• Breaking News

    Friday, July 24, 2020

    For Game Devs wanting to try out modeling your own Low-Poly character, here is a no nonsense, manually and fully subtitled from start to finish 20 mins complete Blender course that took me 3 weeks to tighten up into a lean and straight forward stand alone lesson.

    For Game Devs wanting to try out modeling your own Low-Poly character, here is a no nonsense, manually and fully subtitled from start to finish 20 mins complete Blender course that took me 3 weeks to tighten up into a lean and straight forward stand alone lesson.

    For Game Devs wanting to try out modeling your own Low-Poly character, here is a no nonsense, manually and fully subtitled from start to finish 20 mins complete Blender course that took me 3 weeks to tighten up into a lean and straight forward stand alone lesson.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    Made an in-game bug reporting system for Unity game developers to add to their games

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Creating A 3D Platformer With Unreal Engine 4

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Video Game creator Swery65. Go on tour in Osaka with the DrinKING. The channel features many more Japanese creators and their influences. Check it out!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    The Harsh Truth About Making Indie Games

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Level Designing In Mobile Game Development

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    Help With Unity (C#)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    So I tried to create a mechanic where if you click LMB on an object with a rigidbody, it teleports the object to your position. The only problem is, when you do this, it could appear behind you or to your side. I was wondering how I could make it so that it appears about 1 unit in front of you. This is the code:

    if (hit.rigidbody != null)
    hit.rigidbody.transform.position = playerPos.transform.position;

    playerPos would be the position of the player.

    Also, I was wondering how and if I could make it a constant pull on the object instead of an instant teleport.

    submitted by /u/CrazyPolarClaw
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    Book Recommendations?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Hey I'm looking for game game development / game design book recommendations, I suppose online course recommendations too. I'm looking to really get into game development and my preferred languages are C# and Javascript. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/redditfan991
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    Unity 2D basic path finding help

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Unity 2D basic path finding help

    Hello, I'm creating a simple turn based game where the player(cat) must avoid the dogs(and other enemies eventually) by using bushes (dogs cannot traverse bushes) and strategy to avoid the dogs in order to reach the end.

    The issue I'm having is trying to find or create a basic path finding system for the enemies that works with grid based movement. I'm not really sure where to start! I have basic logic that makes the dog move towards the player based on the players position and the enemies position, enemies also aren't aloud to move into bushes. I want the enemies to avoid bushes and traverse around a randomly generated map in order to hunt down the player.

    I've seen a lot of people talk about A* but I find it looks very intense for such a small project. Do you guys have any recommendations? Should I learn A* or try to use unity's nav mesh system? Or just stick with my simple logic and elaborate on it?

    let me know!



    submitted by /u/McMc0145
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    Problems with Steams store page.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    We just released our game on Steam and there is no download button. We are at a loss trying to find out how to fix this. You can currently get the game, but you have to go through our release announcement and click a link where a download button appears on the bottom of the screen. The game is free so I don't know if this has something to do with it. Has anyone else had this problem?

    submitted by /u/morgothow
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    Creating a Sci-Fi Environment in UE4

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    I made a game in 48 hours, what do you guys think?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    Experienced with game design but a terrible programmer, what would you suggest?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    I've really been contemplating this for a while. As some backstory, I've created a successful game on a limited platform (Dreams for PlayStation 4) but have plans to create a full game out of this concept using either Unity or the Unreal Engine.

    The issue is, I'm only really experienced with what "works" as a game, such as including elements what would be fun, challenging, fair and creative. I would love to find a reliable programmer who could stick with the project while I deal with the design/conceptual aspects of the game.

    I have plans on opening up a Kickstarter or other similar platform in order to make the project viable too. I'm really confident in the project too and have already gained a large variety of fans, somewhat almost 60,000. Hopefully I've come to the right place to ask for advice regarding this as I'm totally baffled on the process.

    Thanks for the read!

    submitted by /u/Razorfisto
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    Is it possible to develop a game on an iPad?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    I'm just curious, is it remotely possible?

    submitted by /u/anducsep
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    Game breaker's Toolkit jam 3: make the worst possible game!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    Game breaker's Toolkit jam 3: make the worst possible game!


    This is a 48 hour game making marathon, but spread out around two week-ends so you can choose the best moment to jam. It is focused on bad design, horrible mechanics, and stupid ideas. It runs from July 24th, at 10PM UTC, to August 2nd, at 10PM UTC.

    the theme

    The theme for this jam: Control Alt Delete

    submitted by /u/supmaster004
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    Help with Hammer/Forge?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Hi there. My thirteen year old son is trying to build a mod using the Valve Hammer program. It's been going well, but all of a sudden at least one of the buttons (the entity button) on the left side bar stopped working, and you can't pull up the help page either. The screen just throws a red frame around his game environment when you try either of those. I know nothing about game development and even less about this specific program. I tried hovering over other buttons to see if there was one that sounded like it would lock others out, but I didn't see anything obvious. He said he tried uninstalling/reinstalling, but wound up with the same problem. Do any of you know how to fix this? Help a kid out! He was having so much fun, and he seemed like he was really getting somewhere.

    submitted by /u/eowyn_
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    Im making a devlog!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    So, I was into game development for 3 -2 months or so and made a few projects. An action rpg for example. After making that rpg, I suddenly got demotivated. I wasn't working on a project for quite some time. Until now. At the middle of the night, out of nowhere, a spark of inspiration came up to me. I opened up the pc and started working on the game. I already made the walking part. Then I made a devlog to keep track of what I do. I was seeing people doing that before, but didn't really get into it thinking it was useless. But that old pathetic me is gone at this very moment because I just tried it out. I opened up a google docs, writing what I did this day and how I feel about this project. I wrote what should I do and what shouldn't I do, writing some plans which boosted up my motivation even more. I wrote some notes to not quit the project at all to remind myself. And I think this devlog will keep me glued to the project. Im already feeling so happy! Like I didn't know that devlogs worked like a charm! I just wanted to share this, I think devlogs keep you motivated and help you keep track of what you are doing. I already felt different than my state of mind doing those other projects. I felt like I had control over everything. It's hard to describe but I know you will get it. I just felt more organized. Anyways, as I said I just wanted to share this. Im out for now!

    submitted by /u/Vader_Dude
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    How to prevent my players "still attacking"?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    I am making a topdown action RPG and while designing the game in my head this thing stuck in my mind: Couldn't my player just stay still in his position, wait for all the enemies to approach him and defeat them all this way wih minimum effort?

    A solution would be to give enemies more attack range but then the player would get hit everytime he gets close to them.

    Making the AI smarter wouldn't be an easy task and giving the player a stamina bar is not part of my design.

    So what else can I do to fix this problem? Use cooldowns? I appreciate your feedback.

    submitted by /u/ThatManOfCulture
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    Hey Everyone, Thought I'd share how I do screen fades in UE4 for the Oculus Quest. The best part is, it's great on performance.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    It's always amazing to add a bit of polish to your game and one of the coolest things to make sprinting and Dashing fun is to use the Ghost Sprinting Mechanic. | I hope you enjoy this small tutorial and Thanks for watching. (Code on GitHub)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    Best way to start Game Developing

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    So, based on your experience, whats is the best way to get started? is it focusing on the gameplay, art, story or what? There is so much going on and i don't know what to prioritize, i supposed if im going to making a 2D platform game is to narrow down the basic gameplay mechanics and start to work other department after the gameplay is finished.

    *by focusing i mean what you must do/finish first?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Tamaaaaa
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    How much content should I have at launch?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I'm currently making a game called Starmind, and it acts as a bullet hell, boss rush kind of game. I'm currently working on the second boss. Whenever you beat a boss for the first time, you get a new ship related to that boss, and if you die, you have to start at the very beginning. I will 100% add more content after launch, but since this is my first game that I want to publish, I'm not sure how much content I should release the game with.

    submitted by /u/fourhorngames
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    How To Sync Events - Unity Multiplayer Tutorial

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:16 AM PDT

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