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    Saturday, February 8, 2020

    [Showoff Saturday] NSFW Swiper web developers

    [Showoff Saturday] NSFW Swiper web developers

    [Showoff Saturday] NSFW Swiper

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:22 AM PST


    HI, I made a mobile friendly porn site. http://getenjoyable.com

    I uploaded this yesterday but mod told me it should be posted on saturday.

    so I removed it and upload it again today.

    React, nodejs, swiperjs, material-ui are used. I tried hard to make it neat.

    It is intended to see short NSFW Video and do what you want easily.

    • If you are on PC, you can use keyboard arrows and mouse wheel to swipe horizontally and vertically!
    submitted by /u/kiyyang
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    [Showoff Saturday] A simple Git cheat sheet for junior developers

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:06 AM PST

    Nothing fancy, just some common, basic, commands to help new devs (or those new to using Git commands) get to grips with Git.

    Built it in a few hours over the course of a few evenings using Gatsby and deployed via Netlify


    submitted by /u/deadgoodhorror
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    [Showoff Saturday] I made a flashcards app where you can write interview questions and answers in markdown files and study them with a simple mobile app.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:16 AM PST

    [NSFW] SikSok - Tiktok for NSFW videos and gifs made with Svelte

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:34 AM PST

    <Spoiler> NSFW Content </Spoiler>

    I was playing with the lovely Svelte and made this one last week in around 6 days.

    Please use your mobile browser to open the link as it uses browser's local storage to set videos as watched for privacy:


    There were similar ones to this but videos were not autoplaying, the content was static, not many videos, not updated fast enough for me and long buffer time so I could not use every day or several times a day. So I have built this one. It should never show you the same video again as it saves video ranges to exclude watched ones and gives priority to the new videos. Also the videos are automatically fetched from internet periodically (mostly reddit) so no manual work here and you don't need to wait me adding them. I don't use my own cdn for monetary reasons so there will be a little delay.

    What took unexpected time is, making videos load faster on mobile (3g), swiping performance which I implemented by myself instead of using 3rd lib (which at the end I realized that I made a simple swiperjs clone with virtual slides) and AI for gender classification which doesn't have enough accuracy yet so you might see some dick videos if you are straight. Next updates will include user login, likes, popular videos and AI recommendations if people like it. I will constantly update the app everyweek, so your ideas are welcomed.

    Helpful resources for video optimizations:

    https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/autoplay-policy-changes https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/06/play-request-was-interrupted

    Note I am adding this second time as auto mod rejected me first time.

    submitted by /u/dnidnidni
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    Domain investors are scum.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:15 PM PST

    I'm really getting sick of trying to build a brand around these fucking pieces of shit and their arbitrary inflation of an otherwise perfectly fine process.

    Every single time I have a decent name for a new idea thought up, I go to register the .com and it's the same story every single time.

    "This domain is for sale. Please pay 4000x the price of what they paid and are simply sitting on simply to line their own pockets while contributing nothing to society."

    Here's my question - why the fuck is this allowed? How is this allowed? How can people just buy up all the vaguely recognizable names and literally do nothing with them?

    Oh and here's 2 of my favourite responses from "domainers":

    1. Domain names don't matter that much. Just get a different domain or use a different tld.

    That's ironic, considering the entire business model is to "invest" in the names themselves. Their entire predatory practice is predicated upon how good a domain name is to begin with.

    1. Were like real estate investors! I don't see you complaining about that!

    First off landlords have been hated for centuries. Secondly, real estate speculation comes at a big price where they are taxed based on the assessed value of land, not a flat rate of $10 per year. Second off, real estate investors actually contribute to the community by providing jobs to contractors and having to maintain the properties.

    Domainers don't provide jobs. They actually take away jobs. When a startup tries to get going and ends up having to dish out 20k to these parasites, that is 20k less they have to use to hire someone with. Or pay a company to help them out. You know, anything other than lining their own pockets.

    I just want to give a big fuck you to anyone who engages in this disgusting practice and I hope you get a terrible disease.

    submitted by /u/stardust4891
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    JSON.link - a collaborative tool editing and authoring JSON to the web

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:35 AM PST

    As par of our JustShipped to launch 52 projects in the year 2020 we have created JSON.link . This tool allows you to write JSON in either HJSON or plain JSON and save / share these docs with other developers. Additionally you are provided with a link that will server the JSON as a raw Application / JSON payload. The server is configured to allow cross origin requests to this payload so you can use this and modify this in sites like codepen.io or even your own webapp. Because the JSON can continually be modified you could even use it as a poor mans headless CMS.

    Our app can be found at http://json.link
    Our group can be found at http://justshipped.io

    submitted by /u/Koaty
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    [Showoff Saturday] - Useful tool for decoding what your poop is telling you.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:02 PM PST

    My wife was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis a couple of years ago and it's been quite a journey. She started a digestive health company and in collaboration I built a web app that uses AI to be able to classify your poop.

    You just go on the website on your phone, snap a pic of your poop, and the site will come back with an analysis of your poop along with suggestions and possible reasons for your poo. The AI has been trained on over 4,000 various poo's and is very accurate, but is getting better every day as new anonymous submissions come in.

    I thought you guys could use this. Please send any feedback or questions. Thanks!

    App (no download required): https://poop.moxie.health

    submitted by /u/slavik0329
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    Do you see why this .htaccess RewriteRule isn't working?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Getting a 404 error on this, not sure why. Do you see a problem with the code?

    I have the RewriteEngine on previous to this.

    Here's the code first, then I'll say what my intent is:

    RewriteRule ^/blog/([a-zA-Z0-9/_-]*)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\.html$ blog/$2.html [L]

    This is located in the domain name's root directory (example.com).

    I basically want directories between the html file name and the blog directory to be ignored and stripped out so that the WordPress (WP) permalink structure of example.com/blog/postname.html can be used to serve up the content.

    Because WP has category page structure of example.com/blog/category/categoryname/ I have a rewrite condition on the line before the above code to exclude anything that comes in for example.com/blog/category/something just in case, but the code above has problems whether I use the condition or not.

    I am not using a development server for this, as I'm thinking it should be fairly simple and don't want to set up a whole WP site for this. I have been adding a test directory for testing it so this doesn't somehow mess with the blog if it doesn't work. The actual code I been using is this:

    RewriteRule ^/blog/test/([a-zA-Z0-9/_-]*)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\.html$ blog/$2.html [L]

    That means I'm testing things like example.com/blog/test/other/postname.html and example.com/blog/test/this/another/postname.html which I want to both go to simply example.com/blog/postname.html ... but I'm getting a 404 error instead.

    submitted by /u/JungleJanie
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    [Showoff Saturday] Junior Self Taught Dev Personal Website

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:15 PM PST

    I just finished my personal website, took me some time but I'm happy of the result and plan on enhance it as I get more skilled.

    Any feedback is good feedback!


    submitted by /u/Gamarantor
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    [Showoff Saturday] A social site I've been working on

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:01 PM PST

    Well I've been working on a small social site, have to admit I've learnt a lot by doing it so far. Cron jobs, more in depth look at .htaccess files, I've learnt the basics of using putty and a few other things

    The site

    submitted by /u/cluelessphp
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    Doe AJAX send the requests after the first to a web API?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 03:08 PM PST

    Is my understanding of AJAX correct?

    • the first request is sent asynchronously to a web application serving a webpage and a client side Javascript program.
    • the following requests are sent asynchronously to a web API, which returns data (in JSON) not webpage.
    • client side javascript program will update the webpage from the first request with the data from the following requests.

    Does AJAX implement exactly single page applications?

    Are single page applications implemented exactly by either AJAX or synchronized version of AJAX?


    submitted by /u/timlee126
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    [Showoff Saturday] Feedback That My Portfolio Looks "Dated" Any Tips?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:36 PM PST

    My first web dev project, just a simple markdown blog using Gatsby.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:32 PM PST

    After a month of getting distracted with my design work, and a month of starting this semester of school, I finally got around to finish roughing out my bare bones React blog. Hosted on netlify with just a placeholder domain while I get my github student stuff.

    But as someone who has been self teaching myself web development on top of my university software engineering work. I have a big problem of starting projects, getting busy and not touching them again, so this is a pretty big win for me. And my first published site.

    submitted by /u/Peregrim
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    [Showoff Saturday] Paint me like a French girl

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:36 AM PST

    I've been working on a javascript procedural painter for my site. I wanted to make it a bit smart instead of just being a pixel blaster. So it has a few steps and recreates a reference image in a painterly style which is always different. Not only that it does it in real time on 3D shirt worn by a 3D model in 4k.

    Painting on clothes https://machine.style/generate?type=Paint&gen=Painting

    Sketch on clothes https://machine.style/generate?type=Paint&gen=Sketch

    For fun if you'd like to get yourself painted and/or sketched I made it work with your webcam or device camera, you can even switch cameras!


    The higher res your camera the better the result

    One thing I have not been able to figure out is how to turn of the camera in iOS when it is not needed, it works on desktop at least.

    I don't save any of the "Paint Me" images so if you get something cool please share it here!

    Anyway all feedback is appreciated and thank you for taking the time to check it out!

    Next week maybe I'll post my attempts at doing multi threaded mandelbrot/julia set in javascript

    Edit: If anyone knows how to force the camera to render even when its hidden in safari iOS I would appreciate if you'd let me know how. The long exposure works in chrome desktop but on iOS it doesn't update the color data.

    submitted by /u/archerx
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    [Showoff Saturday] series of simple games and animations - using only vanilla js (used webpack/lottie/others, info in comments)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:01 PM PST

    Converting units of the Nginx Metric - Python live-coding Part 53

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:58 PM PST

    We need more mods!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:34 PM PST

    1. Must have a reddit account older than 1 year
    2. Must have a previous submission & comment history in webdev
    3. Comment in this thread!
    submitted by /u/julian88888888
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    FOUC on Wordpress site using WP Rocket

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:38 PM PST

    I've noticed that WP Rocket doesn't seem to have generated critical CSS on my page quite right, as I notice some styling is applied after the page fully loads (especially noticeable on mobile as loading time is slower).

    For example, on this page (https://chrisgin.com/product-category/canterbury/) there are two issues:

    1) The header image isn't sized correctly initially, and changes size after the page fully loads. Seems to be on mobile only.

    2) Google fonts aren't loaded initially. This seems to be a global problem, on all pages, on desktop and mobile.

    I'm assuming I can manually edit the critical CSS files and add the missing styles, but as a CSS noob I'm just not sure what I need to include. Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/chrisgin
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    How do I actually start coding my web app?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 05:04 AM PST

    I can understand if this comes across as a really stupid question, but I'm curious as to how I should actually start coding my website?

    I've wireframed my app, followed HTML and CSS tutorials, setup my work environment with git and now I want to get cracking with the implementation.

    It may sound stupid but I dont actually know what to do first? Should I start with index.html and start trying to design my login page as it is on my wireframes?

    Really need some support with actually getting started, I have a good understanding of the syntax when watching tutorials, I'm just not actually sure where to begin.

    Would appreciate some advice!

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Hyphron
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    The ultimate guide to create desktop apps for javascript entrepreneurs

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:33 AM PST

    Want to figure out what makes your code slow? Check out “How To Profile PHP Applications with Xdebug, Laragon, and Q Cache Grind”

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Google domains .dev and Heroku

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Google domains .dev and Heroku

    I did this a few days ago and the site is still not working, contacted Google 5 times they said it's fine. Anything wrong I did??


    submitted by /u/ddm50
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    [Showoff Saturday] Apartment reviews, NextJS using Serverless

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:41 AM PST

    Tenantree is a review site for apartments. But the cool thing is the tech behind it. It uses NextJs which means our React is easily SSR on the server. But it is all hosted using the serverless framework. All hosting is done at cloudfront edge lambdas (lambda@edge) which means that latency is kept to a minimum. Database technology is using dynamodb (which works much better than Mongo for us). One thing that is apparent is that we are affected by cold starts. AWS has released new technology that will mitigate cold starts, but we still need to incorporate it. However, if we get massive amounts of usage, then the cold start problem goes away.

    The best part is that this is incredibly cost affective. I have not yet used my free usage allocation from AWS.

    submitted by /u/bazsouthafrica
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    [Showoff Saturday] Front-end website

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:53 AM PST

    I developed and continuously updated this site over the last year as the business has grown. It's the site for my realty team. I'm more or less self-taught, and always appreciate feedback from more experienced developers. Not trying to advertise anything on the site, just want feedback! I've only been at this for about a year. Thank you very much in advance!! https://megarealtyteam.com

    submitted by /u/shilohsheree07
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