does anyone else feel like a fake? Ask Programming |
- does anyone else feel like a fake?
- Bitwise Operator
- Freeware IDE for Android apps?
- Learning Python, need help understanding this Function
- How do I keep Atom installed ?
- I've heard people say that if you don't know what you're doing, with c languages, then you could crash your computer. How so?
- Help with open platforms
- Which is the best Data Structure & Algorithms course on YouTube?
- I'm afraid I'm gonna lose my job because of my ADHD. I need help!!!
- How difficult it would be to write a C# program to rename files in Windows?
- Can anyone point me in the right direction? (C++)
- How do you handle //TODOs?
- What's your take on copying code inside a company?
- Stock fundamental data API
- Node Child Process vs. AWS Lambda Function
- Can someone explain this Java example please?
- Google Firestore (or something else?) and web: very basic question
- c programming- to copy an string to other string without strcpy.
- What's a cool thing to do at college when you are a bit overprepared for it and have too much time during covid times?
- Association vs aggregation? Seriously what with the variation with answers?
- Help with C# Code in unity
- Which statistical model to use to determine rate of change average RTT (round trip time, in network) to determine network problem
- How to find the best avg/diversification array?
- Given many randomly spread high dimensional points (normed as len 1 vectors), such as float[1000000][200], how can the nearest n points to a new float[200] be efficiently found or an approximation of the nearest n?
- [Linux] I wanna learn how to draw windows, and eventually stuff inside them, where do I start?
does anyone else feel like a fake? Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:19 AM PDT sorry if this isn't the correct sub, r/LearnProgramming is for technical questions only so i figured this was the most appropriate one. i'm working on my own implementation of bash in rust right now, and every time i can't figure something out, i usually look up other people's implementations on github and take ideas from them, like how to make the syscalls or how to tokenize user input. i always feel like none of my code is actually my own ideas, and they're all a mishmash of other people's ideas, and no matter how much i try to put my own spin on things, it's never "mine", or my way is never the right way, and other people always do it better than me. is this feeling common at all? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:53 PM PDT How will you isolate a single digit here using bitwise operator bitwise operator: XOR, And, OR, Not, <-> 1001x 01001 11000 and I need to output it such that it is 00000 00000 0000x [link] [comments] |
Freeware IDE for Android apps? Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:48 PM PDT I was going to use Android studio but then people complain that for no reason it starts consuming too much CPU. I was going to go with IntelliJ IDEA but the community version has not SQL support. Several years ago I made a simple app using Eclipse, idk if people still use it. And then there is Droidscript - no idea about it except that you use JS [link] [comments] |
Learning Python, need help understanding this Function Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:00 PM PDT This version of the function has the playrRow at the end of the last elif statement, and when the program runs it loops it back through the function again. This is how I ended the elif statement. My question is, in the first code. Does calling the playrRow at the end of the elif satement loop it back through the function again? because thats how it runs and no other portion of the code calls on it. [link] [comments] |
How do I keep Atom installed ? Posted: 12 Oct 2020 08:38 PM PDT Everytime I get on my PC and start it up I always have to find Atom in my downloads and reinstall it. It doesn't show up as installed on my Desktop like other programs , How do I fix this? Thank you. EDIT: I'm running windows 10 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:46 PM PDT |
Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:11 PM PDT This a question for an assignment I'm working on. I'm not really sure where to start can someone ELI5 this or direct me to some resources. Summarise open platforms focusing on browsers and databases, and discuss how the internet relates to web servers, security restrictions and clients. [link] [comments] |
Which is the best Data Structure & Algorithms course on YouTube? Posted: 12 Oct 2020 05:06 AM PDT Which is the best Data Structure & Algorithms course on YouTube? [link] [comments] |
I'm afraid I'm gonna lose my job because of my ADHD. I need help!!! Posted: 12 Oct 2020 02:05 PM PDT I'm 34, work as a tech lead/full stack developer. I can barely sit still to code for more than 15 mins. I have been like this all my life but never knew i had ADHD. Grew up in India where mental health is somewhat like an after thought. Moved to the US for grad school like 10 years ago and my professor mentioned that i have severe case of ADHD. I did not give it much thought for like 5 years. After that i went to a neurologist and got on vyvanse, adderall. But it started altering my personality, so I quit cold turkey. Got into working out to manage my adhd and it did help for the last three years. Now i feel like that is not helping either. Like i'll be in a meeting and won't be able to focus for more than 15 mins. Last week, i was in a meeting with the customer and instead of focusing on features they want implemented, my mind was distracted by the guy's thick southern accent. I ended up asking him to send me the meeting minutes so that i did not miss anything which he was not pleased with. There are so many examples like this that i cringe when i remember them. Because of mistakes at work, my personal life is taking a hit. This is going beyond my control and i cannot afford to lose my job. I've been in this country ever since i was 21 and can't imagine going back to India. I want to switch my career to something like technical marketing or technical sales but I cant till i get green card. I'm on work visa and the wait time for my green card, since i'm from India is like 45-50 years. I'm sure some of you are in my situation. I'm curious to know how you are managing your ADHD. [link] [comments] |
How difficult it would be to write a C# program to rename files in Windows? Posted: 12 Oct 2020 05:27 PM PDT I took a C# course in college and I understand OOP well. I'm mostly focused on JavaScript atm. [link] [comments] |
Can anyone point me in the right direction? (C++) Posted: 12 Oct 2020 04:06 PM PDT I've got an assignment to get input using a getline statement and read off how many letters, numbers, and spaces are in the inputted line. Very much like something seen in this link I just don't 100% understand what I'm seeing here and I want to do it myself without copying (or having one of you do it for me) I could just use a little help understanding what I'm looking at [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:54 PM PDT I had the constant problem of adding //TODOs in my source code as I work in projects, and I have seen them littered on open source projects as well (K8s Im looking at you). I came up with the idea for a tool that helps track these across multiple repositories as they get added to the code, however I am not sure if this is a worthwhile tool or people will find it useful. How do you handle //TODOs and do you think something like this could help? [link] [comments] |
What's your take on copying code inside a company? Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:35 PM PDT So today I learned about a new project at the company I work for. I was asked to review some of the code and noticed that huge swaths of it were copied from another project I used to work for. I'm talking about hundreds line of code implementing extremely complex business logic (I work in BI), with over 20 people working on it over the past 4 years. And in this code base, the header said Author: Guy McPerson, for NewProject Release 1.0, with no reference whatsoever to any of the original authors, no note that it was copied from elsewhere, nothing. Code was altered a bit to fit this new project's structure a bit, but it was beyond obvious, and copied including the comments that referenced the original project's internals. Obviously the code written is property of the company we all work for, and for the benefit of it, but it really upset me because I feel like this was just stolen with no credit given to the original authors. I had to copy code from other projects several times, but I always included a note on source, author(s) and a commit hash along with the repository URL from where the code originated, I couldn't just claim it as my own. So what's your take on this? What do you do if you have to take some code from another project, internally? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:18 PM PDT Hi I am looking for an API that provides fundamental data like PE EBITA etc. The different ones I have found have are limited in terms of how you can use the data. For example I would like to display the data on my website and most APIs does not allow you to display the data. Does anyone know a less restricted API? It does not need to be free but not super expensive either :) [link] [comments] |
Node Child Process vs. AWS Lambda Function Posted: 12 Oct 2020 02:21 PM PDT I'm writing an app in Node, but I need to do something in a Python library. (No, re-writing the python library in JS is not an option 😊) One option would be to call a child process in node using the handy child_process module: . I'm leaning towards this option but I'm worried that spawning a child process will be slow. The other option I'm considering is just to make a Python lambda function. I'm comfortable with this, and I kinda like the added benefit that it will scale automatically as traffic increases. As I'm pretty familiar with AWS Lambda, I'm really looking for feedback regarding the performance of child_process. [link] [comments] |
Can someone explain this Java example please? Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:09 PM PDT I understand till: for (char x:str.toCharArray()) but after this I cannot understand the context of the syntaxes or functions used like what and how is m.get used? [link] [comments] |
Google Firestore (or something else?) and web: very basic question Posted: 12 Oct 2020 08:20 AM PDT I am trying to achieve the following with vanilla Javascript and Google Firebase: There are 3 buttons on the screen. Each has text. When they are clicked in the correct order, they disappear (removeChild...). However, 2 people need to see this at the same time (one person clicks and the button disappears on both computers). My approach is this. In Google Firestore each document has fields: "word": "some-word" and "shown": true. When the site is loaded for the first time, I go over the documents in the database and render a button for each 'shown': true. When a button is clicked, it updates the 'shown' field to 'false' and...and then what do I do? Do I recreate all buttons again? Seems like there should be a better way. Not asking for code specifically, but rather an approach. Alternatively, maybe I should use something other than Firestore for this tiny 'project'? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
c programming- to copy an string to other string without strcpy. Posted: 12 Oct 2020 11:53 AM PDT c programming- to copy an string to other string without strcpy. I dont know why this doesnt work: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAX_SIZE 100 int main() { char str1[MAX_SIZE]; char str2 [MAX_SIZE]; char *strPTR1 = str1; char *strPTR2 = str2; printf("\nEnter elements of str1: "); gets(str1); while(*(strPTR1++) != '\0') { *(strPTR2++) = *(strPTR1++); } printf("\nstr1 is : %s",str1); printf("\nstr2 is : %s\n",str2); return 0; } [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:49 AM PDT |
Association vs aggregation? Seriously what with the variation with answers? Posted: 12 Oct 2020 04:01 AM PDT Some claim aggregation is redundant basically the same as association. Some claim aggregation is a type of association along with composition. So which one is it? It doesn't make sense both statements to be true. It seems like these terms are not formalized, it's frustrating. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Oct 2020 04:56 AM PDT Hi sorry about being very bad at writing code since I'm new to the coding, but there is a syntax error on line 40. The problem is that void can not be used in that context, and what can I replace it with to make it work plus its called Error CS1547. idk how this works but here is the code. using System.Collections; [RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody))] private Vector3 velocity =; void Start () public void Rotate(Vector3 _rotation) public void Move(Vector3 _velocity) void FixedUpdate () void PerformMovement () void PerformRotation () //this line <----- } } [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Oct 2020 09:01 AM PDT I am writing a tool in python to determine latency due to network by sensing a non-normal trend in avgRTT values ( These values are from a custom tool similar to `nfsiostat` output, which are nfs mount stats between client and server or mount point). This custom tool will input the following avgRTT time in intervals of 5 mins. I want to determine a non-normal trend in the avg RTT. For example, a normal trend looks like this:
^^ Meaning, I don't care about single outliers, but care more about the trend of increase. So the above output is normal. Here is a non-normal trend where I want my tool to alert that there might be network issues.
From here ^^, there is a non-normal trend between 10:45 to 11:30. (Maybe even 2 or 3 values in a row can be considered a trend) For context, the avgRTT can be bad for a section of time intervals and then go back to normal as seen in the second table above and then go bad again (this happens when a switch, say, "self-heals" and reboots or if traffic is not always hitting the same faulty network device in a cluster). What I have considered so far:
I need to know which statistical models/methods I can rely on to sense this non-normal trend in the timestampted avg. RTT values as explained above. Any help is appreciated! thank you.If you prefer answering on stackoverflow -- here is a link to my question [link] [comments] |
How to find the best avg/diversification array? Posted: 12 Oct 2020 08:55 AM PDT Hey guys , I'm having some trouble figuring out the best way to get the the array with best diversifcation/avg of its elements for example there are 2 arrays: x = [['a', 2] , ['b', 1] , ['c', 3] , ['d', 5] , ['e', 9]] y = [['a', 1] , ['b', 1] , ['c', 1] , ['d', 1] , ['e', 16]] The avg of both of the arrays is 4 since the sum is 20 and there are 5 elements , but the diversification on array x is much better than array y , how can I figure it out the most efficent way? (Preferably by JS) Thank you :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT A linear search can be done, but what are the faster ways? [link] [comments] |
[Linux] I wanna learn how to draw windows, and eventually stuff inside them, where do I start? Posted: 12 Oct 2020 01:17 AM PDT I wanna learn how to do it from scratch with Rust, but I don't even know where to start. How is my graphical server involved? And I assume that my desktop environment / window manager does not matter? [link] [comments] |
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