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    Sunday, August 16, 2020

    Adding in Atmospheric Scattering

    Adding in Atmospheric Scattering

    Adding in Atmospheric Scattering

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    Looking for articles on (marketing?) to help convince me i'm not gambling with game dev.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Simply put I can spend the next 2-4 years developing my game without needing to work or worry about rent and bills but I've recently noticed some mediocre games selling quite well and some really great games selling barely anything.

    I just can't get over this dreaded feeling that i'm gambling my time. That I could make something decent and no one will even hear about it let alone buy it and i'll have just wasted my time. The funny part is i'm an entrepreneur at heart and have helped with quite a few startups, people say "it's just another startup" but startup risk isn't equal to gambling, startups fail for empirical reasons.

    submitted by /u/Isaacvithurston
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    Why do I keep shutting down my ideas?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Any time I get an idea, or concept for a game I near instantly shut it down, thinking "nah that's not good", "it's too generic", "it's a FPS, you know how you are making FPS games" before I've even actually delved into how I could make it. It's an annoying way to think, does anyone else get this?

    submitted by /u/LeytonMate
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    Meshing around with dynamic terrain manipulation

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Jobs to work whilst making my gamedev portfolio?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    I'm 23 and a self-taught web developer.

    ****Skip-able back-story******

    I learned web design and development on my own while going to university, even though I have hated college since I had started I didn't leave till my senior year (technically my year break ended this month) and.... I'm going not back. At least not there. I'm from a small-ish blue/white-collar town (whole town is centered around its university) so I worked shitty jobs with low pay this whole time instead of using my web dev skills to get a remote job (dumb i know, but I'm just gonna let it go now to move on. no point dwelling on my past failures if i want to move forward, right?)


    But my dream has always been to work on video games, I'm learning and making games for my portfolio but obviously this doesn't pay the bills. I'm at a loss as to what do do. If I work a shitty job like a cashier I'll be working 40+ week to make rent and not getting work done on my portfolio, and according to my brother, remote webdev jobs flood you with work since your "just sitting at home". Also my twin sister paid my rent twice and I feel it makes like a garbage sister so I'd rather not keep depending on her.

    It seems there's no solid ground for people with creative ambitions and need a salary? Is it just a "find the time" situation? What do you think?

    submitted by /u/direav
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    5 weeks to build a game for my wife's birthday, need some help!

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    Hi guys! As the title says I am planning to write a simple 2D game for my wife as a birthday gift which is on the 22nd of September. I don't have a concrete plan in mind as I wanted to base that on the framework or game engine capabilities, but roughly something like a pixelated character of my wife running around and interacting with objects that represent things she likes in real life.

    I have been a software developer professionally (No game dev background at all, mostly writing databases and stuff) for around 10 years now and I am reasonably competent in Python and C++ with a bit of Javascript / Erlang on the side and because of that, I was leaning towards Godot or PyGame.

    My rough questions are:

    • Is this something that I can finish in this amount of time, given it's acceptable if it's not a polished thing? She is also a developer so we might spend some more time on it afterwards.
    • Should I go with Godot which seems to have a python-like language or PyGame?
    submitted by /u/optks
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    When friends playtest your games, do you leave the room? What's your preferred method?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    My friend was playing my game, and he called everything he couldn't figure out a bug (e.g. have to walk in the direction of a bridge to move on it). He took a quiz in the game and kept asking me for help, and I gave in a couple times, then when he got a 100% he told me the game was too easy... It was a bit of a frustrating experience and I didn't feel like I got much out of it

    submitted by /u/SellMeAllYourKarma
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    SDL2 problems with using textures and shared pointers

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Hi, i am having a little bit of a problem with SDL_texture and shared pointers. in my project i have a character class that has a SDL_texture variable to store its animations. it works fine, but if i try to create the character as a shared pointer, it doesn't render anything anymore. i have tried to look at the SDL_Texture pointer value to make sure it isn't NULL, which it isn't. The only solution i have come up with to solve this is to store the SDL_Texture separatly, and the passing it when drawing the character to the screen. but doing that for a bunch of characters becomes a lot more convoluted to work with then storing the texture in the character itself. so if there is anyone who knows a way to solve this problem, or at least explain why it doesn't work, that would be a big help.

    submitted by /u/Thohil
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    My First Android Game That I Made In 3 months.(Had hard time making it..)

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    My First Android Game That I Made In 3 months.(Had hard time making it..)

    English is not my native language, so don't judge me too much.

    I had 0 experience with programming and unity 4-5 months ago and my goal was to make something that I can have for myself, i know that such game will make little to any money, but it was lots of fun and lots of anxiety making it. Before everything I was just watching youtube videos of Brackeys, blackthornprod and codemonkey to know something about unity. Later on I have downloaded SoloLearn C# course app and got some basics of it. At first and second months of developing my game I was just watching these youtubers tutorials and tried to implement their scripts into my game, even that at first was kinda hard for me.. But more and more of learning and typing these lines of code i got used to it and spent and less time watching videos and started coding by myself. 3rd month I spent on my game was my best time at this journey, cause i could write code on my own… but then.. It was my hard drive. It collapsed and my project got deleted cause of that… I mean, i had made backup before and stored in google drive, but it was like 3 weeks of coding progress lost.. And these 3 weeks i was spending like 6hours a day just coding and learning.. After this tragedy I was about to give up and was thinking about not to finish my first game.. so i took a break.. The more time passed the more I missed coding, cause i got used to it and in these months it became my hobby.. I spent almost 1 month before coming back and when i did, it was hard to know where to start, cause i have made lot's of things in these 3 weeks. But I tried and eventually i made my first game. I know it's not perfect and have lots of space to improve but it's my first game! I wanted so many things to add to this game but I didn't want to expand too much, cause it would take forever, so i thought that i should first publish the way it is and then update it overtime..

    Here is link to my game:





    submitted by /u/bingseir1
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    Made a tutorial about altering TextMeshes in Unity!

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Tips on making a devlog?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    Since my country is going back into quarantine soon so i thought i would start development on a game i've been planning for a while. I will be streaming this as it actually nets me quite an audience on twitch which i need as i haven't been getting very good viewership numbers. I also want to do devlogs because, well, i want to log my development progress. But, when i tried to make a devlog on my brackeys game jam game recently, it just really didn't work out, and i had no idea how to format it. Most of the reason this happened is because i didn't really log my progress on something like trello or have any indication on what i was doing in the hours of footage i had recorded of my development of the jam. But, that got me thinking, i know nothing about this, so why not ask people who are experienced? So, to anyone who has made a devlog, is there anything i should know when going about logging my game development journey?

    submitted by /u/FingerGunsPewPewPew
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    Looking for contributers for a free recreation of a classic game: Little Fighter 2

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I started to recreate / migrate a classic game, which some of you might know, to the web.No financial intentions, I just think it's a great game that is really hard to get running nowadays (and only runs on windows) which deserves more attention and I think many people would enjoy it.

    Unfortunatly, I don't have a lot of time to put into this and it's a lot of work. Therefore, I am looking for people passionate that would like to contribute.

    I'm not very familiar with open source projects, so advice is very welcome.

    You can try the current state here (it will load for a bit, no loading screen yet): https://mlautenbach.com

    Open it in multiple windows / tabs to try the netcode. It uses WebRTC for direct client communication, so hosting costs are practically zero and I'm happy to cover them (also at a better domain at some point...)

    And this it the repo: https://github.com/m-lautenbach/little-fighter-reborn

    I did convert the original game files, so much of the numbers and description of characters / attacks / items is there, which helps with the implementation.

    Let me know if you are interested, if you have questions or advice or if you know a way to contact the creators of the original game.

    Attack detection (check live version for sound)


    submitted by /u/Markronom
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    Indie devs: do you write automated tests?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if it is a waste of time or good practice, I rarely see this discussed. Arguments against it is that game dev is more visual than the work i do at my job so bugs are easier to spot and it also seems much harder to simulate game states. Would love to know peoples opinion! I'm really of the notion that I want to get something out and raise money asap...

    submitted by /u/mpbeau
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    List of 3d games for practicing

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Hello. I'm beginer in gamedev. I need list of simple 3d games for practicing. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/ShvaYYYkO
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    Building a game with TypeScript. Drawing Grid 1/5

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Solo Dev with micro Budget: Advice on Publishers and Funding?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    TL:DR: Solo Dev with basically no budget wondering how to get funding/approach Publishers if the project itself isn't anywhere near a vertical slice and won't ever be one given the lack of budget.

    Hey there!

    For the past 7 months or so I've quietly worked on a project of mine, and it has reached the point where I really have to start thinking about art, music, sfx, all that jazz. It had some volunteers provide some assets, which means it isnt quite a "programmer art and sound" mess, but there are still missing SFX, music and placeholder art all over the place.

    I want to finally start considering how to get the game going with a proper "flow" of assets.

    Just a small problem: My Budget is very small. Like, sub 300$ small. For the scope of the game (Think of something like Enter the Gungeon/Nuclear Throne but only 60% of that...) I am working on and the impressions I got so far, obviously no one will work under that price tag.

    So I have started to consider Publishers to get funding. Given this is a completely new area for me, I did some reading up and I got... widely different answers.

    My main problem arises from these facts about me and my project:

    • I do not have any portfolio, and am basically a Nobody.
    • I don't have a viable budget.
    • The current build of the game, while in my opinion (as if that matters) cool and everything, isn't close to being a "vertical slice", thus I can't imagine it would "wow" any publisher.
    • I am entirely unable to estimate how long this thing will take given - while I try my hardest to pump in 5-6 hours a day into the project - I am a University student, which means I will sometimes have to use the time to study up, or do Uni related stuff.

    This set of problems creates a situation that makes me pretty scared to contact a publisher: Why would a publisher be interested in someone who has no track record, no budget, no team as of the moment, and isn't even working on the thing 9-5 ? Then they get the build, and it isn't even a vertical slice. How will that "wow" anyone? Why would any publisher fund my project and me?

    These aren't the only thoughts that I have: Funding seems to work in widely different ways, and I am unsure which is the common route. Investors obviously want their money back, but what if the game flops? If I have no budget in the first place, I will be unable to pay anything back.

    It also seems like most Publishers want a vertical slice to wow them - but where am I supposed to get the money for a vertical slice if I have no budget in the first place?

    I'm writing to see if anyone with experience in this area could help me out or give me some pointers, because as of the moment, I feel incredibly intimated to approach any publisher about my project.

    Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/Marvinmarvster
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    Welcome To OS13k – A Tiny Web Based OS and Game Engine

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    Searching for royalty free synth music

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    I want an electronic/lo-fi/synthwave style soundtrack for my game, but haven't been able to find anything. Incompetech is too cartoony sounding and I've found a handful of tracks on Free Music Archive, but I can't download them since the site's being updated. Does anyone have any other music sites they'd recommend? Or music they'd be fine with me using? I won't be able to respond immediately, I'm at work right now.

    submitted by /u/O55ature
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    Unity Inputfields Text Alignment and File Paths

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Unity Inputfields Text Alignment and File Paths

    Hello I am working in Unity and Encountered a very simple problem, but alas I am unfamiliar with its solution.

    I have input fields where users can paste in their file paths (which typically will be longer than an input field can hold while displaying all text.

    Whats especially interesting is the Text field in the UI does not show any text that does not fit. (See Images Below its hard to explain).

    File path after Copy and paste into an input field in scene.

    Inputfield text object after copy paste

    Now if I click the inputfield while the game is playing, and push the right arrow key on keyboard, it moves to the end of the path (and this is what I want it to always look like so users can see the important part of the path)

    File path after Clicking the inputfield and pressing the right arrow key

    Text info

    Notice that the Text section AND the inputfield both change to the last part of the path. I find it strange that the text object doesn't display the entire path in the inspector but that's besides the point, I just want paths when pasted into inputfields, to always justify to the right and show the end of a path. Selecting "Right Alignment" on the text object has no effect.

    Does anyone know how to justify inputfields to the right AND only show the end half of whatever can fit in the display? Instead of its default (The first half).

    TLDR: How do I make the Default setting of Inputfields show the last character input instead of the first when all text input doesn't fit. (Make Image 1 always look like Image 3)

    submitted by /u/mburket64
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    Oscillating flight patterns (Ori's Sein, Limbo's flies, etc.) - Any tutorial recommendations?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Statistic about mobile games released each year?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    Hey folks,

    I am looking for some free information about how many mobile games are released in Playstore and/or Appstore each year (beetween 2015 and 2019).

    I already found one about games released on Steam but nothing about mobile games. One statistic was about submissions to iTunes Appstore but it´s behind a paywall.

    Any tipps or advice for some sources?

    submitted by /u/Flch89
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    Using Reflection To Help Disable Domain Reload

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    Unreal Engine Assets

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    I'm making my first game and am trying to make a battle Royale just for my firmness and wanted it to have a cartoon look and wondered if anyone knew any good assets for it?

    submitted by /u/XXBenxneb
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