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    Friday, February 14, 2020

    Why do people call OOP a “big mistake” Ask Programming

    Why do people call OOP a “big mistake” Ask Programming

    Why do people call OOP a “big mistake”

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 07:36 AM PST

    Why is this? The design of it seems really nice of OOP languages

    submitted by /u/One_Dumb_Coder
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    6502 Assembly tutorials (I have looked at Easy 6502, please don’t recommend that)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 08:04 PM PST

    Title says it all. A friend and I are going to be building an 8-bit computer sorta like the Grid Compass 1101, using the MOS6502 8-bit processor.

    submitted by /u/One_Dumb_Coder
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    How are Linux systems useful

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 06:14 PM PST

    Hello all, I am a computer science student that wants to know more about the field.

    I am interested in Linux systems and was curios of their use. Where are they useful, where they are not. Why use them over Windows, for instance. Where are they used in the market? Any help on getting me to understand the use of Linux is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/tuna_footlong
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    Why did RSS fade away over the past decade?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:07 PM PST

    I still rely on it heavily on my sites that have user generated content for sharing. It's such a great way to digest information. Is it just because spammers were exploiting it?

    submitted by /u/chovy
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    What is the best way to make a C# program read data at 2Mbps (or faster) from a remote sensor over a wireless bridge? Needs to be able to write too.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:44 PM PST

    This is my first ever project with sensor data.

    Currently I have a PC reading sensor data through my PC's COM port. The data is coming in on UART. To collect the data, I need to point the program I use to a specific COM port.

    My goal is to eliminate wires from this data collection process for various reasons. So I was thinking of some sort of wireless bridge. I was wondering if there was some way of pointing this program to an IP address instead of a COM port (and how do I do that in C# because I don't know much about programming and even less about C#)? Or how do I make the IP address look like a virtual COM port that I can both read and write from?

    I say IP address because from my research, a wireless bridge would yield an IP address as the source location and not a COM port.

    Again, if I am saying anythign wrong or seem off track, its because I am very new to this and everything I know comes from what I have read from manufacturer websites, or refrence sheets, or forums.

    Thank you in advance.

    Edit: I have been looking in to using a Raspberry Pi 3 A+ because it is WiFi enabled. I tried using XBees but they max out at 115200 baud. I need more than that. I thought at wireless USBs but would like some recommendations because I didn't see anything outstanding on the internet.

    submitted by /u/rodner_jenkins
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    Is the hourly salary for part-time, remote programming vastly different from the hourly salary of full-time, on-site programming?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 06:48 PM PST

    I'd like to work from home merely for efficiency. Money, time, and efficiency are one in the same for me so I'd like to know what I'm dealing with here. I've looked around and honestly, it seems pretty varying to me. Checking Indeed, both remote part-time, full time, and on-site salaries are across the board, as usual. I'd like a human touch here. Does anyone have experiences or any input they could lend? Any general advice about remote, part-time?

    submitted by /u/39410
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    Scala vs Kotlin vs Groovy

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 06:02 PM PST

    I'm looking to pick up a JVM language. Many years ago I used to use Java, but it's been about 14 years. I don't remember hardly any of it, but I remember enough to realize I don't care that much about picking it back up.

    Given that, Java is still a huge language for data engineering libraries such as Hadoop, Kafka, Marquez, etc, and I would like to learn a JVM language to take advantage of that. My first choice would be Scala because I love the functional approach it takes and it's the language Spark is written in--which I use a lot at work. The problem is, Scala seems like a dying language outside of Spark and I hear it is more difficult to integrate Java libraries.

    On the other hand, Kotlin seems like the better choice. It has staying power due to Android, the language itself is pretty clean, and interop with Java seems to be super easy. My main sticking point is that it's mainly an Android development language and isn't used frequently in the data world.

    I don't know much about Groovy, but I'm including it for completeness. I'd love to hear suggestions and pros/cons. I'm leaning towards Scala for the resume, but I feel like I'd pretty much only be learning it for Spark and I'm not sure it's worth it--especially considering that writing Scala code for Spark is relatively simple 95% of the time and it isn't particularly hard to hack something together when needed. Currently, I'm mainly a Python user but I also know R and Julia well enough to work with.

    submitted by /u/metriczulu
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    I have an online coding test tomorrow. Im gonna have to do algorithms and never got around to studying them deeply. Been cramming this week but is there any sources where I can just plug and place an algo according to the question? Any advice at all is helpful.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:46 PM PST

    Is anyone in the Oracle for Startups program? Is it a worthwhile pursuit? How come more startups do not use Oracle (or do they and I am unaware)?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 05:34 PM PST

    I am in the middle of recruiting engineers and one of my potential hires mentioned the Oracle for Startups program. I had not heard of this program before. Do a lot of startups work with Oracle products? Why do not more startups use Oracle? How is their startup program? Is it worth taking a look at? I am not a technical cofounder but I have some programing experience. I apologies if the answers to these questions is obvious.

    submitted by /u/hazdata
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    Can anyone recommend some good SQL*Loader resources? (xpost from r/Oracle)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:10 PM PST

    I've got a project coming up where we need to start ingesting data files. From past research months ago, I gather SQL*Loader can clear the hurdle of getting a fixed length text file loaded to a table in an Oracle DB. From there I can run SQL scripts to do the ETL operations. However, my curated list of resources I had found previously got shipped off with my laptop when I switched jobs.

    I do recall in my prior search I had to weed out a lot of repeated information. Surprising how many blogs just rehash the same examples from the Oracle docs without adding anything. That or there'd be plenty of detail but on more advanced features that are beyond what I need to do. I don't recall ever finding a good example of basic control file.

    I'm open to other solutions but we won't be able to assign additional developer resources until much later. In the meantime I know SQL and have access to SQL*Loader.

    submitted by /u/Cruxwright
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    [Webdev] Best practices for application setup

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:07 PM PST

    Hello there,I'm designing a forum kind of web app that I would like to run on AWS, with lambdas, Dynamo, all the bells and whistles. I have some experience with plain old web apps that just continuously run and serve HTTP. In those, I could afford to run `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ...` queries for the initial DB setup on startup, since ideally that would happen just once and the DB was local anyhow. I imagine that the best stateless solution to the problem would be to just have the setup be a separate function, but that raises another question - my app is going to have a root user, global admin, instance owner, whatever you call it account. The way I've been doing that is checking if an admin account exists and, if not, doing one of the following:

    a) read the initial username and password from environment variables

    b) assume a default name, generate a random password and tell the user through console output/logs "here are your credentials, log in and change them to something you can remember because you won't see this again"

    Is B the correct approach, or is there something more elegant? Some apps like, say, phpBB, expose a setup wizard to click through and let you put that in there, but that lets someone unauthorized hijack the app if they can connect to the server. Of course, I also can't do all these checks every time the app is woken up.

    submitted by /u/oreganoli
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    What are some of the challenges learning JavaScript If I’m coming from a Java background?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 07:08 PM PST

    I've been learning programming for around 6 months now and I've only been doing things in Java. I think I've gotten pretty good with it, but since my ultimate goal is to go into web development I want to learn JavaScript.

    I hear a lot about how JavaScript is a chaotic mess and hard to learn. Why is that? Also what are the unique challenges I might face coming from Java? Is there certain habits common with Java that I might have a hard time getting rid of when I start JavaScript?

    submitted by /u/beansoverrice
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    Going back to school to get Second Bachelor's in Data Science. Now I have been accepted to a free code camp. Not really sure what to do. Can anyone provide advice?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:58 PM PST

    I graduated from a state college in 2016 with a degree in International Relations. I never ended up using my degree as I lost interest in politics.

    Fast forward to early last year and after working in a slew of dead end jobs I felt like I needed to gain more skills. I had practiced Python on my own on the recommendation of a friend.

    I looked into Master's programs, but I was under qualified for most of the ones I wanted to get into. The amount of prereqs needed almost equated to a second second bachelors, so I went back to school. Right now I am taking Statistics 2 and a class in Java.

    At the same time I applied for a coding bootcamp LaunchCode. Curriculum is focused on Web Development in Javascript.

    I started school in August, and I would graduate with a BS in Data Science in May 2021. Furthermore, I have a Data Analytics internship this summer. Going to school is obviously very expensive.

    I just got into this coding bootcamp.

    I have no idea what to do. Anyone have any advice? Both tracks interest me. I could try and do them at the same time. The bootcamp ends in August. School in Spring 2021. Bootcamp is cheap. School is expensive. I have an internship in Data Analytics over the summer already though.

    Any advice or experience is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ambiguousjellyfish
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    I have a JS Discord bot, but it only works when I have the program running on my computer. Could I somehow upload my program to a server, or anything like that, so I can make the bot/JS code work all the time without having it run on my computer and needing to have my computer turned on?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 12:37 PM PST

    Basically the title. I'm quite an "exprienced" in the programming field, but I've never done anything like that.

    submitted by /u/CrunchySnax
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    What are suitable tools/libraries for my personal project

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:11 PM PST

    I hope this is the right place to ask for this kind of advice. I want to make a simple data tracker for a game I play for my personal use (keep track of progress and display what stuff I have etc) that said I want to be able to do CRUD operations on the fly to update new values from the app itself (such as when I get a new item and want to update the value of the attack for a unit for example.)

    I am not a complete beginner in programming in general but never really completed a project but just spent quite a bit of times doing tutorials and following along. This is to give context of what my experience level is like.

    After some research and gut feeling, I decided on the following setup to do it:

    • HTML (bootstrap most likely) for the design
    • Typescript for the front end with express(or react?) and nodejs seems like a fit for managing this
    • MongoDB for storing all the data and ease of querying in the backend

    Now I am mostly familiar with HTML, bootstrap etc and typescript by itself. The framework like express and DB with mongo DB is where I have some doubts. The little I know about them is that they seem suitable for this kind of project, so I am basically going to do a bunch of research on how they work in more detail and start learning how to use them.

    Am I on the right track for the most part?

    submitted by /u/Foreignknight
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    DESPERATELY NEED HELP with my Money.java code. I have been trying for a week and still cannot get it to compile. This version has 40 errors and I also have a test file I could post/send. Please someone help me figure out and fix these errors bc otherwise I will get a 0 :(((((

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 05:31 PM PST

    import java.util.*;

    import java.text.*;

    public class Money


    Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);

    public static void main(String[] args){

    // declare class variables

    int hundreds, tens, fives, ones, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies;

    double customerPayment, transactionCost;

    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);

    // convert current currency values to a string

    return hundreds + " hundreds " + tens + " tens " + fives + " fives " + ones + " ones " + quarters + " quarters " + dimes + " dimes " + nickels + " nickels " + pennies + " pennies ";



    // converts amount to US currency format

    public String toCurrency(double amount);


    return nf.format(Math.round(amount * 100.0) / 100.0);



    // convert currency to float

    // read currency values from Scanner s and compute value

    // output results

    public void processChange(Scanner s)


    //system.out.print ()

    hundreds = s.nextInt();

    tens = s.nextInt();

    fives = s.nextInt();

    ones = s.nextInt();

    quarters = s.nextInt();

    dimes = s.nextInt();

    nickels = s.nextInt();

    pennies = s.nextInt();

    total = (hundreds * 100) + (tens * 10) + (fives * 5) + (ones * 1) + (quarters * .25) + (dimes * .1) + (nickels * .05) + (pennies * .01);

    System.out.println("$" + total);



    // read from Scanner s and process float command

    // convert float to change

    // output results

    public void processFloat(Scanner s)


    double total = s.nextDouble();

    hundreds = (int)(total/100);

    total = total - (hundreds * 100);

    tens = (int)(total/10);

    total = total - (tens * 10);

    fives = (int)(total/5);

    total = total - (fives * 5);

    ones = (int)(total/1);

    total = total - ones - (ones * 1);

    quarters = (int)(total/.25);

    total = total - (quarters * .25);

    dimes = (int)(total/.1);

    total = total - (dimes * .1);

    nickels = (int)(total/.05);

    total = total - (nickels * .05);

    pennies = (int)(total/.01);

    total = total - (pennies * .01);



    // read from Scanner s and process check command

    // convert float to dollar words & cents

    // output results

    public void processCheck(Scanner s)



    // read from Scanner s and process change-float command

    // read float of customer payment

    // read float of transaction cost

    // calculate difference and compute change values

    // output the results

    public void processChangeFloat(Scanner s)


    double customerPayment = s.nextFloat();

    double transactionCost = s.nextFloat();

    double change = transactionCost - customerPayment;

    int changehundreds = (int)(change/100);

    change = change - (changehundreds * 100);

    int changetens = (int)(change/10);

    change = change - (changetens * 10);

    int changefives = (int)(change/5);

    change = change - (changefives * 5);

    int changeones = (int)(change/1);

    change = change - (changeones * 1);

    int changequarters = (int)(change/.25);

    change = change - (changequarters * .25);

    int changedimes = (int)(change/.1);

    change = change - (changedimes * .1);

    int changenickels = (int)(change/.05);

    change = change - (changenickels * .05);

    int changepennies = (int)(change/.01);

    change = change - (changepennies * .01);



    // read from Scanner s and process change-change command

    // read change of customer payment

    // read float of transaction cost

    // calculate difference and compute change values

    // output the results

    public void processChangeChange(Scanner s);


    int hundreds; int tens; int fives; int ones; int quarters; int dimes; int nickels; int pennies;


    hundreds = s.nextInt();


    tens = s.nextInt();


    fives = s.nextInt();


    ones = s.nextInt();


    quarters = s.nextInt();


    dimes = s.nextInt();


    nickels = s.nextInt();


    pennies = s.nextInt();

    double total = hundreds*100 + tens*10 + fives*5 + ones*1 + quarters*.25 + dimes*.1 + nickels*.05 + pennies*.01;

    double customerPayment = s.nextFloat();

    double transactionCost = s.nextFloat();

    double change = transactionCost - customerPayment;

    int changehundreds = (int)(change/100);

    change = change - (changehundreds * 100);

    int changetens = (int)(change/10);

    change = change - (changetens * 10);

    int changefives = (int)(change/5);

    change = change - (changefives * 5);

    int changeones = (int)(change/1);

    change = change - (changeones * 1);

    int changequarters = (int)(change/.25);

    change = change - (changequarters * .25);

    int changedimes = (int)(change/.1);

    change = change - (changedimes * .1);

    int changenickels = (int)(change/.05);

    change = change - (changenickels * .05);

    int changepennies = (int)(change/.01);

    change = change - (changepennies * .01);




    submitted by /u/andrewgung
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    [CSS] Is there a way to organize your css so that you can see which parts of the code belong together, or are an inner element of some other one?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 06:52 AM PST

    You know how you can just slap anything into a function in JS, and collapse the whole function and gg, have a nice day. Even better, you can keep naming variables in functions the same because of the limited scope.

    There seems to be nothing like that in CSS. It's just a wasteland of random id-s and classes that you have to have your fingers crossed that you don't name the same.

    I used to use prefixes for all the ids so I can know where they belong to and what part of code they are from .

    But now, I dunno.

    I have a few ideas:

    • make a comment that outlines the beginning of each chunk of styling. Like: "main menu", or "main windows", and then if there is a lot of code, we can also have sub- levels of that

    • but I think it would be nice to write the code snug together, and naming the first main id something significant, and then have each next id tabbed-in, so when you collapse them all , it looks like it belongs together.

    Like this:

    #main_menu { ... #menu_button { ... #menu_button > img { ... #save_button { .... 

    I dunno. What are the industry standards? It must be something smart. Because no one would be able to make it work.

    Owait. They probably have a million .css files. that's so primitive. Anyway, I want to have 1 file because I hate myself, and the kids will be impressed if my program has 5 files in it, and not a whole folder of just css ;P


    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    [HTML/Javascript] Page redirection based on user input.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:09 PM PST

    Hello! After a user submits an email I want to either redirect them or display an alert based on their input. This is my Javascript: https://pastebin.com/ZAfqdLMt , It is embedded in the HTML doc. Here is the HTML code that is calling the Javascript function: https://pastebin.com/j5X9W45q . The alert will display when I click submit, regardless of the input provided. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/PinkSultai
    [link] [comments]

    How do different languages translate to binary?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 01:22 PM PST

    Is there a different binary for each language or do each of the languages convert to the same set of binary? Let's say I have "Hello World" in English and whatever the appropriate version of it in Japanese is. Now, let's use independent compilers(I'm not very familiar with lower-level stuff) for each language to convert it to store it as binary. Would the binary be the same?

    submitted by /u/SuperVillainPresiden
    [link] [comments]

    Need a random data generator.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 11:51 AM PST

    As the title states, I'm looking for a data generator to create CSV files that need to run through my program. I've seen Muckaroo and some other online generators but I can't find one that will allow multiple values between delimiters. For example, in a CSV file where it is delimited by semicolons, I want to add data separated even further by commas. It would look like this,

    id;first_name, last_name;street, city, state, country;email

    Instead of,


    submitted by /u/NaibuDeShinu
    [link] [comments]

    Any brilliant Javascript'er able to programatically click the reddit 'Post' button?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 11:19 AM PST

    Looking for a programming language to do an auto clicker

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 11:05 AM PST

    Hello !

    I'm a computer engineering student and I'd like to create an auto clicker in my spare time.

    I'm already familiar with C, C++, JavaScript and Python.

    I already tried PyAutoGUI to do an auto clicker.

    And I was wondering if they were a better way to do this.

    If you have any tip or information please tell me :)

    submitted by /u/Mostunique59
    [link] [comments]

    Is there a program I can get on my TI-84 Plus CE calculator that can find the prime factorization of a number?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 10:17 AM PST

    I've looked through many websites but they only show programs that find the largest prime factor of a number.

    submitted by /u/TachyonicPhoton
    [link] [comments]

    Documenting REST API

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 06:30 AM PST

    I'm developing a simple REST API using flask-restful. Time has come to document it. Could you recommend some tools?

    What are my ideas on how the tool would help me:

    1. have list of endpoints and their methods/arguments spec automatically extracted from the source,
    2. extract endpoint description from the view docstrings,
    3. allow inserting examples with syntax coloring (at least Python but PHP, JS or even wget/curl would be also welcome),
    4. output HTML compatible with Bootstrap to include in my website, or host it on external site,
    5. be FLOSS.

    I'm now graviting towards sphinx and https://readthedocs.io but the default presentation is not very beautiful. I find Revolut or Stripe as good examples of what I'd like to achieve on the presentation layer (albeit less complex) and I'm wondering if there's some free tool available.

    submitted by /u/e-mess
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