• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 25, 2020

    Safari will soon reject any HTTPS certificate valid for more than 13 months web developers

    Safari will soon reject any HTTPS certificate valid for more than 13 months web developers

    Safari will soon reject any HTTPS certificate valid for more than 13 months

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:03 PM PST


    I get why they are doing it. Shame i just replaced some certs last week for 2 years... sigh.

    submitted by /u/fatdunky
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    First day at new job. New boss and I spent 30 minutes troubleshooting why hover states on the main nav disappeared.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 06:42 PM PST

    I was baffled and stammering trying to think of what I might have touched to disable hover states.
    Turns out we were in chrome device previewer - tablet mode.

    A+ first day.

    submitted by /u/pineapplecodepen
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    Is RSS coming back?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:40 AM PST

    Will RSS make a comeback because people want control of their news feeds again?

    Chris Coyier even made a statement about it: https://twitter.com/chriscoyier/status/1214606808125341696

    I have a feeling people are getting sick and tired of these social media algorithms standing in the way between the reader and the author.

    What do you think? Is RSS going to give us back the control we want? Or is it too outdated?

    submitted by /u/jaydrogers
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    Are "Fan sites" still a thing these days? What's the legality of them? (possible webdev project for 6 yo)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Not sure if this question belongs here in webdev, but I figure if anyone knows it'll be here.

    I'm a web application developer who back in the 90's did his fair share of silly fan sites for all sorts of things, from movies to video games to actors. My Brandon Lee tribute page was awesome-sauce, even if only like 100 people ever saw it :)

    This idea of a fan site never popped into my head since probably 1999, until this week. My 6yo boy is a fan (and he turned me into a fan as well) of this Disney channel show. We loved it so much that we have been scouring the internet for any info on characters and plots, etc. The typical fandom wiki that exists is barley navigable and lacks a ton of information, so I thought we should do our own fan page for the show, covering all the main and small characters, a timeline, interesting objects in the show, fun stuff like that.

    The main purpose of this is of course, to get my son interested in programming. I'm going to use it as a stepping stone to teaching him some basics about programming and HTML/CSS.

    But I have no idea how fan sites are viewed today. Will Disney sue me for providing what is essentially a fancy fan wiki? I wouldn't mind just hosting the site locally on my NAS, just not sure if these things even exist anymore.

    Also, normally if I were to take on a project like this, the first thing I would reach for would be something like nextjs. But I'm not sure that's the best path, given my goal of getting my son involved. Any suggestions for keeping it simple? Or at least having pieces that are simple, while I handle the rest?

    submitted by /u/Kinthalis
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    What is the cheapest possible web domain I can get?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:34 AM PST

    Title pretty much sums it up, my friends and I want to create a website as a joke and just need the cheapest possible web domain, I can host the website myself from home so I do not need any hosting service.

    Edit: Holy hell this got a lot more responses than I expected, I think I am going to go with namecheap.com huge thanks to everyone who answered

    submitted by /u/_ThisIsABadName_
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    Recently asked in interview: If you are using older version of nodejs and you can't do aync/await or promises, how will you handle asynchronous calls?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:59 AM PST

    What is the best answer to this?

    submitted by /u/gqtrees
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    Question about Git workflow for WordPress Theme development.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:13 PM PST

    I'm the solo IT guy at a small company. I know a bit of coding, so when the company needed a new website, I developed a custom WordPress theme that I've continually updated and added features to.

    Since this is basically a solo project, I've just been using Notepad++ and the built in SFTP plugin to make changes directly to a staging site that our hosting vendor provides us.

    Recently, I've been learning how to use Git because I feel like I should be using some kind of version control and it's a useful skill I want to learn.

    However, the problem I've encountered is that I don't want to clutter up the log with too many commits over minor adjustments, but it can be difficult to preview changes since it's a WordPress theme.

    One solution is to install XAMPP on my work comptuer and set up a local environment. The problem I have with this solution is that I sometimes like to work on the site from my home computer or laptop. I'd have to set up the local environment on 3 separate machines and it seems like a waste of resources to have to download several GB worth of media files and plugins to every one, especially on my laptop which only has 256 GB of storage space to begin with.

    A second option is to just continue my old sftp workflow and just download all the theme files to my local repo whenever I want to log a commit. This just seems kinda silly an inefficient to me though. Is there a better solution? Is using Git even worth it for my case?


    submitted by /u/anonymous_potato
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    Static Wordpress Vs Wordpress/Gatsby Hybrid

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:13 AM PST

    I am currently building a Gatsby site while using Wordpress as a backend. In the process of doing so, I have notice that there are a number of solutions for turning Wordpress itself into a static site. Here are four solutions that I have found (one plugin, three hosting solutions):

    I am wondering if these solutions are as good as Gatsby in terms of the end product (i.e., the static site that is built). Are things that Gatsby can do that these solutions can't do? Are there things that Gatsby does better?

    Please note, at the moment I'm not looking for a comparison of React to PHP or the developer experience -- just the end site that is built.

    Any thoughts?


    submitted by /u/moshemo
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    Having trouble deciding on a rating system on a user-submission-based website

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:46 PM PST

    There are three approaches that I can see, with their (IMHO) pros and cons:

    1. Star-based rating

    • Pros:
      • Allows users to rate submissions precisely, whether they "kinda like it" or "love it". Avoids a situation where a user downvotes a submission because "I really love it, but..."
    • Cons:
      • At the same time, the system is not standardized. For some people the 0-5 scale is "decent to amazing", for some it's "garbage to decent". All those mix.
      • Score starts from a possibly negative position of 0 stars

    2. Upvote/downvote

    • Pros:
      • Allows for a standardized way of rating, upvote if you liked it, downvote if you didn't, no ambiguity
      • Score starts from a neutral position of 0, nothing in the negative, nothing in the positive
      • It's obvious when a submission is bad (negative score) and when it's good (positive score)
    • Cons:
      • Gives some users an incentive to create troll submissions taunting other users to downvote them
      • Lets users downvote submissions for arbitrary petty reasons

    3. Only upvote system

    • Pros:
      • All carrot, no stick
      • Avoids troll submissions and other toxic behaviours in that vein
    • Cons:
      • Submissions start from a "negative" score of 0
      • What can be considered "bad" and what can be considered "good" is arbitrary

    What's your opinion? Which system would both foster a good community and let people know how good a submission is?

    submitted by /u/Atulin
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    Keyboards for dev work

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:03 AM PST

    Hey guys. I'm in the market for a new keyboard for dev stuff, and I'm wondering what you all prefer using? I'm not particularly bothered about getting a "gaming" keyboard, because it's more important that it feels nice to code with above all els. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/ShitsOnQuincy
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    Types for PlantUML Parser: In this post I demonstrate how to parse PlantUML with TypeScript in a few simple steps.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:39 AM PST

    Does your company pay for your travel? (E.g. when going to conferences)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:35 PM PST

    I'm wondering how many of you get the opportunity to travel to tech conferences, and for those that do, does your company pay for all of it? Is it common to have a per diem when going on company sponsored/ endorsed trips?

    Edit: the reason I'm asking is because in the past (and in recent upcoming conferences) the company has not covered all expense—i.e. it's expected we pay for some meals for ourselves. I was wondering if this is the norm.

    submitted by /u/keyboard_2387
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    CDN for Digital Ocean Bare HTML website (No dynamic content)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:27 AM PST

    What are the best practices for using CDNs for html sites without dynamic content?

    If my host is digital ocean, should I use their spaces service?

    submitted by /u/linuxman1929
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    What do you think about paid internships?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:53 AM PST

    I'll be graduating this summer with a bachelor's in web dev + design. I was wondering if I should also apply for paid internships, as well as junior dev positions?

    I don't have experience working in the web field. I'm not sure where is best to start for a beginner.

    submitted by /u/piddlydiddles
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    I want to take data from a database and display it onto a webpage, what would be the best library for that?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:07 PM PST

    I want to build a site with node js but I don't know how to display information from a database, what is the easiest to learn (my dB will just be name description link and a few other items)

    I would also like to implement a sort and filter functionality

    submitted by /u/Pineappleaki
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    Plug-in for group chats, forums, private messaging on website platform?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:50 PM PST

    How do you make custom datepickers for your web app?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:33 PM PST

    Title basically says it all. Bad formatting because I'm on mobile.

    I'm working on a personal project where I want a datepicker to be able to pick a specific date, a date range or a period (e.g. month, quarter, year). When I was researching datepickers I saw the HTML input type date, but it seems cumbersome to customize behavior and styling. When proceeding with checking out npm packages there were some that fulfill my requirements, but most seemed to be used only by a small amount of people. Below is an example that I think is nice and would be an easy way out for me:


    It looks like there is no standard way of doing this, so I wonder how other people handle this issue. Maybe I'm grossly overlooking something, so sorry if that is the case!

    submitted by /u/tizzler13
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    FileZilla connects too many times and times out

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:50 AM PST

    I have a problem where my ftp filezilla makes too many connections and then times out because of my websites limited connections. Even if i put a connections limit on filezilla it just ignores it and does it anyways?

    submitted by /u/Galaxygon
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    Intermediate Resources

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Hi, I've been programming for a little bit now and I'm looking for some intermediate level resources. I love Traversy Media but he covers a lot of basic level stuff, is there stuff like his channel that's a little more advanced?

    submitted by /u/SHITS_ON_OP
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    What tools do you recommend that I utilize for this blog app / what should the pipeline look like?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:39 PM PST


    I am currently looking for tools to build out the backend for my web application. The front-end is more or less done (vanilla JS and plain CSS).

    Beyond Node.JS, I have vague understandings of CMS's and Relational Databases. In general , the landscape is broad, and I am not sure how I would appraoch these concepts hands-on, but wish to learn.

    I will serve as the admin, and there will be two editors. We should be able to upload different types of media (text, images, videoes).


    submitted by /u/ROTVIZ
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    Finding paid designers for personal projects

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:52 AM PST


    I am a fulltime developer but enjoy working on projects to try to make side income in my free time. I have ideas for games or other apps that I would like to work on. That being said, I am not good at design. I would like to pay designers to design these ideas for me so I can focus on the technical implementations and as a way to help me get started.

    I have used upwork before and while the price is right, I have rarely had ongoing relationships with these people and it seems like its mostly been people trying to get their start.

    I would like it if I already was setup so I could be like, awesome I have this new feature on this thing you already worked on, can you mock up a design for it. Also, for doing new projects it would be nice if I had someone who I had worked with before for getting stuff out of the way like how to communicate and what formats things should be in.

    I have looked into unlimited design stuff at a monthly fee (https://www.producthunt.com/posts/draftss-2-0-2, https://www.manypixels.co/, etc) but was wondering if anyone had any insight on them.

    Other ideas are things like toptal (https://www.toptal.com/services/ux-design) but am worried they might be expecting more fully fledged businesses than my personal projects.

    Any insights or thoughts on the best design avenue for something like this?

    submitted by /u/dantheman252
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    Beginner photographer/coder looking to build website for photos...where do I start??

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:40 AM PST

    I want to keep costs minimal now as I am new to photography, but want to start building my online portfolio because I want to eventually freelance. And even if I don't freelance for a while or ever, I want a professional website/blog type thing to post pics and maybe sell them.

    I would like to buy a domain (under $20 and can do so). But I am not sure how to host it for minimal costs...? This is where I need help. Is there a good web hoster i should check out? I've thought about Firebase, Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace, etc. But the costs for all of these seem to add up quickly.

    Is there something free out there or fairly cheap but still good for a beginner? Hoping to spend under $40/year on just hosting. Also, I have some programming experience and work in tech (I know java, some python, sql, etc.), but don't feel super comfortable in these areas. I'm willing to learn but also quite busy and don't want to put the site on hold for too long.

    Any suggestions? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DoctorQuinlan
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    Questions - GatsbyJS with AWS : Amplify, S3, Cloudfront...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:31 AM PST

    I have a Gatsby site pulling blog posts from WP. It's hosted in a AWS Amplify install. Would it be recommended, or even possible, to host the images in an S3 bucket, without having the whole site in S3 ? So far I can find no resources or tutorials for that.

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/lekevoid
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    Alternative to setTimeout using only Vanilla js?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:51 PM PST

    I've spent a lot of time looking around for any non-library solution to a problem I've been having with a small game I built. It is a tower defense and I'm just sending another "runner" or "enemy" every second and a half recursively with setTimeout like this:

    loadCreeps(numCreeps) { if (numCreeps === 0) return; this.sendCreep(); setTimeout(() => { this.loadCreeps(numCreeps - 1); }, 1500); } 

    This works on my machine and most others, but if the connection is bad, the page focus is moved, or the computer is running any other intensive tasks like screen sharing, it breaks the timeouts and the game is unplayable. Does anyone know any way around this? I've tinkered with Date objects with no success, and would really like to keep the game vanilla, if possible.

    submitted by /u/sinorx22
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