• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 11, 2020

    I have started learning a dozen times and I'm finding it harder to return each time and needing to re-"learn" all the basics before actually starting to learn. learn programming

    I have started learning a dozen times and I'm finding it harder to return each time and needing to re-"learn" all the basics before actually starting to learn. learn programming

    I have started learning a dozen times and I'm finding it harder to return each time and needing to re-"learn" all the basics before actually starting to learn.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    I have tried learning to code so many times. I learned some Visual Basic in high school, a little bit of javascript in uni (before I dropped out), and more than 8 attempts at learning Unity/C#. But each time I feel like I am just copying examples and not really internalizing the information and learning the concepts and tools so I can apply them to something else other than the given example.

    Each time I try to return to learning it's like "I KNOW variables already. I KNOW IF statements... I KNOW THE GODDAMN LOOPS." and it just becomes excessively frustrating having to go through these motions again. I try skipping ahead to where I know things but every lesson is built on the previous lessons and so I just end up needing to trudge through that quagmire of knowledge all over again.

    I have recently discovered through therapy/psychiatry that I have ADHD and am now on new meds that will help me tackle some of these mental blocks, and rather than going Unity/Game Dev to learn code I'm just gonna try PYTHON since I've heard it's a great language for learning programming in general and hopefully that will be what I need to think like a program and come up with actual solutions and understand the tools.

    My biggest issue with online tools/tutorials/courses is that I can't ask questions, and I really hate the long back and forth from written words to even help someone figure out what i'm struggling with on reddit/forums/discord (I'm an audio/kinesthetic learner)

    And if I have to learn about variables/loops/conditionals again I will scream.

    It is legitimately scary for me because last time I tried I fell into a deep depression from hitting that same wall for the umpteenth time. But I feel like without a straight up tutor who can guide me through things and I can ask questions of, I'll just struggle and hit that wall again.

    I don't know what to do :-/

    submitted by /u/BloodChicken
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    Are there any sites which provides you with beginner projects/exercise for people who just started out learning Python?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    I am starting my Python journey with a Udemy course called "Automate The Boring Stuff". I don't have any technology background so this will be a great challenge for me. I am not the most creative person either, and can't really think of any projects where I can apply what I learnt from those lessons to something I can personally use.

    So are there any good sites out there that provides projects for beginners like myself to practice on?


    submitted by /u/Tomly
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    Is it possible to create ArrayLists in C where I can access an index directly?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    I know how to make a LinkedList in C but I'm struggling to understand how an ArrayList would be implemented in C - especially the addition and direct access parts

    submitted by /u/confusedsoul4477
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    Wich language should I learn?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    A long time ago I learned HTML, now I just finished learning C++. I would like making a big tech company, like a page or an app, and I also like game development, but I don't really know what codes should I learn for this kind of stuff, so what languages would you suggest me learning?

    submitted by /u/ElielFajardo
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    What can I teach in 30 minutes?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Basically the title.

    I work in a cadet program, and was told to teach thirty minutes of basic coding to my students. I am apparently supposed to assume that they've never coded before.

    What can I teach them?

    submitted by /u/Derk08
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    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    So today I finally decide to self study the Python, because of our assignment. I'm using Visual Studio Code and I am just starting to learn some stuff in Python. This is a slow progress, but yea I'm just happy to start!

    submitted by /u/JJ_Balms
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    [Python] How to find a value that is store in 2 different classes

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    I have almost zero experience coding and I am trying to learn how to use python. I want to make a program that prints my grades to an excel spreadsheet, but due to my lack of experience I encountered some problems.

    1. I try to find the value that represents my grades by class (that is the value that goes in the "Puntaje" column in the spreadsheet and in the code it is the variable "grades") but when I run the program it prints a tool tip text along with my grades ("Haga clic para probar una calificación diferente"). Is there a better way to find the value I need? I am using selenium because I didn't want to code a way to log into my school's page with beautiful soup as it is harder.
    2. I tried using regular expressions to fix the tool tip problem but as I never used regex before I encountered another problem, my grades are printed between brackets "[ ]". Again, is there a better way to do this? Or maybe I just have to fix my regex pattern.
    3. My grades are stored in different classes: "grade" and "score value" depending on the format (it is not always the same for every assignment) . I need both values but I don't know how to make it so it knows when to look for each class.

    To be precise I want to have the values of "grades" and "score_value" in the same column. The problem is that some of them use the "grade" and others use the "score_value" class.

    Here is my code.

    Here are my grades located on the web page I am scraping.

    "grade" class (this one stores the grades where my professor only typed in the points (e.g. 15, 20, 100).

    "score_value" class (this one stores my obtained points and the grade in parenthesis (e.g. 15 (5.0), 20 (3.0), 48 (4.8)).

    Here is my spreadsheet, look how my grades are displayed.

    Apologies if my English writing skills are not the best and sorry if you can not understand my comments because they are in Spanish, but you probably wont need them to understand the code.

    There are probably better ways to achieve what I am trying to do, so if you know what might be better just tell me a I will do some research. Thanks in advance and I hope my code didn't make your eyes explode haha.

    submitted by /u/DarkSoldierJack
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    Advice for starting?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    Hello, i feel stupid posting here because there is probably an FAQ that has the literal answers, but im hoping i can get some kind of direction here.

    I want to turn my life around. I had gone to university (in UK) to study Comp Sci but ended up dropping out. In later years I was diagnosed and trying to get help for depression and anxiety issues, after having some horrible episodes which in hindsight were the same ones that hindered me at University.

    I have had some basic programming experience, C++ text based games and basic python stuff. But it"s been a few years now and i've pretty much forgotten everything i knew. All i really have anymore is excel formulae i taught my colleagues how to use and pseudo-code i bounce back and forth with my friend when he is working on real projects.

    Whenever i try to think about what i can do to start to get my life in some kind of direction again - and i've always been decent with computers and my Uni tutors had told me i have a mind for programming - i just fall into this horrible panic because i have no idea where to start and can't imagine ever ending up successful. Its like: i've peeled back the curtain and seen just how much there is that i dont know and can't imagine ever knowing especially after losing the grasp on what little i did know.

    So after the sob story, is there any advice or direction anyone can give to help? It feels like my mind just goes blank when i try to figure out where to start. If i could "The Sims" it and simply "practise programming" to tap away while a bar fills up i would in a heartbeat but i know it doesnt work that way

    submitted by /u/Wrinkled_giga_brain
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    Why does it seem like even mega big corporations like facebook and reddit with tons of SWE and devs still have lots of issues on their platforms? Is it really impossible to produce a bug free product?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    Just wondering this

    submitted by /u/ineedandlove_acid
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    Java: Folding your way to the moon (CodeWars)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:21 PM PDT


    Have you heard about the myth that if you fold a paper enough times, you can reach the moon with it? Sure you have, but exactly how many? Maybe it's time to write a program to figure it out.

    You know that a piece of paper has a thickness of 0.0001m
    . Given distance
    in units of meters, calculate how many times you have to fold the paper to make the paper reach this distance.
    (If you're not familiar with the concept of folding a paper: Each fold doubles its total thickness.)

    Note: Of course you can't do half a fold. You should know what this means ;P

    Also, if somebody is giving you a negative distance, it's clearly bogus and you should yell at them by returning null
    (or whatever equivalent in your language. In Shell please return None

    My code:

    public class PaperFolder { public static Long fold(Double distance) { double untilReached = 0; double thickness = 0.0001; long folded = 0; while(untilReached != distance) { if(distance > 0) { untilReached = thickness * 2; folded += 1; } else { return null; } } return folded; } } 

    My error is Execution Timed out.

    submitted by /u/foolwya
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    How to write a program that changes things in already existing things (like Windows menus?)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:35 PM PDT


    I was writing a complicated explanation and then my PC crashed so I'll just try to keep it brief, hope I get my point across clear enough - let's say I want to write a program that changes a setting within a Windows menu - how would I go on to do this?

    For example, let's say I want to write a program that changes "Input Indicator" option to "off" within "Taskbar Settings"->"Turn system icons on or off" menu - how exactly can I do with an ordinary C++ or C# (or even Python) program? Does this require meddling with registry and knowing specific hooks for this or is there a super easy way I don't know of?

    Also, is it possible to do this without doing it "script like"? What I mean by "script like" is if you made this in Autohotkey for example, it'd actually do all the actions as if a user was doing it, which means everything would be shown on screen and it'd not be an instant process. I guess if you do a program you can just instantly change the setting without a tedious process like that?


    submitted by /u/aNumberFiveLarge
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    [C] Getting in to low-level systems programming

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    I know Rust is all the rage right now for systems programming, but I feel like there comes a time in every car enthusiast's life where one must perform an engine rebuild to really understand what makes things tick. In the *nix world, it seems like a working knowledge of C is prerequisite.

    My educational background is in mechanical engineering, where some computer science basics were mandatory. I have some years of experience, both personal and professional, doing Linux system administration / DevOps / back-end cloud stuff, intermediate level shell scripting and Python development. What I'm looking to achieve is proficiency in reading and understanding, for example, Linux kernel code with the goal of one day becoming a contributor. I'm particularly interested in learning more about driver development, the networking stack, and virtualization. Embedded systems are cool, too.

    And so, questions: Where do I start? Are online courses, which are generally either geared toward web or game or mobile app development, going to help me here? Should I buy some books? Which ones?

    Thank you for your input.

    submitted by /u/0ofnik
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    Where can I Learn this Material?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    So I'll be taking this course in university to try and go into a CS major. I wanna get the biggest head start possible because honestly I feel like most people who are trying to compete with me to go into CS already have experience with it all. So the stuff I need to learn I'd the following:

    Abstract data types and data structures for implementing them. Linked data structures. Encapsulation and information-hiding. Object-oriented programming. Specifications. Analyzing the efficiency of programs. Recursion. OOP. The coding will be done in Python.

    Does anyone have any free resources I can use to learn all of this? I did take the intro course but it's been atleast a year and honestly I didn't really continue to practice it because I've been so occupied with my other courses, really something I regret but I can't change what has happened just wanna get off on the right foot. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Totsuka-Blade
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    Help with using Portaudio and ALSA in C++ on Raspberry Pi (codelite IDE)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:06 PM PDT

    Im trying to get Portaudio to work in C++ and I come from Python and Windows so I'm having trouble installing the libraries. Here's what I've done:

    Installed ALSA sdk using sudo apt-get install libasound-dev

    Installed Portaudio by downloading the tar and using ./configure, make, sudo make install

    Now I have libportaudio.a, libportaudio.la, and a few .so files in /usr/local/lib. I can't find where libasound installed but I can see it in my package manager as installed.

    Ive been using this page: http://portaudio.com/docs/v19-doxydocs/compile_linux.html

    I dont quite get what it means by "your binary" at the bottom when it says "gcc main.c libportaudio.a -lrt -lm -lasound -ljack -pthread -o YOUR_BINARY"

    Im using codelite and im not quite sure how to configure the linker and compiler paths and how to handle the headers.

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/soysaus52
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    VScode help with .class files. (Very new and really wanting to learn)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    So I am having issues trying to figure out how to open .class files in VScode.

    Some backstory. Im trying to learn to code by creating minecraft mods as it seems like something fun and a good way to start, and I figured I can learn the structure of the code by looking at other peoples works and learning from them. At this time I am stuck trying to find how to open class files in VScode and havent been able to find anything that is described in a way my monkey brain can understand. THANKS!!!

    submitted by /u/Gboihere
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    Is it worth for me to get proficient with Elementor?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    Elementor is a drag and drop website builder for Wordpress.

    Some background info I have been coding a few years I have built a handful of websites from scratch without a CMS and a handful of wordpress themes, also I did a blog and ecommerce site with Django. (these were all personal projects)

    I want to start making sites professionally the two biggest problems I have are.

    • I code very slow, I'm scared clients will drop me from how long I take, even simple requests they have could take me days to figure out.
    • I'm bad at designing

    I'm thinking that I should just do basic host setup and theme installation for people and avoid site building all together cause back-end setup and debugging I'm more comfortable with.

    If I'm cornered into site building should I just do strictly Elementor?

    submitted by /u/Own_Power_2601
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    (Python) 1/0 or True/False?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    I was wondering which of the two variants is more common/"professional"?:

    x = True

    y = False


    x = 1

    y = 0

    submitted by /u/L1nLin
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    What should I do with an unused Netlify free tier?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    What would be something interesting to work on and then host statically?

    submitted by /u/tyrannosauru
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    How to right justfy into left justify using iomanip in C++?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    I'm trying to left justify into right justify for a file output but I can't seem to get it the way I want it to look.

    I want my output to look like this:




    As you can see, I want m integers to be right justified to the headings and I want the string to be left justified to the headings.

    The issue I run in to, is that my output either looks like this:




    Or this:




    submitted by /u/discordhighlanders
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    How should I answer a (very) basic programming question?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    Hey all, as the title says I'm applying for a coding internship and all they require is a basic understanding of coding concepts and an interest in coding. I am NOT asking for help with answering the question in particular, but I am curious about what the company is looking for!

    Here is the problem:

    Problem Number 2: Write a simple program using PCode. PCode contains the following constructs:

    Variables: var1 through var10

    Single dimension arrays: array(var)


    (assign) var = var or var = (value)

    (arithmetic) var = var + var or var = var + value (+, -, *, /)

    Conditional: IF condition THEN action

    Indexed Loop: var = (start) TO (finish) STEP (value) ⇒ END LOOP

    Conditional Loop: LOOP WHILE (condition) ⇒ END LOOP, or

    Conditional Loop: START LOOP ⇒ LOOP WHILE (condition)

    Read (reads in the next value into var): READ var

    Write (Writes out the value of var): WRITE var

    Write a program that reads in 8 items and then writes them out in the reverse order.

    I have been learning Python for a few months and I'm sure I can answer this question with some code I write myself (like, an actual function, instead of just using slices or the .reverse() method). What I struggle with is if I should try to build a code specifically with the syntax and constructs provided; it's obviously much more simple than Python, but since I have no practice at all with other languages I'm tempted to try to conform those classes to Python, which might be totally off. I couldn't find much reference at all to PCode anywhere. Or is the answer really just in the attempt?

    Again, not looking for a solution, but some clarity on the problem. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Casemander
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    Recommended library to create something like this?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    https://youtu.be/ap-89pKHNJk (color, moving things...)

    Bigger, more complex, colorful Cornwell's game of life

    submitted by /u/JacksonSteel
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    JAVA - Binary Tree question

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    private static int parentOf(int x, Node root) {

     if(root == null || x == (root.info) { return 0; } if((root.leftChild != null && root.leftChild.info== x ) || (root.leftChild != null && root.leftChild.info== x )) { return (root.info; } return parentOf(x, root.leftChild) + parentOf(x, root.rightChild); } 

    The code is supposed to return the parent of the X value. It works for some nodes but not all of them. Can someone please explain why?

    submitted by /u/eyeeyecaptainn
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    Do you guys know of any programming discords?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    Preferably more python based, but any is accepted!

    submitted by /u/NotJoshHo
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    Euler Problem 2 Recursion Java

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    I need help constructing a recursive code in Java for Euler Problem 2. The problem states: each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2 the first 10 terms of the Fibonacci sequence are 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89... by considering the terms in the sequence whose values do not exceed 4 million, find the sum of the even valued terms" I really need help trying to figure out how to do this recursively in Java! Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/nikki3335
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