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    Sunday, July 19, 2020

    I made a background version of this front-end development roadmap by Kamranahmedse (2560x1440) web developers

    I made a background version of this front-end development roadmap by Kamranahmedse (2560x1440) web developers

    I made a background version of this front-end development roadmap by Kamranahmedse (2560x1440)

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    Domain being held Hostage !!

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    So a friend of mine has his domain being held hostage by the small web dev agency that did his website. They aren't willing to give him access to it. So I just checked that the domain has already expired 2 days ago so if I wait a couple of days will I be able to register it for myself?

    submitted by /u/MercsandChicks
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    What attributes do you look for in a Jr. Web Dev applicant? I am having trouble evaluating non-senior applicants.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    I am a team lead and we are starting a round of hiring. We know we want to add 1 or 2 jr. front-end web devs because at the moment we are a little Sr. heavy.

    I have really only interviewed sr-ish developers and I am a sr. myself. This Friday I helped interview a jr. applicant. We went through our list of various technical questions we ask every applicant (the point is to have some normalization between all candidates).

    She more or less bombed many of the technical questions. Like, she was sort of able to describe what Array.map does in JS, but couldn't explain Array.reduce.

    I am aware that we can't expect a jr. to know everything. And I am aware a jr. will need some level of coaching (I consider myself to have the heart of a teacher). And I am aware that a jr. will be doing jr. level work.

    But, what traits should I look for if technical questions may not be adequate to evaluate them? Is this sentiment even true?

    The woman we interviewed was nice and seemed like she would get along with the team. But she only has experience from the boot-camp she just graduated from. She said she was a quick learner. That sounds good, but I suspect a lot of slow-learners think they are fast learners. How do I "prove" that she is a fast learner? What other "traits" are a good signal for a jr. level applicant and how can I see/find them in an interview?

    I realize I am rambling a little by now, I just want to make sure I am not unfairly evaluating jr level applicants.

    submitted by /u/maybeyourcoworker1
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    Where to get clients outside of referals and upwork?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    I get a lot of leads off of upwork.

    I also sometimes get referrals from past clients

    Are there any other ways to get them? I'm guessing Google/SEO isn't the way

    I doubt spamming people on LinkedIn is the way

    Seems like there is virtually not way to get business beyond referals or upwork

    I build SaaS software usually but am considering going down market to build websites.... I feel like I can build 3 websites a week easy and charge $1k-$5k (or more depending on the client)... also can easily scale and hire other low skill devs

    submitted by /u/JustLookingAroundFor
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    TIL about CSS3 min/max function

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    This might seem stupid to most but I'm not much into CSS and haven't used the min/max functions before but they are so easy to use and make making a responsive design so much easier. For example instead of using javascript to determine the min/max between width and height we can use these.

    submitted by /u/CromulentEntity
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    Localization best practice: If I want to have a text (e.g. a heading) to be in all caps, should it be done in CSS, or should it be done in the locale strings file?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    If I want to have a text (e.g. a heading) to be in all caps, should it be done in CSS (i.e. text-transform), or should it be done in the locale strings file?

    submitted by /u/nyamuk91
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    Made another tutorial that teaches you how to make a flexible countdown timer using Javascript.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    Made another tutorial that teaches you how to make a flexible countdown timer using Javascript.

    You can view the tutorial here on my blog --> https://thecodingpie.com/post/how-to-create-a-countdown-timer-in-javascript/

    Countdown timer

    Hope you like it :) As always, any feedback is accepted...

    submitted by /u/thecodingpie
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    [Question] [VueJs/Firebase] Help me find a good Nuxt+firebase tutorial or just tell me what to do?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    I have skimmed through some documentation of firebase. And I think I am an advanced beginner level Nuxt enthusiast (developer if I am bold).

    But the problem is I haven't found one size fits all solution when it came to using Nuxt with Firebase.

    The documentation of https://firebase.nuxtjs.org/ is not beginner friendly and it requires me to come with a pretty solid understanding of firebase priot to touching the docs.

    The tutorials I found on net does not follow this nuxt module. They do it in their own ways. And they skim over some things that I do need from firebase like analytics and stuff.

    It seems like at this point my solution is to just learn firebase with plain JS. But the problem is that, that would take away my time from learning Nuxt and Vue pretty well. I just want to learn how to deal with realtime database of firebase period. Not even firestore or something.

    I had a working script on Flask which is like 20 lines of code but I want to convert it into firebase environment. Which just reads and writes data. Then I can work on analytics, authentication, users, cookies, headers, request limits, proxy handling, stripe integration etc etc.

    But I am struggling to just get started with firbase with nuxt.

    submitted by /u/anyfactor
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    Recently, I posted this page to r/Math. In there, I asked about what markup the page uses. Well, it was math and thus mist likely the wrong place to ask. I give it another try here.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    How to make a website with a location search?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    I've been googling, but I can't find the what I'm looking for.

    For example if your on a website and you want to find stores near you, you input at city or your zip code and locations come up. And some can be specific like if you're looking for "apples" at "Walmart only" near you you can find the specific item at the specific store near you.

    How can I accomplish this? I'm using sql, php, HTML/css right now. I haven't needed JavaScript yet

    submitted by /u/EmptyEntertainment8
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    How to stop the parent menu item from jumping up when the submenu gets opened?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    This site, click on "services" or "our network". The parent menu jumps up to make room for the submenu, I don't want that, should I add z-index?

    submitted by /u/lynob
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    Postback with PHP for win tracking?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    Hi everyone!!

    Thank you all for helping me through this semesters web development class I'm in!

    For this assignment we're learning about how to use php to postback so I can keep track of the wins/losses in my number guessing game!

    We're supposed to use $_SERVER["REQUEST METHOD"] == "GET" and $_SERVER["REQUEST METHOD"] == "POST". I'm just kind of having trouble figuring out how to actually use those as opposed to regular post.

    Also any idea's on how to keep track of wins/losses would be awesome!!

    Here's my code so far!


    <?php $rand = rand(1, 10); $guess = $_POST['guess']; $submit = $_POST['submit']; if(isset($submit)){ if($guess<1||$guess>10){ header("Location: index.php"); echo "You're guess must be a number between 1 and 10!"; } else{ if($guess != $rand){ echo "Incorrect!! Correct answer is ".$rand; } else{ echo "CORRECT!!"; } } } else{ header("Location: index.php"); exit(); } ?> 

    and my very basic html to test:

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" dir="ltr"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Guessing Game</title> </head> <body> <form action="guess.php" method="post"> <h1> Guessing Game!</h1> <h2>Whats it gonna be?</h2> <input type="text" name="guess" placeholder="A number 1-10"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Try your luck!" > </form> </body> </html> 

    Any tips or ideas would be GREATLY appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/VantaWitch
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    How to implement a hover card when you hover over a profile picture an app?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    How to to implement a hover card that appears when you hover over a profile picture in a web app similar to Quora and instagram.

    the card will display the person's picture, name and anything assoicated with it.

    I am not that good at js or css, so is there a tutorial or example I can follow?

    submitted by /u/ronaldoMo
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    Thoughts on building a scraper with Node.js

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    I tried Node recently, and it seemed pretty efficient. Here's the code template, what do you think? https://syndicode.com/2020/04/07/developing-scalable-nodejs-web-scraper/?

    submitted by /u/veravash
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    CORS allow credentials - necessary if no cookies?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    I'm trying to wrap my head around the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header, along with allowCredentials in AJAX requests. I understand that it's used with regard to cookies, but is it necessary if there are no need for cookies?

    In my case, I have a JAMStack application which passes access tokens to my backend service via Authorization: Bearer token when making requests. I'm in the process of configuration CORS and it seems like I don't need to go through the whole credentials part of the CORS request? I can parse the Authorization header just fine on the backend. Is there any additional benefit of following through with making requests with allowCredentials: true and adding the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials response header? Thanks

    submitted by /u/csyeti
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    script, script async and script defer

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Mobile First

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    i have a practice project to create a mobile first approach using media queries, i dont know how should i approach this, should i just write it regular then add the media query at the end? should i minimize the page so it looks like mobile and code like that?

    submitted by /u/johnwhick1
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    Crowdsourcing knowledge - Creating a preliminary version of a price comparison website

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    I'm interested in building a price comparison website, normally I got expertise in React, Angular, JS and HTML/CSS and a bit of Java.

    I'm thinking on building a price comparison website but I need to crunch the data first - to do this what can I do? Normally what I want to do is bring the information from multiple online stores.

    For this task, do you normally use web scraping and what web-scraping tool would you recommend for this? I dont wanna spend lots of time so I was thinking on using https://webscraper.io/pricing on free trial as it has a scheduler included.

    Unless it's not worth it. Appreciate any valuable ideas do accomplish this project - Thanks!

    submitted by /u/krayzon1
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    Any good guide on how to safely deploy a webserver on DigitalOcean (or else) ?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:59 AM PDT


    I started my web dev business and I am almost done with my first client. I offered hosting on an another platform but since it was too hard to use, I decided to switch to DigitalOcean.

    However, on the other platform, I had everything already setup for me. Now, I must do some work. I don't really know much about webservers and their security and I was looking for a guide that would help me achieve that.

    My needs are quite simple: a webserver that will allow me to run a Wordpress site and a React app (headless CMS). Is there a guide that would guide me into the setup of that? If you also know guide on how to work with Laravel and React apps, I would be happy to see that.


    submitted by /u/AsteroidSnowsuit
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    Webdev shop owners that have clients with ongoing work, how?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    I just started a python/django shop. My original plan was to specifically do work for marketing agencies. I quickly realized that the clients for most of these marketing agencies generally only need a simple static site made.

    So I need a new gameplan. Should I look for subcontracting opportunities with other webdev agencies?

    I considered cold calling a LONG time ago. I even created a database of 2k businesses that don't have websites (how I did this is proprietary info ;) ), even scraping business sites that contain (estimated) info about their yearly revenue. But I'm not a sales guy.

    What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Mjjjokes
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    Help with understanding a simple gallery

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    I am practicing my web development by modifying existing website templates. However, I am running into an issue with a website that I am practicing on. In the index.html file, the gallery does not want to link whenever I change the nav name from "salad" to "Burger" for example. I just need someone to help me figure this out. I think it is something in the Javascript since I already tried things in the CSS and the HTML5. I appreciate it if anyone could look in their spare time. I included all the source code in this link to my google drive.


    submitted by /u/xpgus
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    Job vs Interview... why?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Job is like...

    • webpack
    • react router
    • redux/reducers/actions/....
    • redux plugins thunk...
    • react
    • typescript
    • 3x build tools
    • jest testing combos...
    • server side rendering hydration
    • graphql
    • SASS
    • BEM
    • 15+ html apis
    • multiple protocols
    • chrome dev tools
    • PWAs
    • Webrtc/websocket
    • loadash
    • docker
    • kubernettes
    • nodejs
    • postgres
    • linux
    • git
    • memcache
    • oauth/jwt
    • go
    • mongodb
    • apollo
    • bigquery
    • elasticsearch
    • aws
    • rpc
    • protobuff
    • devops
    • microservice observability, reliability, discovery
    • kafka
    • rabbitmq
    • nginx

    but interview is like....

    implement heap sort with stack only that is O(n) in space and time complexity in 30 minutes as I change my requirements.

    wtf is this industry ??

    I remember when all popular sites ran just fine with just php, mysql, and jquery. Craigslist, youtube, hackernews, reddit and rest of the internet served millions and was fast. Now you see a loading bar for every button you click and every page has seizure when it loads 10mb of garbage

    submitted by /u/techsin101
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