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    Very old C program (2002) how to compile it on a modern system? Ask Programming

    Very old C program (2002) how to compile it on a modern system? Ask Programming

    Very old C program (2002) how to compile it on a modern system?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    I've found an old C program - See link http://stoical.sourceforge.net/download.php

    It is a Forth like system that appears to be written in fairly normal C, for 2002 standards of normal.

    One thing I did figure out how to deal with is multi-line string constants... but the rest of it gives me errors I can't figure out after about 4 hours of banging my non-C programming head against it.

    I tried installing Debian 4.5, but couldn't get it working in a virtual machine properly. I have Ubuntu, and have done various Linux related things through the years.

    What things have changed in the last 18 years in 'C'? How can I get this running?

    For comparison, I had some old 1994 Turbo Pascal code that took about 10 minutes to get up and running in Lazarus, and that was because I had to rip out 1 assembler routine and just hack a quick pascal replacement.

    submitted by /u/ka9dgx
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    Release anxiety. Need some advice?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    So... my app is "done". I'm the only developr for my brother. And I've implemented everything I can such as price validation server side, etc.. but I still feel scared. Still feel like it's not ready for release because someone can come and mess with it. If they use it normally then cool. But like a person can click a function and ping the server, I have a check, if they click 10+ times with invalid requests, it blocks them for 7 days. But they can easily delete the app and do it again...

    I'm using https. Important functions like purchases are validated and compared against prices on the server.

    But idk I still feel like I'm not done and relunctant to release.

    submitted by /u/humm1010
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    Why do people not consider web development "real programming"? [NOVICE QUESTION]

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Is it because the code is "speaking" with the browser and not the actual computer?

    Certain programming communities seem to hold a particular animosity towards web development. As a novice who started learning with C++ in community college who feels much better learning web development, I'm not sure why it is considered a less valid discipline by some. Or maybe I'm wrong and it is truly an inferior practice.

    submitted by /u/pantysoaker420
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    Can someone ElI5 this very simple code for me? Horizontal pyramid code

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    I'm new to coding and need a breakdown of this solution. I can't understand how for loops and incrementing result in this pattern.

    Write a program that reads in a number, n, via an argument from the command line, and then creates a horizontal pyramid of height n:

    Ex: height = 5:










    solution (not sure if this is right)

    int n = Integer.parseInt(n); for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){ System.out.print(""); } System.out.println(); } for(int i = n-1; i > 0; i--){ for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){ System.out.print(""); } System.out.println(); }

    submitted by /u/AwkwardRound
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    Review needed for a project-plan. Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    How does google uses a single login for gmail google photos and other services like blogger?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    I know that they use OpenID Connect but i don't understand the protocol well enough to grasp how i can log in once and then access mail.google.com, photos.google.com or even blogger.com without once asking for explicit consent for the data.

    Do you know any eli5 explanation and how would i be able to achieve the same behavior with an identity provider?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/nfac
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    Filler iOS game

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    For a project I want to make the filler game on iOS game pigeon in real life with either an arduino or raspberry pi. Basically the game starts out with tiles randomly colored and you start at one end and select a color tile touching your starting one and they both change to the new color, you play against somebody else and try to cover more of the board. I'm mainly used to coding for stuff like motors and sensors so I'm wondering if there are any coding techniques out there that would help me understand how to program the matrix looking if the color selected by the player is touching whatever tiles the player has already captured.

    submitted by /u/call8212
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    VirtualBox vs VMWare Bug and Technical Issues Wise

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    Hello All,

    I was wondering, how does VMWare compare, probably workstation pro due to work, to virtualbox bug wise? I've run across some major bugs with virtualbox and I was wondering if VMWare was any better.

    One bug happened again after not seeing it for several years. And that's when I upgrade versions and install guest additions. It causes various issues, this last time not being able to boot up my Win10 guest at all, and instead having to go into safe mode after a failed boot. I had to go back a version or two to get it fixed, which lead to the biggest one...

    I did not experience this prior to trying to upgrade. But after restoring back to what I believe was the version I was on, the guest will crash at random because virtualbox can't access a certain block of memory. I read a few things online about similar issues, and tried upgrading again. This time I removed guest additions rather than installing in place and it seems to work. However, I still get this crash, though not as often. It makes my work a pain in the ass as most of my work is done in my guest vm.

    So, I'm wondering, does VMWare have similar issues or is their quality control a bit better? With VB being free, I can't complain too hard. But to get the version I'd need to be able to use it for work, I really do NOT want to drop $250 for something just as, or maybe more, buggy as what I'm already using.

    Any insight is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/NightweaselX
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    Should my component's JS be Functional or OOP? (I will be writing a number of such components in the future.)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    Hello. I am making an image comparison component, a more complex version of this example on w3schools.

    I intend to make the component portable, so you just add the HTML with the right classes and JS will automatically look through the page and add the appropriate event listeners for each component and so on (almost like a bootstrap component).

    But since I want to add a a good bit of responsiveness, interactive features and deeper functionality (touch listeners, etc.) to the component, the resulting JS is probably going to be quite long. Earlier I implemented half of it's functionality using typical functional programming, but the JS was quite long and messy.

    So my question is: could such a portable component benefit from an OOP approach rather than a functional one for making the code easier to understand and maintain/extend (maybe even shorter)? Or should I just stick with functional code and try to improve that in itself?

    Note: I have used OOP before with Java and C++ for simple projects, and I found it quite intuitive back then. I have not yet used OOP in the context of JS, besides AJAX with the XMLHttpRequest object. I do not know anything about frameworks, JS builders or minifying either. I am just talking about writing plain JS code.

    The objective is to make the component portable and painless to use (which means very simplified HTML). I intend to make many more portable components like this in the future, and need to be able to maintain them all easily. So I don't mind investing in learning the implementation of OOP with JS at all so long as I get long-term benefit from it in terms of cleaner code.

    submitted by /u/OneTechAtATime
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    How can I scale a program that processes jobs from a queue?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Flutter code sample with proper code conventions.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    I'm having a hard time following the coding conventions like how to do the separation of concerns, proper usage of abstract classes, how to consume util functions in my entire projects , dependency injection , use cases , entities etc etc.

    Can anyone share a sample where one had work on sample project and followed the conventions ? That would be a great help for me.

    submitted by /u/papaDIPLO
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    Running into an internal service problem for a python program I am making.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    The course I'm taking is having me build a website that is suppose to act as a blog. Part of the code is supposed to be a registration page that users input data that is supposed to be save. The code itself doesn't appear to register any errors that would prevent the registration process but when ran two issues appear to had. One reads as AttributeError: 'username'. The other POST /postregistration" - 500 Internal Server Error. I've been following the prompts closely and I can't spot exactly where the problems are coming from. But these are the pages and sections that I believe to be causing the problem.

    import pymongo from pymongo import MongoClient class RegisterModel: def __init__(self): self.client = MongoClient() self.db = self.client.codewizard self.Users = self.db.users def insert_user(self, data): id = self.Users.insert({"username": data.username, "name": data.name, "email": data.email, "password": data.password}) print("UID is", id) 

    Next Section: class PostRegistration: def POST(self): data = web.input()

     reg_model = RegisterModel.RegisterModel() reg_model.insert_user(data) return data.username 

    Final Section: import pymongo from pymongo import MongoClient

    class RegisterModel: def __init__(self): self.client = MongoClient() self.db = self.client.codewizard self.Users = self.db.users def insert_user(self, data): id = self.Users.insert({"username": data.username, "name": data.name, "email": data.email, "password": data.password}) print("UID is", id) 

    Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Wiseman-no
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    Need Help with Customer Portal!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    I've been looking for a portal or program that my customers can use to see the price of our products. All of our products (100,000+) are on Excel sheets with Part Number, Description, and Price. I want our customers to be able to type in the part number in a web-based portal or program and then they will see the description and price. We would need to update the Excel sheet regularly.

    Is this even possible? It seems pretty straightforward to me but idk much about programming. It doesn't have to be fancy.

    submitted by /u/droolingovertools
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    Confused between when to use (not) variable and variable (is None) or variable == None -- IN PYTHON

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I recently faced this error message when I was trying to create a heap using lists in python. I tried to insert a number in the "max_heap" I created by the condition: if max_heap is None or max_heap[0] > num:

    In the above condition I got the following error:

    IndexError: list index out of range

    But, When I changed my condition to if not max_heap or max_heap[0] > num:

    Everything works!!

    I always thought (not) variable and variable (is None) works the same way, but they clearly don't here. Can anyone shed some light on this?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/peestuck11
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    Question regarding voxel mathematics

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Basically rather than a tutorial on making a minecraft clone, does anyone know of any books/possibly articles that explain how voxels work at the mathematical level respective of programming?

    submitted by /u/Alien8472
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    can i be a good web developer while using windows?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    do i have to switch to macos or linux eventually?

    submitted by /u/shcanthinkofusername
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    Best way to handle multiple pages

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm working on a mental health oriented movie review site in a similar vein to Rotten Tomatoes, however I'm not sure the best way to handle building a single template and populating it with varying information based on the film. Originally I was just copy pasting the template individually into different html files and changing the information manually, however I feel like there has to be a better way to do this. I was looking into using handlebars, but that still seems like I would be writing out all the movie information separately to insert into the handlebars, but I might just not understand how hbs works. Is this the best route to take, or is there another direction I should be looking in? I appreciate the help, I'm a fairly junior developer.

    submitted by /u/2-3-74
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    Repeat keyword without spaces to another string in C?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    I'm currently working on some code that asks the user to input a sentence or phrase and a keyword. The program would then map the keyword to the sentence repeatedly.

    For example:

    Enter plaintext for encryption: i like animals Enter Keyword: dog Plaintext:i like animals Mapped Key:dogdogdogdogdo 

    But this is the output I want:

    Enter plaintext for encryption: i like animals Enter Keyword: dog Plaintext:i like animals Mapped Key:dogdogdogdog 

    my problem is I'm trying to have the program not count the spaces in between the words but I'm struggling to do this. So I was wondering what I can add to my program to not count the spaces between words?

    My code:

    #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main(void) { char plaintext[50], key[30]; int plainLength, keyLength; int i,j; printf("Enter plaintext for encryption: "); gets(plaintext); printf("Enter Keyword: "); gets(key); plainLength= strlen(plaintext); char mappedKey[plainLength]; keyLength= strlen(key); for(i = 0,j = 0;i < plainLength; ++i,++j){ if(j>=keyLength){ j = 0; } mappedKey[i]= key[j]; } printf("Plaintext:%s\nMapped Key:%s\n",plaintext,mappedKey); return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/DynasticINF
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    How to handle subdomain API route on live server?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:23 PM PDT

    On my local machine I had a url api.example.com in my hosts file in sys32 that was actually set to my htdocs/example folder which handled the api routes like api.example.com/v1/users/1.
    This was quite simple in my local machine, the example project in htdocs just worked as frontend on example.com and as an api when accessed through api.example.com. How do I replicate this on my live webserver? There is subdomain folder api.domain.com but that is it's own website with it's own index.html and cgi bin folder. How do I make it work like it does on my local machine? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/BracketLess31
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    Getting Current Exchange Rates Javascript

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    Im trying to get the current exchange rates in javascript. How would I do this? I have searched but cant find anything currently. I will be always exchanging from USD to another currency

    submitted by /u/TheDoominatorYT
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