• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 17, 2020

    How to build a flight tracker in the browser (link to tutorial in comments) web developers

    How to build a flight tracker in the browser (link to tutorial in comments) web developers

    How to build a flight tracker in the browser (link to tutorial in comments)

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    What is this tool Ben is using? I've seen similar tools in VSCode extensions, but not for browsers and/or perhaps a native app?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    My favourite Git commit

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    I always thought it was a shame only movies and epic games got to have a credit roll. So I fixed it. QreditRoll shows the credits of your website (from humans.txt) in epic credit roll fashion.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    WebGL 2 is finally getting supported on Safari

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 01:52 AM PDT

    How to use CSS masking

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    Are there resources to get a "scientific" understanding of web development?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    I know there are lots of resources, like online courses, videos, books, guides, and so on, to "spot-learn" web development. By that I mean, you learn how to do this and that, without learning the big ideas of how browsers and servers, and the web ecosystem works. That's fine, I've learned a few things this way.

    But I'd really like to move beyond this spot-learning process into a more systematic and global, conceptual understanding. I already know how to program in a few languages. But when I look at frameworks, web sockets, lots of async stuff, whatever--I don't really understand them. Just learning how to do this or that leaves me still confused about what is actually going on. When I'm working that way, I can't tweak solutions to my specific needs. And nobody else has my specific needs, and answers on StackOverflow are not always readable or the most helpful. So I just don't want to keep grinding away at this "project-based" way of learning. I know some people swear by project-based learning, and insist on it--but it's just not for me.

    I learned Algorithms and Data Structures really well, because there were good books and resources explaining that subject in a scientific way. I found CLRS really insightful and managed to understand a lot of what's in there. I'm wondering, is there anything comparable for webdev?

    [Edit: Or would it be better to take a course titled "distributed systems" or something like that?]

    submitted by /u/AddemF
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    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I just finished a web dev Bootcamp and I'm starting my first solo project. It involves blizzards world of Warcraft APIs, therefore I need to utilize blizzards OAuth functionality. This will be a MERN stack application, and I am using passport for authentication. I found the passport-bnet node module which allows me to setup the passport strategy specifically for blizzard, but I'm having a hard time with the general steps for OAuth and how to use it.

    Could anyone recommend a solid tutorial or step by step resource for getting and using tokens for api calls using OAuth, especially routing and stuff. Anything you can offer would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/fullstack_nonsense
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    Accessibility topic ideas for conferences?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Hi everyone I'm an accessibility consultant at a fortune 500. Im trying to think of topics for a talk to submit to some conferences. The problem is Im to immersed in accessibility to know what my be interesting. Does anyone have any ideas for things they might be interested in learning about regarding accessibility specifically?

    submitted by /u/RayneTheRaider
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    3D Modern House - Pure CSS

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    NodeJS Free Hosting with SSL capabilities?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I've previously hosted all of my NodeJS applications on Herkou, but they have since removed a lot of free tier provisions, one of them being SSL certs. They also seem to have removed the ability to generate/upload your own cert with something like cert bot.

    I've never done this before so I'm not certain if my premise is correct, but if I am, I'm not going to pay them 20 bucks a month for a cert for a hobby project that needs SSL for Auth0 to function.

    Does anyone know how to generate/upload their own cert for a *.herokuapp.com application on free teir?

    If not, does anyone know of any FREE NodeJS hosting that includes free SSL?

    Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/BenAffleckInPhantoms
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    What is the reason emails include "Link not working" hyperlinks as alternatives to other buttons in the email?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    What is mongo's new Schema()'s second argument? As in new Schema({schema: something}, {what: is this?})

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    Like the title suggests, I'm not sure what the documentation is for Mongo's Schema class for its second argument.

    submitted by /u/ibeeliot
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    Any free remote bootcamps to join?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I've been learning on my own for a while via codecademy and a bunch of other websites ever since the pandemic started , and I would say I'm fairly doing well. I've noticed tho that I learn faster in the midst of others while establishing friendships and making connections so a coding Bootcamp would be awesome for me. But most of these bootcamps are really pricey, nothing close to what I can afford as I don't have a job, so I was wondering if there are any free options I could join? A Bootcamp or something similar? I would assume most are held remotely now as a result of the pandemic, so learning from my home would be feasible as there are no bootcamps around where I live either☹️. This pandemic would be the best time to upskill and joining a Bootcamp would really boost my productivity, if you know of any please list your recommendations!

    submitted by /u/_Mizz
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    PWS [Pivotal Web Services] announces EOA (End of Availability) Suddenly (January 2021)

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    How to connect website to google sheets?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    I have a website that has a Google form asking people about the books that they are trying to donate what types of books how old they are how many boxes, etc. Depending on the answers they give I will like for them to get the option of scheduling a pickup if the donnation is greater than four boxes or dropping the books off if their donation is less than four boxes.

    How can I do this in the simplest way? Thanks

    submitted by /u/StreetBand6
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    Easiest way to reload webpack dev server when other files change

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    Trying to display an image with Express

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    This is my main file i run with node.js. I believe I'm doing everything right here.

    const http = require('http'); var fs = require('fs'); const Express = require('express'); const { Console } = require('console'); const app = new Express(); const hostname = ''; const PORT = 3000; fs.readFile('./index.html', function (err, html) { var publicDir = require('path').join(__dirname,'/public'); app.use(Express.static(publicDir)); if (err) throw err; const server = http.createServer(function(request, response) { response.writeHeader(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"}); response.write(html); response.end(); }).listen(PORT); }); 

    Then I add the image like this.

    <img class = "front-face" src = "img/img2.PNG" alt = "img2"/> 

    But, when I run it, it doesn't display the image on localhost:3000.

    Could someone guide me in what I'm missing, I'm sure it's very basic.

    submitted by /u/DivergingDog
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    Introducing Web APIs for Dual Screen and Foldable Devices

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    Database IDE

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    I'm looking for a tool that can create SQL queries for me.

    What I'm imagining is the ability to create or import a database schema, visually select the tables and columns I want to query, and an optimized sql query is created for me.

    I've looked at different tools, but I'm having a hard time determining if they actually do what I want. I don't mind paying, but this is for hobbyist projects, so I'm not looking to spend thousands of dollars. Downloaded software is preferable to SAAS.

    Anyone in the community have a tool they like for this sort of requirement?

    submitted by /u/BackInTowny
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    Can someone please help me with why my javascript doesn't work? Beginner problem.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 10:15 AM PDT


    This is a really simple project that I am doing to remind myself of basic html/css/js for something that I need and I am stuck on linking the .js file from what I can figure out. I tried using the <script> tag to add the javascript directly to the HTML (I am just making a simple accordion following w3schools tutorial) but it doesn't do anything, and I tried linking an outside .js file and it still makes no difference in how the accordion looks whether .js file exists or not.

    I am sure I have some sort of a fundamental misunderstanding of how it's supposed to work but I am really stuck on it, so any help is very appreciated.

    Here's the HTML: https://pastebin.com/LS9EJnDa

    Here's the stil.css: https://pastebin.com/j7bedStn

    here's the javas.js: https://pastebin.com/VRMpSeHd

    I don't know if it's a scope issue but I tried moving the code around and I couldn't land on a solution, so I stripped it back down to pretty much what the tutorial I followed had there.

    Thanks so much to anyone who went through the whole thing.

    submitted by /u/Stefan474
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    Domain Name Connection

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:09 AM PDT

    I am 16yr old and I have a domain name registered with godaddy that I want to use to make an online store. What online web dev platforms can I use that are free and don't require me to pay any money?

    submitted by /u/willybaeboi
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    What do I need to know to start freelancing?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    I'm a pretty junior developer with not much professional experience wondering how to go about doing the dance with someone who has asked me to make a website for them with some very concrete concepts of what they actually want. They have even proposed a budget. I'm skeptical of scams and when there wasn't any social media linked to the email I demanded they give me at least that before going any further.

    Regardless, it has me wondering:

    How do I be transparent with customers and create effective deals?
    What's the best way to negotiate pay?
    What's the best way to get paid?

    submitted by /u/-thugnasty-
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    TIL that the Mailto: url has been defined at the same time as that HTTP: starts a URL.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Was looking if there would have been any reason a clients browser could not be taking mailto links. What I learned is that in the same document that defined that a link starting by HTTP: means a web link, or FTP: links to an FTP server, Mailto: was also defined. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1738

    So there's no f-ing way a browser could not take mailto.

    submitted by /u/fredy31
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