• Breaking News

    Monday, February 10, 2020

    Unity/Unreal are great, but you can build better tools just for your game. A quick look into our Level Editor, Item, UI and AI editors and Weapon Maker. Everything runs inside the game on our own C++ engine. The biggest gain so far is workflow and super fast compilation and debugging on consoles!

    Unity/Unreal are great, but you can build better tools just for your game. A quick look into our Level Editor, Item, UI and AI editors and Weapon Maker. Everything runs inside the game on our own C++ engine. The biggest gain so far is workflow and super fast compilation and debugging on consoles!

    Unity/Unreal are great, but you can build better tools just for your game. A quick look into our Level Editor, Item, UI and AI editors and Weapon Maker. Everything runs inside the game on our own C++ engine. The biggest gain so far is workflow and super fast compilation and debugging on consoles!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:00 AM PST

    This is how we recorded all the characters dancing in Dance Collider. Shane (our dancer) did an amazing job of the different styles. Mocap through 2 x Kinect cameras using ipisoft. We then took the performances in to Unity. Very cheap solution for indie devs.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:28 PM PST

    How I made a game played in Notepad

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:33 AM PST

    Realistic Akali model for a animation test in UE, one of the poses made in blender.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:51 AM PST

    Our process of creating a compelling Boss Fight

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:13 AM PST

    How do you guys plan out your code?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:40 AM PST

    I kind of just start writing stuff with a general idea of where I want to go with it except problems arise later on when I realize that I should have structured my code differently. This has led me to believe that I should plan out all the features that I want to include and how I want to code everything before I start writing code. That seems like a lot of work though and then what if I think up a new feature that I want to implement even though it might not integrate seamlessly with the code that I've already written? I'm still relatively new to programming and I was just wondering if anyone more experienced than me might be able to shed some light on best practices for addressing the aforementioned issues.

    submitted by /u/fortem24601
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    Simulating a world

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:53 AM PST

    Hey friends, so I've been mulling over a game idea and I want to get a POC up and running, but i'm having trouble coming up with a good, scalable solution for what i'm thinking.

    Short Backstory:
    Im a big fan of games with a simulated world that is self sustaining, then letting the player muck around in it. (Think Mount and Blade, or my more recent inspiration, Kenshi)

    My question is regarding actually simulating the world. What are some good design patterns for this? I was thinking that I would have a "World" object (coming at this from a Unity POV) that keeps track of "Event" objects. "Event" objects would have "participants" etc. etc. and the idea is that, if I destroy a mining village that's supplying a major nation, then they will, well, not have any more coming into town. I'd also like the flow of "goods" to be dynamic. A Town won't have any goods until they are mined, transported, and sold.

    I fear that this solution will be too heavy or it won't scale very well to an entire world size with thousands of characters. Any ideas or thoughts to help a budding indi dev out?

    If you were going to simulate a world, how would you design it to be scalable?

    submitted by /u/Arctrum
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    Hey, I've written a down a bunch of weapon ideas based on unique mechanics, these ideas are mainly based on weapons from arena shooters like Quake and Unreal Tournament - I thought I'd share this list with a bunch of game developers to get inspired by or straight up just use. I hope they're useful!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:29 AM PST

    What are good game developers streamers to look at on Twitch?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:06 AM PST

    Well, the title is self explanatory. I'm looking for streamers on twitch that actually stream them selves developing videogames. I think I can learn a lot simply watching others during free time.

    submitted by /u/Calugorron
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    I'm learning C# in Unity but I also want to learn more "artistic" side of game making

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:56 AM PST

    I have no IT background, but I've started learning programming in Unity sometime ago, I've finished a few tutorials and I feel like that might be "it!". But I would also like to do more "artistic" part of games. More for hobby, I think. For example, when I'm just done with programming because my brain died after some technical part of tutorial... I know I should probably focus on learning one thing, but my brain just dosen't listen to me and I have to compromise lol. You know, to satisfy both hemispheres of brain (or whatever its called) - logical one and creative one.
    Audio/music part is a no-no because I'm "tone-deaf".
    I can't draw/paint very good so concept arts are out. I suck at perspectives. Altough I like playing with shadows and lights and colors etc.
    I've tried 3d hard-surface modeling, but topology is just hell (maybe because I've used NURBS modeling in school).
    I was looking for some yyy, you know, "guide to game dev jobs", but somehow I haven't found anything very useful for me. (gonna google it more anyway)
    Like I said, my main focus is on programing, and I want to become full-time unity programmer. Just need something to scratch my "creativity" itch. I would like to be connected to making games so it wouldn't feel like total waste of time (like scrolling reddit 50th time).

    submitted by /u/TheWitchmouse
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    How much do I ask for a game?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:26 AM PST

    Hi gamedev community, I've been a lurker here for at least two years, since then I've been learning about game development, my coding skills (and languages) and making small game prototypes, all in my free time while I continue studying.

    I would like to keep learning, but I have a friend X that makes board and card games (mainly for kids) and that friend asked me to make one of his games and port it to Android, with the help of a friend Y (that is into game development since months, so a newbie too). X will provide graphic assets since he already have the real game, and whatever money it costs to publish in Google play and the money we as developers need.

    The problem is, since we're newbies, we aren't quite sure how much can we ask for a small card game like this. But we're confident we CAN make it in short time with our existing knowledge and a little more.

    Any opinions or suggestions? I would like to know estimate prices.

    For more info : it will be lan based multiplayer or single player only, we don't want to do it online because we aren't quite sure in our online skills yet

    submitted by /u/GhoulFTW
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    Does the engine/language matter that much?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:52 AM PST

    I had an idea for a game that both sounded fun to play and fun to build, so I decide to start looking into unity. I'm not new to programming in general, and I'm not expecting instant high level topics, but after a week I was still stuck getting used to and trying to understand the visual editor and the somewhat confusing way that unity works.

    I actually gave up with unity, and went with java. I know some java so it wasn't a totally new language but in the last 48-72 hours I've made remarkable progress compared to what I had achieved in unity in the same time. I've not followed any tutorials, and my combination of 13 years experience as a programmer and short time writing Minecraft mods seems to have paid off.

    Which brings me all back to my original question. Does it really matter that much what I use? The game is a top down pixel art resource/survival game not entirely unlike factorio, so I'm not gojng to be doing hugely intensive things. I think the longest time will be spent with the pixel art to be honest.

    submitted by /u/ollieread
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    What sort of things should a game programmer know for a job interview?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Hiya everyone!

    I'm currently in the process of looking for my first job in the games industry as a programmer, and I'd love your input on topics I should really brush up on for common questions typically found in an interview.

    Any other advice, stories, anecdotes, etc. would also be greatly appreciated!

    So far, all I can think of is that I would likely need to be able to answer a lot of questions on C++, mathematics (cross product, dot product, vectors in general, maybe some trig stuff?), and probably algorithms like A* and maybe sorting/search stuff.

    Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/CommanderAlekz
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    My journey was fun and rough but I loved it! And I still do!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:08 AM PST

    Looking for pixel artist , Developing my first phone game.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:27 AM PST

    I'm currently planning to start on my first phone game. Unfortunately my artistic side is not quite as developed as my programming side therefore id be looking to pay someone to do most of the art for me.

    The game will be a sort of top down shooter were you battle waves of enemy's and gather upgrades to progress through the game.

    I decided it will be in pixel art as I feel like it will be easier to do and less time consuming.

    I'm unsure how long this project will take as I also have a job and other things that already take a portion of my time but this is definitely something that i do want to end up doing as a career so therefore I am very committed to getting it done.

    If there's any websites people would suggest where I could find someone or where I can buy some art, I would really appreciate a link.

    If anyone is interested in working with me I'd love to see what kind of art you've done already to get an idea what kind of style you go for.

    Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/just_lazy_
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    How filling 2D vector graphics works

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:16 AM PST

    I have worked with 2D vector graphics for a long time, but I never completely understood the filling mechanism. So I would like to do a small quiz.

    Let's demonstrate it with "2d" context of HTML5 Canvas. You do moveTo() / lineTo() many times, and draw a shape below (a six-vertex polygon and four squares, red arrows show the "direction of drawing"). Then, you call fill().


    Can you determine in advance, which parts will be filled and which will not be?

    Do you think it depends on the order of drawing (if squares were drawn before the polygon or after it)?

    I wrote an article about how it works, where you can see the solution. I wish somebody explained it to me this way 15 years ago. These things work the same in PostScript, SVG, Flash Player, OpenType and all other environments with 2D vector graphics.

    submitted by /u/ivanhoe90
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    Darkness In The Void

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:55 AM PST

    Darkness In The Void submitted by /u/MambusOriginal
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    Is this how people save resources in cutscreens?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:52 AM PST

    Player' movement based on a curved path in a 3d environment ?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:19 AM PST


    I'm doing a platformer game and I would like to know how the community would approach this type of movements based on a curved path :

    It's a bit hard (at least for me) to find documentation on the subject.

    submitted by /u/hself1337
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    WIP (1/5) Review of the New Wireframe/Raspberry Pi Zombie FPS Guide (to give some insight for anyone who hasnt done it yet) - Link in Comments

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 03:04 AM PST

    For Starters, heres the link to the FREE PDF: https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/build-your-own-first-person-shooter-in-unity/

    Disclaimer: I do NOT have any affiliation with Wireframe or Raspberry Pi whatsoever, so this is a open and honest review.

    Also, as the title says, this is only a review of the first 25ish pages (of 126), but theres a lot to cover.

    EDIT: Also I realize the title is a little confusing, since it was Wireframe who wrote the book. I think it mostly has to do with the fact that I think it was Wireframe that actually wrote it all, and Raspberry's either a Sponsor or a Partner in some fashion (which is why I put Wireframe first in the "Wireframe/Raspberry Pi" bit.)

    Now, let's get down to it...

    So I gotta say, I LOVE this book. It's really well laid out, and the instructions are pretty clear and detailed, and the scripts are provided and (generally) are easy enough to use and somewhat understand.

    While I'm not super far into the book yet, however at the time I've written this, I've gotten to about page 25/26 of the book, and I've now got the following set up:

    • Player KB/M Movement/Aiming/Shooting controls (very simple, but VERY solid)

    • Basic Player Health Meter and Crosshair UI Elements

    • Basic Zombie AI Movement and Player Tracking systems (with simple damage)

    • Simple Rigid Body Physics for Player and Zombie Game Objects

    All the above is admittedly pretty simple sounding, I admit, but, here's the thing:

    You build it all yourself, you dont use any prefab assets downloaded from somewhere (ok, the scripts provided are the only things you don't technically make, BUT you should still type them in yourself while reading from the book to give yourself some practice with writing scripts anyways)

    The Verdict: Hands down, if you are wanting to make a FPS game (even if its not a zombie based game), this is definitely the book to start with! Most of the systems could EASILY be adapted to serve as the basis for any type of FPS you might want to make!

    Side Notes:

    • I would recommend setting up 4 pieces of 3DText Mesh's in the scene, set up in a cross from the centre with North/South/East/West (set to 10/-10 on the X and Y AXIS's) set to their settings. This will help you to orient yourself while running Scene Playtests (I found it helpful, especially when testing the Zombie movement and player tracking, could see them following the player in the Scene View while Playing the Game View)

    • When setting the Aiming and Shooting systems up, I would recommend attaching a small Cube (with a simple Red material) to the Player capsule and setting it up close to where the Camera is placed on the Capsule - reason for this is that it serves as a good place holder and reference point for placing any weapons you might make for your game, and to also serve as a navigation reference point to see where your player capsule is actually facing (Call it a forward marker to keep it simple)

    submitted by /u/Kor3nse
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    Meet with the Godot Engine representatives at GDC 2020!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:50 AM PST

    Best place to publish article about my game?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:09 AM PST

    So, I have this game in development (planned for release in a few months), as you all probably guessed - everyone does. It's a roguelite shooter (I know, there are plenty - but ours is actually good). I've been writing an article describing different design decisions and differences to Isaac and why Isaac was a main inspiration - that sort of thing. Of course, there's an ulterior motive - I want a little bit of exposure, since there's not many ways to be known to everybody in 2020. But it's also a fair deal for me - I want to explain all that stuff that was put into a game and why it is there, and hopefully some people find it interesting if they are into that sort of blog/postmortem stuff.

    It's basically a slightly lengthy blog post. We never posted much on our game site, so it's mostly dead. And I want people to actually read it. Are there websites that are a good fit for that kind of thing? I've seen some use imgur for that, but is there a "proper" place?

    submitted by /u/jaguard_moregames
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    Best PC Build For Game Development(Budget $3000)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:20 AM PST

    Hey guys, I need the communities input desperately. I graduated with an Associstes Degree in Game Design & 3D Animation. I excelled and generally prefer World/Level Design but I am a Jack of all trades. I am familiar with Maya, Unreal, Photoshop, and ZBrush. My portfolio was last updated in 2013 when I graduated. I finally have the spare funds to build and design my own desktop.

    My question is what certain companies should I buy from, or better yet, what exactly should I buy. Please, if someone has the time to list everything, that would be greatly appreciated.

    I def want 3 monitors factored into the budget.

    Thank you in advance. I also look forward to showing my progress on here!

    Projects in Development: Seek- Mobile Game (Untitled Animated Cartoon)

    submitted by /u/HollyHood1992
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    Opengl, player destroying entities

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:18 AM PST

    Does anybody know a good video or website that shows you how you can get the player to destroy entities in Opengl? the Opengl series that I was watching n youtube has been discontinued

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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