible on heroku ?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    If it will be a free video hosting site it would be very helpful

    submitted by /u/pckty
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    Hired as react-native dev, the first day was told I would be working on an ionic project. Pls Help

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Good afternoon everyone,

    So yeah, I have no prior experience working with angular or ionic, and am kind of lost in where to start learning. I have been reading through the ionic docs and working thru the example project, however, I'm pretty lost with the whole project structure and organization. I have about two weeks of R&D to work with, do you have any suggestions for docs or articles? Also, should I learn just angular this week and adapt ionic next week? thank you for your advice.....

    submitted by /u/gottagovape
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    Having a hard time getting past the 4 hour mark?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    I'm in the process of learning the fundamentals - HTML, CSS, JS, MySQL, PHP, Wordpress, etc., taking Stefan Mischook's course. On CSS currently, and building my own projects along with the lessons as practice. Decided to set "office hours" from 9-6 every day to force myself to sit down and focus - working from home is a blessing and a curse. Started doing this just yesterday and was only able to work 3.5 hours. Today same thing before my brain started to putter out and my focus started to drift. I've even given myself an hour for lunch, and shorter breaks during the day, but those aren't helping much.

    FYI - I do freelance work with video editing as well, and had to spend about an hour doing that in addition to everything else. Is this normal, or am I just lazy? Will my focus get better the more I do this? My goal is to do 5 hours of web dev work/day. I want to freelance, but I'm wondering how developers work for 8 hours a day.

    submitted by /u/trylikeafool
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    Need help with Array of images in Javascript.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Hello, so I'm trying to have an array of images, and 4 dropdown items with a specific type of weather along with a button,

    I want the corresponding picture to show up when a user chooses a certain weather type, for example if someone chooses "rainy" then clicks the button, it should display a image with rain basically.

    I'm struggling to even get an image to appear right now and dont know what to do, the thing is I'm required to have a loop in the program so I can't leave it out. (Task requirement)

    If anyone could help me i'd appreciate it.


    submitted by /u/Airsickclock
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    <base> Element

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    I just read online that the <base> element must have either an href or target attribute present, or both.

    If the <base> element doesn't have an href attribute what would be the point of the <base> element? An example of a <base> element without an href attribute and only a target attribute would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/muddimids
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    How to create your website using verless

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Other forums on reddit about web/software development?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    What are some big regulated subreddits that talk about web/software development in general? I frequent r/cscareerquestions but that's more job oriented.

    submitted by /u/verysad1997
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    How to get better at FE Vanilla JavaScript?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    I'd like to really hone my vanilla JS skills without having to rely too much on front end frameworks and libraries. I'm able to do basic stuff, but my code starts getting pretty messy with added features.

    Would anyone have any great resources or courses for someone who's learned just the very basics?

    Edit: Also, same goes for HTML and CSS as well. If anyone has a comprehensive HTML/CSS/JavaScript free course or resources that's appropriate for someone who knows just the very basics, it'd be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/whygohome
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    Where do people get restaurant data/information for their app?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Hi All, I'm working on "another" restaurant app for a personal project.

    I was wondering how big apps like Yelp, Uber Eats, etc get their data for restaurants? Is it all crowd sources or is there a repository that has this information?

    I did an intermediate level search on google but didn't find anything.

    Feel free to bash if this request is dumb!


    submitted by /u/Zavoyevatel
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    Need Front-end help - Hero image behind navbar

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Hi there. Here's my repository so you can see my code now: https://github.com/Kyle-Williamson-Dev/My-Portfolio

    This is my personal web dev portfolio. Obviously still in the works and just playing around with layouts. So for this one I just have a solid background navbar for now. And it works with the black part of the hero image. I just want that navbar to scroll down with the user. It does that, but the hero image is behind the navbar, so my face gets cut off. I just need to make it so the navbar is technically the first section and the banner/hero image comes right after it, so the very tip of it is just connected to the bottom of the navbar. I'm confused how I can do this. Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/kylespartan626
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    Good Resources to learn nunjucks

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Hi There Experts I am trying to have a more complete undertanding nunjucks capabilities and features but have very bad progress reading oficial docs and Mozilla pages. Can you suggest additional resources to learn this template engine

    Best regards

    submitted by /u/WilliamRails
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    I am thinking about building a platform that helps full-stack web developers who want to complete solo web-dev projects. If you fit the description, will you help me by telling me your pain points or lack thereof?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I have learned full-stack web development online (udemy, freecodecamp etc), mostly to build products for my own ideas. When I tried to build my first semi-complex website from scratch, I found it difficult and confusing. I did build products of similar complexity before as a part of my coursework, albeit with a good amount of hand-holding. However, when I had to do the product requirement, UX design, DB Design, Deployment etc all on my own , from scratch, I found it overwhelming and it took me a lot of time to get hold of the whole thing. Even though I have managed to deploy 4 products, I am still unclear about a lot of concepts and I had to hack my way through a lot of obstacles. So, I wanted to check if there are enough of us crazy diamonds who are trying to go solo and build projects all on their own (as a hobby/side project or for a portfolio) and if the pain is real.

    If you are a full stack developer who has/ will work on solo projects, please throw some light on -

    i. Your major pain points and the current tools/solutions that you are using for the same.

    ii. The tools that you absolutely love to use for your solo projects.

    iii. When did you learn development and how frequently do you build solo projects?

    iv. How long did it take you to get comfortable with building complex products with clarity?

    submitted by /u/_twoOfClubs
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    Looking for a responsive mobile payment, banking, finance management template

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    As we germans like to say:

    Pictures say more than a thousand words: https://dribbble.com/shots/6696905-Busines-Bank-App

    I am looking for a similar template like this, but responsive. If someone remembers seeing one. Or is ready for hiring, I would be glad. I only need the html with it's dynamics. So html, css and javascript.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/serefsiz
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    Advice for implementing Azure AD auth strategy for Django (DRF) / React app

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Kind of stuck on the best way to implement this, so seeking advice.

    • /admin is a portal ReactJS web app only users of the company can access and should be authenticated against Azure AD. Obviously, if that are not a member of the organization, they should not be granted access.
    • /api is the Django API. Uses DRF and basically serves no static assets. Thus, Django templates are not used.

    These services are entirely separate from one another with separate web servers.

    There are two approaches, as it was explained to me:

    1. OAuth for Servers (Django / DRF): usually used when the app needs to access user data when they are not logged in.
    2. OAuth for Browser Apps (ReactJS): usually used when the app needs to access user data while they are logged in.

    I do want data to persist about the user. For example, if they are working on a project on one device, then access the app from another device, they should be able to continue their work from where they left off--probably just tracking project_to_user in the database or something. This is probably not related to 1. vs 2. given that even if Browser OAuth is used, the user's info could be sent to the API and record in the database that this was the last project they worked on.

    Any input on this would be welcome. I'm having a hell of time implementing Server-side OAuth as the libraries I'm seeing use Django templates, which I'm not sure is really necessary or even the best approach to this implementation. Just seems odd to use Django templates for this one feature and I'm not sure it is any "better" or more beneficial than just doing Client-side Browser OAuth.

    submitted by /u/strumpy_strudel
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    How do you decide on whether to use Wordpress or full stack technologies for websites? What makes more sense? Should I learn Wordpress/WooCommerce?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    I'm a first year CS major and am not really too clear on what would be better to use. I'm learning full stack dev technologies on the side (doing the Udemy web dev bootcamp course) but am wondering if I should also learn Wordpress as it seems like its faster and easier to use for a lot of different client projects. I also recently found out about WooCommerce which is a Wordpress plugin that is used to making e-commerce sites. With things like Wordpress around wouldn't it make sense to mainly use that to make websites for clients? How do I dictate whether or not to make it from scratch using full stack technologies or simply by using Wordpress? Sorry if this is a stupid question, just starting to learn about this field and kinda confused.

    submitted by /u/Bruhhwat
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