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    Monday, February 10, 2020

    Ruby to C# Ask Programming

    Ruby to C# Ask Programming

    Ruby to C#

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:34 PM PST

    I'm trying to port this to C# so I can use it in Crestron.

    Any ideas on where to start?

    submitted by /u/emblivestudio
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    What are your favorite programming blog posts of all time?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:57 PM PST

    Next steps for becoming a backend engineer

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 08:06 PM PST

    I am a software engineer with almost a year of experience and I want to get better at backend development. I have been doing basic backend development since my college(for about 2-3 years) for my small personal projects. At the most difficult level, I have written CRUD applications and used a couple of APIs in backend. I have done this with Java(with Spring and Hibernate), Django rest framework and Django. I have deployed them on Google App Engine and Heroku. I have also worked and understood dependency injection in Spring. I have basic knowledge of SQL, and I consider myself good in Linux.

    So, my questions are what are the next steps for getting better in backend? What more do I need to learn? How close I am for a backend role professionally?

    submitted by /u/theguy2108
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    What types of programming jobs should someone who wants more focus look for?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 03:43 AM PST

    TLDR: What are jobs that are more geared towards "we want you for this specific technology instead of we want you for this specific project which uses tons of technologies"

    I've noticed that web development isn't really for me. In all honesty I'm tired of having to have surface level knowledge about an ever growing list of things like AWS, Google cloud, 10 different languages, CI/CD and on and on and on.

    I like being able to dig down into the guts of one topic and get to know how it works. I've been working primarily as a Node developer for the past 3 years and I feel like I'm finally at a place where I can confidently say I know what a line of code is doing, both superficially and what's happening behind the scenes.

    I feel like web development is headed towards (and has been for a long time) the old adage "jack of all trades, master of none". I get that from a business perspective most companies have the mindset of "use whatever you need to get it done" and I'm not here to argue with that. It's a smart way to look at things.

    I'm asking if there are types of job fields or industries out there where in depth mastery is more encouraged rather than "you have 2 months, this is what we need, use whatever you need to get it done"?

    submitted by /u/blindly_running
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    Algorithm for NameGenerator, Incrementing Throughout Alphabet

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:22 PM PST

    Anybody up for an little challange? How to create an algorithm for unique name generator? Calling it many times, it gives this pattern: A, B, C, etc...
    Z, AA, AB, etc... AZ, BA, BB, etc... BZ, etc... ZZ, AAA, AAB, etc... AAZ, ABA, etc...

    submitted by /u/MaximusOptimusPrime
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    React - How to replace an alert method with react-bootstrap modal

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:03 PM PST

     const handleSubmit = event => { event.preventDefault(); // console.table({ title, content, user }); axios .post( `${process.env.REACT_APP_API}/post`, { title, content, user }, { headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${getToken()}` } } ) .then(response => { console.log(response); // empty state setState({ ...state, title: "", user: "" }); setContent(""); // show sucess alert alert(`Post titled ${response.data.title} is created`); <----- this this.showModal(); }) .catch(error => { console.log(error.response); alert(error.response.data.error); }); }; 
    submitted by /u/1290324
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    Fat Percentage Calculator (Visual Basic)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:56 PM PST

    Hey, guys, I'm in middle school but I'm taking an online course for visual basic, and I don't know how I could do this. Any help is really appreciated!

    3. Fat Percentage Calculator (Visual Basic)?

    Create an application that allows the user to enter the number of calories and fat grams in food. The application should display the percentage of the calories that come from fat. If the calories from fat are less than 30% of the total calories of the food, it should also display a message indicating the food is low in fat.

    (Display the message in alabel or a message box.) The application's form should appear similar to the one

    shown in Figure 4-35.

    Calories from fat = fat grams * 9

    The percentage of calories from fat can be calculated as:

    Percentage of calories from fat = Calories from fat / total calories

    Input validation: Make sure the number of calories and fat grams are numeric and are

    not less than 0. Also, the number of calories from fat cannot be greater than the total

    number of calories. If that happens, display an error message indicating that either the calories or fat grams were incorrectly entered.

    Use the following test data to determine if the application is calculating properly

    200 calories, 8 fat grams Percentage of calories from fat: 36%

    150 calories, 2 fat grams Percentage of calories from fat: 12% (a low-fat food)

    500 calories, 30 fat grams Percentage of calories from fat: 54%

    (Refer to picture for better visual of the question)

    How do I code this?

    I'm naming:

    - text input box for calories: txtAmountCalories

    - text input box for fat grams: txtAmountFat

    - label box for the result: lblResult

    - And the buttons: btnCalculate, btnClear and btnExit

    submitted by /u/Smooth-Move
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    What is wrong with this line of code (java)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:06 PM PST

    System.out.println("Total boxes\t\t"widget/pack));

    submitted by /u/erikp3540
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    How much exception catching and throwing is too much

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:47 PM PST

    Hello. I am working on a back-end API that will work with a Vue front-end app. I am exploring different styles of error handling for most situations: authentication errors (invalid credentials, locked account, registration confirmation), validation errors, system errors that result from calling a companies internal API.

    I have been trying a technique where I am literally throwing errors up to be caught by a base file, with exceptions such as AuthenticationException, ValidationException, InternalAPIException. Those catches are calling private methods that return data to the front-end as necessary- validation errors to display, authentication error messages, etc.

    What are your guys' thoughts on this? In my opinion it seems like a nice clean way to handle issues that occur, by pushing them all up to a central location that deals with them effectively. Is this a bad practice? Are throws inefficient and shouldn't be used excessively? Any insight greatly helps. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/jokerpie69
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    Enhanced Brainfuck

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:43 PM PST

    Brainfuck is an esotraic programming language, which you can look up yourself.

    I am making an "enhanced" version that just makes it go against the spirit of the language, so idk. Anyways, you can find on github under user vraneb if you want. I don't know why you would.

    What do you think curly braces should do? +, -, ., ,, [, ], <, >, 0-9, and ` are reserved already. Are there any other ideas?

    submitted by /u/xgon_rpg
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    Maps w/ Layers to PDF

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:41 PM PST

    I am looking for some libraries that would be good to get simple maps into PDFs (a few hundred versions). I have simple geojson files that have layers and have worked on a web application that displays the maps using MapBox. I can also see how it could be done using the Google Maps API, but I'm not really seeing many options for me on the server side. I'm open to languages/libraries and it doesn't have to be free, but it seems difficult to find solutions on this.

    submitted by /u/rockefeller22
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    Completely ignorant about programming

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Hey everyone sorry if this isn't where to ask this sort of thing but I was needing help with something and since I'm 10000% ignorant in this field I'm not sure if it's even possible. Is it at all possible to create a program where you can directly record from a Nintendo switch without needing a capture card? I really need help with this. Thank you so much! 💙💙💙

    submitted by /u/NoeLuna
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    Could you qualify OpenJDK top contributors?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:40 AM PST

    Could you qualify OpenJDK top contributors?

    submitted by /u/VFCMartins
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    Mobile app for school

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:16 PM PST

    Hello world, sorry if this isn't the right place to post but I study at a pharmacy school and I've been trying to learn mobile app programming for a while. Since my school is small and I'm assuming not many students code, I feel like this is a good opportunity to create a school-specific app that students and potentially professors would have access to. Im thinking of an app that if it goes well, I can potentially sell it to the school but I don't know where to begin. I would appreciate any feedback on this idea and any school specific type apps that I would be able to make. Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/threegifts
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    post and pre tests

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:00 PM PST

    My senior project is to develop an eBook app for an instructor, I am developing an application in visual studio. I just am confused about one of his requirements. I have to create post and pre tests for each chapter in the pdf. Right now I am thinking that I would have to manually create each test, but this would result in many many forms. Is this this the best method to use or is there a better implementation out there?

    submitted by /u/wissam1218
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    Help required on choosing from the courses on Angular.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:02 AM PST

    Help required on choosing from the courses on Angular.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 06:01 AM PST

    Missing File From PC - Can't Identify Which One

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:41 AM PST

    [Exception=System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {C691860F-9C67-4D10-A275-2061E94F3B39} failed due to the following error: 8007007e The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E). at TheTarnGroup.Media.MPWriterObject.CreateInternalObject() at ProCore.CapturePage.InitCapture() at ProCore.CapturePage..ctor() at ProCore.PageManager.CreatePages() at ProCore.MainWindow.MainWindow_Init() at ProCore.MainWindow..ctor() at ProCore.AppBase.App_Startup(Object sender, StartupEventArgs e)]----[OS=Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0]----[AssyV=]----[FileV8.2.2.3] 

    I recently installed a program called "Silicon Coach Pro" - I believe this error above means a file is missing, is that correct? Or is it the wrong executable for the operating system I am using? Previously worked on Windows 7 but I wish to use Windows 10.

    submitted by /u/CthuluThePotato
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    How Can I Write A Program Which Asks Me Some Vocabs In German And I Reply It In English. (The Vocabs Which I Import In It.)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:21 AM PST

    Hello, I have got an question. Basically how can I write a program like a "vocab trainer" ? Idk anything about programming but I want to start to it and that thing would help me a lot. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Ceu-G
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    [JS] How to name these object properties so they are self-explanatory when referenced?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:41 AM PST

    var savefile = { table: [ { name: "Table 1", column_name: ["Column 2", "Column 3", "Column 1"], column_index: [2, 0, 1], column_is_secondary_key: [undefined, "Table 2", undefined], row: [ ["a", "e", 1], ["b", "f", 2], ["c", "g", 3] ] }, { name: "Table 2", column_name: ["Column 3", "Column 1", "Column 2"], column_index: [1, 2, 0], row: [ [4, "e", "h"], [5, "f", "i"], [5, "g", "j"] ] } ] } 

    Here is my object with tables. You can put in as many tables as you want, and you can have secondary keys. We can easily delete tables and rows, but columns are tricky, so we are recycling them so we don't have to shift an ungodly amount of data every time. That's why we have the extra index variable that holds the actual index where the column actually is supposed to be. I still have to see how json writes down a large index where all the other indexes are undefined, but for now, I wrote "undefined".

    I was trying to make my object read fancily like savefile.table[0].name, and it work ok, but it goes sucky if you try to write savefile.table[0].column.name[5] because it doesn't follow the standard we set with table, and that is that the array points to the instance of the thing before it. That's why I wrote column_name and column_index. Self-explanatory enough, I guess. But I fear that column_is_secondary_key isn't. it reads like a function. it implies a true or false value, which is true, but it isn't merely a true value, it is pointing to the table where this secondary key is the primary key.

    I really have no experience with naming stuff, so maybe you can come up with some legit epic names that are logical, self-explanatory and all that.


    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    How much would it cost to create a full social media website from scratch?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:30 PM PST

    I've had a $1 million idea and I need to make it happen ASAP. How do I do this?

    submitted by /u/TrumpFarageJohnson
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    How to use OpenSSL on node js?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:13 AM PST

    Hey everyone 😉,

    I'm using twig js template for node js 13.6.0 with express 3.

    I'm trying to convert my php website to node js. In php, i used OpenSSL to crypt/decrypt user informations and now i want to doo the same but in node js.

    Php function

    $secure_key= "Wzm7phmY8SwjtInXk1nY";// $cipher = "AES-128-ECB"; function encrypt($pure_string, $encryption_key) { global $cipher; $encrypted_string = openssl_encrypt($pure_string, $cipher, $encryption_key); return $encrypted_string; } function decrypt($encrypted_string, $encryption_key) { global $cipher; $decrypted_string = openssl_decrypt($encrypted_string, $cipher, $encryption_key); return $decrypted_string; } 

    i would like to do exactly the same function but for node.js

    Please answer if you have any idea

    submitted by /u/Material_Pay
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    Best Practice for Designing Library with Required HTML Structure?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:11 AM PST

    Are there best practices for designing a Javascript library that requires a pre-defined HTML structure?

    I am working on my first JS library. However, my design requires a certain HTML structure, namely several container divs. The user should only have to worry about adding their content to the last child container, as its the only dynamic element in group.

    I'm wondering if my library should require the user to create the specific parent divs/containers or if the library should do it for them and simply wrap the divs it creates around the user's content.

    Is the latter good practice? I can't recall using a library that requires this. If you have examples that would help, too.

    submitted by /u/codeyCode
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    To lazy to retype

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 03:20 PM PST

    Why aren't "backticks" (aka ``) used instead of "" or '' when writing in JavasScript?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:44 AM PST

    For example, when creating a constant -

    const name = "Mike" (in quotes)

    Why not write it as :

    const name = `Mike` instead? (with backticks)

    That way, I can create sentences like:

    console.log(`My name's Mike, also known as "the king of the jungle!"`);

    Are there any problems that I can encounter while using backticks that I don't know about? Because right now, I don't understand why people aren't using backticks instead of single / double quotes for strings etc.

    submitted by /u/moltenw
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