• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 13, 2020

    The specification for native image lazy-loading has been merged into the HTML standard! web developers

    The specification for native image lazy-loading has been merged into the HTML standard! web developers

    The specification for native image lazy-loading has been merged into the HTML standard!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:27 AM PST

    Chrome 79+ no longer shows preflight CORS requests

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:37 AM PST

    I Made a Significant Mistake in a Production Environment (need advice)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 04:42 PM PST

    I'm a junior developer working at a tech startup. To call this business a "startup" is an exaggeration. I am the ONLY developer working on some of the projects with project managers, a UI/UX team, and a CTO. Being the only developer means I'm given a lot of freedom, and equally as much responsibility. I'm responsible for the full stack along with AWS services we're running (RDBS, EB, Lambda sometimes, security keys, 3rd party API and billing for them, etc). I build out the front-end and the back-end. I miss things sometimes.

    We took on a project and I set up the server and the RDBS was just to test the connectivity between the RDBS and the AWS instance. It WAS for testing but the user started inputting production data into it... ok, no problem... I'll just update the server and DB to be prod so that they don't have to re-enter the data.

    Me, being the genius that I am, forgot to update the credentials for the prod database.

    Guess what!

    It got hacked and replaced with a README requiring a payout. AND they have access to all the information that was in the DB (user names/emails/phone numbers). I was able to rollback the DB (we lost a little bit of data but nothing major) and updated the credentials.

    I feel like a complete dipshit/imposter and I don't really know where to go from here. This is like security 101 and I fucked it up. Has something like this happened to you and how have you dealt with it.

    For the record: this is my first job in tech. I feel like I need to be placed on a team where there's somebody else double checking my actions but it's just me w/ unlimited freedom and no restrictions in access to production environments.

    EDIT: THANK YOU. I haven't had the time to reply to every comment on this thread but I read every single one and the amount of support and feedback has been crazy. Seems the common thread is that you should:

    1. Be preventative: have a deployment checklist of things that need to be done prior to a production deploy.
    2. Legally protect yourself: communicate w/ higher ups honestly about what happened and keep a record to protect yourself. Let them communicate w/ the client regarding the breach. Here.
    3. Reassure yourself: it is seemingly a rite of passage among developers to massively screw something up. This isn't something to celebrate, but it's something you can learn from.
    submitted by /u/theorizable
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    Is there any reason why I shouldn't use webp format for my images if I also implement a fallback to png?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:01 AM PST

    I recently found out about the webp format and after converting a single png image, I realized the size went down to 64KB from 720KB which is obviously huge. I kept comparing the images but couldn't really tell there was a difference in the quality. The only downside I see is that this format is only supported by 85% of all used browsers but I assume this won't be an issue if I implement a fallback to PNG images.

    So are there any drawbacks which I haven't encountered yet or is the compatibility the only issue?

    submitted by /u/Bozhidar95
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    DynamoDB: Planning for the future

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 10:54 AM PST

    At work, as part of a much wider project, I've inherited a client's AWS server with EC2 and a DynamoDB table that collects customer data (with permission) from a quiz. Now I'm no backend developer or know much about about table engineering. I'm almost exclusively frontend so most of this a steep learning curve for me.

    It's all up and running which is great, but I worry for the future and longevity of the table setup purely because in the one week that it's been functional, they've gained over a thousand new records.

    Is there anything I should be doing to get ready for when it's in the tens, hundreds of thousands, millions? At some point that table isn't going to be sufficient or optimal, and I can only imagine the consequences of it collapsing.

    submitted by /u/ConduciveMammal
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    ELI5: Index a csv for use within flexsearch

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 02:01 PM PST


    Truth? I'm a really crappy web-dev but I'm desperately trying to figure it out.

    I need to figure out how to implement a websearch on a csv file that contains 80k rows and 3 columns.

    I think flexsearch would be a good fit, but I'm really not sure how to "index" the csv so flexsearch can use it.

    I'm really sorry if this is a super-basic question, but we all have to learn sometime...

    I'd be very grateful for a full-fledged, working example that I can dissect as that seems to be the best way for me to learn.

    Of course I'd be open to other ways of getting this done as well.

    For reference I'm using Grav CMS if that makes a difference.


    submitted by /u/tlsnine
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    Transfer of Ownership for CSS Framework -- MustardUI

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 05:17 AM PST

    So a little over a year ago, I created a CSS Framework titled MustardUI and it has since gone without being maintained mostly because I was diagnosed with brain cancer and my free time is now mostly gone. I'm looking for someone to take over the project. It has quite a bit of traction and went micro-viral(?) for a short period of time and now has around 136 weekly downloads as of Feb 13 as shown on NPMjs. If you're interested in refreshing this framework and keeping it up to date, please let me know and I'll consider transferring the project over to you so that it can actually become something. No catches. I just don't want my little project to die off. I also have a fully built WordPress site that I can give you that was hosted at mustard-ui.com and serves as further documentation but has since been taken down because every bit of money I can save for cancer treatments matter. The domain expires on March 24th and I'm not going to renew it. So if you're willing to take this on, let me know and we'll chat about it


    submitted by /u/Kaiser214
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    I want to understand modern web development better - Can you help me?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 04:59 AM PST

    I want to try to understand how modern web development works.

    Scenario: i'm a frontend dev that makes single landing pages and sometimes some portals (only consulting, nothing fancy).

    Right now i write my html and my vanilla js by hand, i use sass with its own compiler (that i launch from a terminal). I work with a lot of php and smarty templates too. If i need some js libraries, i simply search for the cdn, embed them with the script tag and try to use them.

    Then i read something about webpack, task runner, dependencies... and i think that i'm pretty ignorant about 2020 js development and that i can improve my workflow.

    So my question is: if i need to develop a webpage or a portal, what's the flow? What do i put inside my package.json? How do i handle assets? Basically, what's the minimum setup and the workflow for a modern webdev?

    I hope my question is clear. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/8lall0
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    Integrating React to an existing app

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:28 PM PST

    I'm currently trying to avoid having to rewrite an entire app just to use React and would like to know how to work it into our all ready existing app in the easiest way possible. How do I go about that?

    submitted by /u/alan32575
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    Front-End-Related Question: Is it better to have typefaces and fonts saved locally within the codebase or to pull from an API (e.g. Google Fonts)?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:20 PM PST

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm new to front-end engineering and am currently studying it. I was putting fonts into my dummy website earlier today, when I came across a thought: "Would my site load faster if I were to save typefaces and fonts into the source code and fetch them from there, rather than pull them from somewhere else, like Google Fonts?".

    Is it convention to use fonts locally or externally?

    submitted by /u/raymond_poist
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    How do i make my file size smaller?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:02 PM PST

    I'm going to sound dumb so please bear with me. I need help, I tried uploading my artwork as a jpg and png but anywhere I try to upload it says its too large. How do i make the file size smaller? I work in clip studio paint if that matters. The jpg file size is over 50,000 KB, and the Png one is about the same.

    submitted by /u/StandByMe76
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    ING open sources Lion: A library of performant, accessible & flexible Web Components

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Anyone recognize this logo?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 02:22 PM PST

    Created a gist of all the cool features that i didn't know NPM had

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:53 PM PST

    Need advice about billing a 3rd party vendor for my work.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:35 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I have a large Cybersecurity vendor as a client, and they outsource a bunch of work to another firm. That 3rd party firm has a security platform and I set it up on my clients' WordPress site.

    I was contacted by my client today saying the 3rd party vendor wants to schedule a meeting for me to walk them through how to get the platform up and working on WordPress because they've never been able to do it... I literally copied and pasted the code they gave to me into the header of the site and they need a walkthrough on it.

    My question is, even though my client said they would pay me my regular rate for the meeting, should I bill this 3rd party? It seems like I'm helping them out a lot here and my rates for my client are legacy at this point.

    Or am I being a greedy little bastard?

    Thanks for your input everyone!

    submitted by /u/moonsout_goonsout
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    Freelance devs: ever been screwed over by a client? Tell me your story (here's mine)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:25 PM PST

    Used to work in a small dev shop startup and found a client who was willing to pay us to build a site for him. Agreed on a negotiated price, had everything outlined, started to begin work and then he just dropped off the face of the earth. Completely ghosted us. It sucked.

    I wanted to hear from others and what their experience has been like so I made this 3-minute survey: https://forms.gle/rkx1E9xNyggYWBuT8

    Would love to hear your story if you don't mind.

    submitted by /u/benjaminwrites
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    [JavaScript] "Getter" style functions vs construtor variables?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:17 PM PST

    So I am working on a Automation Framework using Page Object Model pattern as well as Cypress (Which is written in JavaScript).

    For portions of the page I am making page components (essentially smaller page objects). To reduce maintenance I want to store "locators" for the web elements for easy access (in case they ever change).

    I will be referring to these locators further down in the class in larger methods (that combine multiple elements and do things with them). However Im not sure the best way to store them.

    Two options come to mind (Im not an expert at JavaScript so there may be a better way. Anyways there is..

    Option 1: (Store them in simple GET methods like so):

    class WidgetForm extends PageObject { saveButton() { return cy.contains('Save') } nameField() { return cy.get('.form-control[name="name"]') } descriptionField() { return cy.get('.form-control[name="description"]') } //...more code further down that references these "getter" functions 

    Option 2: (Use the constructor):

    class WidgetForm extends PageObject { constructor() { this.saveButton = 'Save' this.nameField = '.form-control[name="name"]' this.descriptionField = '.form-control[name="description"]' } //...more code further down that uses these values 

    Is one a better option/faster than the other? Im still rusty on JS so Im not sure which is more preferable. Option 1 "looks" better to me but im ignorant on the differences otherwise.

    submitted by /u/mercfh85
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    Updating images automatically from fandom/wiki to my site

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:14 PM PST

    Hey web dev,

    I've recently started a site that assists with map locations for the game Escape From Tarkov. On my site I have added pictures that are usually updated with every patch on the game.

    My question is, is there a function I can write that will automatically refresh the image to my site when updated from said wiki.

    Ty in advance for any tips or suggestions!

    submitted by /u/NangSquaddie
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    What are the benefits of hardcoding a website over the easier option of online creation tools?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:56 AM PST

    I began learning the basics of HTML5, CSS, and Javascript about a year ago but life happened and my time was spent elsewhere. My interest remained and I've recently picked my studies back up. Unfortunately I blanked on most of what I had picked up, but I put in many hours recollecting the knowledge I lost. Before too long I was able to make... a website. Not a spectacular website, but a website nonetheless. I spent hours on it and was very pleased with my progress.

    A good friend of mine is a graphic design student and he happened to mention selling a website for $800 recently. We hadn't discussed webdev before, so I was eager to discuss the website with him and hoped to get some advice on getting to the money making level of development. I began asking about simple, very beginner development topics - at which point he said "oh, no, I dont really use any of that. I just use Wix or Wordpress." I was sort of disheartened by this conversation. The website was decent at best. Not terrible, but got the job done in a basic sense. He created the logo by hand, which I don't have the artistic inclination to do, and I get that he was paid for that talent as well. But I knew I could undoubtedly create that exact website on Wix in a fraction of the time it would take to hardcode it myself and I was upset to think that he made so much money selling a website, doing what anybody else could do, while I was over here putting hours into a text editor. It really made me doubt my desire to keep learning. Can anyone explain to me why its worthwhile to go the developer route, the benefits of building from scratch, and the lmititations, if any, of online editors?

    I appreciate any input!

    submitted by /u/EllisUnknown
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    How does a medium to large server stack look like?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:38 PM PST


    I'm currently running a small application which runs one single virtual server. It runs nginx which hosts laravel and on the same server I'm hosting a SQL based database.

    For my tiny user base this one server is enough. But I'm wondering what I would have to do to handle a bigger user base. With my current knowledge I would be able to: - Improve the performance of my software - Rent a better server

    I know that you can use load balancers to split the requests between servers. How does the architecture change in that case compared to one single server? Are there many web-servers and one single server handling the database? Do you know any got resources to read into this kind of stuff?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/pointermess
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    Looking to run sentiment analysis on tweets, but the Twitter API doesn't seem to fit the bill. Thoughts?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:38 PM PST

    I've been itching to do a fun little project, and one that excites me is running sentiment analysis on twitter accounts and on certain hashtags. E.g. identify pertinent sentiments on all tweets from Andrew Yang's Twitter account over the last 60 days, or identify general sentiments on tweets with the NYC hashtag over the last 30 days (and then find a meaningful way to display this data.. haven't gotten there yet).

    Once I have this data, running it through a sentiment analysis API is no issue, but the Twitter API really doesn't seem to lend itself to this kind of noncommercial use (this as a commercial use it can handle.. at a high price tag). Here's the API pricing:

    Sandbox (free) Premium (paid tiers)
    tweets per request 100 500
    requests per month 250 Up to 500 = $149/mo (going up to $2500/mo)

    As this relates to my project, let's say I want to run all tweets that match XYZ criteria through this NLP API (and assuming there are fewer than 100 matching tweets, which is a big "if"). The extent of my project will be doing this 100 times a month if I'm using their sandbox. That hardly takes me through testing, and then barely lets me play around with this cool little app I've made.

    I know I can always scrape data directly from the DOM and store it for any testing, but I'm still limited to only 250 instances of using this app per month.

    Any thoughts on how to get around this? Creative solutions, maybe something I'm entirely missing here?


    submitted by /u/facewook
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