I completed 4 freecodecamp certifications for front end development in 3 months learn programming |
- I completed 4 freecodecamp certifications for front end development in 3 months
- SQL where to start
- Question: Is it normal to have days when you don't understand how your code works but you're still able to write the code and it works?
- Git tutorials suck. Please help.
- the need for speed is real, but I promise there's a better (and faster) way to learn how to program
- An article written predominantly about Arduino, but can be applied to general C/C++. How to reduce memory consumption of your Arduino code.
- Who feels a sort of imposter syndrome while coding
- Is freeCodeCamp worth it?
- [Embedded] Would you use a platform that allows you to remotely access multiple combinations of boards and sensors?
- Are you stupid if things like Hackerrank give you trouble?
- Golden search section as a step
- [C++] Can someone help me with my simple calculator, when I add two numbers, the answer is always 1.
- What's your "must read/watch" ?
- How can I reset my players position depending on the y velocity in pygame?
- Create an public API help
- Which path to choose b/w App Dev & Game Dev?
- ELI5: File Operations
- Unable to self study, what to do?
- Personal Side Project Idea, Should I use Python or JS
- What does threading.activecount really do, I have yet to grasp this
- Multiplayer Game Architecture in Unity
- How do you parse a visual node-based script?
- directed tree graph in html-best method?
- What's wrong with my regex?
I completed 4 freecodecamp certifications for front end development in 3 months Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:01 AM PDT Today I completed the below 4 certificates on freecodecamp.com, I was able to do them( about 650 lessons ) in about 3 months ( by giving 1 hr each on weekday and 2-3 hrs on weekends, though I wasn't regular always ) Link to my profile in case wanna see my heat map, I have tried to be as regular as I can - JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification - Front End Libraries Certification - APIs and Microservices Certification Below is my experience and things I learnt Even though I am not a beginner, I have worked in Java ecosystem creating web applications. But I was quite new to JS, in past I had only used simple JS statements like document.getElementById('').value to get values of fields in form and making a AJAX call to some API using them. Before this, I had worked on my company's own JS framework where we had all scaffolding and everything laid out to us so that developer didn't need to interact with low level stuff themselves. In short I didn't know how to build things from scratch myself. Responsive Web Design
I knew lot of stuff from this learning path(basic HTML and CSS). What I found helpful was Applied Visual Design and Applied Accessibility courses. They are important for making sites that is accessible by everyone. Being a good programmer is not just about making stuff for ideal condition. Things we make should be resilient enough so that they work in non ideal conditions and user still able to use our application. I also liked learning about color theory, how to choose colors for your website, how much contrast you should have between your text and background for readability. I learnt CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox. Firstly I did a course on Scrimba.com Learn Flexbox This helped me understand basic syntax. Its easier to start with someone explaining the concept to you than you just reading a bunch of text. Next thing I did was I went through CSS-Tricks.com A Complete Guide to Flexbox I went through each CSS property and filled in the missing gaps which the above tutorial didn't cover. I followed similar approach for CSS grid i.e. first watched videos on Learn CSS Grid and then read A Complete Guide to Grid The projects at the end of the path were fun to do. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
I was really looking forward to this topics as it had all the real world programming stuff. I knew basic JS with few gaps here and there. I didn't knew much about object oriented programming in JS other than creating basic objects through object literal and assigning values to their properties and using them as place to store things. Even though ES6 was released almost 5 years back, still all these syntax were new to me. I learnt many things like arrow functions, default parameters, let vs const vs var, Destructuring Assignment , rest and spread operators, class syntax. Functional programming especially the array methods taught me how to do things concisely and without changing the array we are working on. It feels good to accomplish things with so less code after using them.It taught me how Functional programming taught me to reduce bugs by making predictable pure functions by avoiding the change of input arguments and making functions that don't have side effect(don't change other variables/properties that are outside your function). The problem solving challenges were not too tough and I was able to solve most of them without any difficulty. These lessons wouldn't teach you Data Structures and Algorithms required for cracking interviews(better use leetcode or hackerrank for that) but the everyday problem solving skills.( These tutorials are meant for beginners to start building things and not to do bog them down by teaching theoretical stuff first ) I didn't use any other tutorial for this path as it itself was so big. Though I would like to go through JS MDN guides in future to cover my knowledge gaps. Things I would want to study more - Asynchronous Programming ( promise, async, await ), learn more about the tricky stuff like closure and JavaScript idiosyncrasies. Front End Libraries
I had completed the courses for Bootstrap and jQuery in 2018. I just went through my notes once in order to review them. I was excited to learn React and was amazed by how some of the things are so simple to do. I learnt about JSX, two types of components - stateless functional components and class components, how to use props, how to communicate between child and parent component. I feel I have gaps in my knowledge, these tutorials are good to give you a introduction but if you wanna build real world stuff you need to dig deeper by going through React official documentation. Still they have provided me enough knowledge for me to know where to look for what things and be able to understand official docs. Its about learning how to learn :D instead of learning that specific thing. I built all my projects in React in order to improve my react knowledge. Some of the projects like 25 + 5 clock timer were really tough to get their tests right as there always off by 1 error. ( But we learn only from the tough things :p ) I would like to share few projects that we were required to make in order to get this certification(all of them were very interesting functionality wise as well). APIs and Microservices
I was finally was able to create my much hyped REST APIs :P I discovered that I do not need to install anything on my laptop and I could code everything online. I was using repl.it as my online IDE and used MongoDB cloud atlas for my database. I really enjoyed being able to host my projects online without much effort. This didn't cover much about Node.js and I am planning to learn it own through their official documentation. I went through ExpressJS Tutorial to get better understanding of Express. The tutorials didn't cover a lot of things which is kind of expected if you have reached so far, you should be able to Read, Search, (Don't Be Afraid to) Ask on your own. I enjoyed doing the projects especially the URL shortner( it feels good to bieng able to make something that could be useful in real life). I also plan to do Quality Assurance Certification to learn more about unit testing and some more Node.js I would like to share my notes which I created while going through the courses on below topics. Things that are important in real world but are not covered:
I am planning to go through the things mentioned in below sites and fill my knowledge gaps. They provide a good checklist of things we should know as a front end developer. - JS Interview Checklist (https://js-interview.com/javascript-interview-preparation-checklist/) - Front End developer Roadmap (https://roadmap.sh/frontend) - React Roadmap (https://roadmap.sh/react) I would want to dig deeper into react by going through the official documentation, go through Node.js official documentation and probable learn GraphQL (an alternative to REST API) Though all this seems to be an ambitious plan :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:41 AM PDT I'm a developer and despite being proficient in C++ I am completely unaware of how to interface with a database. Looking for SQL textbooks I found myself overwhelmed by information but with no actual meaning. Can you suggest me a good beginner textbook (maybe with a download link) and which "kind of SQL Language" I should start with? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:29 AM PDT Dear Programmers, I'm a beginner to programming and currently starting with C. Is it normal to have days when you don't understand how your code works but you're still able to write the code and it works? I hope my question was clear. [link] [comments] |
Git tutorials suck. Please help. Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:35 AM PDT Hi guys, I'm trying to learn Git and GitHub to link up my stuff on VS Code. Every tutorial on YouTube is too confusing and unclear, and even the 'Beginner' ones are too advanced. I'm hopelessly clueless and just want to learn the absolute fundamentals. I just want to know the most basic things like how to push my stuff onto GitHub and committing and whatever. Does anyone have any simple and clear resources to help me out? [link] [comments] |
the need for speed is real, but I promise there's a better (and faster) way to learn how to program Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:59 PM PDT I remember when I first started to learn how to code. All I could think about was how fast I could learn how to code so I could land a job. It seemed as if there was a clock constantly ticking in the back of my head. Looking back I realized a few key things that would have helped put me at ease, but more importantly, helped me learn how to code and land a job a lot faster. I realized that the less I focused on speed and, instead, prioritized understanding, I actually retained more information. I want to pass a few tips along that I felt would have drastically changed my timeline and, hopefully, help many of you avoid the mistakes I made.
Dozens of people have asked me, "What should I be learning?" I tell them the same answer every time and it doesn't include the words "function," "recursion," "regular expressions," or any other fundamental/interview programming concept. I bring them through an exercise that tells them exactly what they need to know. I want to take you through that same exercise:
It's easy to get overwhelmed with this process. The most important thing you need to know is that you don't have to memorize everything and rush through learning everything. Each programming concept builds on other principles. The more time you spend learning the fundamentals upfront will save you years on the backend (no pun intended). Feel free to reach out, I'm here to help! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:57 AM PDT This article was written predominantly about Arduino programming, but since that's based on C/C++, you can apply these lessons generally. Memory is a very finite resource within Arduino and this can make programming large and complex projects quite challenging. This is quite different to programming for PC's, where you've got gigabytes of memory a your disposal. Despite this, the challenge of fitting large and complex programs into small memory can be somewhat enjoyable! See full article: https://www.logiqbit.com/6-ways-to-reduce-arduino-memory-consumption [link] [comments] |
Who feels a sort of imposter syndrome while coding Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:20 PM PDT I mean, sometimes I feel like I don't know how to code, and that I have to always copy other people tutorials. I also don't know how to test my self. when I do, it's just on the basics not on topics like modules and other advanced stuff [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:55 AM PDT I mean, it's obviously free of charge, but does it make me hireable? I already am going to school and I'm learning coding, but the teachers are just... How is it that I can understand the explanations better at freeCodeCamp than at school? I kind of want to quit school and stop paying for it and make it on my own, but I know that there are probably many employers that are like:"YOU NEED A DEGREE!!" no matter how good my portfolio is. Has anybody ever gotten a job only with freeCodeCamp? It seems really good. It's better than Udemy etc. Tell me your story, please. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:49 PM PDT Hi all, Would anyone use a product that allows you to access embedded boards and sensors remotely? You would be able to select them a la carte and test and code on them. Why and why would you not use this product? If you would, what boards/sensors would you like to get access to? [link] [comments] |
Are you stupid if things like Hackerrank give you trouble? Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:57 PM PDT Trying to tackle easy and medium problems, some are super easy and done in 2 minutes but some expect you to know some obscure feature of python that I simply can not figure out without googling or looking at the tutorial. Theres no way others just knew this off the bat. [link] [comments] |
Golden search section as a step Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:37 PM PDT Hello I've an assignment where I need to use golden search section as a step for Steepest ascent .Any idea how I can achieve this ? I don't get the relationship [link] [comments] |
[C++] Can someone help me with my simple calculator, when I add two numbers, the answer is always 1. Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:59 PM PDT #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ } [link] [comments] |
What's your "must read/watch" ? Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:36 AM PDT Including books , articles , blogs , YouTube channels or anything really. [link] [comments] |
How can I reset my players position depending on the y velocity in pygame? Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:15 PM PDT Right now, I have it set up to where it will print "Respawn!" after the Y velocity of 35 has been exceeded, which is also the point in which I'd like to reset the character. How can I do this in pygame? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT I've been scrapping data for earthquake for about 1 year now, and I have a huge ,150 GB , database with earthquake data, and I want to create a public api to allow developers to access it. In my mind this would API would allow developers to access the API to build applications that require earthquake information, and I also want people to be use the entire Databases for machine learning as well. I finished a Udemy course last weeks and I feel more comfortable with API development. What are some of the things that I should consider as I build this API? [link] [comments] |
Which path to choose b/w App Dev & Game Dev? Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:50 PM PDT Which path to choose if you want money and enjoyment both in your career? Actually want a job as soon as possible, so should I go for app development or game development? Or if there is anything else too please do mention, I need your help. I am a teenager but I want to earn on my own now and don't want to be dependent on my family to fulfil my wants and needs. Please guide if you can! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:31 PM PDT Can't wrap my head around the concept of buffers, channels etc etc. I just want a clear explanation on how programming languages perform file IO, even pointers to some easily understandable resources would help. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Unable to self study, what to do? Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:28 PM PDT I've tried a few times to self study and even though self study makes sense in theory and I'm interested in the content I am just unable to do it consistently even if I have the time. Are some people just unable to self study? [link] [comments] |
Personal Side Project Idea, Should I use Python or JS Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:28 PM PDT I want to develop an e-commerce app. I've only used Python for programming thus far (with the exception of R for data analysis) so I was planning on using Django, but then thought maybe this would be a good opportunity to learn Javascript. Do you think using Javascript would be better in terms of future employment opportunities? Or just in general, is there a reason why I should use JS over Django? [link] [comments] |
What does threading.activecount really do, I have yet to grasp this Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:15 PM PDT |
Multiplayer Game Architecture in Unity Posted: 04 Oct 2020 05:24 PM PDT I've been working on a multiplayer game development series using Unity. I put in a lot of effort into this overview of multiplayer architecture so I hope you find it useful! [link] [comments] |
How do you parse a visual node-based script? Posted: 04 Oct 2020 05:24 PM PDT I'm talking about something like Unreal Engine 4 or Godot's visual script. My first idea is to just start from the end/return node and recursively call a GetValue() method from each of its predecessors. The problem is, this wouldn't work for anything more complicated, like a sequence node/for loop node for instance. It also wouldn't work for Delay nodes(basically a timed sleep call). So recursively running it from end to start isn't the way. What algorithm can be used then, to run it from start to finish? [link] [comments] |
directed tree graph in html-best method? Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:05 PM PDT I'm working on moving my "tech tree" project out of excel to an interactive graph using HTML and JS. Here is a quick breakdown of my project...
Right now I have an excel table with data for about 700 "techs" and I am slowly learning HTML, CSS, and Java Script coding to put get something that looks like what is described above. In essence this will be a directed graph that allows the user to make selections then recalculates based on what nodes are selected. I've found some different JS libraries for graphing while researching the best way to do this (Neo4j, Sigmajs, d3js, and several others. I'm looking for some advice from someone who has had experience with one or more of these or may be able to offer any suggestions. I'm not looking to begin a career in programming or graph analysis... just want to accomplish this one thing. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:05 PM PDT string = '2 AND canal AND rct' found_strings = re.findall(f'[^\s]+(\s+AND\s+[^\s]+)+', string) print(found_strings) [' AND rct'] It seems like it should match the whole string. What am I doing wrong? [link] [comments] |
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