• Breaking News

    Saturday, July 18, 2020

    I am from a third world country and don't come from well enough family. I want to escape it through freelancing. learn programming

    I am from a third world country and don't come from well enough family. I want to escape it through freelancing. learn programming

    I am from a third world country and don't come from well enough family. I want to escape it through freelancing.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    I come from a third world country (Nepal) and come from a lower middle class household. My family has about $30k of debt and we are struggling very much financially. I am 20 years old and currently in 5th sem of college. Now the job in my country don't pay much until 3-4 years. They pay about $150-200 dollars/month at the beginning at most cases. This thing is taking a lot of toll in my mental health.

    Now a month or two back i found Upwork and Fiverr have bank transfer( because my country doesn't have paypal services) i think i have some hope. Currenlty, i am learning HTML/CSS. My plans are to add JS and PHP+Laravel in the coming months. I am ready to work for 8-10 hours a day and this is where i need help. I need a path, a guideline since i am a total beginner.

    My other option is going to Flutter App Development. Please help me decide right now. I want to pay off the debt in about 2-2.5 years. Is it possible?

    How many projects should i create before entering? Also i see wordpress has a lot of demand. Is it worth going?

    submitted by /u/Hawkeyeye
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    [Python] Why am I getting into an infinite loop?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    rc = input("enter A, B, or C: \n") rc = rc.upper() print(rc) while rc != "A" or "B" or "C": rc = input('Invalid entry please type \'A\' \'B\' \'C\':\n') rc = rc.upper() print(rc) print('out of the while loop with' + rc) 

    Why doesn't the above code lead into an infinite loop?

    Am I making a syntax error or a logical one? I also tried:

    while rc != "A" or rc != "B" or rc != "C": 

    But either way it leads to an infinite loop.

    When I insert a print(rc) command after the rc.upper() function the output is what I'd expect it to be, except of course for the infinite loop.

    enter A, B, or C: a A Invalid entry please type 'A' 'B' 'C': b B Invalid entry please type 'A' 'B' 'C': c C Invalid entry please type 'A' 'B' 'C': 


    submitted by /u/Gavinaldi
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    Beginners Guide to Kubernetes

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    For anyone who's interested in getting started with Kubernetes, I wrote down a long-ish article (45 pages) that explains the basic Kubernetes concepts - what are pods, replicasets, how services are related to pods, etc.

    I remember how confusing these terms and concepts were when I started looking into Kubernetes, so
    I am hoping my explanations can help someone grasp them quicker.

    Article link.

    submitted by /u/pj3677
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    How do you not get overwhelmed and panic about having to learn a lot of concepts?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    I completed my final exam on May, I feel like a total loser for not having a job lined up like my friends from other fields have.

    I know what I need to learn - I want to do a project to showcase in my portfolio. I feel like I don't have time and I need to secure a job but they're asking for lots of experience and languages. How on earth am I meant to juggle everything? I'm losing sleep everyday looking at job posts and I'm tired from all this.

    I've heard that from Sep onwards the job markets is dry and it's impossible for me to get something now. I needed to work on my mental health while doing my masters, it got too much. I feel like I wasted time working on myself mentally and emotionally.

    What did you do to keep sane?

    Ideally I want to go into data analyst or Power Bi developer.


    submitted by /u/throwback772
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    Need help with making a .bat file

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    A little bit of context first. Skyrim has a problem when running multiple monitors that allows you to scroll things on other screens. The way to fix this is to go to windows settings->devices->mouse-> and disable "scroll inactive window when I hover over them". The problem is I use this setting alot and I want to make a .bat that launches with skse(skyrim script extender), disables the setting, and enables it again when the game closes. I dont know much about programming(I know how to edit code pretty well), but If you can just give me the basics of what to do I can probably do it.

    submitted by /u/killerfun125
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    GitHub repositories overwhelming

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 06:05 PM PDT


    I'm a data scientist, and I usually work with Python in a Jupyter Notebook environment for data exploring and research. However, I feel like this is perpetrating some bad habits in my programming, and I also really miss working on a software project, whatever the language.

    I've been trying to explore GitHub repositories to learn more about different software and projects, but I'm completely flummoxed by the sheer amount of different files and modules and different technologies in a single project. How exactly should I approach this? Am I going about this the wrong way?

    submitted by /u/sad_dispenser
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    Is Codecademy worth the money?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm a newbie in programming and I'd like to ask y'all, if Codecademy is worth the money, because I think they have it beautifully designed and easy to understand. But still it is a huge amount, what do you think and could you recommend good and cheap alternatives? Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/Playkey11
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    How does a new Software Developer learn and develop on an App with thousands of lines?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    I'm getting better with Python but if someone tells you to run their code that you have not worked on first hand. How do you learn their code?

    Do you rebuild the project from scratch to learn all of its functions?

    This person wants me to run their code and continue developing it and its in another language. If I start rebuilding it I can figure out how it works. Is this the best way? What about a much larger app like what you find at a company like Google?

    submitted by /u/kalavala93
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    Looking for serious like minded people who want to learn about software

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    I've always been intrigued by software and how it works and have built some small things nothing major. I am looking for like minded people interested in befriending and working / learning new things together. I find if I surround myself with like minded people it will be easier for me to stay on track! I'd like to eventually get an entry level job somewhere in this field. I became unemployed about 2 months ago and I'm looking to take advantage of this time. A few things I have experience with are front end frameworks html/css sass, Java, JavaScript, go, c++ and swift just to name a few. Feel free to pm me or leave a comment!

    submitted by /u/Human-Process
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    I can't contribute to open source projects and it is depressing me

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Hi, I am recent Computer Science Graduate, I am not noob in programming. I would consider myself as least okayish programmer that has various projects under the belt over last couple of years. I , in short know how to program and I am not new to it. However I want to start practising the skill of reading others code and I like tho have good Github profile where it shows my contributions to open source. I am aware that probably none of the recruiters would look at Github, however that is not my motivation. I really like open source community and like to contribute back and do something valuable and boost my developer skills same time. However issue is even when I go to somewhere like https://up-for-grabs.net/#/ and spot the beginner friendly projects I have issues with starting. Like I go to issues page of the project but I feel totally lost. Like I don't know how this huge project works. There isn't really standard software development cycle and documentation for the developers and I don't know how to crack it. It feels really demotivating as I feel like crap programmer. I really like to contribute to some web framework or similar daily used program as it would of been great. What can i do? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/thepower456
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    Started C++ recently and have an "alright" grasp on all the basic concepts (Loops, vectors, If, functions).

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    What are some beginner projects that are not too easy but will lead me to better understand these concepts and improve my programming in general?

    I've built the hangman game, although I had guidance while doing it. something realistic would be nice.

    submitted by /u/DannyPicasso
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    AI and its abilIty to write code...are dev jobs safe?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    As a beginner in programming I've been cramming JavaScript trying to learn as much as I can and then yesterday I saw GPT-3. It was able to create JavaScript code for websites just by describing what you want. Want three yellow buttons? It can create it and within seconds. So after seeing that, is it still worth it to learn JavaScript when AI can do it much faster than you? Will AI take away dev jobs and front end jobs and eventually make them obsolete? Why or why not? And if so, how fast will this happen? Should I just learn machine learning instead?

    submitted by /u/wagna3
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    Enforcing C++11 rule that array dimensions must be constexpr

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    I'm trying to learn C++ by working my way through C++ Primer.

    In section 3.5.1, "defining and initializing built-in arrays," the book states that "the dimension must be known at compile time, which means that the dimension must be a constant expression."

    It then gives an explicit example of an error:

    unsigned cnt = 42; // not a constant expression [...] string bad[cnt]; // error: cnt is not a constant expression

    However, this rule does not appear to be enforced by default by G++ (8.3.0). It does not complain about this usage.

    However, I can't seem to figure out how to force the compiler to follow the standard and complain about this.

    If I use the flag -std=c++11, it still compiles without complaint.

    If I use the flag -ansi, it doesn't recognize the constexpr keyword, as if it is following the pre-C++11 standard.

    If I use both flags, it still complains about constexpr.

    (The error is: error: 'constexpr' was not declared in this scope.)

    So my question is: is the requirement that the dimension of a built-in array is a constexpr actually part of the standard? If so, how to I get my compiler (G++ 8.3.0) to follow the standard?

    submitted by /u/seemslikesalvation
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    What is faster and more economical in terms of memory in C++ in this case? Arrays...

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    So im still very confused with this array stuff in C++.

    So basically its not like javascript. Where you just build it as you go.

    You must create an array already with a number. And then use vectors or create a new array everytime you change it o___O.

    So basically.

    I want to create an array of the number of oranges i ate today.

    So in Javascript i would just declare the array. var oranges = [];

    And then each time i eat an orange i just push the orange into it:

    oranges.push("small orange");

    oranges.push("big orange");

    Easy and simple o___O.

    But in C++ it seems the way to do it, is to create an array with a size you estimate to be the maximum size the array will have?

    So i imagine you create an array oranges[40], because you wouldnt eat more than 40 oranges in a day. So 40 will be enough.

    So then lets say you ate 3 oranges today only and you want to access your oranges in that array. How do you loop through it without going through the other 37 oranges that are empty?

    See. This i quite confusing to me.

    Do you actually make a loop with an if statement and break it once you reach the element in the array that is 00?

    Is that more economical? Or this is stupid and its just better to create an array of oranges[1];, and just use vector to keep adding more elements to the array?

    Or as other have suggested in the other post. To just eleminate the array and create a new one with the new number?

    Pls help. Sorry if i sound so noob and im imaginaning things.

    submitted by /u/SneakyJessica
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    How would I self-learn Assembly/machine code.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:44 PM PDT

    Hi, so I've been trying to learn programming myself before more of my cs classes start, just because I wanna learn and get a head start. I've been reading alot, and something that hit me was a statement that alot of new cs students are not taught correctly. In the sense that they don't know the fundamentals of the programming stack, such as how transistors and micro controllers work. I am really interested in hardware too, so I'm just kind of lost on where to start with learning the connection between software and hardware. I would love to learn the "behind the scenes" of a higher level language and how it gets turned into machine code. Sorry if this was a little confusing to read.

    submitted by /u/de_f0x
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    Where does login/authentication fit within an API gateway and microservices?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    In a high level overview, let's say we have an API gateway and a set of microservices. As I understand it, the gateway is used to address some security and be the point of contact for microservices. But what about the ability to login?

    Let's say I use a solution like Auth0, where they'll handle the authentication for me. Does this login/registration functionality go behind the API gateway? Or in front of it? Are users typically authenticated before they start sending requests to the gateway?

    submitted by /u/plumfu
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    Time issues on firestore

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    I wrote this code to help me manage the different time zones from which posts are being made on my simple firebase project:

    function timeHandler(timems) { //that timems is time in milliseconds of GMT let d = new Date(); //get offset and convert to milliseconds let offset = d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000; let GMTms = d.getTime() + offset; let date = new Date(timems - offset).toLocaleDateString(); let time = new Date(timems - offset).toLocaleTimeString(); return { GMTms: GMTms, time: time, date: date, }; } 

    so whenever a user makes a post, timeHandler().GMTms is being called to get GMT in milliseconds and is being posted as time field in firestore as a number. And whenever snapshot occurs in the databse, its being loaded with that time field in timeHandler(time).time to get local time as the time offset is being added by the function. But this function is kindaa not not working as recent posts made from time zones closer to GMT are always sorted to be second despite being posted before from time zones further east. Anyone used to database handling might be able to help me? Is my function wrong somewhere? Is there a way to sort by posted time on firestore itself? Or do I have to rely on a library?

    submitted by /u/Shrestha01
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    Software Development Teaching Sites

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    I am trying to find the best guides to help a friend of mine develop employable programming skills over the course of the next year (coming from a non-tech background). After wandering r/learnpython r/learnprogramming for the last hour or so and also some random google searches, I now have a bunch of tabs open to sites that claim they will teach you to program and get you hired, but it's hard to tell which ones are more or less legit and helpful.

    If anyone has used any of the following websites in their own education, could I get some reviews on the following websites??







    Thank you in advance!!

    submitted by /u/326TimesBetter
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    Whats the use of variables if we can just explicitly use literals in Java?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:25 PM PDT

    In Java a variable is just a container to hold literal values, why not just write the literals explicitly if the only purpose of variable is just that?

    submitted by /u/anonhopefull
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    makefile basics

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    I've never made a makefile before and I'm trying to do it for my simple flask app. Did I do it right?

    I want to include these steps in a makefile format

    How to run this app:

    Go to the terminal and cd into the simpleFlaskApp directory

    export FLASK_APP=simpleHelloApp.py

    export FLASK_ENV=development

    FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run

    Copy and paste the link that is generated to run the flask app in a browser

    ctrl+C to quit

    all: make set && \ make env && \ FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run set: export FLASK_APP=simpleHelloApp.py env: export FLASK_ENV=development 
    submitted by /u/RadiantGoal
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    C++ arrays. Why cant i just initialize an array without a specific number. And just push into it the values that i need. Like in javascript?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    So im having some trouble understanding this.

    In javascript you just initialize an array like that:

    var myArray = [];

    Then you can push all the values you want into it.

    But in C++. You must say its number before? How does this make any sense?

    How do i know before hand how many elements my array will have? My array can have 5 or 10, depending on the situation?

    How do i deal with this? In my situation, my array will need sometimes 10 sometimes 5 sometimes 20 values in it. That i will need to push into it according to the context. And later on i will access this array and loop through its values to create an action. Is this possible? Is there something im not understanding?

    submitted by /u/SneakyJessica
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    I want to make a simple app with cloud storage. What’s the simplest solution?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    I'm trying to make an app to log bowling games so that I can calculate statistics on the games (but I also want to use the cloud storage for possible future apps).

    By "simplest" solution, I basically mean what is the easiest.

    1: What's the simplest solution to create the app? I want it to be cross-platform. I was looking at maybe I can use Google Flutter.

    2: What's the simplest and cheapest solution for cloud storage? I was looking at maybe AWS, or maybe I can use the Google Drive API.

    Thanks in advance!!

    submitted by /u/ubercorb77
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    HELP ME (Hang-Man C++)

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Hello fellow redditors! I am 18 years old going to study electrical engineering and I have just got into C++ programming. I just finished a 4 hour tutorial and I started making Hang-Man. This is my first ever project, so I was feeling a bit overwhelmed, since I am lacking direction. The biggest problem I have right now is figuring out how to create a function that would check for multiple instances of the user's guess, which is a character, and compare the guess to the randomly generated phrase that I have coded in the array below. How would I be able to accomplish this task?

    This is what my code looks like so far:

    #include <iostream>

    #include <string>

    #include <time.h>

    #include <ctype.h>

    using namespace std;

    void findAllInstances(string aPhrase) {

    string guess;

    cout << "Enter your guess: ";

    getline(cin, guess);

    int i = 0;

    while (i < 5) {

    int index = aPhrase.find(guess, 0);

    int index1 = aPhrase.find(guess, index) + 1;

    int index2 = aPhrase.find(guess, index1) + 1;

    int index3 = aPhrase.find(guess, index2) + 1;

    int index4 = aPhrase.find(guess, index3) + 1;

    int aPhraseLength = aPhrase.length() - 1;



    int instances = i;

    cout << "There are " << instances << " instances of " << guess << endl;


    int main(){


    int randomNumber = (rand() % 14);

    string randSentence[15]{

    "a piece of cake", "back to square one", "beating around the bush",

    "cry over spilled milk", "cup of joe", "curiosity killed the cat",

    "cut to the chase", "hit the sack", "beat your meat",

    "unleash the tiger out of the jungle", "swamp balls", "one in a million",

    "the wolf of wall street", "let the joules flow", "rockwell is a bitch."


    string phrase = randSentence[randomNumber];


    return 0;


    submitted by /u/echo_main
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    How do I test this HTTP request class functions?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    I have a Spring boot app that uses a 3rd party API to feed it data about coupons. Right now I am looking to write unit tests and add exceptions in the case of things going wrong. Here is a gist of my RequestService class:


    I don't quite understand how to test it and incorporate error handling to it. Should my unit tests check the JSON response? The HTTP status code? How to test the private functions?

    submitted by /u/BarAkiva
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