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    Sunday, July 12, 2020

    How are emails like this created? “Preview” text is not displayed in the HTML body. Is this “multipart” MIME trickery? Or is the first line just “white” (invisible) text? web developers

    How are emails like this created? “Preview” text is not displayed in the HTML body. Is this “multipart” MIME trickery? Or is the first line just “white” (invisible) text? web developers

    How are emails like this created? “Preview” text is not displayed in the HTML body. Is this “multipart” MIME trickery? Or is the first line just “white” (invisible) text?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Clicker game tutorial. React, somewhat advanced hooks, memo. All fully explained.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    I made a custom FIFA squad builder using Angular!

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    I made a custom FIFA squad builder using Angular!

    it's a FUT squad where you can customize each player's card type, ratings, club, country, and image. Here's an example I just made of my all-time favorite Premier League players to watch -


    I used the FIFA 14 card aesthetics because they're the best looking, in my opinion. I intended it for personal use, so it's not running anywhere, but here's the repo! https://github.com/ryanjackson10/custom-fifa-squad-builder

    submitted by /u/alrightfrankie
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    How do you overcome the reality of "there is a better way"?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! Thank you for contributing to the subreddit and helping people.

    For the last 2 years of learning web development using countless sources varying from Udemy to freecodecamp, I have heard many different versions of this phrase: "...but there's a better way".

    There is always a better, shorter, and easier way. I learn something and the instructor or the teacher says: "...but we won't be using this" or "it's better if we use this other method" etc.

    Learned HTML? Too bad the majority uses Pug.

    Learned CSS? Aw, but Sass is faster.

    Learned Javascript? Dude Typescript is the thing.

    Learned all? Now you gotta go with React, Vue, Angular, and so on...

    Everyone knows that every day we have a new front-end library, I get it but it's just crazy. Don't get me wrong, I know Vue.js and am comfortable with React.js. I know web is an ever-changing living creature and I am ok with it. Again I learn React and this company says we use Angular and I can't find another job so I have to learn it.

    Now I am trying to get better at back-end to become a full-stack dev. There aren't as many libraries or new "stuff" as front-end but still, there's always a better way.

    I feel like, I am learning many concepts just for nothing. For example, I still don't know the use case of EJS. Who uses it? Where do I use it? I know how but nobody talks about the "why".

    So what do I do? How do you cope with this? What do you think?

    Sorry for my horrible English skills.

    Have a beautiful day!

    submitted by /u/hiccupq
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    A web platform for helping people learn online by creating learning paths from online resources

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    I made a CSS framework based on Apple's design!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    What is desirable in a front-end portfolio?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    I'm building my portfolio and want to know what is desirable for employers to see. I notice a trend of these "hero image"sites, a lot of buttons and things moving around as you scroll and giant videos in the background. I have a few projects lined up, but I'm curious of others views.

    submitted by /u/Adept_Anxious
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    Anyone had caching issues in XAMPP/Apache/PHP coding in PHP?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 10:11 AM PDT


    Hi, I'm a long time user of XAMPP and have never had this issue before. For some reason, my PHP dev is somehow caching the source code, so if I do something, it's not immediately updated. That is, I have to wait some time (like minutes) for it to catch up, if I make an error and a change is made.

    Has anyone else experienced this before?


    submitted by /u/hey__its__me__
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    Best way to create a feed for HTML website that populates with new links you post

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    I'm trying to start a website where new articles I post get automatically added to an array of images (with titles) that populates in the body of the home page. So if I add a new link, it will automatically generate a preview and title and add it to the array. Is this just an RSS feed? How can I go about setting this up?

    submitted by /u/BullousPemphigoid
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    I made a date interval picker

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    I created a date interval picker because I needed one and because most of the other 10000 ready made ones felt too complicated (for my needs). This is a zero dependencies date picker component I made in vuejs and I hope other people might find it useful. Any feedback is highly appreciated.

    Here is a live example: https://irosgrim.github.io/date-picker/dist/

    And here is the source: https://github.com/irosgrim/date-picker

    Later edit:

    This is a hobby project on which I work whenever I have some spare time. The purpose is self-improvement, learning and sharing. It's still work in progress and I randomly add or improve functionality.

    I was introduced to the concept of View Models and I tried using one here and this is a great oportunity to find out if it makes sense or not. What do you guys think about View Models in Vue components? Does my approach make is correct or not?

    submitted by /u/irosion
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    Comparing AVIF vs WebP file sizes at the same visual quality DSSIM (great savings with AVIF!)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    libtorrent adds support for the WebTorrent protocol » Feross.org

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Hosting your entire web application using AWS S3 + CloudFront

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    There are several ways to host an application on the internet, but the one that I am most familiar with is to use a web server such as Apache or NGINX where you can host all the static components of your application and also use it as a reverse proxy server to direct API calls.

    ‍But recently I came across another way to host a web application which is more elegant, cost effective and has no need for maintenance. This method makes use of AWS S3 and AWS Cloudfront and it's turned out to be significantly easier to set up, scales infinitely and is cheaper than the alternative.

    Why did we need S3 to host a web application?

    The product that I have built is currently architected in this way - we use an open source version of Nginx that is hosted on an AWS VPS instance which takes care of hosting our static files for our web app and also works as a reverse proxy server to send API calls to our backend applications.

    This setup worked great so far because we have a limited number of users that need access to the application dashboard and there is no need for a CDN either because the users, especially the ones on a paid plan do not have any problem waiting a couple of seconds more for the website to load.

    This requirement changed when there was a new feature requirement within our product. Our users are e-commerce merchants and most of them accept "Cash on delivery" as an option while accepting orders and this leaves a lot of room for fraud to occur where somebody places an order and selects the payment method as "Cash on delivery" without the intention to actually buy the product.

    In order to fix this we introduced a feature where the customer who places a COD order gets an automated message on WhatsApp to confirm their order via a link and clicking on this link would open this web page.

    ‍Now this web page would be accessed by the customers that buy from the merchants that use our application, so the traffic to this page could be very erratic, not to mention the fact that it would come from various parts of the world where the users internet connection would also be erratic and vary according to the region.

    Therefore it did not make sense to host this web page the way the rest of our application is hosted. This web app had the following requirements

    1. High availability from any part of the world
    2. Fast load time
    3. Ability to handle any amount of traffic
    4. Not having the need to manage or monitor

    It turns out that all of these things can be achieved if you host the app using a combination of S3 and CloudFront which is the CDN offered by AWS.

    How to host an application on s3

    There is a comprehensive guide in the AWS documentation on how to do this - link to documentation.

    The TL:DR for this is to Create an s3 bucket with the same name as the domain/subdomain where you want to host your web app.

    For instance, our web page had to be hosted on cod.superlemon.xyz, so this is what the s3 bucket would be called. After this there are a bunch of properties and settings that you would have to change on the bucket which are mentioned in the doc.

    Though the steps in the AWS doc are quite comprehensive, there is one gotcha here that you must keep in mind. If your web app runs on a framework like react which is what we are using, you must make sure that under the "static website hosting" settings of the AWS bucket, you set the index document as well as error document as index.html. This is to ensure that if you have any URL routes set up in your react application, those routes are honoured.

    How to put the s3 application behind a CDN

    The above step only completes one part of the process where your application is now residing in s3. But the process is only complete if the application is accessible as a CDN. For this you would have to use CloudFront and configure it to use your s3 bucket as the source. A comprehensive documentation for this process is given here.

    There are a few gotchas here as well. The first one being that you will require an SSL certificate to host your application as https://. You can get an SSL certificate easily using AWS Certificate manager. This process becomes even more easy if you are using Route53 to manage your domains and subdomains. Even if you use another provider like Godaddy or Bigrock for your domains, I would highly recommend following these steps to plug in your domains to Route53.

    The other gotcha here is once again something to do with reactjs URL routing. If you are using this in your application, there is another step that you have to follow. Under your CloudFront distribution, you must navigate to error pages and create a new custom error response as follows to handle 403 errors.

    This will ensure that if the CDN is not able to find the URL path you specify, it will default to index.html which will handle the routing in case of a reactjs application.

    After finishing all these steps you will receive a url for your CloudFront distribution that looks something like this - dohgltcrfo5nj.cloudfront.net. You just need to use this URL as an alias and map it to your domain/subdomain which in our case is cod.superlemon.xyz

    And that's it, it's done! You now have a highly available application which does not need to be monitored or managed. Once you launch your application this way, it is now on a CDN and if you have to update the application in the future, the CDN cache must be invalidated for the changes to take effect. This can be done under the "invalidations" tab.

    Closing notes

    This approach works great for a use case where the web application is mostly static and can be completely decoupled from the backend applications.

    In terms of cost, with this approach you will only incur the CDN cost since the s3 storage cost for any web application would be quite low and the CDN cost will depend on how much traffic you have so it would scale well with usage.

    For reference, we had around 100k hits on our web page in the month of June and our cost was roughly 0.79$

    Link to the original blog post

    submitted by /u/root993
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    [NOOB QUESTION] How to host websites on the internet using apache web server??

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    How do developers host full stack websites with Apache? I've read articles, and watched videos but all of them show you how to host websites on your local machine, using localhost. How would you actually configure domains bought with registrars such as godaddy and actually put it up on the web so other people can access your website on other devices?

    submitted by /u/climbpg
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    Problem with my wix site design

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. Need some help here. I am making a website for renting and selling houses in my country through Wix. Here's the problem: I set an "insert your ad" button and now we don't know how to make the page where people will put their house info. I mean, I don't know how to design that page for people to put their house data (and then that data it's supposed to go directly to the renting or selling page, where all the ads are). What would be the option to register the info that users provide?

    submitted by /u/RosesYthorns
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    How do you deal with big egos and people putting you down at the workplace?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Hey, so I recently got hired as a junior dev. I'm very inexperienced, but my boss knew that upfront and he was fine with hiring me as long as I'm willing to put in the time and learn. I am devoting a lot of time at work and in my free time to get up to speed and be competent.

    I have a coworker who is not on the development team (he's in a completely non-technical role). He's taken a few CS college courses and is learning data science online through sites like Udemy. He's implied on more than one occasion that he can do my job and he knows more about programming than me. I also help out with some IT stuff at the office and one of his recent comments to me was, "I come and ask you for IT help not because I don't know how to do it, but because I don't have IT permissions."

    Idk something about it is rubbing me the wrong way. Part of me is like, if this person is so amazing at programming, why isn't he working in tech? But his comments do bother me on some level because I just started a month or two ago in a junior role and feel like I barely know anything. Nobody on the dev team has made comments like this to me and I passed the coding interview, so I do believe I have potential. Any advice on how to handle this coworker without causing any problems at work?

    submitted by /u/Broman_Brains
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    How can i explain to a client that their idea is a bad idea?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    I have been building a website in wix for my very non-tech savy client. Multiple times i have come back to the editor to see the whole site in shambles because they logged on and made a bunch of changes, not knowing what they were doing. The worst part is that when i asked them about the changes they made they said they loved it.

    How can i go about telling them that the changes they made are making the site look bad. Along with this, publishing a website in the state that they left it in (and somehow loved) would hurt my reputation too because tecnically I built the website.

    Any feedback is appriciated :)

    submitted by /u/KCGD_r
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    I made this Pokemon Go App, what do you guys think of it? App that helps with shielding and move damage in PvP Pokemon Go

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    I made this Pokemon Go App, what do you guys think of it? App that helps with shielding and move damage in PvP Pokemon Go


    Intro: Welcome to PoGo ShieldiTt App v0.02. This App will help you see and evaluate what moves your pokemon in POKEMON GO can tank, without using shields,or die. You choose your Pokemon, and your oponent Pokemon and then after pressing one button, it will be displayed what are the oponent moves that you can shield or not.

    ATTENCION : Only like 80% of the GEN 1 Pokemons are working and only the GL ALL Pokemons.

    Website view

    LINK : https://shieldit.netlify.app/

    About me: My name is Fábio heitor, 26 years old. I am an app developer in training, right now i have only 4 months of learning, but i needed a project to put my skill in practice so i decided to create a app that would help me deciding my pokemons and with knowing what pokemons can i tank with confidence without wasting shields.

    English is not my main language, so any errors that you see, please tell me.

    About The app: I created this app with the objective of helping me/other players, to know what pokemons/moves can your team tank/fight without wasting shields. I was fighting in Pvp alot and 70% of the fights/matches i didnt knew that if i would die from the damage or not, so i had this idea to create an app just for that. I know that in PvpPoke you can check that too, but its a little more complicated, so in my mind i would use PvP poke to create/know and project my teams, and use my app to know when to shield or not on the Pvp.

    The APP: This is still version 0.02 and only contains about 80% of the GEN 1 pokemons working. If people like this app, or see if its usefull i will putt all the pokemon on it and finish it.

    App view

    Main Page:

    On the main page you will be able to select your pokemon and your oponent pokemon, on the right and left menu:


    You can select your league too, by pressing the "League" button:


    Two pokemons selected:


    After the pokemons are selected the life bars will apear :


    After pressing the "FIGHT? " button, the damage calculations will process and the message will be displayed f you should Tank, or shield the moves.


    "Yes" if the life is more than 60%

    "Optional" if the life is more than 30%

    "No" if the life is less than 30%.

    Damage calculation:

    I used the damage formula present in the game GamePress site :


    with the adition of the stab and the pvp 1.3 value.

    Final says: I am by no means an expert Developer and i know that the code and the design maybe a little "bad", but i am still in learning and i made this to put my study in practice.

    Review/Comment/show your opion: Feel free to review, comment (bad things or not) and show your opinion about this app. If you have any sugestion or thing that you think that would be cool to add, just say it :)

    I by no means have the right of Pokemon and Pokemon Go. I created this to put my skills in practice and to make something usefull for this comunity.

    If you wish to support my work i have one patreon page :



    submitted by /u/drking100
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    Looking for some help with my code for error handling

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    I am trying to make my website do something if there is an error. Basically the user enters their ID in an input field and this triggers a function that will change the database reference path based on the 3 or 4 numbers at the start of the ID (eg. s01). Using this path the corresponding information that is relevant to their ID will be displayed on the site. The problem is that when there happens to be no data stored in that database path an error occurs because the code is trying to get data from a path that is not in the database yet. This returns: "Cannot convert undefined or null to object".

    So since "x" is what is being set as the path for the database in the code I would like to set "x" as a database path that I know has data in it if there is an error. This path would be a default node in my database that has information that tells the user there is no match yet for their ID.

    I tried the "try" and "catch" method as you can see in the code but it seems to have no effect. Am I using this wrong?

    Any help with this would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    // The values here are the database reference paths let vals = { s01: 'Student/Toronto', s02: 'Student/Vancouver', s03: 'Student/Quebec', s04: 'Student/Edmonton', s05: 'Student/KW', s06: 'Student/Kelowna', e01: 'Entrepreneur/Toronto', e02: 'Entrepreneur/Vancouver', e03: 'Entrepreneur/Quebec', e04: 'Entrepreneur/Edmonton', e05: 'Entrepreneur/KW', e06: 'Entrepreneur/Kelowna', wp01: 'Working Professional/Toronto', wp02: 'Working Professional/Vancouver', wp03: 'Working Professional/Quebec', wp04: 'Working Professional/Edmonton', wp05: 'Working Professional/KW', wp06: 'Working Professional/Kelowna' } var x = "null" // This function is triggered when the user presses the enter button function enter() { var y = document.getElementById("id").value; try { //This is the code that changes the database reference path // Loops over each property in the vals object for (let i in vals) { // if the string y contains the substring i... if (y.indexOf(i) > -1) { document.getElementById("id-cont-L1").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("profiles").style.display = "block"; // set x to i's corresponding Status/Location value x = vals[i]; } } } catch (err) { x = "default"; } var ref = database.ref(x); 
    submitted by /u/lifelifebalance
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    Are these topics still relevant in 2020?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    So I'm just getting started in the field of Web development and i saw this course on Udemy here.

    But i read somewhere that this course is 5 years old and was updated in 2018. So the topics in this course like jQuery, Bootstrap, Yelp, restful routing, DOM are relevant in 2020 or are they outdated, specially the backend? I don't want to make a career in web dev, but i want to know how things work under the hood in detail. So this might just be the perfect course for me but I really don't want to learn things that are not relevant today.

    Should i take this course?

    I would really appreciate it if you look at the curriculum of this course.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/scaryAstronaut
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    Anybody play Crosscode?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    Help working with browser cookie tracking

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    I am wondering if anyone can answer a few questions for me.

    I am trying to better understand how cookie tracking works with something like a cashback portal website..

    submitted by /u/cyberdipper
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    Why is jQuery used so broadly?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    Hey! I'm a full stack developer since a few years (still studying though) and I've built several websites and always wondered about the exact same question. Why is jQuery used so broadly across the internet?

    A lot of websites I've seen use jQuery just for referencing elements - but isn't it overkill to use it only for that?

    What are the main reasons you guys use it? I'm curious!

    submitted by /u/iUltimateLP
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    Need help with preparation for an upcoming interview.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I have an interview coming up this week. The basic job requirements are these:

    • Strong knowledge of JavaScript, including the latest ECMAScript standards.
    • An understanding of REST API-Driven Microservices & Micro Frontends
    • Strong knowledge of how the web works and how to make it efficient (HTTP, caching, page rendering, mobile optimization, etc).
    • Significant experience with React and the React ecosystem as well as unidirectional data flow patterns, preferably Redux.

    I was wondering if any of you could help with the exact topics. Like I know how the web works (HTTP protocols, error codes). What else/Which topics should I look into?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Kryotasin
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