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    Monday, February 10, 2020

    Started my first dev job today learn programming

    Started my first dev job today learn programming

    Started my first dev job today

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:03 AM PST

    Always been self taught. Three years ago, looking at a scary future with a new boss that totally hated my guts, I chose (at the ripe old age of 41) to start attending evening classes at a business school in Copenhagen to "learn programming for real".

    Last year I got canned (predictably, he REALLY hated my rational look on things) and started going all in. Learned a lot about the craft of developing more than the "let's start here and see where this takes us" approach.

    I got into some projects with classmates, did reasonably well in class and I'm due to finish an associates degree this summer.

    After looking for a job for 14 months I got 2 interviews in one week, and (apparently) aces both. The first place (okayish job on front end) invited me for a second interview, but the second company (dream job on backend, ASP.NET Core) called me 2 hrs after the interview and offered, I accepted on the spot and cancelled the second interview at the first place.

    Just started today, and let me tell you... it feels like coming home. Not just the job itself, but the chatter in the team room, the (EPIC) conversation at lunch, down to the clothes people wore. Nerd heaven I tell you.

    Edit; thanks for all the support I've received since posting this. I'm on my way to work right now and although I couldn't sleep last night I'm SO ready for day 2.

    Also on my English skills; I'm a huge geek - dice and paper role playing, modded Minecraft and electronics - and most of geek culture in Denmark is not translated so it's kind of a prerequisite ;-)

    submitted by /u/Tureni
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    Accepted a job offer!! (UK)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:41 PM PST

    TLDR: I got a hired as a junior web developer after 9 months of full-time self-studying. Follow up from this previous post.

    Let me just preface this and say I didn't just wake up one morning and decide I wanted to pursue a new career in this field. I put in over a year of thought into this decision as I knew I would be in this for the long haul.

    As for how I came to this decision, I didn't fancy going back to college or university to study for 2-4 years, I have been down that path and dropped out as the environment just doesn't suit me. There was a fairly well-respected coding boot camp in my city however, I could not justify parting with over £5000 for 3 months work. Ultimately I decided on the self-taught route, utilizing the various online learning resources. I worked as a waiter for just under a year, saving up as much as I could before leaving to study full-time, I live at home still so I knew these savings could be stretched out to around 9-12 months.

    A summary for what I studied, I started out learning what most people doing web dev start with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. From there I went down the JavaScript framework route starting with React and then progressing onto Gatsby which I have been prominently using for the last 4 months creating freelance websites as well as my portfolio website (Project animations are broken on mobile after updating a recent package so would recommend viewing on desktop).

    Some advice I would give:

    1. As I said in my preface, don't rush into a decision, whether it be going to university, a coding boot camp or learning by yourself. Most people won't be able to go down the same path as me and take 9 months off work so assess your situation irrespective of others.
    2. If you're going down the self-learning route play around, start with something you enjoy. Do some research on the different professions that are linked to programming. Go on indeed and other job board websites and see what job postings are most common in your area and note down what tools and technologies they employ - this may also influence your decision on what base to start from.
    3. Don't burn out. The first couple of weeks is where you learn the most and fly through the exercises and challenges and begin to think this can't be that difficult right? Wrong, you will eventually run into roadblocks which begin to slow down progress and you can spend hours working on a problem which only requires a simple obvious solution. These moments are what honestly bothered me the most, sometimes making me stop coding for over a week because I would get so frustrated and disheartened. Instead, take a break, go do something relaxing or leave the problem to the next day. Guaranteed you will figure out the solution a lot quicker after clearing your head and it will save your sanity.
    4. Make your CV look professional. I started with a simple word document which looked just plain boring and something that was knocked up with no thought whatsoever. To improve this I used a site called Creddle, a CV builder of which there are probably many other options you could go for. I chose a template and adjusted it to my liking and within an hour my CV was transformed.
    5. Make an eye-catching website. Spend some time making your website stand out, this is also a good opportunity to learn a design tool to plan out your website before you start coding (I chose Adobe XD). I built my website in Gatsby and used the animation package GSAP to create some more complex animations. I bought the domain and hosted it all on Netlify for free.
    6. Freelancing can be hard. Having worked on solely personal pieces starting out, I didn't have anything meaningful to show companies to persuade them to let me re-build their 10-year-old websites. That is where I leveraged friends and family, asking around if they would like me to build websites for them FOR FREE. Yes, I could have asked for some money but I was very much using this opportunity to push myself, learn new technologies, run into problems I have never faced before and overcome them. I treated these websites as if it was a real-paying client, sitting down to discuss their needs, coming up with a prototype in Adobe XD, refactoring, then finally getting into development.
    7. When finally applying for jobs I got more responses when I reached out to companies who didn't have any advertised job openings. The email was short, enquiring about possible internships or junior full-time positions available. It had a short description of where I was from, what tool and technologies I use, a link to my portfolio and an attached CV. This was how I got in contact with the company who would eventually offer me the job and as luck would have it they were thinking about hiring a junior developer. I was the only person they ever interviewed for the position and after a trial week, they offered me the job!

    As for the job itself the company work predominantly with Ruby and Ruby on Rails which I do not have prior experience with, however, the company likes my portfolio and thought they could upskill me with no problems

    Any questions you guys have just fire away!

    Template of my CV / Resume

    submitted by /u/cryptocris
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    How to apply the concepts I learn from articles/YouTube tutorials?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:05 PM PST

    I keep reading about Design Patterns, Data Structures, Testing Frameworks etc, but I can't seem to able to actually apply them when I code, it comes out as the same novice level code that I have done. I can make everything work but it's not sleek and clean as professional code.

    How can I improve?

    submitted by /u/Rhymezboy
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    Where can I find good exercises for pointers in c++

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:16 PM PST

    I have a midterm coming up in about a week and a half and I need to practice my pointers. Unfortunately there aren't enough questions about this in past midterms so I need some extra practice.

    submitted by /u/-___-___-__-___-___-
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    ELI5: Interpreted vs Scripting vs Programming Languages

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:44 PM PST

    I read that scripting languages are interpreted while interpreted languages are complied which is a little confusing to me. I've read some Quora answers and websites but them seem to contradict each other so I would really appreciate the help here. Also, do all interpreted languages count as programming languages?

    submitted by /u/arrowingz
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    A seriously awesome free resource for Data Structures, Algorithms, and LeetCode

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:21 PM PST

    It doesn't look like anyone has posted about this before, so I thought I'd share.

    I recently discovered KodingKevin (second channel: KA Education), and found it to be one seriously underrated resource for (re-)learning data-structures and algorithms.

    The presenter wastes no time getting straight to the point. His videos are incredibly concise, friendly to beginners, and broken up into easily digestible pieces.

    One of my biggest pet peeves are long, unstructured, confusing videos where the presenter rambles, goes off topic, and/or talks about things I just don't care about. Using these videos to study has been a literal breath of fresh air.

    On the second KodingKevin channel (KA Education), there are (-gasp- 😱 everyone's favorite!) LeetCode questions and solutions. I've vetted these as well, and I think they're an excellent resource for anyone who's seeking a job in software engineering.


    I found a free algorithms, data structures, and leetcode resource which I think you guys will find useful:

    submitted by /u/AlternativeFix3
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    Hi all!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:01 PM PST

    Hi, I'm new to the forum as well as programming. I am hoping to teach myself how to code to eventually program my own unique games! I'm excited to start learning and I hope to contribute to this forum as I expand. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/jasqs
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    How do I get better at backend development?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:16 PM PST

    I am a software engineer with almost a year of experience and I want to get better at backend development. I have been doing basic backend development since my college(for about 2-3 years) for my small personal projects. At the most difficult level, I have written CRUD applications and used a couple of APIs in backend. I have done this with Java(with Spring and Hibernate), Django rest framework and Django. I have deployed them on Google App Engine and Heroku. I have also worked and understood dependency injection in Spring. I have basic knowledge of SQL, and I consider myself good in Linux.

    So, my questions are what are the next steps for getting better in backend? What more do I need to learn? How close I am for a backend role professionally?

    submitted by /u/theguy2108
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    1-100 days of code react

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:54 PM PST

    I hope it's a good community to post this, I want it for commitment reasons.

    After finishing a coding bootcamp, I had a break in coding and now I want to start over again.

    I am in the process of learning react, doing in a course called "complete-react-developer-zero-to-mastery" re watching the episode on props and state.

    promise to do it from 6:00-7:00 daily and post here

    submitted by /u/Iampaulmuadib
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    Tower Defense C# 2D, but no game engine

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:47 PM PST

    Hello reddit, i'm a french senior high school student (so the equivalent of twelfth grade i think), and my end-of-year project in ISN (a programming subject that counts for the baccalauréat, which litteraly means "computer and digital sciences" in english) is to make a programming code, often a game, and my project group had as an idea a Tower Defense.

    Unfortunately, we're not allowed to use game engines such as Unity.

    Do you know if it's easy/possible to do it only in code? We have a good level, although not excellent either.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Ouass17
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    Any tip for mathematician for python?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:00 PM PST

    Hi, I am math graduate specialized in Analysis. (did Astrophysics in my Bachelor)

    I would like to learn python but have no idea where to start. I know bit of C, FORTRAN, and MATLAB which I used for my astrophysical research, but not in advanced level.

    I tried some tutorials from DataCamp, but was not satisfied with the explanations, which does not state the definition of the terms, rather describe the examples or similes. (For example, when explaining class, "class is like cookie cutter and objects are like cookies from it"..)

    My goal of learning python is being able to use to run some mathematical models such as (mainly partial) differential equations or neural networks, with GPGPU, if possible.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/pumpkin9331
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    Looking to change careers and become a front end developer or a fullstack developer

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:53 PM PST

    I don't really have any coding experience and just started doing free coding camp. I would love any and all feedback.

    submitted by /u/--Solus
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    Recently started learning C++. Trying to make a program that prints a pattern of numbers using loops.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:39 PM PST

    I'm attempting to get this desired output:


    6 6 6 6 6 6

    5 5 5 5 5

    4 4 4 4

    3 3 3

    2 2



    Here's what I've got so far:

    #include <iostream> using namespace std; //pattern 1 int main() { for (int row = 6; row >= 1; row--) { for (int col = 6; col >= 1; col--) { cout << row; } cout << endl; } } 

    However this produces:


    6 6 6 6 6 6

    5 5 5 5 5 5

    4 4 4 4 4 4

    3 3 3 3 3 3

    2 2 2 2 2 2

    1 1 1 1 1 1


    I'm trying to get the program to print the quantity of the numbers that it prints out at each row that number of times, not sure how to proceed.

    submitted by /u/one_one_three
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    Please help

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:26 PM PST

    So I'm a noob at programming and I'm trying to create a site that will take your input from an input box, save it in an array when you press sign in, also display your name and time when you sign in, and then be able to remove your name from both the array and the displayed list of names. Here's what I have so far for my javascript code:

    let signins = [] function GetInput(type) { var input = document.createElement("input") input.placeholder = type input.style.width = "75%" document.body.appendChild(input) return input } var Name = GetInput("name") button = document.createElement("button") button.innerHTML = "Sign In" document.body.appendChild(button) function SignIn() { var first = Name.value var time = new Date(); signins.push({ Name: first, time }) paragraph = document.createElement("p") paragraph.innerHTML = first + " " + time document.body.appendChild(paragraph) signins.push([name, time]) console.log(signins); button = document.createElement("button") button.innerHTML = "Remove" document.body.appendChild(button) return(Name) } button.onclick = SignIn // time to make delete button function remove() { } 

    I have no idea what to do to delete the paragraphs I made and I know I have more than a few errors in my code.

    Please help!

    submitted by /u/beepbeepbeepsheep101
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    Maximum value of minimum of subarrays?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:15 PM PST

    I am challenged with finding the maximum of all minimum values (multiplied by the length of that subarray) for every continuous subarray in an array. I also have to do it in O(nlogn) time. I have written an O(n^2 ) version of the problem just fine, but I'm having a hard time understanding what to do for the second piece of the problem. The idea is to divide and conquer the array down to the base-case of just a single element, but putting the pieces back together is what's killing me. Can anyone help? I've tried applying the same code that's used in the maximum subarray problem (with extensive modification), but that didn't work either.

    Here's an example: -6 7 4 -5. We first need to find the minimum of every contiguous subarray, and multiply it by the length of that subarray itself. So,

    [-6], [-6, 7], [-6, 7, 4], [-6, 7, 4, -5], [7], [7, 4], [7, 4, -5], [4], [4, 5], [5].

    -6, -6, -6, -6, 7, 4, -5, 4, 4, 5 are the minimums for every subarray here. Multiplying these values by the length of their respective subarray is -6, -12, -18, -24, 7, 8, -15, 4, 8, 5. This means the value that should be returned is 8.

    submitted by /u/TheSinisterEagle
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    Is there a common "format" for laying out the process of creating a program?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:05 PM PST

    I'm getting started on my final project for my Java class, and it's all laid out what the program is, what it's supposed to do, requirements, etc. But not in a clean way that'll streamline the process (and I don't expect it to be).

    I'm just wondering if there's a tried and true protocol or process that people use to organize what they need to do and stuff for working on projects.

    submitted by /u/Missing_Back
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    Can I use Git along with SVN?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:47 PM PST

    My company uses SVN. Due to it being centralized, I can't do local commits. Can I install Git alongside SVN just for myself so that I can create local commits?

    submitted by /u/PleaseKillMeNowOkay
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    Can someone review the quality of my code for me please (Java)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 03:14 PM PST


    Above is the git hub repository for my code - the purpose of which is to generate a function that fits a trend in stock data for any given company.

    It functions and serves its purpose, but I also want the quality of my code to be judged - are my variable names proper, method names, for each method - does my access modifier make sense, and finally - if I wrote this code for a company, and if someone opened it a couple of months later, would it be a nightmare to maintain? Thanks in advance to anyone that decides to help :D.

    submitted by /u/20gunasarj
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    fashmash like website (concepts doubts)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:13 PM PST

    i want to make a fashmash like website in php

    but every code i found on github or tutorials use an algorithm to find the win & lose probability
    i just want to know why is it necessary
    i can just randomly pick 2 entries from my mysql DB & present it to user for comparing
    why do i need an algo to find the win/lose probability ?

    also how can i prevent users from sending the same http request & increasing their points ?

    submitted by /u/yafutexac
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    How to use antlr4?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:27 PM PST

    I am trying to create a tool that parses C++ files looking for undocumented regions. After trying it with regex, I feel I need an entire language to get it done properly.

    I learnt about antlr4 the other day and it looks really promising. Issue is, I have absolutely no idea how to use it. The documentation seems great to reference it if you know what you are doing, but it isn't great if you don't have any knowledge of building grammars yourself.

    For the purposes of this question, let's say that we are looking for class definitions in a file. WIth regex we could do:


    And that's about all we need (except maybe a couple caveats I haven't foreseen).

    How can I create a grammar that does the same using antlr? Including calling it from python? I am very confused as I cannot find a total beginner tutorial for this that explains how to hook it up to a language.

    submitted by /u/camilo16
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    Changing decimal into binary using three function.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:55 PM PST

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script> function userinput(input) { decimal = prompt("value of decimal", input); } function converting() { place9 = (parseInt(decimal)) % 2; place8 = (parseInt(decimal)) / 2 % 2; place7 = (parseInt(decimal)) / 2 / 2 % 2; place6 = (parseInt(decimal)) / 2 / 2 / 2 % 2; place5 = (parseInt(decimal)) / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 % 2; place4 = (parseInt(decimal)) / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 % 2; place3 = (parseInt(decimal)) / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 % 2; place2 = (parseInt(decimal)) / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 & 2; place1 = (parseInt(decimal)) / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 & 2; place0 = (parseInt(decimal)) / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 % 2; } function nomad() { document.write("you entered " + decimal + " which is " + "" + place0 + "." + place1 + "." + place2 + "." + place3 + "." + place4 + "." + place5 + "." + place6 + "." + place7 + "." + place8 + "." + place9); } userinput(); converting(); nomad(); </script> </html> 

    Hey folks, this is what I wrote. I'm doing a practice from a textbook.

    It wants me to use three or more functions to change decimal into binary value and printing a message something like " you changed A decimal value to B binary value" .

    It seems like using a three function is overkill. Anyways, I did it.

    Look at this,

     function userinput(input) { 

    decimal = prompt("value of decimal", input);


    Here, I think..

    I could get rid of userinput function and replace it with just a single line "decimal = prompt("value of decimal", input);"

    Do you think I'm using functions appropriately?

    Also, when I'm dividing a decimal by a base number '2' it count them as a floating number so the result is weird.

    It should show a clean binary number like 1010101010.

    submitted by /u/powerfuldoug
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    CSS - Google claims content wider than screen with overflow-x: hidden

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:55 PM PST

    Hello All!

    We have a site that unfortunately has images that we can not have fit into the viewport, they are a set width at all times. They are background images things float over top of.

    As the screen gets smaller we just hide the overflow and zoom into the left side of the image.

    Anyway - it looks perfect in mobile. However google does not recognize the hidden overflow as the image being hidden because its still set to 1920px wide.

    Is there anyone who happens to have experience in this field??

    submitted by /u/treyt42
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    Does anyone agree with my Java professor?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 03:48 PM PST

    We have a very strict java professor. Here is a post from him today regarding a recent lab.

    ' The most common problems were generating correct random numbers.

    A few people used interfaces, event handlers and/or anonymous classes. We'll cover some of these topics late in the course, and some are only covered in the Advanced class. The Rubric says "Limit your programs to use only the things in Java that we've covered up to that point. For example, when doing the MyGrades program in Lesson 02, don't use arrays or loops; we haven't covered them at that point. The penalty for violating this rule is extremely harsh--the entire assignment is given a 0." '

    I could understand if we were all absolute beginners but the class is filled with people from so many different levels. Why should one use less efficient ways to do something if one knows of a more efficient way of doing it?

    I'm just trying to see a different side of it. Does anyone agree with this?

    As a teacher myself for almost a decade, I've never encountered such ridiculousness.

    submitted by /u/winballturds
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    How long does it take to get a job in this field?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Hello. I'm 16 and in my first semester of college for IT software development. Recently I've been seeing posts of how long it's taking people to find jobs, and how many applications it's been taking them. Last week I saw a guy that's sent over 800 applications in 7 months and he just got his first job. My jaw dropped, I don't really know much about the job market since i'm kind of young. Is this true? Has anyone else has better luck?

    Also, any advice for someone just getting into programming? Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/Diamond724
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