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    Friday, May 29, 2020

    My (5+5)-step self-taught CS curriculum [Updated] learn programming

    My (5+5)-step self-taught CS curriculum [Updated] learn programming

    My (5+5)-step self-taught CS curriculum [Updated]

    Posted: 28 May 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    UPDATE - README FIRST! Guys, come on! This is by no means a "one size fits all" curriculum, nor am I an evil creature trying to misguide those new in this field! This is my PERSONAL roadmap, adapted to reflect my background, situation, and preferences. The main reason I posted this list and the original one is simply to get feedback and guidance from all of you, fantastic people! If anyone wants to change and use this list as their own study plan, feel free to do so. But remember there's a huge amount of such curated lists all over the internet (which I used myself to create this personal one!), as many have mentioned in the comments.

    I've recently posted a list of resources I want to use as a self-taught CS "curriculum" and got some fantastic feedback! Thank you all for your kind and thoughtful suggestions! Here is the updated list based on the feedback you provided! Any future updates will be applied here.

    A little bit of clarification (apparently needed!): I am a young physician and at the same time a big fan of CS since I was in high-school! I don't want to learn computer science or programming just to get a job, I already have one :) Also I don't care if it takes a few years to complete even the first 5 steps.

    To read my full explanation and see the old list, please check out my original post.

    [I'll study some of the math during steps 0 and 1, but to keep it simple, I've put it as step 2.]

    Step 0: "Coding"

    Step 1: "Programming"

    Step 2: Mathematics

    Extra, non-required math (just in case, because I like math!):

    Step 3: Algorithms & Data Structures

    Step 4: Computer Architecture/Systems

    Note: The following 5 steps are optional and not as "required" as the previous ones.

    Extra Step 1: Operating Systems

    Extra Step 2: Computer Networking

    Extra Step 3: Databases

    Extra Step 4: Languages & Compilers

    Extra Step 5: Distributed Systems

    That's it! Again, any feedback would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ewig94
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    Curated Free Resources of all kinds for Developers

    Posted: 28 May 2020 09:21 PM PDT


    there are alot of Repos on github which share very valuable information/resources to developers community and many of us don't know about all of them.

    web app to curate all top repositories that will be most useful for Developers. i'm sure that this Github Repos will help you in building cool things, improve your skills, motivate you from other Developers and most importantly in saving your time.

    submitted by /u/chocowebie
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    I'm trying to learn data structures and algorithms this Summer, but I don't know how to study them.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    I know that data structures and algorithms pretty much go hand in hand, and that data structures are just tools to help implement algorithms. What I can't understand is how exactly I'm supposed to effectively learn them. Or both at the same time.

    I tried creating a study plan for myself, but I end up getting confused on what would be the most effective way to study the topic. So, far I'm watching the 8 hour data structure course on youtube and watching an hour a day and taking small notes on each topic.

    I figured that I should be learning the data structures first and then studying the algorithms in order to better implement them. I want to use HackerRank and solve a few problems on each data structure until I feel comfortable with each of them. (Right now I'm focusing on Linked Lists and Arryas)

    I'm planning on taking either the Coursera or Stanford course on algorithms when I feel comfortable with the data structures, and then either using Leetcode or Hacker rank or just straight up programming them out on my own.

    Is this the standard way to learn DSA? I see so many posts that recommend books and online courses for these, but I feel like I would have to know how to use the data structures first before I even begin to work on them.

    Or is it just learning the concepts of the algorithms, and then learning the data structures to implement them.

    Can someone give me an example of how they best learned the topic? I know the resources at hand, but I don't really know which way to best use them.

    submitted by /u/Shyravenns
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    Programming in C

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    Hey, I'm a beginner to the world of programming, I have come across a term "variadic functions" would you please help me in knowing what it is???

    submitted by /u/mystic_cloud
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    Who wants to join a cohort to do the whole ossu coursework.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    So I just found out about OSSU, on there readme if you do 20 hours a week it will take 2 years. Anyone want to commit to powering through the whole thing? Doing 60 hours a week 7 days a week to complete in 8 months. Like they would at bootcamp. Any takers and people that are vare willing to help coordinate? I'll start cohort/issues thread if I have any takers.


    submitted by /u/dancesinsecret
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    Programming Plan to Fullstack

    Posted: 28 May 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    New to reddit and certainly this sub specifically, but for the last month I've been trawling through and watching new posts to find good content to curate out a curriculum.

    After aggregating from these resources :





    And many more resources than I couldn't list reasonably….

    I built out this timeline and general curriculum to the end of being a fullstack dev.



    Background on me:

    Was recruited as a top fifty academic applicant to the engineering & business schools of one of the top 2 ranked public state schools in the country and suffice to say they completely screwed me over and within 8 weeks of being there I was in the hospital for over a week, in the ICU, with the docs telling my parents I may not be leaving the hospital alive. Finished that semester with a 3.5 even though I was already in upper division CS courses, against the advice of the administration (who said "drop, we can't help you"). I promptly got screwed the next semester taking courses I had no business taking in the same semester, but had been advised to take, since I hadn't been able to socially integrate the previous semester due to my illness. I'm glossing over the gory detail here because it really isn't important to the main question, just outlining enough so I don't get any comments about going back.

    To give an indication of what I'm working with (only to give a baseline of comparison so I don't get people telling me I'm nuts to attempt that schedule, maybe undue caution) here is what I did my last two years of highschool, with three more major courses on top of my curriculum in 2018, and having taught myself calc 1 (really just power rule for diff.) for physics C. I also put 100 points on my sat in four days to move from a 1450 to a 1550 right after I took all these ap's (only math section, 7 to and 800)


    Again, I know this isn't relevant except as a baseline.


    I'm looking to move into a fullstack dev spot asap after having already built a large application (team of five, (me, two devs, one artist, one marketing dude)) over the course of six weeks that was utilized by over 2500 students and garnered as many downloads in 7 days from release (no administrative support). I seem to have a philosophical proclivity for defining problems and generating solutions so I'd like to take advantage of this since it seems to be what I most clearly have an aptitude for at the moment. Also, lets be honest, CS is a wide, wide world and the freedom makes everyone slobber. Me included.

    Does anyone see anything terribly wrong with the plan/timeline outlined above (with two months of math and the free month shaved off (doing LA and stats over the month)) and crammed into 14 months? Looking for content/focus feedback (not acquisition medium) and absolutely planning on re-orienting after this so I can be more proficient in the higher level skills.


    College screwed me, trying to get a full stack dev position and bust up a keyboard. Is there anything wrong with this timeline from a content/focus perspective? Not comprehensive, just trying to get a really, really solid Computer science foundation and be competent enough to start pumping out dynamic web/native apps and move into more specific, high-level utilities.


    Don't comment on learning style ~ i've struggled terribly with the advice to "just build things." If I don't have a comprehensive understanding of something, and what its conceptually founded on, I'm terrible with it, I basically can't think If i am not running from "first principles" for lack of a better term.

    Pumped this out pretty quickly after I lost a draft so let me know if I need to clarify anything.

    submitted by /u/The_Big_Scoop
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    My web developer roadmap / started programming at 34

    Posted: 28 May 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    Hey guys, just wanted to share my experience for those of you who is wondering am I too old for programming.

    I wrote my first "hello world" 15 months ago when I was 34, and now it has been 9 months since I landed my first JS/ReactJS dev job.

    I am an oldest junior dev in our team and I am still learning and studying a lot.

    During my first months of study I made a lot of mistakes because I did not have a structured study plan or a roadmap ti visualize a final goal.

    In my opinion most important thing during study is a roadmap.

    So I decided to make a realistic web developer roadmap with some study tips.

    Here is the video, and I believe that it would be helpful for anyone trying to learn to code.


    If you have any questions I will be glad to provide any help that I could.

    submitted by /u/Nurbol_snoop
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    Advice in how to start?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is a dumb question. What would be the best way for me to get into programming, having no background or knowledge of it? I am considering reading the head 1st HTML and CSS book, then their JavaScript book. Or would I be better off doing a 12 week EDX course seeing how they're free at the moment? I am able to invest about 15 hours per week.

    submitted by /u/reddituser1195
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    I can't seem to follow through on this piece of angular code. Can I get some clarification on what happens here?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    Here is it:

     const customObs = new Observable(observer => { let count = 0; setInterval(() => { observer.next(count); if(count > 3) { observer.error(new Error('oh my god')); } count++; }, 1000); }); customObs.pipe(map(data => { return 'Round : ' + data; })) this.firstObsSubscription = customObs.subscribe(count => { console.log(count); }); 
    1. Who is 'observer'? Is it every observer I pass to Observable via a subscribe method, like this.firstObsSubscription?
    2. Is calling observer like calling `this` inside firstObsSubscription?
    3. Which object does setInterval and setTimeout belong to? I checked and its not Observable.
    4. Who "stands behind" all those vague parameters like "data" and "count"?

    These are my questions. I find it difficulty to wrap my head around the general object/class structure of JS framework. Coming from Java, you can't just call a method. It has to belong to a class, of an object that you have created. So while I can write setInterval and make it work, I don't get 'who' does that function belong to.

    More so, the vague parameters of imperative programming are puzzling to me. Java is very declarative. I know what I get in every parameter because I know what arguments I pass to them. But its hard for me to "plot a path of progression" in angular. For example, what is `data`? And "where" exactly does customObs return the value of `count` for it to get accepted as the `count` parameter in firstObsSubscription?

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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    [STEM] Where should I go next after feeling comfortable programming... Advice needed

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:31 PM PDT


    So I've been programming in multiple languages, MATLAB, R, python; where I have a script and edit it or use it for a specific application (i.e. statistical analysis) I usually have cheatsheets and google and just figuring things out on the go.

    Is this enough to use programming, specifically for stem applications??

    I feel that I need a course to actually learn the basics, because I feel that I am not programming 'by the book' therefore, not being a good programmer. For example, I was recently doing an HTML project and was using spaces instead of page break <br /> .....

    Advice on what's my next step is appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Nocluestudentbuying
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    Has anyone ever wrote a podcast scraper?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    For my Ph.D. thesis, I need data for ~10 * 1000 podcasts. Has anyone written a scraper for podcasts.apple.com before that I can reuse? I couldn't find anything on GitHub.

    submitted by /u/rtetbt
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    Could someone explain Web Services (XLM, SOAP, WSDL) like I'm 5?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 07:22 PM PDT


    So, I'm doing a online fullstack course right now, and I got kinda lost at the Web Services section.

    I just didn't understand what is SOAP function. He explained like everyone else does. But I find the words really confusing.

    Could someone really explain it like I'm literally 5?

    submitted by /u/izayoikaibe
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    Which of these guided projects is the best for an aspiring web developer?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 06:21 PM PDT


    I've learned the basics of full stack development on my own with simple crud sites, which of these will look best on my resume?

    submitted by /u/speedygen1
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    Questions about Creating mobile app or webpage

    Posted: 28 May 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    I want to learn to create an app but instead of an app I want to create a very mobile friendly website that cost money to use.

    I do know some of the basics of coding.

    What languages would you recommend for mobile and pc use?

    Is html a good language to render the pages?

    How do I charge money if it is a website and not a mobile app on a cellphone?

    What database language is good? I know a little about sql but could learn another.

    I don't really want to go into too much detail about the idea.

    submitted by /u/SecureBrush
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    Making a C++ Pointers Resource

    Posted: 28 May 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    Hey everybody,

    I'm currently in the process of making a worksheet/study guide for C++ pointers. It's meant to be tailored more towards students taking introductory programming courses or self-teaching C++, so I try to avoid getting too complicated. My goal was to make it very to-the-point without missing any important information so as to quickly clarify the confusion that pointers so often bring about. I myself only recently started programming after changing my major to Computer Science, so I could have made any number of mistakes or missed a major topic.

    Yes, I know that there are plenty more (and better) resources online. I'm doing this as part of a design assignment and may offer it to be used by TA's if they'd like. Even so, I want it to be as good as it can be so that I may be able to help at least SOMEBODY with the subject.

    It is still a work in progress.

    Any criticism/feedback is appreciated. Thank you!

    Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z2a3xz81mCs3deLwQF46UwpNXJV2iwedkZi9c1Rcb18/edit?usp=sharing

    submitted by /u/MaddDawg555
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    How do you learn to solve problems?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    I have started doing some tasks from Leetcode and I see that I am struggiling with approaching the task, How can I learn to approach?

    submitted by /u/abondar24
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    Help learning 6502?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    Hi, so I recently wanted to learn assembly. After some research I decided to go with 6502 first then go on to something like 8086. Now I've been following a tutorial that has a built in assembler to test out code but after I finished that I tried creating something simple for the NES. Keep in mind that I still have no knowledge of assembly other than how to use LDA, STA, JMP, etc. When I looked up some tutorials, they expect you to complete some tutorial, which is the one I completed, but then immediately goes into stuff that I'm not even familiar with and the explanations are not helping. Basically what I'm trying to ask is what machine is the easiest to program 6502 assembly?

    submitted by /u/FortniteSucks103
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    Why is my array returning not initialized. Im stumped

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:13 AM PDT

    Whys is my array returning saying cannot access newArray before initialization if it is initialized right above


    function iqTest(numbers){ let array = [] numbers.split(" ").map((item) => { array.push(item % 2) let newArray = array.filter((value) => { value > 0 console.log(newArray) })})} console.log((iqTest("2 4 7 8 10"))) 
    submitted by /u/Schopenhaur1859
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    Code buddies - Let's make it happen!

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    Looking for coding buddies? Same here! Let's collaborate and build things. Are you back-end, front-end, all-end :), from all levels of expertise - we all learn something new everyday right?

    To organize things, our approach is to learn-build-deploy.

    Build projects (detailed but not too broad) with collaborations and deploy it on your GitHub repository. Picture it like a mini school project you give yourself.

    Here is a scenario: Joe solved a bunch of coding questions online. He shared his code on the group for contributions. Then he comes up with a project based on his previous experience with the coding questions. He gets started with it, then reaches out for collaboration and deploys his final project on his Github. Joe can challenge himself with several interesting projects. Just like joe, everyone is interested in learn-build-deploy and growth.

    We use the discord server to sync.

    Our Discord server: https://discord.gg/Gcy6dGj

    PM if you are interested. Ideas are greatly welcomed.

    submitted by /u/chrsitinme
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    How do games save/load without recompiling?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    I'm still a beginner and I've been wondering how game saves/loading works. I understand that it stores the data in another file but, how does the game load without having to recompile?

    This question came up because in my case, I was just practicing by saving data into a text file. When I tried to load the data up, I had to exit the program first, before the new data that I wrote saved to the text file. I tried to remedy this by having the data stored in the same file and only when the player saves, does the data go into the other file. Which just made me wonder what happens if the program crashed. Won't the data be lost since the text file only updated after I exited?

    Take Breath of the Wild for instance. You can load up multiple previous saves without the need of turning off the Nintendo Switch to compile all the data again. Where does it pull the data from? Shouldn't it be already overwritten? If both game data are still there, does it not use more storage to store both saves?

    Sorry for so many questions.

    submitted by /u/JqJohnny
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    How does a timer on the server side that displays elapsed time to users work?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    Like board games that display how much time has passed, how many seconds left until other person's turn. How would you implement something like this on the serverside and make it sync with the users?

    submitted by /u/HowGoodIsNateDiaz
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    Do interpreted languages get translated to machine code or do some do not?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    I have been reading different answers online on how some interpreted programming languages create a direct executable to execute while other interpreted programming languages end up translating the executable to machine code still like compiled languages. Does it depend on the interpreted language, are both valid points?

    Also do the interpreted languages make an executable file? What does the executable file consist of, I guess this depends on the language, but any examples?

    submitted by /u/wildguy57
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    Any ABAP SAP HCM experts

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    Good day.

    I hope there are some ABAP experts here. My request is strait forward but difficult

    I am writing a report and need the long text from the comment field in IT0019 Monitoring of Tasks.

    submitted by /u/Tronkfool
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