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    Sunday, February 23, 2020

    What's "real" programming in a day to day job like? Ask Programming

    What's "real" programming in a day to day job like? Ask Programming

    What's "real" programming in a day to day job like?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 06:04 AM PST

    I'm going to assume it's VERY different from the scope of school assignment programming but how different is it? What's an average "project" and how long do they take and what makes it so much harder/more complex than a school assignment would be?

    submitted by /u/Wanna_make_cash
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    Defense Department programmers. Do classified languages and compilers exist and if they do what generalizations can you tell us about them?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:28 PM PST

    Start learning Python Programming

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:06 PM PST

    I'm in over my head and I don't know what the hell I'm doing

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:24 PM PST

    A little over a year ago I was hired to do a 'small' project. I studied computer science over a decade ago, and program to entertain myself or solve a problem on occasion, but it has never been my career. I love to dabble in things, and I've mastered absolutely nothing.

    I wrote this mostly to get these thoughts and issues straight in my own head. It ended up being much longer and more rambling than I anticipated, but if you read enough to have any thoughts/insights/information that you think I might benefit from, I'd very much appreciate your input.

    My boss has designed and developed a large business/industrial appliance that's being run by a raspberry pi. Several custom hardware boards have been designed by his electrical engineer for use with the system. Solid state relays to turn things on and off, analog-digital converters for reading sensors, that sort of thing, all in a neat little form factor. Other than my boss, I'm the only full time employee working on this. (I'm trying to be a bit vague because I'm sure the rest of this post will not inspire confidence in the product as it stands now.)

    In the first several months, I developed some small python libraries to communication with all of our hardware boards, what started off as an elegant, well designed small flask server turned into an offensive monstrosity that somehow still works, and a little quasar webapp, all running on a raspberry pi 0 running raspbian. I got it mostly working about a day before the first machines had to be turned on for the first time (after a few weeks of sleepless nights). For monitoring, the devices connect to a vpn server where I can access them remotely and monitor them (if these devices stop running or malfunction for an extended period, it would be costly). I've got a few other systems running a modified version of the program that are controlling fans, lights, and the sort of thing. We'll likely be doing a lot more of these little side systems in the future.

    From the hardware side, there's still a few little hiccups to work out, but things are looking really good. From the software side, things are a bit of a mess. I think I did alright-ish job at getting a half-assed project going, but I need to go full-assed sooner rather than later. I feel like I've got 8000 decisions I need to make before I can advance any further, and I don't know enough about anything to make 1 decision, let alone another 7999.

    A small selection of thoughts running through my head:

    Undoing the monolithic mess that was my first attempt.

    My current plan is to start using a message broker for communication (rabbitmq), and break the program into modules. A module for each hardware device/platform, as well as one for the control algorithm. This is one of the only things I've made any headway on lately, and I feel pretty confident that I'm heading in the right direction. The code is vastly more simple, so now maybe I'll get around to actually writing some unit tests...

    Everything's gotta be in the cloud

    Jumping through a VPN works well enough for now, but it's not exactly a customer-friendly option. I haven't done much in this realm except take a short AWS IoT free online course a while back. I feel like this might be one of my better options for getting cloud-based monitoring up and running quickly, but if you've ever looked at the cost structure of AWS IoT, it's intimidating as all hell. I've got no idea if I'm going to end up paying 5 cents a day per device, or $5. I also feel like this is going to take me a good month or two to begin to digest, and that's not really time I have to invest on something that won't be fruitful.

    I've also fiddled around with rabbitmq federation, which holds some promise for a much lower cost solution, but I don't have a good grasp of rabbitmq's security model or an understanding of its performance to know if my ideas are even feasible.

    There's also 8000 other mature commercial IoT solutions out there, and I simply lack the tools to even begin to assess whether they would be worth looking into, or whether it would even begin to be feasible for one person to integrate them into a project in any sort of reasonable time. So I've done the half-assed thing and largely ignored them.

    Log everything

    Speaking of half-assed, I need to be logging all of the data generated by the device, and at the moment, that's not really happening. I'm thinking about using InfluxDB locally on the pi. I just haven't had a chance to do that yet. There were a handful of other time series databases I've looked at, but I'm in that position where I don't really have enough knowledge or experience to know what I should be looking for.


    This fucking terrifies me. The devices are behind firewalls, don't have public IP addresses, and require an ssh key for remote access, but I know I still need to lock these down a lot better than they have been so far.

    I feel like raspbian probably isn't the right distro choice from a security perspective, but I'm having a hard time articulating why, or coming up with a reasonable alternative.

    I do plan to use unionfs to make as most of the system readonly as I can (and that should allow me to provide a factory reset option in some capacity, I hope).

    I feel like there's a million other things I need to be doing. For example, AWS IoT has a device defender option that reports security metrics of devices. That sounds like a great idea, I haven't seen any alternatives geared toward IoT, and security is never the place to be rolling-my-own anything (I figured out that much at least.).

    Application management

    My current plan is to switch to using docker containers, a python container with my scripts scripts, a rabbitmq container, an influxdb container, and containers for any other required services. What little I've done on this front has not been terribly encouraging. I haven't had much luck getting most containers running on the pi zero yet despite saying they're armv61 compatible, so I'm not entirely clear if this is going to be a workable solution. I think this is me just being dumb and missing some obvious solution.


    Right now I've got a disk image I write to a micro sd card, I then have to connect to the pi and configure it for the customer prior to it arriving on site, including networking settings. If it doesn't work on site, I'm currently the only one that can fix that. Not really ideal... My current plan is to make the pi boot up in a wireless ap mode the first time around, which will direct someone connecting to it to a configuration page to do a proper network setup. I feel like this is going to be a very difficult thing to get right rolling my own solution, but perhaps I'm over complicating it.

    I just realized I should probably look at how raspi-config and whatever other config tools work. That should give me something to work with at least.

    User interface

    Designing things is horrific, and I have all the respect in the world for web designers and ux people. There's a bunch of cool as shit looking dashboards, e.g. Grafana, one of the letters in the TICK stack, etc.. They're designed to display information,and tend to provide limited input functionality. I feel like it might be worth going down that rabbit hole if it means not trying to design any more interfaces from scratch though...

    ... even though I've only touched on a fraction of the shit I'm trying to figure out, it's still a bit of a load off my mind and has helped give me some sense of a path forward. I'm still in way the fuck over my head though, so if you've got any thoughts or concerns, I'd appreciate hearing them.

    submitted by /u/idkwtfiad
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    . . . $params in Function Argument [PHP]

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:42 PM PST

    Pretty simple, I don't understand what it means and I can't find anything line.

    The context would be that I have a function for executing SQL, and the header is..

    exec( $query, ...$params)

    submitted by /u/IndieHamster
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    What Is Python Programming Language And Where Uses?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:40 PM PST

    Is it ok use Netbeans to work with Github?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:03 PM PST

    It has a built in github module and it's easy to commit and push. Is it ok to use it or better use the command line etc?

    submitted by /u/dex-sst
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    So I am trying to figure out something in C for my college programming class

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:48 PM PST

    The professor of my C class is having us write a program that gives the cashier change back on a product using the "%" operator. The reason for doing this is because instead of giving an exact amount, the program tells the cashier how much of each dollar/coin (Ex: 3 twenty dollar bills, 4 pennies, etc.). The goal of this assignment is to learn "integer division" with remainders. I've assembled a group of classmates together in order to solve how we might code this but we are all stumped.

    This is the link to the text file containing my current code and the desired output from the professor: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/dqn6h1c4sb75e/Computer_Science_Assignment

    If you have any more questions about the project or my code feel free to ask!

    Edit: forgot to mention the customer paid in a 100 dollar bill, also the cost of the product is $21.17

    submitted by /u/uberx25
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    How does emojis work?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:31 PM PST

    I know it's not directly about programming but that's the best subreddit I can find to ask this question. So I always wondered, how does that work that in Unicode with normal symbols programmed as black and white pictures there's emojis which are totally colored? Do they work the same? So I'm conflicted and I have several questions about that :

    • can you change how emojis look with changing a font?

    • can you make with a font that some normal symbols become colored emojis? Especially for private zone symbols

    • if you don't change it with a font, how do you change it?

    submitted by /u/luckythunder2
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    Is it possible to use google analytics to track (in real time) the hottest links on various news sites?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:50 PM PST

    I'm wondering if there is possibility that a news aggregate site could be run autonomously through tracking several sites that vary in viewership, and identifying the hottest articles within each site. Ideally this would boil down to simple factors such as clicks per page view. Can those "hot" articles that are trending within each publication be analyzed, ranked, and linked on the news aggregate homepage? Personally, I'm not savvy with tools such as google analytics, but I'm very curious to know if this is possible.

    Any help in understanding this would be greatly appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/kilo92
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    If java is well known for backwards compatibility, why many companies still use very old versions of java ?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 05:38 AM PST

    How to back up and read javascript maps to/from files?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:11 PM PST

    I was using Node.js and fs-extra to develop a discord bot and used maps to sort the points by person, and it worked very well, however, the points would be lost upon resetting the bot. So I looked into ways to save the points to a file, so I saved them to a JSON file, and tried doing checks at startup (if the file exists and if it does to read it), but it would seem to do nothing. I learned about JSON.parse and tried using that before setting the map, but it would return this error:
    SyntaxError: ./userData.json: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1

    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

    at C:\Users\Rargl\Desktop\ChocBot\node_modules\jsonfile\index.js:33:18

    at C:\Users\Rargl\Desktop\ChocBot\node_modules\graceful-fs\graceful-fs.js:115:16

    at FSReqCallback.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (internal/fs/read_file_context.js:63:3)

    The same error happened when I tried to use fs.readJSON.

    When I looked at the file itself with my IDE, it displays [object map], but I figured this was just the way that my IDE displayed the data, but it would seem JSON.parse is trying to just read [object map] and not the actual map inside. Is there any other method I should be trying, am I using JSON.parse incorrectly? Should I even be using JSON at all?

    submitted by /u/BongusGoesToWongus
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    What are some languages/frameworks that change slowly and are in demand?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:32 PM PST

    I want to focus on a couple of languages/frameworks and be really good at it. I was looking into JavaScript but it's hard to keep up with regular updates to frameworks, then plugins and modules have their own updates + constantly emerging new patterns, modules, requirements etc

    submitted by /u/notpreposterous
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    understand gmail code without docs

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:25 PM PST

    assuming some nice people just handed the entire code base for gmail to you, but without any documentation... how would you go about making sense of it?

    i really really need help here.

    submitted by /u/zephyr_33
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    Help needed formatting appended HTML text

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 12:08 PM PST

    I'm creating a chrome extension with an Options panel. I've already created the Options.html file and updated the Manifest.json to use it.

    I want users to be able to select True or False on certain values in the options. Whatever they select should be added to default shortcode : [box = "123456"]

    Here's an example where user selects hide-price="true" and new-window="false". If the user selects hide-price="true and new-window="false", i would like to see the full shortcode [box=123456 hide-price="true" new-window="false"] generated on the Options page for them to copy.

    The end goal is to have the user create their customized shortcode and instead of the Save button, they would click Copy Shortcode and paste it into their wordpress site.

    Not sure if the options they choose can dynamically show up on the page...or if the options need to be chosen and saved first? What is the best way to accomplish this?

    Here is the code in my Options.html file:

    <!DOCTYPE html>


    <head><title>My Test Extension Options</title></head>



    <h3>Hide Price:</h3>

    <select id="answer">

    <option value="True">true</option>

    <option value="False">false</option>


    <h3>New Window:</h3>

    <select id="answer">

    <option value="True">true</option>

    <option value="False">false</option>


    <div id="status"></div>

    <button id="save">Save</button>

    <script src="options.js"></script>



    submitted by /u/smarthomepursuits
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    [CSS] Is there another way to differentiate child elements beside giving them an id, appending some string to the parent name?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:02 AM PST


    <div id="my_div"> <div>Joe</div> <div>Johnson</div> </div> 

    Usually, in order to get the second div, I would give it an .id = parentId + "_surname", and also invoke it the same way. Throughout my quest for coding knowledge, I oftentimes met with people who frowned upon using strings to do anything, as they are "volatile", and can get messed up when reading and writing or something. So, I am always reluctant to invoke stuff with strings or use them as a condition.


    1. do you know a better way of getting a specific div, beside by id, which is made up of parent id+some suffix?

    2. How do I access this child element in css? .parentClass > #childId ? That would require that all id-s be the same. hmmm. I am making a class basically, and want to access a specific child element

    3. Is it possible to access a third layer of children in CSS? like: .parentClass > #childId > div


    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    Noob trying to configure vscode to work with enterprise gitlab

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:52 AM PST

    Are there any resources which describe how to set this up? I'm experienced in development languages, but less so in setting up IDEs with version control and build systems. The gitlab instance I'm using makes use of a single sign on system, which only complicates matters. I'm having trouble finding resources (I'm usually good at googling my way to solutions to things like this. However, Nothing helpful has resulted in this case) to guide me through this process. Any resources and or guides for connecting vscode to my enterprise sso gitlab account?

    submitted by /u/ahumankid
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    what does python do differently from java

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:15 AM PST

    i keep hearing how much easier it is to do certain things in python then java, what does it do?

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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    Since computers have been turing-complete for many years, why should you have to buy new hardware to run new software, other than if you want it to run faster?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:40 AM PST

    Can a QR code be scanned by any scanner?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:41 AM PST

    My question is if a QR code can be scanned by any scanner to inject data into the system associated with that scanner? For example: I create a QR code thats associated with a coupon and the user scans it at Walmart for quicker use.

    submitted by /u/GhaithisRain
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    What is a workflow of a cryptocurrency developer?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:35 AM PST

    Imagine that you want to make your own crypto from scratch, and you started writing the app. How do you test it? Say you need to see how a transaction works, you need at least three actors(sender, receiver, and a miner).

    And you want to check that transaction is broadcasted. How do you test that? Do you have virtual machines? Where can I read a basis of crypto dev's workflow?

    submitted by /u/MelkorHatedValinor
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    How to improve problem solving skills?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 06:34 AM PST

    I recently joined a company as an apprentice, my first job, and I'm bit inexperience. Two days back I had my 3 month review where in my manager said I lack problem solving skill. They will be evaluating me for another one month before taking anything into consideration.

    Review was pretty harsh and it has demoralized me. Just going to work gives me anxiety.

    Does anyone has any tips on how to improve problem solving? I know it is not something that someone can teach me but sometime that I have to develop myself. But any help or guidance would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LexyTook40Cakes
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    How do proxy sites of ThePirateBay stay operational when the original site is offline due to a DDoS attack?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 06:08 AM PST

    How to see the binary code generated by the compiler?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:43 AM PST

    I'm new to programming, and I really like the abstraction process. Python, the language I learned to code, is a high level language, hiding a lot of the "behind the scenes" that the computer is doing.

    Is there a way to see the binary code the computer actually reads? I'm not talking about assembly. I'm talking about the actual 0 and 1's the computer reads.

    Thanks in advance

    EDIT: I was recomended to try "GodBolt compiler explorer". It has an option that translates the assembly code into hexadecimal. Is this what I'm looking for? I mean, it's easy to translate hex to binary.

    submitted by /u/lcv2000
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