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    Saturday, February 8, 2020

    Screenshot Saturday #471 - Pure Style

    Screenshot Saturday #471 - Pure Style

    Screenshot Saturday #471 - Pure Style

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:50 PM PST

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    Bonus question: Over the past few years, what device/system have you done most of your gaming on?

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    The FREE pixel art Monsters Creatures Fantasy pack has been released, with 4 monstrous characters.(link in the comments)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:38 AM PST

    Coding Adventure: Portals

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 12:10 AM PST

    Procedural generation: simple, shader-based gas giants (and other planets)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:17 PM PST

    Wave Function Collapse tips and tricks

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:08 AM PST

    Procedural generation at runtime so every games are differents

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:17 AM PST

    Would you love to play with this cube city package in Unity Editor?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:46 AM PST

    Collected Thoughts on Designing Great Feeling Aggressive FPS Single Player Campaign Combat

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:46 AM PST

    I've been working on a single player FPS with aggressive combat for the past year and I've collected some thoughts that crystallize what I think makes combat feel great and satisfying. Some of these might not apply at all to games that are realistic/tactical vs. the arcadey/retro feel I'm going for, and others might be pretty obvious. But I think I would have appreciated having a list laid out like this when I started so I figured it wouldn't hurt to share it. Keep in mind the FPS I am developing is focused on a non-stop combat against hordes of enemies type experience so that is what these tips are geared towards. Games that really do this well in my opinion are: DOOM, DUSK, Devil Daggers.

    I have also not fully incorporated all of these items into my own game because some of them are still works in progress prototypes.

    Below are the thoughts grouped into three categories Audio, Visuals, and Mechanics. Each topic is give a rating between 1 and 3 stars for how impactful I believe it is to the feel of the game.

    ★ ★ ★ - most important, great value return on dev effort to result given

    ★ ☆ ☆ - least important (but not irrelevant), lower value but still a non trivial positive effect

    FX and Visuals

    Enemy Gibs of varying levels - ★ ★ ★

    This is perhaps the most important visual feedback element in any arcade style fast paced FPS. The players primary action in progressing is killing enemies, one by one. Letting confusion linger about when an enemy or if an enemy is dead can be completely enjoyment breaking in this context.

    • On death of an enemy there should be strong visual confirmation, one great classic way to do this is to have the enemy explode into a shower of bits.
    • Even more satisfying is various levels of death confirmations, a kill with a weak gun makes the enemy drop as a rag doll. A kill with a powerful rifle, causes an explosion into bits. A kill with the most powerful laser cannon leaves a fine vaporized mist of blood floating.

    Gun Visuals - ★ ★ ☆

    • Recoil: This is a great way to make mouse clicks feel substantial, as soon as the button is pressed the player sees the weight of their action. A pistol should recoil slightly on every shot, a shotgun should recoil very heavily.
    • Muzzle flash: Sometimes depending on the mechanics of the recoil implementation holding a gun down like an auto rifle can push the gun up to a recoil ceiling, a muzzle flash is a good compliment to confirm every bullet leaving the barrel when recoil becomes saturated.
    • Screen real estate: I found that a large powerful gun feels even more so when it takes up screen real estate and crowds the screen more than other guns. This is also a way to communicate that this weapon is not a common occurrence you will be walking around with often, its something you want to pull out to get a big job done and then put away.

    Enemy hit effects - ★ ★ ☆

    Independent of the gibs for knowing when an enemy is dead, its also great for feel to know when they are just being hit and having damage done to them

    • Blood splatter effects spawning from bullet hit areas can make it very apparent if the bullet was a near miss or actually caused damage
    • If it fits the style of the game damage numbers being displayed on hit, usually these look good shooting up from the point of impact and having a gravity effect so that they travel in a parabola up and back down, all while fading to transparent
    • For a really obvious hit effect tinting the whole enemies material to some intense color for a tiny fraction of second can be a great way to show damage registration

    Bullet visuals - ★ ★ ☆

    Without bullet hit effects and trails it can be easy for a bullet to feel lost invisible in the world after you shoot it

    • hit effects like dust, kicking up rocks, normal to the surface being hit can help distinguish where bullets are landing, and incorporating various effects for different surface types is a nice detail
    • trails such as smoke, laser beams, or other combination of particles and lighting can give bullets a lot more style

    Environmental bullet response - ★ ★ ☆

    • Objects that crumble and break apart make the environment much more satisfying to walk around and shoot, one thing I've discovered is its not really very important that the crumbles resemble the original object, they can be a collection of cubes that approximately combine to the original volume of the object
    • In general adding environmental pieces that are responsive to bullets helps a lot, vases that shatter, leaves that fall when trees are shot.

    Velocity on hit particles - ★ ☆ ☆

    • Some of the above points mention crumbling elements and particle effects spawning on hit, a good extra detail layer on those is to transfer the bullets velocity in part to the particles so that when a vase is shot into bits some of the pieces fly in the direction of the bullet, and even faster and more pieces for guns that cause larger damage. Its not so much about showing physical accuracy (it could be argued this looks unrealistic) but more that if you have a lot of particles flying around with velocity on bullet hit it can add to the visual chaos in an appealing way depending on the style of the visuals.


    Gun Animation responsiveness - ★ ★ ★

    My personal bias when playing these types of shooters is for instant response weapons with very little animation blocking time

    • Low to to no blocking time on animations such as switching guns, running, jumping and landing animations. When the gun is not reloading any time the mouse is pressed the registration of the bullet shot should be immediate or the start of the firing should start immediately if its a charge up weapon. Non essential animations should be clipped to transition into shooting instantly.

    Bullet stopping power - ★ ★ ☆

    Bullets hitting enemies should have physical effects to make them feel powerful

    • The enemy could be slowed down while being hit with bullets
    • Enemy animations can be canceled, even attacks, and animations such as staggers and falls can be added for different damage levels


    Gun Sounds - ★ ★ ★

    • power and loudness: don't make quite sounding guns, they should sound loud, aggressive, and drown out other sounds, picture how unsatisfying it would feel to fire a huge bazooka with amazing visual effects and only hear the sound of a pellet gun
    • uniqueness: each gun should sound so unique that it is clear what gun is being fired even if your eyes are closed, this really makes the guns feel rich and varied and especially ties in well if the gun mechanics are designed to be distinct and fit certain combat situations better, the player will gain a familiarity with the enemies they are seeing and the sound of the gun that fits the situation well

    Enemy sounds - ★ ☆ ☆

    • A gross/monsterish sound coming from enemies helps feel like they are a threat or disgusting and should be attacked. There are various moments that enemy barks and sounds can be injected some basic ones: on first sight of the player, before they attack (this one is especially helpful in letting the player have good spatial awareness for out of view enemies)
    • This is an easy way to add depth to an enemy for relatively low dev cost, for example imagine an enemy as visually simple as a basket ball sized sphere moving towards you silently, now imagine the same one but with a creepy many legged spider crawling sound as it moves. It would immediately give the player an instinctual aversion, this goes to show how a sound can impart a lot of character onto an otherwise bland object.
    submitted by /u/93hamsal
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    Sound design production for open world 3D video game

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:35 AM PST

    What is super-casual and ultra-casual?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:29 AM PST


    A friend of mine is asked me as I am a gamer and into the game dev about hyper-casual, ultra-casual, super-casual. Apparently a firm asked him about them. I heard hyper-casual but the last two are completely new to me. Any idea about them?

    submitted by /u/mtilhan
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    It is hard to see design without code as progress

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:46 AM PST

    I've worked nearly an hour on my game today, but I didn't write any code. I just sat in front of a document and wrote some ideas down. Changed some old ideas. Designed a better game flow in my head.

    But it's hard for me to see it as progress.

    submitted by /u/poeticmatter
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    If I wanted to build a voting style game, similar to JackBox, how would I approach that?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Obviously the game/site needs to talk to an API but outside of that, I'm blanking.

    submitted by /u/RboisGames
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    Free Texture Pack: Tiles 01(link in the comments)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:05 AM PST

    Is .ply a good production format?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:02 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm exporting most of my models as .ply file to use in my game engine , mostly because I need vertex colors and I found good .ply exporter and importer code (using my own engine). + It seems to be relatively compacted format when in binary mode.

    I was wondering if .ply is generally considered a viable format for production or are there any reasons I shouldn't use it and go for a different format?


    submitted by /u/NessBots
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    The deadly show (game in development), first video

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:38 AM PST

    Dynamic Music in Video Games | How Game Designers Create Interactive Music with Play and Sound

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:27 AM PST

    Is is worth to spend time on making a developer log series if it is your first serious project?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:07 AM PST

    After years of hobby developer i started a project with the goal to sell it.

    Is it worth to make a developer log series? Or is better to have the main core mechanics built to show some content with trailers?

    submitted by /u/Carbo00
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    Really struggling with having a consistent style for Sci-Fi

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:44 AM PST

    I've ran into this so many times now, it's painful...but when I'm creating environments based on real life, I have a very easy time making them look good. However, for Sci Fi stuff, I can't get the visual style to remain consistent without fully and completely copying somebody else's objects exactly. I've been trying to create something in the "Overwatch" style as a basic exercise, and been trying to copy what makes up their visual language...rounded triangles, smooth beveled edges, the strange little house shaped things...but even when I do all of that, it just looks so......thrown together, I guess?

    How do you recommend keeping everything consistent?

    submitted by /u/AccidentalNGon
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    Does making a puzzle game that takes 10 minutes to complete give any indication of if you want to be a game developer? I'm not sure, but here's what I learned...

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Localization on Steam after release?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:31 AM PST

    I was wondering if someone here has experience or information how localization affects your game's traffic on Steam after release?

    From what I've understood, Steam won't show your game to anyone who doesn't have one of the game's languages set as their own Steam language. Based on that it seems smart to have localization included in your release when Steam is pushing lots of traffic to your game page. But what about after release when Steam stops pushing most of the traffic?

    I didn't have the budget to include localization in the Steam release and I am wondering if it's financially smart to do it now afterwards, considering that due to my game's word count it won't be super cheap or trivial.

    submitted by /u/RedbeakGames
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    How to make a moving platform in godot 3.2

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:01 AM PST

    How to make a moving platform in godot 3.2

    Hi everyone!

    I've made a short tutorial on my youtube channel about how to make a moving platform easily in godot 3.2, check it out! :)

    How to make a moving platform in godot


    submitted by /u/JeanMakeGames
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    Making my first proper game

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:42 AM PST

    Hey peeps!

    I'm currently really really interested in making my own games in Unity. I want to make a 3D horror game specifically, but I don't have a scooby how to start it cause the tutorials Unity have are quite basic.

    Please help point me to the right track.

    submitted by /u/dancovey
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    Need guidance!!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:31 AM PST

    I have just got into game development. What resources would be helpful to learn this? Books, Tutorials etc.

    submitted by /u/prec10us2
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    No more fun ?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:30 AM PST

    So I'm 5 months in to development of a game and I start question if the game is fun like at the beginning the idea sound fantastic and fun now after is somewhat playable for a while I question wherever is fun or not ?

    submitted by /u/StanCastan002
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    How to create a fun and balanced evasion mechanic in a turn-based RPG?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:26 AM PST

    Hi, hobby game developer here.

    I'm currently building a turn-based battle system for a monster collecting/breeding game where players breed their monster and pit them against each other. Well, more like I'm currently writing a GDD and I'm at the point where I'm thinking about an evasion mechanic.

    I like to play fast and evasive strategies, but evasion is a tricky mechanic in turn-based games. Games like Pokemon rely on RNG to implement evasion, which results in moves like Double Team) being banned/frowned upon.

    I've thought about different methods, but I'd like to have some feedback regarding balance and fun.

    Hit-or-Miss: The classic. Attacks have a chance to miss. If they miss, no damage is done.

    Pros: - Simple

    Cons: - Players might become frustrated, if their 90% hit-chance attack misses a few times in a row

    Multi-Attack: I think Bravely Default and some older Final Fantasy titles did this. Each attack is a combination of multiple attempts to hit the enemy. If a attack has a hit-rate of 10 and an accuracy of 50%, probably 5 hits will connect. The speed values of a monster might increase/decrease the hit-rate.

    Pros: - Even with a 50% accuracy, a monster will (probably) still deal some damage. - Contains a critical hit system. If an attack lands 90% of its hits and has an 50% accuracy, it might be considered a critical hit.

    Cons: - Balancing could be tricky (attacks must be balanced around their average hits)

    Threshold: This one does not directly depend on accuracy. Each monster has an internal counter, which is increased every round or by certain actions. As soon as the counter reaches the threshold, the monster evades the next move. Either the counter or the threshold should be affected by the speed of a monster, so faster monster can evade more easily/often.

    Pros: - Does not depend on RNG

    Cons: - Fast, but fragile monster might be defeated before they can evade - Might be difficult to balance

    Damage formula: The speed values of the attacker and the defender are considered in the damage calculation. If monster A and B are almost identical, but A is faster, and both attack C, A would do more damage, because A is faster then B.

    Pros: - Does not depend on RNG - Might include some depth while breeding, because speed is now an attack/defense stat

    Cons: - Might add complexity, because speed is now an attack/defense stat

    Skipping-Turn: Like FFX. This is not really an evasion mechanic, since the attack is not dodged, but skipped. Depending on their speed value, a monster can attacks multiple times before their opponent can act again.

    Pros: - ?

    Cons: - Fast monster could rush slower monster and cripple them with multiple status conditions before their opponent can act - The system must be reworked to support "skipping" a monsters turn

    Personally, I like the "Multi-Attack" and the "Damage formula" approach. Both attempts don't outright nullify the damage. It's more like the monster dodged and didn't had to bear the brunt of the attack.

    So, what do you think? Which sounds the most fun and reasonable on the balance side? Is there some other way to implement evasion?

    EDIT: Formatting

    submitted by /u/kori_irrlicht
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