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    Wednesday, July 15, 2020

    Kinda new to programming, somehow got hired, code never passes QA, feeling demoralized web developers

    Kinda new to programming, somehow got hired, code never passes QA, feeling demoralized web developers

    Kinda new to programming, somehow got hired, code never passes QA, feeling demoralized

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Hey yall,

    Last year in May on a whim I went to a night school bootcamp to "learn to code" in an attempt to turn my life around, while having essentially no programming experience.

    Somehow, through sheer force of will and running on coffee alone I was able to do great there, and before the end of the program, in December, I was offered a job with a partner company. I was so happy, I started there in january.

    However. It's now July, and I feel like this has been very different from school. I expected that, of course, and we all knew when I started that I still had a lot to learn. I really have so much fun coding and this job, despite being kind of hard is one of the best jobs I've ever had. I'm super grateful to my company and bootcamp, but I just feel like in these 7 months I'm still a "code newbie".

    I still make stupid mistakes, my code never passes QA and I'm always asking for help. I feel like the BAs are never confident in me when I'm the one to submit a fix. I feel like my stuff is reverted more often as well, and my team's confidence in me gets lower every day.

    I desperately want to improve. I wanted to get a promotion here, I wanted to be good enough to be accepted by my peers despite having a non-traditional background. Every day I get more anxious that I'm going to get fired for being trash this late into my position.

    I also feel like I never had the chance to build up my testing skills, since my company doesn't unit test and we didn't learn it in school or anything, so it's just one embarrassing pull request after another.

    If anyone has tips, advice, anything, I would love to hear it. Especially those with similar backgrounds.

    tldr: my code sucks, I'm kinda new to coding in general, and I want to learn more about how to make it better, especially with regards to testing in a job environment. Please advise!

    submitted by /u/skiptomarrue
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    I’m not an expert, but I want to give back. I’m happy to do free tutoring over Zoom for absolute beginners on HTML, CSS, and JS. PM me if interested

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    I am building a learning community for people looking to learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript. A basic understanding is preferred, but I'm currently taking any beginners for free. We also have a Slack group, which I can send when you PM me.

    submitted by /u/rjshoemaker55
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    An experienced engineer's view on interview prep

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    I've interviewed hundreds of engineers ranging from internship positions to senior team lead roles. In these interviews, I've tried a variety of approaches but the candidates that do best are the ones that can do the following:

    Solve problems multiple times, slowly, and vocally

    Talk through your thoughts and questions, this keeps me on the same page which is especially important when you get the job and we're trying to build something together. If you can't come up with an efficient solution, walk me through the brute force solution and we can optimize later.

    Debug with confidence

    Having the patience to set up your debugging environment so that you can set breakpoints and step through your code is critical. I've seen junior engineers blitz their "more senior" counterparts because the senior engineer was still stuck in console.log land.

    Understand and incorporate other opinions

    If I make a suggestion during an interview, it may be worth listening to. On the job, the best solution is often found by combining multiple solutions together, and incorporating other opinions into your own demonstrates this.

    Keep learning new things

    This is the hardest one to evaluate because, while everyone says they do it, only the tenacious few spend the time to make it true. For example: if you work primarily in JavaScript but haven't tried using TypeScript yet, you're behind the curve. Software is a rapidly developing discipline and staying up to date is hard but important work.

    Read source code

    I was intimidated by reading other people's code at first but got comfortable with it quickly. This is valuable for debugging code you haven't worked with before, or understanding a library that has inadequate documentation. If you need more motivation, Paul Irish is the one who inspired me with his experience reading through jQuery.

    Contribute to open source

    After you've been faced with missing documentation and taken the time to read the source you have another amazing opportunity at hand: contribute back to that library by making a pull request to improve the documentation. Even just creating an issue on Github is massively beneficial to the core contributors of a package, assuming you aren't creating duplicate issues of course.

    I originally published these thoughts on Medium but appreciate your thoughts and questions here!

    submitted by /u/cazzer548
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    They say you shouldn't care about language/framework cause once you become a good engineer, its all the same and you pick up on new stuff fast. How much of that is true in web dev?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    I can imagine how someone might pick up quickly on a new language, and I myself dont have trouble doing that. But what about everything else? Java is not JUST java. Its also Intellij, JUnit, Mockito, maven/gradle, the JAVA APIs, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Cloud etc.

    I can understand the low friction in doing X with Y language like you did with Z language. But most of my time is not spent tinkering with a language. Its spent over familiarizing myself with the HUNDREDS of API's needed to be useful in that given language ecosystem.

    Maybe its more true in backend dev than in front end dev, or full stack dev. I can get how someone might jump from Java to C. I can't get how someone might jump from React to Angular (effectively). Yes the principles are the same, but you still need to familiarize yourself with the quirks and pitfalls of a dozen or so new API's.

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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    This site by a physics professor looks like it hasn't been redesigned since 2004 but the code is reportedly up to date HTML5/CSS3 and it does surprisingly well on lighthouse test

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    Why aren't South Korea's Government websites encrypted?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    I've been admiring the beautiful design on http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/, http://www.president.go.kr/, etc.

    These are amazing websites! They have amazing and dense designs, clear directions and resources, and are just super nice to go through. However, they don't use SSL. It would seem super easy to get an SSL Cert, why don't have certificates?

    submitted by /u/realkylerchin
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    Got my first web dev job. They're giving me complete control. Looking for advice.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    I got my first paying web dev job. It's a student job and I'm the only person hired to work on their website. They currently use a godaddy theme and want to transition to a wordpress theme using a page builder that one of their employees made. After I transition that they said they want to build a completely new website using whatever tools I want. This sounds like a great opportunity to learn the latest and greatest frameworks and I have full autonomy to do what I want. I'm just overwhelmed with what direction to go in. The website is static and is just a small business site to showcase what they offer. Their main priority if improving their SEO. They are current not even close to the front page.I have a few things in mind

    1. Use wordpress. I've never used wordpress but this seems like a good option for the business because they'll be able to easily make changes themselves once I'm done with the summer employment.

    2. Use something else? I'm only familiar with Jekyll and github pages to build static pages. I like that I get full control of the html, CSS and javascript and I can easily throw together things from codepen, github, and other sites. Does Wordpress allow this?

    The company is putting full faith in me to revamp their site. I like the opportunity even though I don't get guidance from a mentor and it's not a big tech company, I feel like it's a good chance to get some professional experience. What direction should I go?

    submitted by /u/bill_on_sax
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    ELI5: What is RabbitMQ / a Message Broker?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    What is the purpose of a message broker like RabbitMQ or Kafka? What do they do? What problem do they solve? If it's for load balancing, isn't it already solved by load balancers like NGINX, Kubernetes containers etc? What does it do to data? How and when are you supposed to use it?

    submitted by /u/general656
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    The State Of Pixel Perfection

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    Creating a responsive multithreading Website for Desktop & Mobile

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    My take on a MongoDB Crash Course

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm sure you all have some positive feelings towards mongo. Returning back to the webdev scene, it seems like most stacks out there are using Mongo to as their datastore to get going quickly.

    I needed to do a refresher on this and decided to put together a 20 minute crash course video on setting up a cluster on Atlas, followed by interacting with it.

    Hopefully some find this video useful: https://youtu.be/bo_M_BDcCbg

    Support & Feedback appreciated!

    submitted by /u/lockstepgo
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    Bootcamp graduates - I would love to hear (success) stories:

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Any graduates from Tech Elevator, max train etc., please post your success or failure stories. I know its not right for everyone and "only you" can determine if it's the right fit, but I've taken the aptitude test and attended a virtual open house. I have an interview next week for the Columbus campus. I would love to hear first hand thoughts about the curriculum, placement and overall competency after you graduated. Was it worth it?

    I am currently teaching myself angular thru pluralsight. I'm an advanced producer with ableton/logic and this definitely felt like a natural progression as far as learning technology.

    Thank you for your insight.

    submitted by /u/namonite
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    Is it possible to break into the industry if you're self-taught with no CS degree?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    I currently work in financial risk management and have a degree in Geography and Forestry. No formal CS/programming education or experience. I became interested in coding because I dabbled in some SQL and then Python, and now I'm considering a full career transition into programming. I've started The Odin Project recently and having fun (hard as fuck though!) going through it.

    My question - can I still break into the field without a degree in CS? My plan is to learn as much as I can, build a portfolio/contribute to projects and then network my ass off. Would that possibly help me in getting my foot in the door?

    submitted by /u/fabrar
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    Why does lazyloading images improve TTI?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Google's resources state that lazyloading images helps improve Time to Interactive (TTI):

    Consider lazy-loading these images after all critical resources have finished loading to lower Time to Interactive

    from https://web.dev/offscreen-images

    I don't understand why this would be true, however. Shouldn't the browser's default resource priorities effectively prioritize critical resources?

    I know, for instance, that offscreen images already have a Low resource priority in Chrome – that should allow High/Higher/Highest resources to win out in the queue.

    So, what is the browser not doing? In what scenarios will lazyloading images permit critical resources to load earlier in the download queue?

    submitted by /u/DrDuPont
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    What's a possible way to animate positioning of CSS grid element?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    Hi all.

    After some digging I found that CSS grid elements cannot have animation when they are moved around within the grid, so I was wondering if there could be a JS solution to this.

    Basically what I want is, on a class change on the parent that has display: grid, the child elements will change position using grid-column-start and grid-row-start. I figured out this part, but not quite sure how to animate that change in position.

    What could be a JS way to achieve this since this is most likely not possible with CSS? Please correct me if I am wrong.

    My implementation minus the animation: https://codepen.io/sadmansh/full/VweEZqL The dots will move when you click the button up top.

    submitted by /u/bbqgorilla
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    Open Prioritization could be a serious game changer.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Question on adding python script as a widget to website (Example code included)

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 09:54 AM PDT


    I've written this basic code as an example to demonstrate want I want to accomplish.

    I have this python script that asks the user their name and age and it returns how many years until they are aged 100:

    user_name = input("Enter your name please: ")

    user_age = int(input("Enter your age: "))

    one_hundred = 100-user_age

    print("Here are your results!", "\n", "First Name: " + user_name, "\n", "Current Age: ", user_age, "\n", "Years until aged 100: ", one_hundred)

    Lets say I wanted to include this on my site for users to play with and use. How would I do that? I imagine using some kind of widget that runs python and embedding that on to the page would be the simplest way? I did some research and found out about GUIs, but it still seems a bit foreign to me.

    Can someone help me out and lead me in the right direction.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/lewjefferson
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    Question: I've been asked to supply my cPanel account's SSL certificate chain, how?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Hi guys, really appreciate some advice about my VPS cPanel account I setup for hosting a REST API. I need to provide the SSL certificate chain to a client and I don't want to look dumb. :)

    I've secured the site with SSL using the free cPanel certificate that was auto generated for me.

    I assume this certificate was issued through an intermidiary certificate authority and not a root CA and as such my client needs the SSL certificate chain in order to trust my certificate (to trace it through from intermidiary to root CA).

    What I don't understand is why they would need this when any browser I connect to the site shows a valid certificate? She mentioned my site/API was 'middleware' so I assume something on one side of my API can't tie through the certificate on it's own?

    I'm definitely no master of this, if you could be so kind as to help a newbie not look stupid, I'd really appreciate a push towards sending them the SSL certificate chain.

    Thank you kindly!

    submitted by /u/autom8r
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    How will the use of a full-stack such as MEAN help me?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    I just wanted to clarify where learning a stack such as MEAN (Mongo DB, Express, Angular, Node.js) will help me. I am currently able to build a website using HTML, CSS and vanilla Javascript and wanted to know the benefits of using a stack like this and utilising its features.

    I've only really made basic websites so far, so I'm assuming a stack like MEAN comes into play when integration with a database and proper back-end management is needed when creating a full web app.

    If anyone could help with my understanding of this, I'd appreciate it :)

    submitted by /u/Noaaaaaaa
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    Having a hard time writing the "About Me" page of my portfolio

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 12:56 AM PDT


    I am having quite a hard time writing up the about page of my portfolio, I know it sounds a super basic issue and that I should just write whatever I feel is natural, however, most of the ones I wrote are very basic. I want something that looks more professional, would you help me please?

    submitted by /u/iEmerald
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    A list of web development 'stacks' / the best ones to learn?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    I was wondering if there was a website that listed the most popular web dev stacks (e.g. MEAN) so I can decide which one to learn.

    I have now learnt HTML, CSS and vanilla Javascript but am looking to further my knowledge of web dev.

    I also have a question: are the 'stacks', such as MEAN, for backend only, or are they for full-stack web development?


    submitted by /u/Noaaaaaaa
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    Completely new to web development! Any help would be appreciated

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Hello! I'm a university student looking to build a website for a project I am working on and I have no clue how to develop a website! I would appreciate any advice and answers to a few of the questions I have!!

    -I'm not looking to make this website myself- looking to hire someone to work for me, so I'm thinking of going onto fiverr or somewhere to get a freelance worker. I'm really into aesthetics and I have somewhat of a sizable budget, so if you or someone you know or you have a better site to recommend than Fiverr, lmk!!

    -I'm seeing that building a website can be done through platforms like GoDaddy or Squarespace. Are these the best options/is there capability of making a website not on one of these sites?

    -how much does it cost to maintain a website? It seems to me there are monthly/yearly fees on the sites I mentioned before but are there ways to have sites running for free?

    -General estimates on total costs to make+maintain a website?

    I have a super basic understanding of tech hahah so please bare with me.

    submitted by /u/juice---
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    After months of studying. I still feel like I barely know anything about JavaScript

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    I've been studying to be a frontend developer for about 8-9 months now. I have HTML and CSS pretty much down, anything else I need to know if can easily look up and find the solution. I've been focusing on JavaScript for a long time, and I understand most of what I'm learning, but I still feel like I don't know anything, like I wouldn't know where to start if I wanted to make something or to show my skills without watching someone else do it first.

    Everyone says that they feel this way when starting out and even down the road after doing it for a while. But I just feel pretty dumb that I've spent so much time learning this stuff and don't really have much to show for it. I'm a little afraid to have an interview and not be able to demonstrate my knowledge in the way they might want me to, but give me a multiple choice kind of test and I know I'd do well lol

    I know I need to build things, that's what I'm going to do next. I hope I grasp this and get over this hump, if you wanna call it that.

    Just wanted to vent a little lol. Thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/slamsmcaukin
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    How do you make this with JS ??

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    purpose of doing web development?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Hello guys, this post might be a little hollow / on the existential side of life, but please bear with me.

    So a little background:

    I recently graduated school as a fullstack dev where im trained in traditional software development, such as java, mvc, frontend, database with mysql, but i just can't see myself working like that full time. Before that i was doing game dev as a hobby and i found it really interesting, but had to start school due to personal reasons.

    Now im stuck here trying to find a job as web dev because doing game dev isnt sustianable short sight for me.

    My question to you is: What really is the purpose of web development? what drive you guys to develop in front end technologies? is it the pleasure of making a product that service other people? is it the money? is it the coorperations you work in? do you find it exciting to create websites? also do you find handling data for companies exciting? (back end dev)

    All my drive is in game development, i like to make code that makes a character move or make a gun shoot or make enemies that move in certain ways etc, and i have a really hard time applying my drive to web dev. Does anyone have any tips on how i actually can change my view on from game dev to frontend / web dev, because im really struggling and i have to apply to frontend companies to earn money, and i dont want to throw away 3 years of school, but i also like to do game dev it just isnt sustainable right now.

    kind regards

    submitted by /u/he_retic
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