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    Sunday, February 9, 2020

    My 11 year old nephew is interested in programming - what can I do to help facilitate this? learn programming

    My 11 year old nephew is interested in programming - what can I do to help facilitate this? learn programming

    My 11 year old nephew is interested in programming - what can I do to help facilitate this?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:55 AM PST

    As the title states, my nephew has expressed interest in learning programming. Specifically he aspires to be a video game developer one day. Being a kid I'm sure he has some glorified version of what this actually means in his head, but as a programmer myself I'd really like to encourage him to pursue it for as long as he's still interested, as I think it's great for him to have goals that will keep him academically engaged while tying into his hobbies.

    I'm a web application developer by profession, and admittedly don't know much about game development specifically. I also don't think I'd make a great teacher, though I'd be happy to help him and do exercises where I can answer questions and work with him on projects.

    Does anyone have suggestions on different avenues I could explore to get him going? Perhaps books driven towards his age group, or classes? I know there are also STEM-driven activity kits for kids, but I'm not familiar with any specific one.

    Edit: holy smokes I didn't expect so much input. This is great stuff, thanks so much everyone.

    submitted by /u/jessikwa
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    Old fart trying to get back.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:49 PM PST


    I learned to program in BASIC in a TRS-80 and haven'ts coded a line since.

    What would be a close equivalent to that?

    submitted by /u/die-microcrap-die
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    Does anyone else feel like they are kind of just winging it?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:15 AM PST

    I am a current IT major.

    I had my first exposure to programming this semester and decided to switch my major to Computer Science because I am really enjoying it. That being said, I don't feel like I am learning as much as I am just winging it and troubleshooting problems as they come up. I am loaded down with a lot of math and science right now so the actual programming course is taking a back seat - especially since at my new school this fall we will not be using Python.

    I have a 100% on all of my assignments so far but I still feel lost from time to time. Here is an example of what I'm talking about.

    I am doing the course completely online at a state school. He'll assign some chapters for us to read, we'll do a discussion explaining the chapter, and then we have a lab. For the lab he offers no help he just tells us to write a program that does x and we do it.

    I plan out the project. I try to add at least one extra step in there and I just go for it. I write the code, I submit, something doesn't work right and I just keep adjusting it until it does. If I get super stuck I watch a YouTube video on one specific aspect and move on.

    The problem is with my other classes taking such a prominent place in my mind I am not retaining stuff as much as I'd like. I understand that it's all brand new but I also feel bad sometimes when other people in the discussion do not seem to have problems. I always document my problems and how I overcame them just so I can remember it later and it case it helps anyone else.

    How long did it take you to feel comfortable in the language you most use? I know that I am getting ahead of myself but I'm eager for the day I don't have to reference my notes quite as much to find out what something means.

    submitted by /u/thecakeisonpluto
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    Friend is learning Python, but is stuck at "forever learning" mentality. How do i help?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:50 AM PST


    My friend quit his job 2 years ago to pursue a freelance career. He wants to work on back-end, so he's been studying Python. The problem is he has made zero progress on working on real projects of any kind, but instead has this belief that he has to know everything about Python first before he does anything for the money. And all he's been doing is "studying" as he calls it. Obviously he has some knowledge by now, but i believe he won't be able to apply any of that, since he has no experience actually working in the field. Can i somehow convince him to do it differently? Does he even need to do it differently?

    submitted by /u/mustbe_dxd
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    Learning 2 languages at the same time

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:36 PM PST

    Hi guys!

    I started programming with Python and I'd say I'm at an intermediate level now. I'd like to get advanced but I also want to learn Java. Is it ok to learn both at the same time?

    submitted by /u/wzD_
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    How should i learn C#?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:22 PM PST

    I want to get into c# after about a year on and off of learning javascript/html. But i want to do it properly, efficiently and i want to make it stick. What is the material/course to start with?

    submitted by /u/FingerGunsPewPewPew
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    Which online services look good in a resume for someone who is JUST starting out?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:07 PM PST

    I've worked as an admin assistant and really want to move onto something else and a friend recommended me coding! Which online services look good on a resume? I read that codecademy is a great site but doesn't look good on a resume.

    submitted by /u/leeval11
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    Long arithmetic : SUM

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:50 PM PST

    so I have this function that is supposed to sum very large numbers outside of int range. each number's digits are divided by 10 and pushed onto two lists the approach is to pass them 10 by 10 to this function, sum them and push them onto a different result list. the problem I am having is the addition parts, some times it gives right answers some time it gives weird answers, with minus values,

    function code below:

    Node* SUM(Node*first, Node* second) { Node* temp=new Node, * prev = NULL; int sum, carry = 0; while(first != NULL || second != NULL) //termenating condition { //the sum will equal the carry + value from first list (if existes) if not put 0 //, same for second if statment. sum = carry + (first->value ? first->value : 0) + (second->value ? second->value : 0); carry = (sum >= 10000000000) ? 1 : 0; //since we are didviding the numbers' digits by 10 sum = sum % 10000000000; Node* NewNode = new Node; NewNode->value = sum; temp=NewNode; if (res == NULL) res = temp; else Push(sum,&res); prev = temp; //setting prev for next iteration //Moving forward in our lists if (first) first = first->next; if (second) second = second->next; } if (carry > 0) { Node* tempr = new Node; tempr->value = carry; tempr->next = NULL; temp->next = tempr; } return res; } 

    full code here https://pastebin.com/xv4mjY2a

    submitted by /u/Ammar2301
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    Does anyone actually use section, article, etc? Or mostly/only div?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:16 AM PST

    Absolute newb question. But I watched the Traversy Media HTML and CSS crash courses and he didn't use section or article at all. Now I'm going through Codecademy's HTML stuff and they present it like I have a moral duty to use them.

    Which is it, what do people actually do?

    submitted by /u/EzekielGoldman
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    Need Help with debugging!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:48 PM PST

    I'm fairly new here and I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. I was told to upload it to github and post the link here so here I am! https://github.com/CodingNewbie69/DebuggingHelp

    submitted by /u/LordFlacko1017
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    What is a good course to learn Vanilla JS when you already know the fundamentals of programming and have some experience with React?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:46 PM PST

    Im not a pro at react by any means but I finished the codecademy course and made some simple apps in react and react native but it feel like I still don't know core Javascript and don't really want to do codecademy again because their courses are really verbose and not that helpful. I already know Java so I don't want a course that goes over things like loops, conditionals, arrays, etc.

    submitted by /u/selfaware_bot
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    Having trouble with logic and creating functions

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:41 PM PST

    I'm having a very hard time implementing logic that can make the app functional. In other words, I don't know/understand properly how to make functions that can make the app do what I want (i.g. deleting an item, clicking a picture that would then make an icon change color, etc.). Basically I don't know how to write code that would change things on the app when clicked on something. What do I do to get better at this?

    EDIT: Forgot to mention this is for React Native JS.

    submitted by /u/Fireblade944
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    Use packages in greenfoot

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:38 PM PST


    For our final exams we got the task to create a game using greenfoot. As my game makes a lot of progress and is growing rapidly, I would like to use packages instead of the default one, because I have around 70 classes and want to structure them. (And the use of the default package is really bad imo). Greenfoot doesn't allow this if I want to create a new class in a package. Is there any way to get around this restriction?

    submitted by /u/OrAndXor
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    How do I get started trying to develop a game engine?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:07 PM PST

    It needn't be too difficult, but a reasonable challenge: for example, a 2D platformer. I get completely confused when it comes to the intricacies of how e.g. GUI functions on different operating systems. Are most games made platform dependent? How do I figure out this shit?

    For some background, I have a couple of STEM degrees. Math at any level of difficulty shouldn't pose a problem. I guess I can figure out the logic behind how to program something like this, but the platform specific dependencies are ruining it for me. What language should I use? And what are the basic libraries that I'll need? I'm planning to make games for Windows, Linux or Android, but don't want to use a plug-and-play solution like Unity.

    submitted by /u/nazgul_123
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    How can I optimize for a career as a PM or Ops person?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:02 PM PST

    I'm 33M, with a MSc in Organizational Development (change management), an undergrad in International Development and Philosophy, and a variety of related certs (entrepreneurship, business analysis, logistics, project management, and marketing).

    I have done some 'tech' projects, but they have been low-key and kinda crummy (e.g. deploy a wordpress site and coordinate the development of a library with a few hundred resources on the site). I have built some large products as a PM, but they have been physical/digital hybrid and non-technical from a code perspective. We're talking document assembly and using e-discovery to process 1M+ docs, basically. It was more complicated and impressive than that, but pretty paper based with some tech thrown in.

    I have also fooled around with REST, python, tableau, voyant, netlytic, and some other apps, but I'm very, very amateur at all of them. I have my PSM I (scrum), have done agile in non-code environments, and will have my PMP in a month or so (I hope)

    I'd like to transition to something a bit more technical, with better career prospects.

    I am ready and willing to put up to a year of training and effort in without any expectation of compensation, but at my age, a full degree doesn't make sense.

    An additional possible issue is that I have some lingering carpal tunnel. I probably can't put 12-16 hours/day in writing pure code day after day, I'm pretty sure. Maybe with some adjustment. The joy of age!

    How would someone with my background transition to a CS type company? Is there any way in that doesn't involve me needing to learn to code to keep up with the very best, which is probably a huge time sink for where I'm at in my career?

    submitted by /u/Extra_Negotiation
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    Free Udemy Course - Modern Websites with Vue.js

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:58 PM PST

    I'm creating a course intended as a starting point for someone learning how to build websites. This course will show you how to build state-of-the-art static websites using the latest technology stack.

    If you're interested in receiving the course for free when it's released go here: https://modern-websites.typeform.com/to/dUjvUl

    submitted by /u/razdazpoo
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    BSc or MSc

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Hi all

    I am looking to do one of the online computer science degrees which are now available. I graduated from Oxford in an arts subject some years ago and now work as an auditor but want to pursue my passion in computing.

    I work full time so campus study is not an option.

    The new online BSc offered by UoL (Goldsmiths) is appealing because it sounds pretty comprehensive in terms of course content. Less appealing is the fact that it takes six years part time, and also the fact that Goldmsiths' rankings for this subject are relatively low (around 68th in the UK, with poor graduate graduate prospects according to one list).

    Much more highly ranked unis (Bath and York) offer online MScs which can be completed in 2-3 years part time. The course content seems less interesting than on the bsc, with fewer programming modules and no dedicated maths modules. I guess this comes with the territory of 180 credit courses versus 360. These masters programmes do not generally have exams, but seem to be assessed by coursework/dissertation.

    Does anybody have any knowledge of these courses? What is the quality of teaching like? How would job prospects compare for graduates of these degrees? Would online MScs allow entry to "real" (non conversion) masters or PhD programmes?

    Any idea on how employers would view the goldsmiths BSc versus Bath/York MSc?

    Any help from current/former students or those with experience of the job market would be most appreciated.

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    I can't decide and I need help

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:55 PM PST

    Web development or software engineering?

    submitted by /u/lobh
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    Tips on building a portfolio?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:37 PM PST

    Hey all, so currently I am in my first year of computer science and consider myself intermediate in java and beginner in C++. I am looking to apply to UT Austin in the fall (for fall 2021) as a transfer but want to have some good projects I can showcase in my application as getting acceptance into their CS program is extremely hard. Looking for any tips or guidance on what I should be doing/building. I don't really know what they will want to see or what will make me stand out from other applicants as far as coding projects go. Grateful for any tips, help, or guidance on this matter that could help me get into their program. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/subjectcharlie
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    Need some help: " Can anyone help me make an '*' pyramid using while loop in C++"? Thank you in advance ��

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:27 PM PST

    So I've posted this question on r/programming before I knew this subreddit existed, and the people there didn't like me asking questions there (they're really mean dude)😔 so I'm taking my chances here. I know some of you may cringe in a simple question like this, but I've just started coding and having trouble figuring it out. I'm just a noob that wants a little bit of your help, I don't want anyone to get angry so please... If you don't like this post please just let it pass and keep scrolling, you don't have to leave a mean comment or anything. I just need some help 😓 thank you in advance.

    EDIT: I just need to know how to loop characters using while.

    submitted by /u/mira29
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    Need help with debugging in Java

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:09 AM PST

     public static Room findAvailableRoom (Room[]arrayofRooms, String rType) { for (int i = 0; i < arrayofRooms.length; i++) { if (arrayofRooms[i].availability == true && arrayofRooms[i].roomType == rType) { return arrayofRooms[i]; } else { return null; } } } 

    I am writing a static method that takes as input an array of Rooms and a String indicating a room type. I want the method to return the 1st available room in the array of the indicated type, if no such room exists, the method returns null.

    Eclipse is telling me that my method has to return a result of type room and calls my second line dead code, I think my method does do that, so not sure why the compiler is complaining?

    submitted by /u/withdrawlORnot
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    I would need some help with debugging.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:05 PM PST

    I got a quick question and I wonder who could help out? Are we allowed to offer $ for services or am I in the wrong threah?

    submitted by /u/LordFlacko1017
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    College Course Recommendations

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:15 AM PST

    So bit of background, I am currently a full stack developer in finance. Graduated in June with a non-CS degree but still work in the SWE field. Also, luck of the draw (depends on who you ask whether it's good or bad) I also have to work as interviewer for some people in my department.

    I noticed a few posts here asking what to do in college, if CS is right for them given they don't do math very well or in general what will make them viable candidates in the market. So hopefully this will give people some food for thought. Also regarding math, all I've done was Calc I and intro statistics (got Cs in both those classes, so rocking the "Cs get degrees" badge).

    Also note this is more advice for generic software engineering, I'm not experienced in the realm of ML engineering or data science so can't advise that well on them. But safe to assume my C in intro calculus wouldn't fly.

    • Intro to CS - this is mainly for people who haven't developed anything in their lives. Plenty of people go into college with this being their first exposure to software engineering, and come out with jobs in companies like Google, Facebook, Goldman, unicorns, etc. Also sets the expectation of the school for what CS and Programming is there. You'll notice that while there's many ways to skin a cat, certain professors and programmer like them skinned a certain way.

    • Data Structures & Algorithms - this one is kinda obvious. In my college they were two separate courses but in some they are joined. There's a lot more to programming than just lists and arrays. These classes help you think a little more critically about coding and understanding how more code can be more performing than less. They teach some more OOP concepts that can help you visualise programming that way better instead of a script approach. Also main reason is because currently almost every interview (in the US at least) has algo questions, for more interview-like questions I'd look at https://leetcode.com.

    • Some project based class - for me there was open source software engineering and game design. Make a project with a team from start to finish. You'll have something on your resume, have a talking point about a project, possibly some software that's actually being used (like our game got about 10k+ plays on newgrounds and kongregate), and have experience working with teams which is closer to a job than the solo projects.

    • Web Development - because of how much of software is currently in web app form and CRUD is everywhere it would be useful to learn about this. Especially if the course teaches a bit about databases, knowing basic SQL will get you some more opportunities.

    • Databases or Operating Systems - main reason is because you learn about concurrency. Since many applications aren't really single threaded you should learn a bit about how basic concurrency is in play (deadlocks, semaphores, synchronicity, etc.). Also for me databases taught a little backend system design so that was also a good boost.since you can discuss redundancy, multi server setups and other system design jargon that'll make interviewers like you.

    • Functional Programming and Intro systems engineering - grouping these together because my reason for them is the same: you learn different programming paradigms. Systems teaches more low level stuff and gives some appreciation to the hardware in your PC. Functional I personally think is a beautiful language, and thinking in a way that's not OOP may be difficult at first but once it clicks it'll really help your programming by making you think in a more broader state scope. Plus FP makes you consider almost all states in pattern matching leading to more secure coding implicitly.

    • intro debating or oral communication - wow not a CS class. But this is actually very important nonetheless. Real world coding tends to be quite social. Peer programming, PR reviews, getting client requirements, talking to OPS and QA, the lift goes on. Learning how to effectively speak or at least to be able to come out of your shell when you really need to is an amazing skill. In an interview, the more articulate person will stand out more than a person who is slightly more technologically impressive.

    Before I conclude, just again note that I haven't mentioned any ML or data science courses. Because I went a different route I can't suggest any of them since I wouldn't have an educated opinion on what their true worth is in the getting work. And notice I took this from the scope of going to college because you want to do software engineering professionally. If you just want to do it for yourself then really take whatever you want, if it sounds interesting, try it.

    If I had to make suggestions on when to do something I'd just say have data structures done by the end of sophomore year. Since once junior fall comes around and interviews for internships start, it'll be a rough experience learning both ds&a and interviewing at the same time.

    submitted by /u/edgargonzalesII
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    I can't even make the easiest programs and I'm 5 months into my programmering Journey, should I give up?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 03:32 PM PST

    I have read like 8 books in the last 5 months about C++ and all it's features. I know the concepts. And I still can't solve the easiest problems and its been like 5 months now. Should I just give up?

    For example, I'm struggling so much with loops. I can't solve a single problem containing loops, the math is just too complicated.

    Example: write a program using two for loops to produce the following pattern








    submitted by /u/LittleMixHistory
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