• Breaking News

    Friday, February 7, 2020

    Why you, as a web developer, shouldn't use Google's Recaptcha for "human verification" web developers

    Why you, as a web developer, shouldn't use Google's Recaptcha for "human verification" web developers

    Why you, as a web developer, shouldn't use Google's Recaptcha for "human verification"

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:46 PM PST

    There is so much wrong with Recaptcha it's not an exaggeration to say it should be legislated out of existence.

    As web developer, by choosing to use Google Recaptcha you are imposing moral, legal, and technical barriers to your users.

    • Recaptcha is terrible for usability and effectively blocks disabled users from accessing websites. The audio challenges do not always work because they are seen as "less secure" than picture challenges and therefore using them means Google is more likely to judge you as being a robot.

    • Using Recaptcha contributes to Google's artificial intelligence network. Users are essentially being used as workers without any compensation.

    • Websites which implement Recaptcha are effectively forcing their users to agree to a second set of terms/conditions and a third party company's privacy and data processing policies. As if that wasn't bad enough, it's not just any company we're talking about here - it's Google; probably the most notorious company in the world in terms of data harvesting and processing.

    • Websites implementing Recaptcha almost never offer an alternative way of accessing their services, so if you don't agree with Google's terms and conditions then you are effectively blocked from using the first-party website. When this is a website like your bank or somewhere you've already purchased from (e.g. eBay uses Recaptcha) then you may end up blocked from accessing your own funds, details, order history, etc. Even if you (the developer) don't think Google's terms and conditions are objectionable, your end-users might disagree. They could also be in an environment where access to third-party domains, or Google domains specifically, is blocked.

    • Recaptcha's functionality depends upon Google's online surveillance of you. If you use any kind of privacy-assuring settings or extensions in your web browser (e.g. blocking third-party cookies, trackers, etc.) the Recaptcha challenge is guaranteed to take at least 3-5 times longer to complete than if you bend over and accept Google's tracking.

    I am not against captchas in general because I know there is a legitimate need for them. I am, however, against Recaptcha in all of its forms. It is an online monopoly and is an affront to consumer rights.

    I look forward to the day it's nuked from orbit and everyone involved in building it is imprisoned in the seventh circle of hell.

    Further reading: https://kevv.net/you-probably-dont-need-recaptcha/

    submitted by /u/ImNotCastinAnyStones
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    Rebuild a Company's Webpage as an Interview Challenge

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:59 AM PST

    Hey webdev,

    I had an interview earlier this week. After the interview, they asked me to rebuild one of their webpages to gauge my skills. I'm having trouble understanding what they want me to do because they gave me the answer along with the challenge. I'm finding myself looking at their CSS to know how they get things to appear the way they do, and my solution is becoming a replica of the site.

    I want to showcase my skills, but I'm having trouble when my curiosity gets the best of me. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Immediate_Expression
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    Pros/cons of python vs node.js for backend?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:40 AM PST

    I know it's situation dependent aswell as personal preference, but what are the general pros/cond for both?

    submitted by /u/MonoPric3
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    Freelance developers, what freelance websites do you use and why?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:28 AM PST

    And what are some websites to avoid? Any sites where people are able to take advantage of you?

    submitted by /u/Psycork
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    Question about security in Vue + Firebase (general security newb)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:40 AM PST

    I have a Vue app, for which I followed some standard tutorials to give different accesses to different routes. The whole login system is based on firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(). I've never given much thought to security in my practice until now (always had someone else for that). I'd like to know if my way of storing/getting credentials is secure enough.

    Upon logging in, the user gets their email compared with environment variables, and they get assigned a "permission level" number. Then as they browse, they can access any page that has a "required permissions" number lower or equal to their own permission level number.

    Given that the user's permission level gets stored in Vuex, is there any risk they could "inject" their own permission number via the browser to simulate being an admin ?

    Overall, does that sound like a decent strategy ? What else could I use to make the login more secure without having to rely on multi-factor authentication ?

    Thanks so much for your input !

    submitted by /u/lekevoid
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    Wordpress vs Building from scratch

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:55 PM PST

    Quick history about myself: I decided to learn programming about three years ago and learnt Python, I then decided to learn web development as it would be something I could do from home (I know this might not be straight forward from everything I've read), so I've learnt html, css, javascript and the basics of PHP.

    Recently a friend and I who are looking to go into this field started building and collaborating on a website for a local school (for free, as we know the owner), something we're doing to help us get practice in a real life scenario and learn things as we go doing, our goal is to learn how to build websites from scratch, how github etc works and to also learn WordPress so our options are open when clients (hopefully) come to us with websites to build, we don't intend on working for an actual company.

    So here's the thing, we've been building this school website from scratch, so no bootstrap etc and we've had a blast doing it, we then decided to try and the build the same website in WordPress so we could see firsthand what WordPress is like and how it compares to building a website from scratch.

    We've been using Elementor, and as expected its alot quicker to put things together.

    So my question is then, if we're freelancing for small / medium projects only, in what situation would it be better to build a website from scratch? Considering the amount of time it would take to build something from scratch back to front and with a cms that the client can use to edit content, compared to WordPress where the client already has a way of editing the content and you can use pre-built themes etc.

    I suppose if a client wants something completely unique then building it from scratch would be the way to go, but what other scenarios are there? I know WordPress isn't perfect and some despise it due to plugin overload etc.

    One thing I will say... I'm already missing coding a website from scratch and writing javascript myself to enable certain functionality, but ultimately time = money, it's tempting at times to just go back to coding by hand, but if I can create the exact same website in WordPress in half the time, what is the advantage of creating one from scratch for a small to medium sized website?

    submitted by /u/Smokinpeanut
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    Are there any new ways to "preload" a website?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:48 AM PST

    I'm developing our firm's new website (on a LAMP stack) which has SVGs, responsive images, carousels and whatnot.
    The issue is that before the css loads up there's a split second where stuff is out of order then snaps into position. I tried to minimize the effect as much as possible by giving some explicit width/height to the includes or delaying scripts initialization, but still..

    Before i resort to fix it the same way i did in all these past years [visibility:hidden on body + fixed div with a gif or something + opacity animation on a jquery $(window) load event or similar] i wanted to ask you supreme lords of the interwebz if there's actually any new, better, simpler, lighter, foolproof way to hide content before everything is actually up and running.

    submitted by /u/zenotds
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    Why do some people not answer to a lower price??

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 04:20 PM PST


    Sometimes when people ask my price and I give a price, if it is to high The customer says that it is out of their budget. And then sometimes I say OK well I can discount it for you a little bit or I can lower it for you. A lot of those times I'm losing the cost amours because on a project if I'm asking $1000 the person wants to spend $200 or something how come they do not answer even if I did say that I could do $200

    submitted by /u/seogorillas8
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    uBlock Origin available soon in new Firefox for Android Nightly

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:00 PM PST

    Looking for web PDF viewers recommendations.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:05 PM PST

    Hi, I have a website where I post PDF documents on a daily basis. Many of my customers access them through mobile phones, but the files doesn't display on Android and on iOS there is just an image of the file. Right now I am embedding the file in an iframe. Other options that I have tried are viewer js but it doesn't support links that my files have; and Google drive PDF viewer, but it isn't an option because the files need to be private and protected against download. What other options do I have for displaying files that also work on mobile devices?

    submitted by /u/marinesebastian
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    How to add class to class in javascript?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:54 PM PST

    I have a bunch of divs that all have the same class. I am running a for loop that acts as a search bar so it hides the divs that don't match the content by changing their display to none. Right now it is affecting the class that is on the div but I want to add a separate class that solely sets the display to none. How do I add another class to that element?

    submitted by /u/thecoalbee
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    Is there a db tool to iterative compose queries?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Most database management tools, like Postico and SQLPro for Postgres are geared towards DBAs to administer dbs. As a web dev, I want IDE-like help writing queries instead.

    Database Queries are best written iteratively where you try out different queries and compose them together. But database management tools just show you a single query box, where you have to comment and uncomment different queries you're trying out before combining.

    I'd also want more context when I'm writing queries. While some have auto-complete of the sql syntax, table names, and column names, I'd also want to see a histogram of possible values for a column, so it's easier to write where clauses.

    Lastly, I'd want a way to deploy the queries as web endpoints, to support non-essential features like CSV export

    Does anyone else run into the same problem? If so, is there already a tool out there that does this?

    submitted by /u/iamwil
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    Big Update for WuFlu.live: Additional Statistics + News feed

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:37 PM PST

    I built a novel coronavirus monitoring website!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:16 PM PST

    Hi all! I built a website (https://the2019ncov.com) for tracking the coronavirus (2019-nCoV). It also has twitter updates that contains keywords related to coronavirus. Feel free to visit!

    Technologies used:

    • Vue and Vuetify
    • NodeJS
    • ApexCharts
    • Twitter API

    Repo https://github.com/sorxrob/2019-ncov-frontend

    submitted by /u/wobsoriano
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    Showing playlist / music on website

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:36 PM PST

    Anybody know what music API they used to show these vibrant playlist on this Air France website?


    submitted by /u/ParthPatel_95
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    Whoa... Hummingbird performance plugin for Wordpress really works.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:06 AM PST

    Trello-like drag, drop and swap

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:35 AM PST

    [JS] Mapping, including/excluding elements from a list

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:28 AM PST

    Let's say I have a list of tickets that has to be filtered ; for instance, the user types some text in a form and I need to get only the tickets with a "name" that matches the input text, plus some other conditions like that. At the moment, for legibility, I like to use the format :

    const tickets = allAvailableTickets.map(ticket => { if (condition1NotMet) { return null; } if (condition2NotMet) { return null; } if (condition3NotMet) { return null; } ticket = doSomething(ticket); return ticket; }).filter(Boolean); 

    But I'm afraid invoking two map/filter functions would take a toll when the number of tickets gets high. It is the way it's "supposed" to be done ? Is there another way that's performing better without becoming unreadable ? Or would the solution be to extract only the needed tickets from the get-go so that the list I have to filter doesn't get too high ?

    Thanks for your input !

    submitted by /u/lekevoid
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    How to position CSS elements?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Hey guys! Does everyone use some sort of grid to position items in css compared to using say margins to position items. I'm new to it and just struggle getting items placed where I want them to be. Thanks all

    submitted by /u/JeffOlden_23
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    Freelancers: how do you go about charging for optimising load times? (Wordpress)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:23 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I'm in contact with a potential client who finds that their website is slow to load pages. It's not too terrible, pingdom shows an average of 3s load times (which is impactful but it's not like 10s or more), and on average they get an A in all metrics on GTMetrix and Pingdom. If you visit the website though you instantly notice it's slower than it should be.

    I'm not the first webmaster they've contacted, and their previous one deployed some solutions to help load times. In particular, they use the CDN and pretty much everything else provided by WPMU.

    My solution is to remove everything I can from WPMU and replace with what I typically use. From looking around on the web, it seems the WPMU CDN actually increases load times.

    However, their website is already heavily optimised, and I'm not sure I can actually shave off those precious seconds.

    My question then: how do you go about charging for this? Do you simply explain to the client that you can't guarantee results and come what may?

    There's the potential for more work down the line with this one, so I really don't want to give a bad impression and fuck this up!


    submitted by /u/ExpertLawfulness
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    Am I hosting websites wrong?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Hey there webdev!

    I've got a handful of websites up under my primary domain, set up as addon domains in hostgator. The main website (mine) is in the root of /public_html/ and any other domain or website (clients) is in a sub folder. /public_html/newwebsite.

    There haven't been any issues until recently. Normally with the domains we'd direct the nameservers to our hosting and it would show up as clientwebsite.com instead of mysite.com/clientsite.com.

    However we can't set the name servers for one particular domain since Mx entries are being managed, so instead DNS entries were added in. The clientsite.com link takes you to, and displays as, mysite.com/clientsite.com.

    Is there something I'm missing on my end to get the URL to display properly? Or is my whole set up jank in the first place?


    Ninja edit: just noticed on a separate domain that if you type www.clientsite.com it takes you to mysite.com/clientsite.com but if you type clientsite.com it properly translates

    submitted by /u/OneSidedCoin
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    Legal considerations for freelance work

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 04:02 AM PST

    I am soon to be venturing into freelance web development. I have been given a few questions Im unsure how to answer from my first client:

    • What will happen if you die / end up hospitalized? Currently, i work for a company that runs and manages .NET websites, and doesnt give them a copy. Being independent and a single individual, what is standard for this when you may fall ill? Should I pay for a third partt support team? Generally, most of my sites are built and forgotten about so not a huge amlunt of support is required.
    • Contracts! Can anyone please advise on where I start with a basic contract for my sites before I can afford a lawyer to draft me a sound one?

    If anyone has any obvious legal considerations that are going to be present, bar GDPR (Im fully trained in that regard with procedure and documentation) they'd be much appreciated. Im starting on very little budget.

    Thanks a lot. In in the UK if it helps.

    submitted by /u/HeyItsDoctorP
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    Best affiliate hosting website

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:45 AM PST

    Hi anybody have idea for best affiliate hosting website ?

    submitted by /u/Virandell
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