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    Friday, July 17, 2020

    What's the strangest bug you've ever come across? Ask Programming

    What's the strangest bug you've ever come across? Ask Programming

    What's the strangest bug you've ever come across?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    I have a question

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    So I have a project and I want to use C# for it. I want a the robot to speak and read audio files on my computer. I don't have any coding experience, so can someone help me in that area of code. That would be cool thanks!


    submitted by /u/BreckTGB
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    A new opportunity, what to choose...

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    Hi peeps, right now I am in a transition period and just got an opportunity to get proper education in a different language (previously I was working with typescript, angular framework ( For background reference where I am, I didn't have the best experience with my first employer, being part of an unstable company, was not the best to learn a new technology and kinda demotivated me).

    Anyway, my options are Java, C# framework .NET, Python, Outsystems (sql, html, CSS and javascript), cloud (aws, google cloud and microsoft azure), ciber security and Cobol.

    I live in a relatively small country and I am trying to project my choice more for remote work then actually working locally since the area of the country that I live in would force me to move like 300km to actually work in an office.

    When it comes to what I like to do, so far, I enjoy the development process a lot more then the actual UI/UX stuff, although I would be open to learning more about it.

    What is your experience with some of this language and/or which one should I go for if I am looking for something that one can easily find remote work?

    submitted by /u/NullShield
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    How limited are IOS apps in what they can do?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    I'm trying to pursue an app idea that involves an app controlling (as its purpose + with consent, of course) parts of a phone that I imagine the phone is designed to keep its grubby hands off of, ie. settings.

    Are there built-in limits on how much an IOS app can (with user consent) change? Can these be overridden without Apple's say-so?


    submitted by /u/f0r3skin
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    Best way to create portable apps with low maintenance

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    Hi all - work as a controls engineer, but have 3 years experience in python web dev and some java and a lot of perl (ug) and bash and powershell scripting for the last two years to automate networks. I can work my way around the basics and get myself going on projects. But now I'd really like to start building my own windows applications based on my engineering and office work. My criteria for what to use tech wise:

    • not trigger UAC on installation
    • the have good hooks into system level stuff in windows
    • it has a good community of supports
    • it can create some good guis. I thought of electron because I know enough javascript (mostly jQuery yes) that I can roll with it and take advantage of web tricks and (common) frameworks.

    One of my ideas is something that would record all of the files and applications open (e.g. what folder is explorer windows open to) and save all of that and relaunch it. It'd have to have a system to account and inform the user of missing or moved files, but maybe it does a search for the file to try and locate it. I'm aware that's sorta a simple thing, but doing it well for users in a useful way would require a fair amount of work. But yeah, I'd like to build scalable apps that I can mock up quickly and that can grow organically as I go, and I'm kinda wondering which techs that are versatile and long term to build good looking productivity apps that work with windows. I don't want a HUGE amount of tech debt as one guy who makes useful little apps to solve real world problems. All thoughts, musings and suggestions are appreciated.

    edit: just realized portable + installation isn't quite right.

    submitted by /u/plc_nerd
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    Where would you get data for a news headline stream?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Alright so earlier today I wrote a simple script that randomly generates a fake twitch chat, but everything is gibberish.

    I had it running on my second monitor most of the day. And I gotta say I kinda took some liking to it. Taking a glance here and there and watch the time fly by for a moment.

    And now I'd love to build something similar but with stuff that actually happens. I'm thinking some kind of terminal that prints short headlines every now and then.

    I just don't know where I could get the data from. Is there any site that gathers headlines I could crawl? I also read a bit about RSS but I don't really understand (guess I'm too young for this), is that something that could do the job?

    also here's the project I mentioned in case you want to check it out or didn't understand my explanation: https://github.com/jakoblh/twitch-chat

    submitted by /u/Iaquobe
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    Help in coding/programming... please?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is in the wrong subreddit. I've been really interested in coding the last few years but just have NO CLUE where to start. I've looked up some coding boot camps but I just started work 9-5 mon-Friday so boot camps wouldn't work for me. Besides the schedule issue, I don't have $10-20K to drop on it (I know how it sounds). I just wanted to see if there are any coders here on reddit that can kinda point me in the right direction. Some background info, I'm 29 F living in NYC. No prior coding experience. I guess I qualify as low income because I have Medicaid (government health insurance). Idk if this information matters, but someone please help? Thanks in advance. Any advice is appreciated.

    Please no negative comments. Hope everyone is staying safe. Thanks again!

    submitted by /u/itsmondaytues
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    Print a 2D array column in C without a for loop

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    Is it possible to print a column of a 2 dimensional array in C without using a for loop to individually print out each character? If my matrix is full of characters except for the bottom row which is full of null characters, can it be printed as a string?

    submitted by /u/BurritoBoy11
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    Help selecting an e commerce framework

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    So i have a client that wants fast e commerce store, currently I've narrowed it down to 2 solutions.

    Headless Magneto CMS with a Magneto PWA studio as the front-end. Its based on react which should be fast and Magento's search uses elastic search which I've read is faster than MySQL

    The second is a simpler solution, Craft Commerce. Is a flexible and light commerce platform.

    However how will a "light" PHP/MySQL platform compare to a react front-end with a "heavy" back-end using elastic search back-end.

    submitted by /u/Sally_san
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    ESLint formatter not working

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    When I try to use the formatter it doesn't fix anything, and I get the message

    extension "ESLINT" cannot format "src/manejador.js"

    It only appears in manejador.js, I can use the formatter correctly in the other files.


    submitted by /u/juannnn69_
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    Error saving react.js files in app.js

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    Hello people of the internet who decide to help, this is a very simple question but I have been dealing with this problem for days now, every-time I manually or do crtl+s on my app.js file it just moves all the text lines in a certain location and cause massive errors that is preventing me from implementing JWT authentication and when looking around I noticed the most common answer was to rename the file to a .jsx file but when I did so it just popped up with another error stating it cannot find app.js and even when deleting and putting back my App.test.js file it still put up the same error, but whats strange is the my web app still works, but I cant implement any security because of this one error, here are some images when the file is .jsx and when it is .js, any help would be appreciated. Btw my web app just flys a giant error when changed to .jsx for some reason :P

    https://imgur.com/qezsEn2 //*When just .js

    https://imgur.com/1diaB3D //*When changed to .jsx

    submitted by /u/MallProgrammatically
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    How important is learning Computer Networking for Software Developer jobs?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    I was wondering how important that course is in regards to when you actually started working as developers, and how much the knowledge you've gained in that course/self studying has been useful?

    submitted by /u/throw_a_way_2019_
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    Has Doing Sites like Leetcode/Hackerrank helped you with your CS courses?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Taking the obvious course into account (DS&A) as well, has regularly participating in sites like Leetcode/Hackerrank or doing competitive programming helped you with your CS courses (especially the ones that involve programming), and how? Personally for me I noticed that alot of the programming questions I get in my college courses are very similar to leetcode, and I spend much less time studying/preparing for them now.

    submitted by /u/throw_a_way_2019_
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    Kali linux cd root permission denied

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Hi, recently I have downloaded Kali Linux in Oracle VM Virtual Box, I am very new to Linux. While trying some commends, I realized that I could not access the root, for some reason I do not have permission. Can someone please help me with this since I am very stuck on this one, I would be very happy if you do so. Also, why I do not have permission.

    texzet@admin:/home$ cd texzet/

    texzet@admin:~$ cd Desktop/

    texzet@admin:~/Desktop$ cd ..

    texzet@admin:~$ cd ..

    texzet@admin:/home$ cd ..

    texzet@admin:/$ pwd


    texzet@admin:/$ ls

    bin home lib32 media root sys vmlinuz

    boot initrd.img lib64 mnt run tmp vmlinuz.old

    dev initrd.img.old libx32 opt sbin usr

    etc lib lost+found proc srv var

    texzet@admin:/$ cd home/

    texzet@admin:/home$ ls


    texzet@admin:/home$ cd /root/

    bash: cd: /root/: Permission denied ----------------------------------- The Error is here

    texzet@admin:/home$ ^C

    texzet@admin:/home$ ^C

    texzet@admin:/home$ ^C


    submitted by /u/Yavuz2002
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    Sending a template HTML page and loading details using AJAX. GOOD PRACTICE? (PLZ READ THE DESCRIPTION)

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Which one of the following options is more performant?

    1. Load all of the data inside the PHP script and then fill the HTML page and send it once to the browser.
    2. Send an empty template of the page, and then load details and items from JS using AJAX (several requests)

    It is probably a stupid and obvious question but I want to know your advice.

    By the way, I think the second one is preferred, because of fast loading and other stuff IDK.

    submitted by /u/hadifaridhadi
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    Adspy clone

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Hey, I am relatively new to programming and I was wondering if there are any guides out there on how to make Adspy clones, preferably using python. The only way I can think of doing this is by using selenium with python (even though I am really new at using selenium). Any tips would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/babadur
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    Not sure whether I should be using a Web API or something like WPF for my software project. Or maybe even something completely different to those.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    So I want to start making software, and for my first project my idea is to create an application that people can use to distribute their games for free. It would be something for people just getting started developing small games who aren't able to pay $100 to steam or any other game distribution software to upload a game. I'm not expecting to earn money from this, it's really only to learn. I have done coding in school so I'm not too concerned about learning new languages, but I don't know what to build this application on.

    I like the idea of using html/css for designing but I don't want it to be a website and want to program something that can run on windows. I have seen applications that seem to be able to load html pages and I'm not sure if that's an embedded browser in the software or something else. I want a login system in the software before people can download things which I think means it's going to need databases.

    The software won't contain much other than a login, the ability to upload your games and download other peoples; likely with a page for every game and a search. I thought maybe the search and results could be part of the software and each game has it's own html page loaded into the software but I really don't know at this time.

    A few points I want to make:

    • It's going to be software, even though I could probably do all this on a website, I want to learn about programming software.
    • I don't want the software to only load webpages or again it might as well be a website but I don't mind partially doing this if i need to to use html/css.
    • At the same time, I don't need to use html/css, I just considered it might be easier to design things in this way.
    • I would like to program in C#, but something like C++ might work. Preferably not python.
    • I wasn't planning to program from scratch, more likely using one of Visual Studio's project templates.

    I'm new to this and don't really know how to explain what my project is and what exactly I want to do but I did my best. I am just trying to ask where I need to get started with it.

    submitted by /u/Wingless_Bee
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    Q: What notes do you take?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Basically the title says it all: What notes do you take, what do you write down? I see so many developers out there which have a notebook between there screen and there keyboard which is full of text. But when I code by myself I don't know what to write down.

    This is probably different for everybody, but just to get some inside and ideas.

    An additional question is: Where do write it down? Textbook? Digital? (which software?)

    submitted by /u/david6283
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    help on how to create a simple ai for a game

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    i'm making a simple minigame of tic tac toe just to learn programing. It's in a point where it's playable but i want to add certain things like a singleplayer mode and for that i need at least a basic ai. The point is i don't know where to start and i would like it if someone pointed me somewhere where they explain how to make something like that. Preferably in as much detail as possible. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/KnGod
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    WebDev friend is looking for low-level skills to learn - where to point them?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    I have a friend who's already a successful webdev programmer, currently looking for a new job. They asked me what kind of skills would it make sense to expand their knowledge with and I suggested low-level programming. Problem is, I couldn't immediately point them to any specific resource that I would find pleasant to go with. Picture somebody already comfortable with Python/Javascript who would like to slowly learn how operating systems or data structures work under the hood. Ideally I'd love to see stuff you'd wish you saw when you were exploring this topic yourself, engaging and maybe with diagrams - as opposed to long inexplicable introductions, then a difficult academic exercise. What kind of recommendation do you think would make sense?

    submitted by /u/d33tah
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    'No module named submodule.py' when running someone else's code

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    Hello. I am trying to run someone else's code in Google Colab. This is the code I am trying to run:


    I go to Google Colab and I clone this repository to my runtime by executing the following:

    !git clone https://github.com/JiaRenChang/PSMNet 

    Then I get a folder called PSMNet. I cd into this folder and I try to run the code by using the following command (as advised by the author of the repository):

    !python submission.py --maxdisp 192 --model stackhourglass --KITTI 2015 \ --datapath ./drive/'My Drive' --loadmodel ./drive/'My Drive'/pretrained_model_KITTI2015.tar 

    But I get the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "submission.py", line 12, in <module> from models import * File "/content/PSMNet/models/__init__.py", line 1, in <module> from .basic import PSMNet as basic File "/content/PSMNet/models/basic.py", line 8, in <module> from submodule import * ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'submodule' 

    I tried adding /content/PSMNet to the $PATH environment variable in Google Colab but this doesn't seem to do anything. I understand that this is an issue with relative imports but I don't know how to deal with it. On my laptop, I run code in PyCharm, and there I can just add folders to the PATH using the PyCHarm UI and everything runs fine. I don't know what I can do in Google Colab. Please let me know how to fix this problem, thank you!

    submitted by /u/zimmer550king
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    How do I set up CI/CD on Siteground hosting?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Detecting and extracting content from ordered/numbered list

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Hi, I was wondering whether there are ways to detect an ordered/numbered list from a piece of text. Then my goal is to have a way to either remove or ignore the number formatting.

    E.g., an ordered list in the form of:

    1. Item 1
    2. Item 2
    3. Item 3


    (1) Item 1

    (2) Item 2 etc


    1- Item 1

    2 - Item 2

    I'm guessing regex may be useful but may be limited due to the fact that there are many different styles for ordered lists. Also, I can't simply use code to remove the numbers is because I still want "Item 1 Item 2 item 3" in the text. If I use regex to match patterns of numbers followed by dots or numbers inside () that may work but again there's a limitation if the text inside the list also contains floats (e.g. 3.5) or numbers inside parentheses.

    submitted by /u/Professional_Crow151
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    Need some explanations on coding an adjacency matrix on c++

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    guys i have a c++ project that require me to ask the user to enter an adjacency matrix and require me to check on that matrix if it represents a n-ary unrooted tree then ask the user to choose a node as the tree node, my friend wrote some lines to check on the adjacency matrix thing but i didn't really understand it so can someone help explaining those lines for me and if there's more simple alternatives i would really appreciate that

    Here are the code lines:

    cout<<"Enter Matrix Size"<<endl;

    int Size;




    for(int i=1; i<Size;i++){



    int sum=0;


    cout<<"Enter the matrix"<<endl;

    for(int i=1;i<Size;i++){

    for(int j=1; j<Size;j++){





    bool c=true;

    for(int i=1;i<Size;i++){

    bool b=0;

    for(int j=1; j<Size;j++){



    if (!b){





    if (!c){

    cout<<"Not connected";

    return 1;


    if (sum!=2*(Size-2)){

    cout<<"Not Tree"<<endl;

    return 1;


    submitted by /u/Pravebiee
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