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    Monday, March 2, 2020

    Docker Quickstart Guide for Developers web developers

    Docker Quickstart Guide for Developers web developers

    Docker Quickstart Guide for Developers

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:23 AM PST

    Client-Side Web Development - These materials were developed for the INFO 340: Client-Side Web Development course taught at the University of Washington Information School

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:35 AM PST

    What is your favorite (full) stack for a web app

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:44 PM PST

    I'm looking to try and make some full stack web apps. I want a way to bundle it so I can run the front end and back end together in the same command. I'm currently a react dev by day so I'd prefer to use that on the front end just for speed of development.

    For the backend, I'm pretty competent in python but I've never used it for web stuff. Obviously being a react dev, I have a good handle on JavaScript (and typescript since that's what I use at work), and I have done some basic stuff with Go just because I was curious. I'd love to use one of these three languages.

    I'm looking for more "batteries included" type for speed and the fun apps I'm going to do in my free time I don't care as much about the weight of the app.

    Any suggestions? What's your favorite (even if it's not python, JS or Go) and why?

    submitted by /u/thejayhaykid
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    Quick tip: Using Node to Clean Up your package.json

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:34 PM PST

    WhatsApp Popup

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:48 AM PST

    WhatsApp Popup

    I have seen that some sites now put a link that opens a WhatsApp popup and on the site apparently there is no documentation, where you can read about the topic ?


    submitted by /u/dwightmathison
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    My brain bricks whenever code I write isn't 100% reusable.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:40 AM PST

    Okay, so...Does anyone know this bothering feeling when they write code and it's not 100% reusable?

    I mean like - when you create a collapsible panel component in javascript and later find out that something else should be collapsible (menu for example) and then you feel this sting between your ears to create a 'Collapsible' class that both can inherit from.. even though it would literally just be code for setting `toggled` property to `true` and `false`.

    Another example would be styling a view, setting margins between objects to say: 20px and then thinking stupid stuff like 'margin: 20px should have its own class'.

    .. or a real-life example - I've just spent few hours of private time remaking a filter-builder component, so it can be plugged to other things - even though I don't even know if it'll be used anywhere else (and I doubt it will).

    How does one turn this stupid thinking off? I can't focus on what matters.

    submitted by /u/JCodeMode
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    [Javascript] Iterating Objects with Array operators

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:02 AM PST

    Hi all,

    Don't know if everyone already knows this trick and I'm just stupid, but thought I'd share.

    I tend to reach for lodash's _.mapValues when I want to cleanly iterate over Object key/values. However, I just discovered Object.entries which basically returns an array of arrays (the nested arrays are [key, value] pairs from the object).

    So you could just do the following:

    Object.entries(myObject).forEach(([key, value]) => { // Do something }) 

    The nice thing is you could use any iterative Array operator (e.g. .map .reduce .forEach etc) and it's super clean IMO.

    Thought it was cool!

    (Sorry if everyone in the world already knew about this..)

    submitted by /u/calvers70
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    Are there any way to test accessibility of dynamic elements on a page?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:15 PM PST

    Google Lighthouse has been excellent, but for things like modals or searching based on data from a previous page this doesn't work because lighthouse refreshes the page first. Is there any way to measure accessibility of a page as is without refreshing first?

    submitted by /u/chaz9127
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    GitHub Documentation Help Offer

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Hi, so I'm a junior web developer and doing my best to learn as much as can. Currently I'm doing some Udemy courses to improve my skills but I also search for tips here on Reddit. Someone here mentioned doing documentation for other GitHub developers is a great way to learn how code works which is something I'm greatly into.

    I'm working at a job in NYC that's not even remotely close to programming (I started out coding in the city but contract ended). So before I start applying around for more programming jobs I want to learn more to better secure my chances of a full time position rather a contract.

    So if anyone is looking for help with GitHub documentation I am more than happy to help! Please reply and/or DM me

    submitted by /u/Normini
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    How would you describe SOAP to someone comfortable with REST

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Lets say I am very comfortable with the use of REST requests and just to be totally crazy lets pretend that I cannot seem to understand what SOAP is other than a REST request with XML. How might you describe SOAP to this theoretical person? Or more specifically, the practical differences between REST and SOAP rather than explanations like protocol vs architectural style.

    submitted by /u/heynineclicks
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    misclassified.me - a simple resource for employee misclassification

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:16 PM PST

    Hey all!

    I saw that this domain was open last night, and as someone who deals with this issue quite frequently... I figured I'd snatch it up and go forward with it: https://misclassified.me

    (apologies for stock bootstrap aesthetic)

    I am posting here for two reasons:

    1. I have seen a large number of contracts that say "you're 1099, but you're actually w2" in my brief time in tech. I don't want anyone here to deal with that same level of nonsense without knowing what their options are.

    2. I would love some help making it look better! I have it on github here.

    This is mostly a more digestible form of what the IRS website says. The information is a bit spread out and fairly dense, so I wanted to try to break it up for people who might need the help.

    With tax time coming up for most of us in the US, I hope this will be a helpful resource!

    submitted by /u/seiyria
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    Squarespace.. is it worth it?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:12 PM PST

    Hey web developers! I'm thinking about building a web site using squarespace so my client can easily help in the building process. I usually use just raw code or cms like wordpress for building a website. I was hoping if I use one of the more visual builders, my client would be able to easily edit and make changes to the site. Has anyone used squarespace, preferably a knowledgeable web designer, and how does it hold up in comparison to say.. wordpress? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/davesbutt
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    Gaining creative freedom and trust from your clients

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:24 PM PST

    Low latency logging

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:46 PM PST

    How do you do it? I have processes that are pretty time sensitive and need to be accurate as possible. I've tried using 3rd parties but find even the simple aspect of network requests cause for a mismatch of what I'm looking at on my server vs what is being sent to a cloud service after a few days of logging.

    I've thought about batching the 3rd party calls but I'm not sure if that would be a better approach. So what is the better option here?

    submitted by /u/cgaubuchon
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    Infernal Wordpress Inline menu !??

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:40 PM PST

    • Hey there!
    • I am a noob when it comes to WP, I only tried doing this using CSS :( . How can I move the logo to the left of "Acasa" and the shopping cart next to the "Favorites" thing? I find it impossible to do. This is the link to the website: https://www.dragonmag.ro/ .

    • Thank you in advance!
    submitted by /u/maicanvlad7
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    How come visual scripting is not utilised on web dev?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:29 PM PST

    If you don't know what visual scripting/programming is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_programming_language

    Visual scripting is used extensively with game engines such as Unity, Unreal and Godot, allowing you to create entire games with visual scripting, or combing it, using C#/C++ and exposing things to visual scripts. There is pretty much no limit to the complexity and type of game that could be made in these engines, from rpgs to first person shooters to MMOs.

    t seems to me that games, especially large scale ones, are vastly more complicated than most websites and I don't understand why the same sort of logic couldn't be used to build a site. A really simple example would be: Get a reference to an element, add a click event handler that calls a function to set a cookie. Each step being a node in a visual editor.

    Note that I'm not talking about the design, which is already had attempts with drag and drop WYSIWYG builders, but the actual business logic or front end JS of a website.

    I'm struggling to understand what kind of challenges web apps have that games don't that make visual scripting on the web so prohibitive to exploration.

    I have seen some attempts but it seems it hasn't really taken off in the same way that it has in game dev. Soes anybody have any input to help me understand these challenges? Or why no serious attempts have been made to create such a system?

    submitted by /u/JavaScriptPenguin
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    Example project with OAuth to third parties (not for login)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:47 AM PST

    Building an Analytics app where users can OAuth to other apps to get the base data.

    There may be more than one potential source for this data.

    Any examples of app structure to manage the flow? Where to make requests and store tokens (client vs server) etc?

    All of the examples I find are for building your own OAuth server or using things like Firebase Auth /Auth0 for login.

    submitted by /u/kwerky
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    �� A browser extension that puts masks on faces on the internet.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:18 PM PST

    Help with feature

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:43 PM PST

    Hello guys.

    The agency I work for is rebuilding our own website using WordPress.
    Not too long ago two companies merged to make the current agency I work at.

    Each of those two previous companies have websites that we will be 301 redirecting to the new site. My boss wants a certain popup to trigger upon landing on the new site based on which link a user clicked to get there.

    For example: A customer googles one of the old companies, and clicks on that old companies link. They will get redirected to our new site, and a pop up will trigger saying something like "looking for old company? we have merged etc"

    Same goes for a customer who searches for the other old company.
    Can anyone point me in a direction to achieve this?

    submitted by /u/audionoobhelpme
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    Getting hit up on LinkedIn to act as an "agency" for foreign web developers

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:30 PM PST

    I know this sounds like a terrible idea. But I just feel like deep down if these guys are legit I can pull something off.

    I'm getting hit up by usually like Chinese web developers asking to work on my behalf. They claim to have poor communication skills in English, so I would be acting as the "face". I gather all the info and interact with the clients, then just tell him the work that needs to be done.

    I know there's gotta be a catch. Anyone ever heard of anything like this?

    submitted by /u/E06SP
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    Mozilla's IRL Podcast, s4e5: The Surveillance Economy

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:28 PM PST

    Is there any wordpress webshop that has separate product admin?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:43 PM PST

    Right now if we want to upload product, we have to login to Wordpress panel, inside wordpress we have to look for woocommerce, which is confusing. is there any template or plugin that allow Wordpress only as shop template and separate admin panel for product management?

    submitted by /u/kim_en
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    How would you automate HTML form creation using JavaScript and XML (and PHP)?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:30 AM PST

    I have a fairly basic html form with questions and radio button answers. The form results are sent to a database using php. The form has items in the following format:

    <div class="question"> 

    <label>Windows updates often interrupt my work</label> <br> <label class="green"><input type="radio" name="windows\_update" value="1" required>Disagree</label> <label class="yellow"><input type="radio" name="windows\_update" value="2" required>Partly agree</label> <label class="red"><input type="radio" name="windows\_update" value="3" required>Agree</label>


    I have made a few different questions by copy-pasting the <div> above and editing the first <label> text and the name attribute on the <label> elements in the classes green, yellow and green but of course with more and more questions it will not be good practice. Therefore I have started to work on a better solution and I have written a small script which can fetch text from an XML file using XMLHttpRequest. The file has questions formatted like this:

    <question name="windows_startup" type="radio"> 

    <text>Windows startup takes too long</text> <answer>1</answer> <answer>2</answer> <answer>3</answer> </question>

    Currently I think I should probably somehow make the <div class="question"> element be copied automatically as many times as there are <question> elements in the XML file. And when the <div> is copied, it will automatically get the values which are located in the XML file.

    After that, there should be automatically the new questions' names in the script which sends data to a dabase, which looks currently like this:

    $windows_startup = $_POST["windows_startup"]; $windows_update = $_POST["windows_update"]; $program_startup = $_POST["program_startup"]; $program_performance = $_POST["program_performance"]; $game_performance = $_POST["game_performance"]; $program_optional = $_POST["program_optional"]; $employee = $_POST["employee"]; $sql = "INSERT INTO results (employee, windows_startup, windows_update, program_startup, program_performance, game_performance, program_optional) VALUES ('$employee', '$windows_startup', '$windows_update', '$program_startup', '$program_performance', '$game_performance', '$program_optional');"; 

    When a new question's identifier (name) is in the script above, I will also need to make the php script include a step for checking if there are already columns with the names the script has. If there is no column(s), create new ones. I figured I can probably utilise IF EXISTS in achieving this?

    I am of course not asking for completely written direct solutions but recommendations on what is best for the things I need to do because I couldn't find anything too helpful from google.

    submitted by /u/saabismi
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    Any recommendations for a static site generator with first class i18n support?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:46 AM PST


    submitted by /u/NoBrick2
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