• Breaking News

    Monday, April 13, 2020

    Dear all, take your time learn programming

    Dear all, take your time learn programming

    Dear all, take your time

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Please for your own sake, don't take ANY topic/issue for granted.

    Take as much time as you need to understand certain task, play with it after you're done watching a tutorial. Open your editor, write and experiment with simple lines of code to get a better grasp on it. Usually while watching other people code everything looks easy, but once you start a projcet things get complicated. Move on only when you feel comfortable enough with what you've learnt.

    This applies for anything - lay the foundations solid.

    Having not spent enough time, I guarantee , you will find yourself going back.

    submitted by /u/shaypser1
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    What language should I learn after Python?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    Right now I am focusing on Python and it is going to stay that way till I get completely comfortable with most of the important uses for it and its syntax, maybe learn some frameworks as well. Now I wasn't sure for my next language if I should choose C++ or JavaScript, I heard many stories of people saying that if you know C++ to a great extent, any future language you learn will be as easy as a cake, if that were the case then I would love to go to C++ especially because of how many opportunities open up if you know this language, but the same can be said for JavaScript...so which one do yous think would be best to learn after Python? I am not looking for an answer which says that JavaScript because C++ is hard, I'm looking one stating why one would be better to learn before the other when focused on the security/'ethical hacking' field.

    submitted by /u/Lonelinessiskey
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    I Am Teaching Git and Data Structure Fundamentals Tonight!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    An introduction to Git will be taking place live on the oneleif YouTube channel in just a moment! We are a nonprofit and just want to help people learn with a community.

    Learn how to create and manage GitHub repositories, run git commands from a terminal, and use different git UI clients.

    Basic language-agnostic data structures including primitive types(int, boolean, float), arrays, lists, dictionaries, and enums will also be covered.

    The stream start at 8pm CST, come ask questions! See you there!

    Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8ExKgZD85E&feature=youtu.be

    submitted by /u/ambid17
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    Created a begnner-friendly Object-Oriented Programming Series! Perfect for beginners and those who need a refresher! Many examples and in-depth explanation.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    About a couple of months ago, I created my first JavaScript series, introducing the concepts of programming to beginners and I received a lot of great feedback from some of you guys, as well as the people on /r/learnprogramming.

    Today I've uploaded 5 videos to my new, in-depth series on Object-Oriented Programming.

    You can find a link to the playlist here:


    I want to make this clear: This video does NOT cover Prototype Inheritance. We primarily use Classes (although classes do not implement a new type of inheritance and they're just syntactic sugar around Functions). This is primarily for those who want to purely focus on Object-Oriented Programming concepts that are also applied to other languages like C++, C#, Java, Python, and more. So if you ever want to transition to a language like Java, where almost everything is an Object, then you might find this helpful.

    The topics I cover in this series are:

    - Objects

    - Classes

    - Association, Aggregation, and Composition

    - Inheritance

    - Data Encapsulation

    Abstraction, Polymorphism, Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Generics, etc. will be uploaded later this week or next week. But the first five videos should be just enough to get you guys started on OOP.

    And like I mentioned earlier, if you're expecting this series to cover Prototype Inheritance, this is not what you're looking for, but you are more than welcome to watch and follow along if Class-based OOP interests you!

    Hopefully you guys find this as an extra resource to add to your collection of learning! And if you have any suggestions on types of videos you'd like me to cover, feel free to just directly message me on Reddit or comment down here. My next plan is to cover Data Structures, such as LinkedLists, Queues, Stacks, Trees, Graphs, etc. and Algorithms (Sorting, Searching, etc.) later this year. So if that also interests you, stay tuned!

    submitted by /u/ansonplusc
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    ELI5: What are frameworks?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    I'm self taught, only learned the basics on Python, C#, Java, JS, PHP, some HTML/CSS.

    I don't understand what frameworks are; is it like an IDE?

    Should I be learning how to use them?

    Are there multiple frameworks for a language?

    submitted by /u/apolarbearfellonme
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    I keep demotivating myself about programming

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    My biggest struggle with programming so far has been staying motivated about my projects. Everytime I come up with an idea for a project, I instantly start thinking things like "it's useless" or "it has been done before".

    I mean, I understand I don't need to make anything groundbreaking while I'm just learning, and I don't expect to, but I still can't let go of these thoughts and focus.

    Does anyone else here feel the same? How do you deal with this?

    submitted by /u/antarctic-monkey
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    stupid question : when u r a fresh JDev , do the people who hired you care whether you did the task in a fancy matter or it doesnt matter to them as long as it works ?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    It might sound silly to some, but im just curious. Thanks

    submitted by /u/benz0is
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    Is It Possible For Me to Learn Code While Doing This ? (Thoughts?)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Hope everybody is doing well during this pandemic.

    I taught myself html, css, some javascript & some php a while back when I was 18-19 years old.

    Since then I've founded a home service business, grew it, sold it & currently running a marketing agency. I'm currently 22 years old.

    But lately I've been heavily interested in getting better at coding & really mastering it for multitude reasons since I see what opportunities it can present for me in the future

    The problem is my business takes up alot of my time during the day. I usually work between 8am-1pm, take a break and some lunch & finally resume for some admin tasks 4-5pm. then fit in working out in the evening, have some dinner and by then it's time to sleep.

    So my question is, if my goal is to really get good with coding 6-12 months from now & have some portfolio projects as well. Is it possible to only code a few hours on the weekend and achieve that?

    What's realistic? I can maybe try to see if I can fit in 30 minutes of code a day on the work day & 2-3 hours on saturday & sunday but not sure if that's realistic to achieve the goal of gaining mastery within 6-12 months.

    Let me know what you think. I'm not sure how to approach this matter since I've been putting off learning code for a while now because of this.

    submitted by /u/invisibledomination
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    Working alone on my project, should I still use pull requests and branching?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:23 PM PDT

    I'm finally starting to get the hang of git and github and all that jazz. I know why pull requests exist (code reviewing and stuff). So it sounds a bit useless to create pull requests when I'll be the one that merges them.

    But what i'm trying to do is learn git, github and its workflow. I also feel like I could be doing the code reviewing and refactoring myself.

    So, my question. Is it co pletely useless and a waste of time using pull requests when I'm the sole develop rkn a project?

    submitted by /u/real_confusedswede
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    programming help

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    i've learnt c programming in school about 1-2 months ago, i wasn't really good at it though. since this quarantined life is making me feel so bored, i learnt html and am learning python right now but i've heard from some people saying starting with c# or c will be better as a beginner, is it right for me to start with python now?? or should i recap on c

    submitted by /u/dtgraph
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    Have two codes which are supposed to do the same task, but when I run them they have differences. Can anyone explain why?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    Hi, I had a task, so I need to print in console any word I want any times I want. So, yesterday I've been thinking and done this

    const repeatString = function(str, times) {
    for(let counter = 0; counter < times; counter++ ){
    str += str;
    return str;
    } // it prints 'heyheyheyheyheyheyheyhey' 8 times

    then I found the solution and it is pretty simple

    let repeatStringTest = function() {
    let addString = '';
    for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    addString += "hey";
    return addString; // it prints 'heyheyhey' x3 times as it should

    can anyone explain why it works different?

    submitted by /u/kindofgentleman
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    I have some tuition reimbursement from work - Recommendations for a college that would allow me to take 1-2 programming courses without being enrolled?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    My work is not going to reimburse me unless it is a credited university.


    submitted by /u/DesertofDelight
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    Eli5: What kind of algorithms do companies with huge amounts of traffic use in the backed?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    I've been coding for about a year and interested in backend dev. This is more of a curiosity question than something that I personally need to know. What kind of code/algorithms do sites like youtube, reddit, and facebook run in the backend to handle large amounts of traffic.

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    Coding Question Please Help

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:57 PM PDT


    I have no coding knowledge but I am following a tutorial to make my own visual novel. I am having issues with the layerTestingscript. It says error CS0619: 'MovieTexture' is obsolete: 'MovieTexture is removed. Use VideoPlayer instead. how can I fix this?

    (tutorial link -->) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXQxriS8Xuw

    submitted by /u/frost121420
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    In what situations do you make new classes?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    In what situations do you make new classes? Lets say I want to make an ATM program. When would I use different classes?

    submitted by /u/DrippyBlizz
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    Perl: How to print variables and values from @EXPORT

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    I'm trying to create a log that lists all the perlvar I have exported from my package, for debug purposes. I'm having trouble getting the de-referencing from the u/EXPORT to work.

    I have a package that looks like something like this:

    package my_lib; use strict; no strict 'refs'; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); our @ISA qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(); use Exporter; our $var1 = 1; our $var2 = 5; our $var3 = $var1 + $var2; our @vars = [$var1, $var2]; my @my_exported = qw( $var1 $var2 $var3 @vars ); sub dump_vars { foreach my $entry (@my_exported) { # my $value =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg; my $value =~ s/\$(\w+)/${$1}/g; print "$entry = $value\n"; } } push(@EXPORT, @my_exported); push(@EXPORT_OK, qw(&dump_vars)); 1; 
    • I've tried both versions for dereferencing $value, but it results in an empty string each time

    Then I have perl script to generated a log that contains all the values in the package:

    #!/usr/bin/perl use my_lib qw(dump_vars); #dump_vars(); eval dump_vars(); 

    I use this script like this:

    gen_vars_lib_log.pl > vars_lib.log 

    I'm expecting the log to look something like this:

    $var1 = 1 $var2 = 5 $var3 = 6 @vars = [1, 5] 

    But instead, I get this:

    $var1 = $var2 = $var3 = @vars = 

    Can someone help me see what I'm missing? I've read a bunch of pages on evaluating variables embedded in strings, but I can't get this to work.

    submitted by /u/ercousin
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    Can someone help me with good makefile construction?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    So I have a board support package I am building out (think the raw .c/.h files that would form what a lot of you might think of a library), and have tests that utilize functions in the BSP code. I want to make a generic set of makefiles that compile tests.

    The folder structure kinda looks like this

    ~/BSP/uknown number of subdirs/ (both BSP/ and the subdirs contain .c and.h files that have unknown relationships and dependancies however it can be assumed that all dependencies can be resolved with files under ~/BSP or it's subdirs).

    ~/Test/My files here (this directory contains main.c plus any test specific code and the test makefile)

    How do I make a makefile to compile the BSP directory given that it will be updated with new code all of the time and I do not want to make new recipies for each new set of files? How can I move those .o files into it's own directory to keep things neat?

    If I can do that, same goes for the main make. How do I point to a folder and just generically say "the .o files you need is here, but idk what it is called)

    submitted by /u/nocomment_95
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    I know I'm going to get downvoted like heck, but I just wanted to share that I just used a Stack implementation in a real application.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    I have no one to talk about it with, but I'm tearing up a bit cause I'm weirdly happy about it because it's the first time I've ever used the ds outside of assignments.

    submitted by /u/snailbail45
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    Just finished a little jQuery online course. Why HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation considered so useful? Why don't I just make the changes direct to the html code?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    So it seems one of the big selling points of jQuery is its ability to perform HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation. In the work I did on jQuery on freecodecamp they would make us add code to the project such as: $("#target3").addClass("animated fadeOut");

    Meanwhile the html code for #target3 is about 10 lines underneath, why don't I just go straight to #target3 and add "animated fadeOut" to it, and not bother with the jQuery line of code at all? Wouldn't that be cleaner and simpler?

    I'm assuming there are reasons for such tree traversal and manipulation that makes life a lot easier for some programmers working on certain projects, but at the moment I can't really imagine what that might be, which is what I hope someone can explain to me.


    submitted by /u/princeofropes
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    Where can I learn Objective - C for Cocoa applications?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:25 PM PDT


    unfortunately it seems that Objective-C with cocoa applications isn't very popular. I can't even find courses on Udemy. The thing is I kind of want to get into macOS development, but everything is for iOS only and many codes and tutorials I've found are outdated. Where does one learn this ? I found a book of Objective-C but it was 10 years old. Does anyone have any advice?

    submitted by /u/NotaChineseplushie
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    How to pause paintComponent in Java. My question is in the code.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    package drawingDemo;

    import java.awt.Color;

    /* *****************************************************************

    * I'm trying to find a way to draw something in paintComponent,

    * then pause about 500 milliseconds, and then draw something else.

    * Is there a simple way of doing that?

    * *****************************************************************


    import javax.swing.JFrame;

    public class Demo {

    public static void main(String\[\] args) { JFrame f = new JFrame("Title"); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT\_ON\_CLOSE); Question p = new Question(); p.setBackground(Color.WHITE); f.add(p); f.setSize(200, 200); f.setVisible(true); } 


    package drawingDemo;

    import java.awt.Color;

    import java.awt.Graphics;

    import javax.swing.JPanel;

    public class Question extends JPanel{

    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); this.setBackground(Color.WHITE); g.setColor([Color.green](https://Color.green)); g.drawLine(10, 25, 100, 45); 

    // QUESTION ***********************************

    // TODO how can I pause here 500 milliseconds?

    // ********************************************

     g.setColor([Color.RED](https://Color.RED)); g.drawRect(10, 95, 100, 30); } 


    submitted by /u/KingMonk2323
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    Is programming too much time consuming?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Hi! I am a teenager interested in programming as a future employment possibility. I started recently and everything is going fine, but there is one stupid question I keep asking myself : Does being a programmer means that you spend most of your time outside of your job learning new stuff about programming? I ask this because I know that once you finish your studies you must consistently practice new skills in order to keep up with all the updates and latest technologies and I fear that i could not have enough free time out of my job if i decide to get into programming. Sorry if this question is stupid, I just want to be sure that I want to do programming as my professional future. Also sorry for my average english.

    submitted by /u/Felix_Todd
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    (Java)Simple character replacement

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    Fairly new to programming.

    My goal is to replace Letters to numbers by multiples of 2

    example A=0 B=2 C=4... Y=48 Z=50

    please explain how and what I would use to complete.

    submitted by /u/QuokkaWAG
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    Does anyone have some good beginner projects? (Perl, GO)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    I want to learn golang and perl but I'm stuck with finding a good project.

    I'm using tour of go as a starting point as for Perl I might do some regex parsing.

    I've been using Python for the past few years but its only been webapps and website scrapers.

    Anyone has some good ideas, thanks.

    submitted by /u/afro_coder
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