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    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    Will Going Full Stack actually make me more employable? Ask Programming

    Will Going Full Stack actually make me more employable? Ask Programming

    Will Going Full Stack actually make me more employable?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:42 PM PST

    Hi guys, I've recently started coding and have been teaching myself python over the last month and a half or so, putting in roughly 2 hours a day. I'm really loving/getting into it! And I'm now considering pursuing a career in development. I have been looking into courses online and I'm currently doing a few on codecademy. However I've been contacted by a couple of these online schools , one of which (named learning people) offers a full stack coding course designed to get students ready within 10 months to year with a massive focus on portfolio building.

    the course curriculum include modules on:

    HTML Fundamentals, CSS3 Fundamentals, User Centric Web Frontend Development, JavaScript Fundamentals, Interactive Frontend Python Fundamentals, Practical Python Data Centric Development, Full Stack Frameworks

    I'm wondering if it's worth going down this route, whether it will make me more employable and if they are offering a framework that would attract a potential employer.

    In short should I stick with learning and specialising in python at my own pace or is 'full_stack' actually worth it ?

    submitted by /u/Tomv93
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    How many productive hours of work do you get done in a day?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:52 AM PST

    I find myself just browsing reddit or something during work, especially if I work from home. I don't feel good about it, especially if I go too long without actually doing something when I actually have tasks to complete.

    I've started working as a developer this year, so the tasks I'm doing are not very high priority at the moment, and I don't really have a real sense of urgency. But I think my brain needs some rest in between, otherwise I feel like I'm wearing myself out, so I think it's ok not to crunch 100% of the hours I work. I don't really have a structure to this however, so I think I should enforce some break times upon myself so that I don't over-indulge in procrastination.

    Do you feel like you should be doing more? Or maybe like you'd need more rest? If you do take time to rest, how do you balance out your work day?

    submitted by /u/Hogis
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    Just finished midterm, why tf is this answer "not 0" ?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 07:55 PM PST

    literally mind BLOWN BRUH LOL

    int x =0;

    if(x = 0){

    cout << "is 0";



    cout << "not 0";


    holy jesus moly, I can guarantee 90% of my classmates got this wrong too, can anyone explain why it is "not 0" ? I changed x = 1 or x = 2 and the output is "is 0", but why bruh? aren't we assigning x with value 0? Is it because we already initialize it?

    submitted by /u/j3631061j
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    Questions On: Data Collecting, API, Web Scraping

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 07:49 PM PST

    When building a professional web app/mobile app, how reliant should one let themselves be on data that is directly (API) or indirectly (Web Scraping) provided by big companies (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Yelp, etc)?

    What are recommended practices for building your own dataset at such a large scale?

    Could be data on anything from local gas prices to "like" trends for certain things. It feels like, if you start out with no data on a data reliant web/mobile app, you don't actually have a competitive product or any product at all. Thanks folks!

    submitted by /u/xithetakappa
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    Can code run on systems that don't have libaries/whatever else installed?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 07:17 PM PST

    I know this is a bit of an odd question, and it's def a noob question, but it would help me understand some meta stuff about coding in general;

    basically, I'm wondering if a programming language needs to be "installed" on a system before you can run software that's written in it...

    As in, let's say I invent a new language, write a program in it and send it off to a different computer. Will it run it? I've been prompted to install Java before I could run Java apps before, so this is partly I'm asking...

    My logic/understanding so far is the following; if it's compiled, it should be able to run on anything. If it's a non-compile-able language, like a scripting language or something, then no. My assumption there is that a compiled language is changed into "general" computer code, while a non-compiled language would need some sort of library or reference system to refer to when translating it's code on the go into actionable computer code.

    Is this in any way correct? And if not, what is the right answer/way to understanding this?

    submitted by /u/AKinglyAss
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    Whats the use of classes and methods/functions in programming jobs?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:09 PM PST

    I got a question for anyone working a job in the programming field. Do you guys actually use a ton of classes and methods in your codes/scripts? I'm a freshmen in college with a comp sci major and recently have been assign a ton of projects with a ton of class and method usage. I took 4 years of programming in high school and although we did do classes near the end of my AP comp sci classes, it was never so consistently and overwhelmingly required to solve the assignment. I can see how classes can be useful for a lot of different types of data in certain cases to keep everything organized, but for making a programming for example a "quadratic formula", I don't see much use. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Also the college class I mentioned is in C++ for detail.

    submitted by /u/shadowatlas2
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    How do you handle storing Client ID and Client Secret?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 07:04 AM PST

    Hi all, I am working on a project where have an internal API using C# that connects to Azure to get the Azure token where we have to supply the client id and client secret. The workflow that we currently want to do is to have over 4000 point of sale registers that will have the client id's then it will call an endpoint in our internal API that will call an Azure endpoint to get the JWT token. The client secret would be stored in the config file in the internal API. Then the registers will use the JWT token to make calls to Azure API end points from the internal API. Is this the right approach or am I doing all this all wrong? I was researching best practices for this and I could not find anything comprehensive. Also what storing strategies have you implemented with client id's and client secrets that have worked well or not well?

    submitted by /u/LifeIsStranger412
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    CUDA compiler is open-source and CUDA technology is proprietary?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:43 PM PST

    I came across a professor's lecture slides. Some information on them got me confused:

    1.) In one of his slides, it says: "CUDA has an open-sourced CUDA compiler": https://i.imgur.com/m8UW0lO.png

    2.) In one of the next slides, it says: "CUDA is Nvidia's proprietary technology that targets Nvidia devices only": https://i.imgur.com/z7ipon2.png

    AFAIK, if something is open source, it cannot be proprietary as only the original owner(s) of the software are legally allowed to inspect and modify the source code.

    So, the way that I understand it is that the technology CUDA itself is proprietary but the compiler is open source. How does this work? I don't understand exactly how the technology can be proprietary while the compiler can be open source. Isn't that self-contradictory?

    submitted by /u/SystemInterrupts
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    Website to race against an opponent in implementing algorithms

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:37 PM PST

    I'm looking for a website with leetcode style questions where you race against your opponent to implement the algorithm first. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/2020College_Hopes
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    Help needed in database evaluation (Elasticsearch vs PostgreSQL). Multiple (non performance only) criterias.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 11:26 AM PST


    I'm working with MongoDB. Documents stored there are very complex with multiple levels of subdocuments inside single document. There are milions of documents (~10 mln), and the number is growing.

    My requirement is to allow users to

    • filter these documents allowing them to use dozens of filters which are combinable in any fashion. Some of the filters are supposed to work as full text search (minority), the rest work as regular filter (strict string, boolean, numbers, dates, etc comparison - these are majority). MongoDB response times for this are very bad (due to filter combinability - it's impossible to design proper indexes).

    • allow data aggregations for reporting, but also for more operational actions

    • data exports based on aggregations / filtering (csv; xml; json; pdf)

    There are 2 options I find usable:

    • Elasticsearch
    • PostgreSQL

    Both have some advantages and disadvantages that come to my mind.



    • it is great in filtering - both strict and text search; especially if document is properly transformed before pushing it to Elasticsearch.

      • theoretically it should be easy to add new data nodes to cluster if needed


    • adding new filter forces me to reindex all documents (update mapping, and push documents once again) which can take hours.

      • maintaining it seems to be quite difficult
        • query language is unfamiliar (and unfriendly IMHO) to most of the devs
        • there is a big number of factors you have to keep in mind when configuring the cluster so it works without breaks
      • potential data loss - mentioned in couple of articles.
      • potential big refactor when migrating to new version
      • processing a large number of documents is a bit awkward (scroll API).
      • no Authentication out of the box (part of X-Pack) - can be solved by putting nginx in front of Elasticsearch

    What about reporting and data aggregations? Does anyone has experience?



    • adding new field will not require to reindex all records (seems adding new column and updating it with values from original source in the background is enough)
      • most people know SQL - and it's also easy to find help in the Internet
      • seems it's good for reporting
      • authentication support


    • How about the filtering? I assume that filter combinability will be a problem similarly to MongoDB

    Also what seems to me - no matter what storage is used, if I want to support rich filtering and return douments will all data I would have to call original storage with IDs returned from the Elasticsearch/PostgreSQL (or embed original document into record - but this will greatly increase the size).

    Are there any other factor I should consider and which I didn't put on the list? What are you're experiences in maintaining these databases

    • from developer perspective - adding new reports, etc.
    • from administration perspective - migrations, day to day stability

    Thanks in advance for any feedback.

    submitted by /u/djaszczurowski
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    Is there any 2FA/TOTP without requiring scanning a QR code?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:44 PM PST

    I use .net core and cannot find any existing solution that works. I have tried the nuget package otp.net which seemed promising but it seems to always return false no matter how hard I try. Does anyone have something they use that achieves this? Does anyone have a working scenario of otp.net?

    submitted by /u/neo750a
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    Using Python to modify Word documents

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:33 PM PST

    I have about 20 word documents that are all very similar and all have the same headings. I need to delete the paragraphs after two of the headings and was wondering if I could automate this using python.

    I've tried my hand and finding a way to do this but all I could come up with is how to delete a specific string inside the word document. So... I'm on the right track but far from being where I want to.

    This is the code that I have currently:

    import re from docx import Document def docx_replace_regex(doc_obj, regex , replace): for p in doc_obj.paragraphs: if regex.search(p.text): inline = p.runs # Loop added to work with runs (strings with same style) for i in range(len(inline)): if regex.search(inline[i].text): text = regex.sub(replace, inline[i].text) inline[i].text = text for table in doc_obj.tables: for row in table.rows: for cell in row.cells: docx_replace_regex(cell, regex , replace) regex1 = re.compile(r"Project Description") replace1 = r"" filename = "MediRevv Advanced Export ZZBMCBDEXPORT SDLC - Copy.docx" doc = Document(filename) docx_replace_regex(doc, regex1 , replace1) doc.save('result1.docx') 

    Pretty much what I want to do is if it finds the headings "Project Description" and " Assumptions, Constraints, and Dependencies" I want to delete the heading and the paragraph following the heading up to the next heading.

    If python isn't the right way to go then could you tell me what would work better? I chose python because I have some experience with it and I heard a lot of people automate their jobs with it.

    Thank you for anything you offer to help!

    submitted by /u/Amxela
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    New to programming, but need a job... Help!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:20 PM PST

    I started learning coding languages back in September of 2019. I've got some HTML, CSS, and Javascript under my belt and have put out one Javascript project and a portfolio website. I feel like been doing pretty well in my studies, but I don't really feel like I'm ready for a working environment, or even a Junior Dev position.

    The only problem is, my job just told me I'm being let go in exactly one month. I'm currently transitioning from being a mental health professional to Front-End Web Development, So my resume doesn't really apply to any type of development position.

    My question to you all is: are there any jobs you all suggest to get my foot in the door and that will look good on my future resume when I'm ACTUALLY ready to apply? One thing I want to avoid is having a choppy looking resume where it looks like I've bounced around a bunch of different places.

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you all for being here and for being so helpful!

    submitted by /u/lazerdeathkitty
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    Implementation Vs Testing

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 01:43 PM PST

    When implementing a requirement, do you, as the programmer, check that you get the result you were hoping for or do you leave it for the testers to find out?

    As someone who's working on smaller projects for uni, I usually write code for a requirement and then test it a little myself to make sure the program does what I want it to. How does real life look like? Do you test your own code to some extent?

    Thanks in advance for your time

    submitted by /u/XinoVan
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    What does "wrap 3rd party libraries" means?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 01:14 PM PST

    I always see projects on Github with title "X wrapper around the Y library" but I never understood what does it means, and how to build one if I wanted?

    submitted by /u/yasseryka
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    Do you sketch your GUI ideas on a piece of paper and plan them thoroughly, or do you just ad hoc and try it out as you go?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 05:07 AM PST

    I was doing epic css with grids and flex and transitions and all the fancy stuff, and then I ended up with code full of placeholder values, and I saved the files and started the whole project from the start. This time, I would first do the actual program and the actual essence of what the app is supposed to do, and THEN I would do the bare minimum of GUI and make it fancy later. This way, I would have a working app that looks shitty, but works and has GUI.

    So, now I am at the GUI part. And I was gonna do it ad hoc, but I evolved the idea throughout the day so much that I think I just need to draw it and then decide. There are just so many possibilities. Do you put the icons on a top bar with hover explanation, with transition title, left on a transition menu. Do you put closely related sets of options into one icon, and then have tabs in the new window. Like, it's just so much. And, frankly, maybe I'm stalling because I'm not very happy with this part. The last episode of trying to make GUI didn't end well. I think I will try to outline the options I need, try to pick the best ways of input, and then just slap it on there without any styling, and then hopefully move on to the next stage of coding where I connect it all and test it out.

    Do you put this much time into planning, or do you just go with the flow. Maybe you know already what the best solutions are, and you already know what you have to do.?

    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    [HTML JS] Is creating a billion elements the only way to display a large table?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:12 PM PST


    I am making a system where the user can see the table data, and select a row, and then edit it or delete it. I'm afraid of how many elements can an average computer or browser handle. I have no idea. Can't even imagine. But logically, If I have a hundred times as many elements as I would usually have, then I recon it would be a hundred times slower.

    Anyway, I see a few solutions:

    1. Loop through all the columns, and retrieve the length of the longest entry, and now go row by row, and append as many spaces as needed to each cell, so everything aligns to the longest entry, and hope that the font has equal letter sizes. Now we have the whole row data in one element.

    2. Make a <table> and hope for the best

    3. Put each cell into a div, and then put that div into a css grid. Lord have mercy.

    4. Just string an infinite amount of divs, and set the row length of flex to the amount of columns you have, and pray to god that everything aligns properly and your null-value divs don't mess something up

    These would inevitably, and most definitely have such an amount of overflow that you would have to search for the scroller with a magnifying glass. So I recon that I ought to do the ol' < 1 of 10 > thing at the bottom, and display only 10 rows at a time. This would render our display method less gravely important, but we would change the values of the elements that we are displaying, and there will probably be horizontal overflow if there are a bunch of columns.

    What do you say?

    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    Removing entries from DBSet C# .netcore

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:37 AM PST

    I am trying to loop through a DBSet and remove entries for 'projects' that have end dates that have already passed. This is what I would like to do:

     foreach (var item in company) { foreach (var project in item.Project) { if (project.EndDate < thisDay) { item.project = null; //this line does not work. } } } 

    Everything up to the if statement works as expected, but if that condition passes, I want to remove that particular project entry from the REST return after this. Company is of type DBSet. The structure is as follows:

    Company : [ { Project: [ { 'EndDate': 'some date' } ... ] } ... ] 

    Any way to make that line work to remove that single sub-entry?

    submitted by /u/dev123321
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    Track Pair-Programming sessions to maximize knowledge distribution?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 09:52 AM PST

    I changed jobs recently and my new employer asked me if I am able to introduce Pair-Programming (PP) in my new team. With almost 3 years of PP experience, I accepted the task.

    Since we have a two Junior devs (5 devs in total), PP is used to maximize knowledge distribution and helps with learning new languages/frameworks/technologies. My coworkers and I all like PP and have fun doing it. But...

    Since my task is to guarantee knowledge distribution, I wanted to track the number of PP sessions per pair. But I do not know how.

    Do you guys have any experience with tracking PP sessions? Is this even a good idea?

    Any advice or response is highly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/thomaslanghorst
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    Is it possible to advance 2 separate slideshows at the same time? How, VBA?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 09:40 AM PST

    Issues with operator overloading, C++

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 07:07 AM PST

    Hello again /r/AskProgramming!

    I'm working on some homework in C++, and I'm currently attempting to create a few overloaded operator functions. I'm specifically having issues with the following:

     bool operator<(const Ship&, double); 

    Which is inside of my Ship class:

    class Ship { Engine engines[10]; char shipType[7]; int engCount; float shipDistance; public: Ship(); Ship(const char* type, Engine* engines, int engLength); bool empty() const; float calculatePower() const; void display() const; Ship& operator+=(Engine e); friend bool operator==(const Ship& shipA, const Ship& shipB); bool operator<(const Ship&, double); }; 

    I get an error with operator, "too many paramaters for this operator function".

    It seems to work fine as a friend function but my homework specifically states this function is not a friend function. The error also vanishes if I get rid of one parameter, however I'm using the prototype directly from the homework.

    Any help provided is much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/YourAverageRanga
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    Coding interviews?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:16 AM PST

    Hi Evryone!

    Im just wondering, which companies do coding interviews? Would you need to be good at maths? Any way to prepare for them ? (Resources etc)

    Many Thanks !

    submitted by /u/Jayreem7654
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    Is it possible to create a program/script that would paste a copied text letter by letter?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 05:02 AM PST

    How would one do this in that case?

    submitted by /u/CaptainSeabo
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