• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    /r/learnprogramming moderator applications are open! learn programming

    /r/learnprogramming moderator applications are open! learn programming

    /r/learnprogramming moderator applications are open!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:55 AM PST

    Hello /r/learnprogramming!

    It's been some time since we've last added a moderator! We're excited to announce that we plan on adding one new moderator to the team, with a preference for somebody who's available during Europe or Asia daytime hours.

    We believe the community should have a say in deciding who gets modded, so this thread will act as our "public application" step. So:

    • If you're interested in joining the team, review the responsibilities listed below and post a comment answering the application questions.
    • If there are any users you'd like to vouch for, upvote their application and/or leave a child comment. We will take these into account when making our final decision.
    • If you want to nominate a user, feel free to leave a comment with their username -- or PM them and encourage them to apply!


    • Review the moderator queue and respond to reported posts and users
    • Keep a eye on the subreddit for spam and abuse
    • Always act in a professional and courteous manner
    • Work with the moderation team to decide on any changes to rules, policy, or style.

    How to apply

    To apply, submit a top-level comment on this thread with answers to the following:

    1. Tell us a bit about yourself. How did you get into programming?
    2. Why should the community pick you to be a moderator?
    3. Are there any changes you want to make to this subreddit? If so, what and why?
    4. Link to 1 or 2 of your comments that you are proud of or feel are representative of your communication style -- preferably comments made in this subreddit.
    5. What times are you available to moderate? Include a timezone.
    6. Briefly describe how you would handle the following cases as a moderator and why:
      1. A beginner made a post that is not really following the rules, but they do seem eager to learn/eager to participate.
      2. Somebody posts an abrasive and rude response to a question, but the comment does contain some useful advice and insights.
      3. Somebody posts a learning resource they made. It seems low quality to you, but the post has a lot of upvotes and positive comments.

    We planning on closing this application and making our final decision in roughly 1.5 weeks, during the weekend of the 15th/16th.

    submitted by /u/michael0x2a
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    About to finish CS degree but can't code.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:56 AM PST

    So, I'm about to finish my CS degree but I can't code.

    I know the theory. I studied and watched numerous courses for C, Java, Python, javascript, HTML, CSS, Angular. I can look at code someone else wrote and understand it.

    I can only write things if I'm following a step-by-step guide. Ask me to do something by myself, and I can't write code to save my life. I don't even know where do I begin. I just spend hours looking at documentations and tutorials and type one line of code.

    I did an internership where I only did basic things under someone else's guidance. I fear this barely counts as "experience".

    I can't even watch courses anymore, I'd have to go through hours of videos teaching basic things that I already know, so I get bored. I fear I'm going to end up unemployed at this point. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Welfz
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    Your 2020 choice for API backend for an SPA application

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:46 AM PST

    Let's assume you have to create a backend for an SPA application. What technology would you choose and why?

    Let's assume 10k users with 2-3 access levels, around 20 endpoints, low data volume of 10-15 GB. Most users would search, browse and retrieve information, much fewer users would upload content - binary files along with some metadata. Binary files are interpreted and presented in non binary form - tables, charts, etc. Some of the data will be publicly accessible.

    What's your choice?

    submitted by /u/ganda_pl
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    A (relatively) short tutorial on front end development for security analysts

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:05 AM PST

    Hey, I'm putting out a course on YouTube that teaches hacking. The theory behind the course is that the vulnerabilities are easy to understand if you get how the code behind them works. This video follows that theme, it gives a crash course in front end web development in the simplest way possible (no frameworks, compiling Javascript) and culminates by exploring a cross-site scripting vulnerability we included in the code.


    I've made a ton of videos on background info up to this point (VM install, Linux basics, data types, bit manipulation, etc.) and that is indexed on https://cybering.cc/.

    Going further in this module I will be giving really easy to understand examples of front end, back end, and some simple SQL stuff, as well as all the vulnerabilities that come along with those (and how to fix them!). If you're interested in learning more I always appreciate subscribes.


    submitted by /u/__GG
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    Guys im getting demotivated trying to self-teach python (zero programming background)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:30 AM PST

    Hello people.(Absolutely zero programming background, I just study business) As the title says, i have been trying to learn python all by myself. I have been learning for approximately 4 months. (Just 1 month of really intense learning). First i did the codecademy course, and it was useful because i learned all the syntax. After that I read half of the book "Automate the Boring stuff", but I felt it wasn't being very useful. After that I searched in the internet and found a link with 5 projects to do for beginners (dice rolling simulator, guess the number, mad libs generator, textbased adventure game, and hangman). I did 4 of them perfectly. The only one I couldn't finish but almost finished was the Hangman. Then i bought the "Automate the boring stuff" udemy course, and did it completely. It was useful because I learned new things but I still felt like I need to know more about the basics. (still didn't know much about dictionaries and functions). So I started to read "Python Crash Course" but again I feel the same as when I read the first book. It's tedious and I forget things I read after 1 week or more. And I feel that the final project of the book is more advanced because it creates a web application using Django.

    Now im demotivated because I dont know what to do. keep reading basic books and courses to fill in some voids i feel i have? or just try to do a lot of different exercises? and where can i get those type of exercises? (I have some ideas of things to do, but i feel like they are more advanced). I feel like i've hit a wall right now. Don't know where to continue or how.

    Is it really possible to learn programming with absolutely no background?

    Is there somebody that has learned it with absolutely zero programming background? I want to hear your success stories for some motivation please.

    Also I would be very thankful if someone could guide me on this.

    submitted by /u/Pynewb234
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    Updating a globally defined variable inside a function

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:32 PM PST

    Hi! I'm sorry to spam this board :(

    But I have a to-do list API, and I'm trying to add a counter so that it can id each task added. For example, the first should be assigned the id 1, the second 2, and so on.

    However, it doesn't update after the first iteration. Meaning, itll change from 0 to 1 when the first task is added, but subsequent id's will be 1 also. I don't know why -- I assigned it with the global keyword inside my function, and added 1 to it too.

    I'd really appreciate it if someone could explain why this is happening and maybe give advice and suggestions

    Here is some relevant code from main.py:


    idN = 0


    u/app.route('/tasks/new', methods=['PUT'])

    def add_task():

    `global idN` `idN += 1` `req_data = request.get_json()` `task = req_data['task']` `res_data = helper.add_to_incomplete(task, idN)` `if res_data is None:` `response = Response("{'error': 'Task not added - " + task + "'}", mimetype='application/json')` `return reponse;` `response = Response(json.dumps(res_data), mimetype='application/json')` `return response` 

    And some relevant code from helper.py:

    def add_to_incomplete(task, idN):

    `id = str(idN)` `try:` `conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_PATH)` `c = conn.cursor()` `c.execute('insert into incomplete(id, task) values(?,?)', (id, task))` `conn.commit()` `return {"id": id}` `except Exception as e:` `print('Error: ', e)` `return None` 
    submitted by /u/Melanie786
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    Java Method Local Inner class Access Question.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:31 PM PST

    JAVA QUESTION: Why can we access final local variables of a method from a method local inner class declared in that method but not access local variables of the same method. thankyou

    submitted by /u/sabmadarchodhain
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    What are some fun things to do with free REST APIs?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:11 AM PST

    Very broad question I know. I am keeping it open-ended to not steer it to any specific kind of API. Hobby/random neat portfolio item.

    submitted by /u/tyrannosauru
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    In C#, what exactly does it mean for one class instance to be equal to another?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:36 AM PST

    If I have a simple class that does not override any equality operator or function related to testing for equality, what does it mean for one object of that class to be equal to another?

    public class MyClass { int x = 1; } void Test() { MyClass a = new MyClass(); MyClass b = a; MyClass c = new MyClass(); bool result = a == b; // result = true result = a == c // I expect result = false, but I'm not sure } 
    submitted by /u/CedricCicada
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    In what order should I learn the languages as a beginner.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:04 PM PST

    I taught myself to learn python by following websites and videos.

    I know the basics of HTML and CSS.

    Will the next step be learning JavaScript?

    I'd like to know what's the next step for me.


    submitted by /u/TheQuestionGuy_001
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    I will almost finish college, but I feel like it has been all for nothing.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:58 PM PST

    So I am in my third year of CS, but when I actually looked at the requirements to get an internship, I realized I have zero chances. I know the concepts. I know how loops work, how stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, graphs work, but I cant seem to implement them in code. I feel like i went to college only to learn theory, in the real world I cant implement them in any language without checking google or my textbook first. I feel like I am stuck. Can you recommend me some tips to actually solve problems on my own? Or some websites for learning Java or C++ Thanks.

    submitted by /u/StringTrip
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    Why do I have a redline under my return value here?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:19 PM PST

    I wanted to manipulate an integer and return it. I had to convert it to a string, modify it and then change it back to an int again. When I try to return it as m there is a red line underneath and it says use of undeclared identifier. But I clearly did identify it right above...

    #include <iostream> int max69Number(int num); int main() { int num = 9669; std::string s = std::to_string(num); std::cout << s << std::endl; int n = std::stoi(s); std::cout << n; return 0; } int max69Number (int num) { std::string s = std::to_string(num); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (s[i] == 6) { s[i] = 9; int m = std::stoi(s); } } return m; } 
    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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    Taking a Data Structure and Algorithms in College - Need direction.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:53 PM PST

    Hey guys, so, I'm taking this course next semester (starts in 4 days) in my second year in electronics and communications engineering. I have scarce knowledge on the content of this course, but I've heard its quite important to be capable and efficient in this area before embarking on learning how to work as a programmer in the future (which Id like to be an option for me in the future, as i'm still 3 semesters in, through my 5 yrs engineering major)

    This is the content of the course, according to school:

    Basic data formats - program control expressions - input and output systems - matrices and frames - functions - structures and federations - categories - software design approaches - data structures and abstraction data categories - templates - search and classification algorithms - software efficiency and algorithm analysis.

    So, what can i do to maximize learning through these next 3 months? I would like to be strong on the subject, so how can i manage to do that? and are there are other titles/lessons I need to self-learn on my own that wont be taught by school and are quite essential regrading this subject?

    Thank you for reading thus far, and for your responses in advance

    submitted by /u/NofapEgyptBoy
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    Programming for Education

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:51 PM PST


    I'd like to know where I can find good information about building software and programming for online educational purposes. What I mean is developing and improving education technology. I want to know what kinds of things need to be done to improve educational technology and where to find online education tools there are (other than LMS and virtual classrooms) that help with online learning for both teachers and students. I would also like, as I said before, some good information about this topic. List anything you have on the topic! (books, groups, niche sites, teaching groups, teachers that program, student complaints, teacher complaints, etc.)

    My background: I am an online ESL teacher (English as a second language) who likes programming websites, apps, software, etc. I want to make something that could help the online education community grow.

    P.S. I've already gone and searched on google for "education development" and "educational development programming/software/etc." but can't find anything useful..

    submitted by /u/Sezno
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    Is a python bytearray an actual array (with fast indexing) or is it more similar to a typical (slower) python linked list?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:05 PM PST

    Pretty much title.

    I am importing data from a file and I want to know if it's faster to index if I keep it as a bytearray, or bytes data type.

    submitted by /u/grobblefip746
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    JAVA How do you set up the "string" area before continuing on to the JOption Pane dialog boxes?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:00 PM PST

    I have to create a program that asks for the cost of an item, the amount that we have of the item, and the expiration month of the item.

    So after the "public static void" line when using JOption pane you have to set up the fields that you will use or whatnot right?

    So for example if I was going to ask for your first name and last name that area would look like:

    String firstName, lastName;

    What do you put up there for the areas that I have to ask for? I know since I will have integers that I will need to have an area that is "int cost" but what else? Thanks for any help and if I can clarify

    submitted by /u/Ranger1219
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    Guidance on learning and best practices after a bootcamp

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:45 PM PST

    I'm a dev with a little less than two years into my career. I began my journey by graduating from a coding bootcamp. I learned "full stack web development" over six months. We covered too many tools over too short a time period.

    I worked as a front end developer for my first position and am currently working on full stack apps with html/css/js -> ASP.NET Core -> MS SQL Server. I feel like the more I understand the less confident I've become in my skills. I'm not sure what best practices are for writing js and don't have a good handle on object oriented programming (my lead will spring up the .NET Core app structure and I fill in the blanks basically).

    Are there an recommended resources that explain how to structure my js and separate my helper functions? How do I maintain scopes? I feel like I write sloppy code, but I'm unsure what good/bad code looks like (no one checked my code in my first position as I worked alone).

    Being a js programmer from a bootcamp, I'm having a tough time wrapping my head around object oriented programming. Any resources to help learn this and other computer science fundamentals I missed out on? (I really wish I had studied computer science in college)

    submitted by /u/throwaway17364948
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    C++: Is there a way to access an individual element or individual number of a large integer?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:37 PM PST

    In the same way I can print out the second element of an array with array[1]...

    If I had an integer of 5674321 and I wanted to modify the 7, could I do something similar like int[2]?

    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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    Understanding C arrays, correct syntax, mutability/immutability, strings...

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:25 PM PST

    I have been recently dealing with some C code, leading me towards unpredictable behavior. So I decided to dig further and understand the syntax and memory behavior.

    General C rules:

    • the equal symbol = is actually the assignment operator. The <varName> = <value> should be read as assign <value> to <varName>.
      • You can assign actual values to variable or use the label of another variable, <var_1> = <var_2> will copy the content of <var_2> into <var_1>.
      • The type of <value> must be equal or a subset of the <varName>'s type, otherwise you will get errors or face undefined behavior. For example, if varName is of the type long you can assign an int, but not vise versa.
      • Sometimes you can cast a value or content of a variable of a different type into another variable. For example if <type_1> <var_1> and <type_2> <var_2> you might be able to assign the vaule of one into another by <var_1> = (<type_1>) <var_2>.
    • Innitiliazing a variable without specifing an innitial value can cause undefined behaviour or segmentation fault. Basically, <type> <varName> is bad and <type> <varName> = <initialValue> is ok.
    • The <type> * is a pointer to the <type> which is not neccessarily an array.
      • the asterix sign * must always be after the <type> otherwise you get syntax error during compilation --> error: expected identifier
      • The value of a pointer variable is usually a long integer long.
      • If <type> <var_1> and <type> * <var_2> then you can assign the addres of <var_1> to <var_2> by using the "and" sign & as <var_2> = &<var_1>


    • The const specifier determins if the value of a variable is changable/writable/mutable or not (immutable). For example const <type> <varName> = <value> and <type> const <varName> = <value> are identially define an immutavle variable <varName> of the type <type> with an unchangable value <value>. Attempts to change its value can cause error: assignment of read-only location
    • type description of a variable is read from right to left. For example
      • <type> const * <varName> and <type> * const <varName> are identially an immutablle pointer to the <type>. It means the value of the pointer (usually a long integer) can not be changed. This pointer can only point towards an specific and fixed location on th ememory.
      • While, const <type> * <varName> is a mutable pointer with an immutable content.
      • const <type> * const <varName>, const <type> const * <varName>, <type> const const * <varName>, and <type> const * const <varName> are all indetically immutable pointers with immutable content.
    pointer content
    <type> const * <varName>
    <type> * const <varName>
    const <type> * <varName>
    const <type> const * <varName>
    <type> const const * <varName>
    const <type> * const <varName>
    <type> const * const <varName>

    Array rules:

    • C arrays are actually sequential equally choped pieces of memory which can be access by their address/pointer.
    • you may declare an array by either <type> * <varName> (pointer to <type>), or <type> <varName>[], but they are not the same. Actually, <type> <varName>[] is idential to <type> const * <varName> and <type> * const <varName>, immutable pointer towards a mutable contents.
    • the square brackets [] must always be after the <varName> otherwise you get syntax error during compilation --> error: expected identifier
    • you may define the content of an array by curly brackets {}. For example <type> * <varName> = {<var_0>, <var_1>, <var_2>, ...}
    • you may reach (read/write) the elements of an array by using square brackets <varName>[<index>] where index is non-negative integer (starting from 0). Writability of the elements of an array depend on mutability/immuatibility of its content as explained above. It is also not always guarneed that the content of an array is readable.
    • when creating an array with square brackets [] you either need to specify the length of the array inside the brackets or define the array. For example <type> <varName>[<number>] and <type> <varName>[] = {<var_0>, <var_1>, ..., <var_n>}, otherwise you get syntax error during compilation error: array size missing in. The <number> can not be a variable unless its immutability is guarnteed. In other words <number> must be an actual number 0, 1, 2, ... or a predefined variable as const unsigned int/short/long/long long <varName> = <value>. Different compilers have different behaviour in this regard.
      • If you wish to define a dynamically allocated array the you need to declare a piece of heap memory using <type> * <varName> = (<type>*)malloc(<length> * <size>) and then realise it by free(<varName>) withing the context and scop you like.
    • The qutation marks '' and double qutation marks "" are interinsically different in C. The former indicate a char type and the latter a char*, a.k.a char array, a.k.a string. Basically char * <varName> = "Lorem" and char * <varName> = {'L', 'o', 'r', 'e', 'm', '\0'} are identical. It worth noting that when declaring char array using the double quations, it automatically adds a NULL character \0 at the end, which is more convinient than using curley brackets.
    submitted by /u/foadsf
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    I have an interview take-home question that says "Please write a web service that takes in a string and returns a bool based on..." The returning a bool function is a simply coding question. But what does it mean to say "write a web service"?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:37 PM PST

    I have to then give them the github repository that contains my work.

    Can I just write a simple python script that returns the correct bool when given a string, and put this script on github? Or do I have to do something else because it says "web service", like make an actual webpage where you can put the string in an input box or something?

    submitted by /u/pananana1
    [link] [comments]

    How do I read a dat file in python, for which I don't know its structure?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:20 PM PST

    Is there any way to atleast read the text from the dat file. I have its corresponding mdf file hence I know what all data and columns are there in it. How do I figure out the contents in my dat file. Cuz all that I am getting currently is some gibberish even if I am opening in binary mode.

    from asammdf import MDF dat_file = r"C:\Users\HPO2KOR\Desktop\Work\data1.dat" mdf_file = r"C:\Users\HPO2KOR\Desktop\Work\data1.mdf" df = mdf.to_dataframe() mdf = MDF(mdf_file) df.head() 

    which gives me a dataframe.

    How do I read the same data from the dat file, is there any library or code for the same?

    And when I am opening the same in binary mode I am getting

    data = open(dat_file, "rb") data.readlines() 

    which is giving me

    b'|CF,2,1,1;|CK,1,3,1,1;\r\n', b'|NO,1,7,1,0,,0,;\r\n', b'|NL,1,10,1252,0x407;\r\n', b'|CT,1,41,0,6,Bench#,24,Korrosionstest 15A046-01,0,;\r\n', b'|CT,1,30,0,11,StartOfTest,8,06/30/17,0,;\r\n', b'|CT,1,58,0,10,ResultPath,36,c:\\korrosionstest\\daten\\#170161-OR02,0,;\r\n', b'|CT,1,59,0,11,GraphicPath,36,c:\\korrosionstest\\daten\\#170161-OR02,0,;\r\n', b'|CT,1,31,0,15,GraphicBaseName,5,736_2,0,;\r\n', b'|CT,1,26,0,10,PartNumber,5,736_2,0,;\r\n', b'|CT,1,31,0,9,VA-Nr. GS,11,170161-OR02,0,;\r\n', b'|CT,1,62,0,9,VA-Nr. CC,42,TO_ENV_2017_G2_C1_Platform_CC-122164-03-08,0,;\r\n', b'|CT,1,24,0,6,Tester,8,Behrendt,0,;\r\n', b'|CT,1,32,0,15,Test Department,6,GS/ETR,0,;\r\n', b'|CG,1,5,1,1,1;\r\n', b'|CD,1,16,1E-2,1,1,s,0,0,0;\r\n', b'|NT,1,27,30, 6,2017,14,25,15.8050001;\r\n', b'|CC,1,3,1,1;\r\n', b'|CP,1,16,1,2,4,16,0,0,1,0;\r\n', b'|Cb,1,33,1,0,1,1,0,11718,0,11718,1,5E-3,0,;\r\n', b'|CR,1,30,1,6.103888176768602E-3,0,1,1,A;\r\n', b'|CN,1,28,0,0,0,16,ai_iB1_Strom_ECU,0,;\r\n', b'|CG,1,5,1,1,1;\r\n', b'|CD,1,16,1E-2,1,1,s,0,0,0;\r\n', b'|NT,1,27,30, 6,2017,14,25,15.8050001;\r\n', b'|CC,1,3,1,1;\r\n', b'|CP,1,16,2,2,4,16,0,0,1,0;\r\n', b'|Cb,1,37,1,0,2,1,11718,11718,0,11718,1,5E-3,0,;\r\n', b'|CR,1,30,1,3.662332906061161E-3,0,1,1,V;\r\n', b'|CN,1,31,0,0,0,19,ai_iB1_Spannung_UBB,0,;\r\n', b'|CG,1,5,1,1,1;\r\n', b'|CD,1,16,1E-2,1,1,s,0,0,0;\r\n', b'|NT,1,27,30, 6,2017,14,25,15.8050001;\r\n', b'|CC,1,3,1,1;\r\n', 

    Please download the data here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59782618/reading-dat-file-in-python

    submitted by /u/bhatnagarpulkitpb
    [link] [comments]

    Anybody here suffer from something that may hinder their learning abilities?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:49 PM PST

    Hey guys, so I suffer from BPD and I got to admit that the medication I'm taking is a bit of an obstacle for my learning. When I'm off the meds, I can concentrate and learn better. Anyways, I just dropped my C language course to study the material on my own terms. I'm aspiring to be a cyber security engineer but I'm having second thoughts, due to my condition. So yeah...

    submitted by /u/LeeeeeroyPhishkins
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    Does anyone feel that you can't never understand a Regex even if you wrote it yourself?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:55 PM PST

    I've been programming for years, and to this day, I cannot "read" someone else's Regex, or even mine sometimes.

    Just finished writing a moderately complicated regex for a web scrapper, after I was done I went outside for like 15 minutes, came back, and the regex seemed so foreign to me, and I couldn't "read it" even though it was my own fricking regular expression.

    Is it just me? Or does anyone feel the same?

    The only time I can understand the Regex is when I'm writing it, after that, i'm toast.

    submitted by /u/I_AM_ALWAYS_ANGRY
    [link] [comments]

    Stuck on this leetcode problem...

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:36 PM PST

    I am to convert an integer of only 6's and 9's into an integer of the highest possible value by only changing one of the digits. I can only change 6 into a 9 and 9 into 6. What I have so far appears to work for num1, but I appear to get some sort of address for num2?

    num1 output: 9996;

    num2 output: 32766;

    #include <iostream> int max69Number(int num); int main() { int num1 = 6996; int num2 = 9996; std::string s = std::to_string(num1); std::cout << s << std::endl; int n = std::stoi(s); std::cout << n << std::endl; std::cout << max69Number(num1) << std::endl; std::cout << max69Number(num2); return 0; } int max69Number (int num) { std::string s = std::to_string(num); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (s[i] == '6') { s[i] = '9'; std::cout << s[i] << std::endl; int m = std::stoi(s); return m; } } } 
    submitted by /u/gtrman571
    [link] [comments]

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