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    Friday, October 2, 2020

    Nothing has brutalized my confidence quite like transitioning into CompSci. Can I even do this? learn programming

    Nothing has brutalized my confidence quite like transitioning into CompSci. Can I even do this? learn programming

    Nothing has brutalized my confidence quite like transitioning into CompSci. Can I even do this?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    In 2017 I graduated from a pretty good business school, and as I entered the field of "business tech" for lack of a better term. Aka implementing software and emerging technologies on the front end, I became increasingly interested about what goes into creating them, what's under the hood, etc. I've always loved working with data in limited experience, and after speaking with people in the field and also seeing how incredibly versatile the skillset is, I started grad school in Comp Sci at a Top 100 university for the program.

    I write this two semesters in. I kicked things off right in the middle of COVID's spread throughout the US. Professors were making finals optional, a lot of leniency. We all got pity A's. So technically, I have a 4.0. Not that I feel I earned it. Throughout the semester, I lost my job, I was bordering homelessness. Lot of things I was traversing. So the fact I just sort of barreled through the semester when I was truly just unable to grasp it at the time was something I took into account to give myself somewhat of a break. I'm really hard on myself. Let me also preface by saying that for this grad program, because of my complete newbie status, I am in two semesters of intro courses. So, it's not like I was dropped directly into the battlefield.

    Also, apologies this may be all over the place. I just had my third mental breakdown three semesters deep. I'm in Data Structures this semester, for example. The concepts make sense. Different kinds of traversals, understanding when to use what runtime. Give me a multiple choice question, and I'll get it. The code...I just don't get it. It's all a blank. I constantly blank out. I'm working with Java. I attend every extra help session, I read all the text, do all the work. But give me a blank Eclipse tab and ask me to do something, I just can't.

    When other people do it or provide a skeleton of code, yeah I can reverse engineer it. I can look up something similar online and go "ohhhh, I get it," apply it to what I need and move on. But...I don't get it. I'm missing fundamentals. I don't really understand the syntax of homework problems. I've tried resources like MOOC, but I just read and read and clearly it's getting me nowhere. And if I try something like CodeWars with a random daily problem, I freeze again. I have no confidence. I'm further and further convinced I can't do it and I'm not smart. I expected a challenge, the problem isn't the program. I know what it is. But, it's just been crushing. I either take skeleton's of sample work and mess with it a little, or watch someone do it, and sort of get it for 2 minutes. It's clear I need practice and fundamentals and one-on-one help.

    I don't get it. I don't know. I do think deep down I can do this. I am a logical thinker. If we go over a problem, I can draw it to an extent. Some things overwhelm me like certain methods and the structure of how things are set up. But...if you ask me what I want to do to calculate the floor of an array or to calculate a range....I can draw it. But that's it. And now 4 weeks in, problems are getting more complicated and take me much longer to draw out. And then on top of that, the code structure still has me at a blank. I just want to be confident. I want to tackle this challenge. I want this skillset and think it really resonates with long-term goals. But I'm worried it's not going to click. I try so hard. I hate when I need to Google things to help me with homework. I know Google is a programmer's best friend, but I need fundamentals. I hate using frameworks given to me in extra help sessions because those I get done in 15 minutes. But the things they don't give me, I'll spend 12 hours doing one problem and having it not click.

    I need help. I don't know what to do. I'm barrelling through, getting by but not learning what I need. And as things get more complex, I know it's only going to get worse. I don't want to quit, I want to take this on and do it right, but I don't know how. And even still dealing with a lot personally, I allocate 20-25 hours to make sure I hit everything I can...and it makes me feel hopeless. I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/badatthings123
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    How to host python code online ?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I started programming not to long ago and started with python. I wrote a program which lets user create and search through files through tags. I now want to put it online for a RPG community (traveller) to use. The program guides the user through questions to create the file with all necessary tags. How do I host this online, my original plan was to put a console online which runs the code, so I don't have to program to much new, it also fits the theme of the game which is retro sci-fi, but I am unsure if this is possible and where I should start to do so ? in not sure if this is the right place to ask if not, and you happen to know where I should ask pls tell me :) Thank you for reading this :)

    submitted by /u/Noxusequal
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    What are some top paid courses to learn to code algorithms?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    I can understand the algorithms, solve few problems using them, but I feel I need some good courses to headstart learning to code them. Or a good book to get me through the coding part.

    I have read many algorithm books, I have found most of them to be complicated unnecessarily.

    Any help will be highly appreciated.

    For eg-: I am confused in breadth first search coding. I can traverse any graph using BFS, using queue. But, I can't even get the pseudocode right.

    submitted by /u/hnlintune
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    Doing a coding project in school and it's really bringing my confidence down.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    As part of my computer class, i have to do a coding project. I picked to do checkers with local multiplayer as it seemed to be the least complicated (thus easiest?) one that would still meet the requirements for the project. I also picked the language to be python since i have known that the longest.

    A little bit of background, i would not call myself good at coding, not in python, not in anything else. I knew that checkers would require me learning lots of new things, such as how to make a gui, the minimax algorithm with alpha beta pruning, and how to use sockets. I thought that i would be able to easily learn everything and be off on my way to code it without too much trouble.

    Oh boy was i wrong. I've started coding around a week ago and i'm currently still making the basics of the gui. Everything i do, i seem to be doing completely wrong. I don't think i can even accredit this to the fact that I'm using a new library (pygame) or that I'm doing stuff that is new to me. I really think it's because I'm so awful at coding and the logic behind it.

    Coding has never before made me feel so stupid or so unmotivated to continue coding. Before, i'd always want to keep going and fix everything. Now i don't even want to do that, i just don't want to do it anymore if I'm honest.

    My confidence in coding or even problem solving in general has gone down by so much since i started coding this project. It's stressing me out so much too. I don't even know what to do anymore, i came here to vent as a last resort.

    As a bit of additional info, i want to study computer science at university because I'm very interested in cyber security. I'm starting to have doubts about that choice because i know the courses all require some sort of big coding project to be done as part of it.

    Any advice, help, or just anything that's not mean comments is very appreciated.

    submitted by /u/rugring
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    How many issues on GitHub are hard problems and how many are just things that no one got around to do but it's doable when someone takes their time?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    Hard things: creating a big module or adding a feature which looks easy but it actually requires rewriting a lot of stuff because it wasn't thought about it before

    Easy things: adjusting UI in one place I guess? I don't have much imagination, but something which should take at most 3 days.

    submitted by /u/xXxXx_Edgelord_xXxXx
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    28/M First real Object Oriented Programming Job and I'm too slow for my co-workers and has ended up in me getting talk down on.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    I graduated in 2015 with a bachelor degree in managerial marketing but realized after taking a programming class, I realized I enjoyed it. So, I got my masters degree in Digital Science and software development in 2016. (Which showed me nothing) In response I had to learn a lot of stuff on my own, which led to me starting in front end and eventually working my way to being able to get a back end programming job at the United States Government. Everything is so much more fast paced here than I am used to, and on top of not knowing Java/spring/hibernate/junit testing/selenium/cucumber/etc or any of the tec stack when I originally got the job I have spent countless nights trying to catch up which actually has given me a lot of headway.

    I have only been with the company for four months but I am slowly falling behind on my tickets. I am assigned about 30 story points to complete every week and half sprints which involves writing the implementation, Junits, and integration testing. Since I am not knowledgeable enough I ask too many questions which takes time away from their work which gets them mad at me.

    It gets to some point where I am trying to hurry up as fast as I can and then they say stuff like, "this is basic stuff, come on" and things that kind of make me feel like shit.

    I am trying my hardest and even have spent over 24 hrs working on my tickets straight to try to learn and catch up. I think part of the issue is that I just don't know enough yet and when I do know stuff I am afraid to make bitbucket or git changes because I am afraid I am going to mess up something and they will get mad at me. I have heard them talking about me with the project manager and I'm pretty sure I am lose my job soon enough. I am not sure what to do anymore, I love coding and want to grow but I just feel so much pressure that I just want to sit in my room and lay in bed and sleep

    submitted by /u/A_Faceless_Baby
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    How do I align my output text using the printf method (java)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    public class Geometry {

    public static double cubeVolume(double h) { return Math.pow(h,3); }

    public static double cubeSurface(double h) { return 6 * h * h; }

    public static double sphereVolume(double r) { return (4.0 / 3.0) * Math.PI * r * r * r; }

    public static double sphereSurface(double r) { return 4.0 * Math.PI * r * r; }

    public static double cylinderVolume(double r, double h) { return h * Math.PI * r * r; }

    public static double cylinderSurface(double r, double h) { return (2.0 * r * Math.PI * h) + (2.0 * Math.PI * r * r); }

    public static double coneVolume(double r, double h) { return (1.0 / 3.0) * Math.PI * r * r * h; }

    public static double coneSurface(double r, double h) { return Math.PI * r * (h+r); } }

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class GeometryTester {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Please enter the radius: "); double r = in.nextDouble();

    System.out.println("Please enter the height: "); double h = in.nextDouble(); System.out.println("The volume of the cube is: " + Geometry.cubeVolume(h)); System.out.println("The surface area of a cube is: " + Geometry.cubeSurface(h)); System.out.printf("The volume of the sphere is: %.1f%n" , Geometry.sphereVolume(r)); System.out.printf("The surface area of the sphere is: %.1f%n" , Geometry.sphereSurface(r)); System.out.printf("The volume of the cylinder is: %.1f%n" , Geometry.cylinderVolume(r,h)); System.out.printf("The surface area of the cylinder is: %.1f%n" , Geometry.cylinderSurface(r,h)); System.out.printf("The volume of the cone is: %.1f%n" , Geometry.coneVolume(r,h)); System.out.printf("The surface area of the cone is: %.1f%n" , Geometry.coneSurface(r, h)); 

    } }

    My output currently looks like this https://imgur.com/Ot3xyLN How do I get the numbers to be aligned in my output?

    submitted by /u/rondoJNBA
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    WordPress Plugin Development Roadmap

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    I am wondering if there is a roadmap out there to becoming a WordPress plugin developer. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/EBS_DEV
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    Have you ever used De Morgan's Law in conditional expressions?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    It can improve the readability of your code a lot.

    Here are some examples from me, if you have any share it with us :)

    not (A and B) == (not A) or (not B)

    not (A or B) == (not A) and (not B)

    !(a < 10) && !(b <= 5) == (a >= 10) && (b > 5)

    !(a > b || b != a) == (a <= b && b == a)

    (!A && !B && !C) == !(A || B || C)

    (!A || !B || !C) == !(A && B && C)

    submitted by /u/NemanjaVas
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    What's the difference between a binary search and a two pointer search?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    They seem similar to me and when they are used to tackle a complex problem a Two-pointer search is sometimes faster. Why is that?

    submitted by /u/I-am-a-CapitalistPig
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    Question about Visual Studio 2019 (and .NET, bootstrap, and mongodb)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    I am new to web development and I am making the backend with a .NET api and mongodb using the tutorial found here:


    I am confused about the project structure in Visual Studio. If I make a new project, I can choose the API Project template or Web Application. Following that tutorial, I choose the API Project template but if I want to start making the front-end of the site using Bootstrap, I would choose the Web Application template. I'm not sure if I'm describing my question very well, but how can I have the nice folder structure and premade files of the Web Application template but also link that to the API that I made? The API template does not have the example html files and stuff like that. Would I just need to copy everything from the web application over to the api project, or is there a way to make 2 projects and reference the api from the web application? I looked everywhere on google and the only tutorials I could find were how to make an api after the front-end is already made, but I'm going in reverse order and starting with the api template and trying to make the front-end last.

    submitted by /u/YoyoDevo
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    How does using a Text Editor on steroids limit me ?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    I'm a beginner to programming. I've done web development courses in college which is how I got started on using Sublime Text. I really like the ease of use and how appealing the code looks on the editor ( I know I'm being picky, but I just feel like I can comprehend my code better when looking at it in sublime vs netbeans. )

    I find it a pain to constantly use terminal to run programs, but I've recently found that I can run java programs in sublime itself ! Well , I actually haven't tried it, but i have a tab open that has instructions on how to do it , so I was going to try it.

    Again, I'm a beginner. I'm going through the programming exercises in Starting Out With Java by Tony Gaddis, and so far I'm trying out the exercises from chapter 4: decisions structures.

    I haven't felt limited at all so far using sublime, but I also realize I'm at a very beginner level. Next chapter is Loops and Files , which I haven't looked at yet.

    At what point will I start feeling limited by using a text editor?

    submitted by /u/ChrisQuenton
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    [Homework][C] Simple code for ascending order

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    So, one of the exercises in the homework is pretty simple: the program should receive a x number and the program should then say if it's in ascending order or not.

    Now, I know how to do it using for, but it needs to be with while and I have no idea as to how I could do that.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/confused1968
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    How viable would it be to host my own small website on a personal server machine?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    By small, lets be generous and say I get 5000 visits a month.

    submitted by /u/Chance-City2771
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    Is there any platform on which I can build my own team and work on a project?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    It would be great if that kind of platform exist. I mean, we could connect with each other through our work and learn new things from them.

    submitted by /u/JastorJ
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    Learning C++ on chromebook

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    I'm on a tight budget at the moment but really want to learn programming. I dabbled in it in college and didn't quite finish the class (various reasons, unrelated). I only have access to a chromebook or an android, but I have a steady internet connection. I've searched for some time, but haven't found any good sources for learning C++ in a user-friendly and free way. I also am unable to find a compiler to use on a chromebook, would I be able to run C++ on a chromebook? Any links to programs/compilers would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Dleedev
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    Simple SQL questions but I'm a bit confused...

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    If I have a table called farm:

    id animal1 animal2 animal3

    How can I select the columns so that I get a table where it only contains "CAT" under all 3 columns?

    Is it possible to query in such a way????

    I tried SELECT animal1, animal2, animal3 from farm WHERE animal1="CAT", animal2="CAT", animal3="CAT";

    this query gave me an error tho... can someone please please help?

    submitted by /u/scaled2good
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    why does this variable have an initial value?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    So I tried to run this code in bot cmd and vscode but the output is always the same even though I haven't assigned any value to it at the start can someone tell me what's wrong.


    submitted by /u/AforSmithz
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    How to make a timed app blocker for Windows

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    I wanted a program that would stop me from playing games and using social media for a specific amount of time everyday, however the ones I found online are either easily bypassed, payed, badly customizable or any combination of these. I asked that in r/AskComputerScience but someone told me to come here (although I think it fits there). Here is a link to that post for a more in depth explanation:


    So, how do I make one?

    submitted by /u/Sir_Minhoca
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    Review needed for a project-plan. Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    Hey ppl,

    I want to code an application using python - its purpose will be :
    * Playing and downloading YT videos natively
    * Having a playlist system, primarily for playing music.

    To do this task, I have so far found: -youtube-dl to search and capture the video and audio streams, i then plan to
    -forward this stream to a simple opencv based player
    -this will be embedded in a GUI made with pysimplegui (tkinter version).

    I am a novice to programming but have exprience with linux and some simple projects. This project is currently above my skill level, but learning this way (using documentation and projects) is the best way for me.

    Can this be done or am I missing something? Any tips will be appreciated. Also, where should I start? And will I be able to embed opencv into pysimplegui or should I use stock tkinter (since pysimplegui is much easier).

    submitted by /u/Better_Prior_5606
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    Learning python by making a discord bot.Got stuck horribly at the last stage.Please help

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    A bit of background

    I've been trying to make a discord bot as my first pet project after learning a bit of python .My aim is to retrieve API data from an online game I have been playing and paste it on my discord server.The player ID of the data that I need to retrieve is given from the discord command.For ex: "!stats 2255880" is the command where 2255880 is the in-game player ID.I have almost completed the code,except the infernal error i keep getting and google did not help me much

    The error: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'Messageable.send' was never awaited

    message.channel.send(end_data )

    RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback

    #to import modules import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import Bot import requests import json #client for bot client=discord.Client() ######## TORN API DATA ######### apikey='hidden' @client.event async def on_message(message): if message.content.startswith('!stats'): def torn_script(player_ID): apiurl='https://api.torn.com/user/'+str(player_ID)+'?selections=personalstats&key='+apikey r=requests.get(apiurl) astext=r.text asdict=json.loads(astext) data=json.loads(requests.get(apiurl).text)['personalstats'] print('attacks won: ',data['attackswon']) async def discord_display(end_data): await message.channel.send(end_data ) discord_display(['finally the dumbass succeded.LOL']) torn_script(message.content[6:]) 

    Any help is greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/Riki1996
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    I am having a hard time getting my program to read a float with two numbers after decimal

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    Update: I got it to work, but now it is not producing the right decimal points. I am getting an integer when I should be getting a float.

    It will not accept a number such as 3590.56, but it will accept a number like 3520.4. I am unsure why it is not accepting more than one number after the decimal point.

    include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int main() { double totalMilk, cartonsProd;

    const double CARTON = 3.78; const double PRODUCTION_COST = 0.38; const double PROFIT = 0.27; cout << "How much milk was produced? "; cin >> totalMilk; cartonsProd = totalMilk / CARTON; cout << static_cast<int>(cartonsProd) << " carton(s) produced"; cout << "The total cost of production is: $" << totalMilk * PRODUCTION_COST; cout << "The total profit is: $" << cartonsProd * PROFIT; return 0; 


    submitted by /u/SelfDeprecatioNation
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    JAVA Trying to compile and run code

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    I came across a 4d maze written in java that I'd like to run and look at the code for. Looking at the code is easy, but I've never compiled and run java before. Heres the download page

    I installed java and openjdk using apt install from the distros repo

    What I'm seeing online is saying to use javac whatever.java but I'm assuming i need to find the entry point.

    Google and grep make it seem like the main function 'public static void main' is in src/Maze.java

    So I try and compile it javac Maze.java and it produces errors that mostly look like these

    symbol: variable PropertyFile location: class Maze Maze.java:351: error: cannot find symbol } catch (ValidationException e) { ^ symbol: class ValidationException location: class Maze Maze.java:360: error: cannot find symbol PropertyFile.save(fileCurrent,this); ^ 

    Kind of at a loss as what to do next. I tried java Maze.java but that seems to just be compiling then running in one command

    submitted by /u/The137
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