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    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    Learn Python From The NSA: Now you can take NSA's free course for beginners | ZDNet web developers

    Learn Python From The NSA: Now you can take NSA's free course for beginners | ZDNet web developers

    Learn Python From The NSA: Now you can take NSA's free course for beginners | ZDNet

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 06:56 AM PST

    [RANT] Why should I be required to have side projects for an interview?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 09:55 AM PST

    I have been thinking of leaving my current company for quite sometime now but almost everywhere I have interviewed for has asked for an example of a side project. The only problem is I'm leaving my current job because I don't have any time for anything else, why would I get home and code more?? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy coding but its not a passion. Just the way an account likes counting numbers but he doesn't go home and build spreadsheets for fun. Even this one company wanted an entire movie tracking application just as a test, as if I have time to site down for 3 hours and create an entire database and MVC framework. Ugh.

    submitted by /u/rshambo_29
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    New Developer Pitfalls

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 11:21 AM PST

    Among those learning to code, I've observed two dangerous trends.

    The first is something I call the "infinite tutorial loop." The aspiring programmer goes from tutorial to tutorial, never breaking out and building something independently. I've seen cases where someone has been coding for less than a year and they are, frankly, more skilled and more knowledgeable than someone who has been doing it for five. This isn't because they're more intelligent or putting in more time -- it's because they've been pushing themselves out of their comfort zone, stretching themselves, and building applications and picking up necessary skills along the way. Meanwhile, the other person has been spending their time going through 75 introductory react courses on Udemy. One has an upward trajectory; the other is stuck in a loop.

    The second is simple: the individual does everything related to coding that doesn't involve writing code. They attend every meetup. They share relevant content on LinkedIn daily. They're subscribed to every subreddit. But they're never actually creating anything. Zero green squares on GitHub.

    If you want to become a developer, start coding. Think of something you'd like to build and get to work!

    submitted by /u/KovyM
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    I posted NSFW swiper few days ago but there is a problem.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:15 PM PST


    Hi. I posted my NSFW swiper few days ago.

    post : https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/f0pcj0/showoff_saturday_nsfw_swiper/

    website : https://getenjoyable.com/

    It had sooo many visitors since when i posted here.

    but there is one problem here. (AWS S3 cost)

    I want ask you if there is a good solution.

    a week ago, when I published it for the first time, the number of visitors were just about 500.

    After that, for 7 days, about 24,000 visitors have enjoyed my website.

    but here is a problem.

    my website is heavily based on videos and the cost of S3 become very high.

    for 7 days, its cost was about 700$!

    (cost per 1 visitor(for 1 day) = 0.042$)

    Fortunately, I have some AWS credits and I can pay it without problem.

    I think I should make more traffic only after making sustainable revenue model. (advertising or something like onlyfans)

    But one thing I want to ask you here is if there is a good way to reduce S3 cost.

    or something more cheaper to serve videos.

    if you have any good idea, tell me plz :)

    submitted by /u/kiyyang
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    Swapped war stories with some other web devs. Entertainment ensued.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:08 PM PST

    All of us run our own businesses. I'm pretty sure everyone at this gathering had > 10y experience on top of any previous FT work. I respect them all, and admit to being jealous of this or that part of their work from time to time...

    But it was a riot.

    Here are a few of the stories:

    My Last Web Developer Sucked

    One of the developers mentioned that some of us had probably heard bad things about her, but to keep in mind that at least some of it was from clients she fired, not the other way around.

    I said that in my experience, it seems like at least 50% of the time somebody complains about somebody they worked with before, it's a huge red flag.

    One of the others in the group said, "no, it's more like 95%." He went on to share that whenever there has been a previous web developer, he reaches out to them no matter what the potential client says.

    He had once emailed one of these past devs to inquire about a client, and the reply was "(client) is a lying asshole--he's probably lied to you already."

    So he went back to the potential client. The client had told him, "I went through your entire website and reviewed every one of your projects, I read every word. They're amazing." He asked the client some simple questions about what he'd read. The guy sputtered and couldn't answer a single question.

    He had checked in on the client's background with a casual Google search, and didn't see anything. Then he did a Google News search, and found out he had been sued many, many times, and his name was all over the media for hyper-unethical conduct.

    Agriculture is Simple

    This one is my story. About 10y ago (I'm approaching 15 years as a business owner; prior to that I did a lot of freelancing), I was approached by two mega enthusiastic individuals who wanted to help me help them change the world of sustainable agriculture and locally-grown foods. With a community-oriented website! So great.

    I asked them to write down an idea of what they wanted. They couldn't do it. "Can we just call and talk?" Uh, OK.

    It was a HUGE list. But they HAD to have this, and it seemed like it should be pretty simple? They've seen it done on other sites!

    I kid you not, I sat down and my estimate was nearly $300K by the end of the list. And this wasn't even taking ongoing maintenance into account! By this time I had been running an online community for a number of years on my own server, I had used a variety of community-oriented software packages for both private and work projects, and had helped with some pretty big projects at work. It was a high number to be sure, but I felt a weird sense of confidence about it.

    I hesitated a bit, and thought, "my own scaling method probably doesn't work well with this kind of really gigantic project. Is there some other factor? Maybe some SUPER amazing solo developer out there has just taken full ownership and got this process down to fit the budget of an average couple of excited people who are out applying for grants." So I looked up the contact info of the owners of the other websites, and one of them, in Portland, OR, agreed to schedule a phone call with us since it wasn't really competition in their view and they are good people.

    In the meantime, I shared my rough numbers, gently, to see what these potential clients thought. "HOLY SHIT," one of them said. "Have we talked about you being a partner in all of this? You'd be part owner," the other one said. (Uh huh. Yeah, whatever it takes to get the bill to go down--meanwhile I can see your own mind exploding even trying to grasp it)

    Shortly thereafter we met up for the phone call. I asked the Portland people, "can you tell us about your team?" Well, they had a team of 2 FT web developers and 3 freelancers who consulted from time to time. Not including their leadership and project management staff, who work on lots of other things too. The freelancers would jump in to take on some new feature when the others were busy.

    "OK so we're looking at some pretty mind-blowing numbers down here, in terms of budgeting. If it's not too direct, can you share your budget?"

    "It was way north of $250K for the first year and it's been at least $250K every year since."

    "Oh wow."

    It felt really good to hear that. To me. I can't say the same for the others. They decided they would create a WordPress site instead, on their own, and I lost touch after that.

    (Later I learned that one of these locals has basically left a trail of destruction behind them as they've dropped the ball on high-profile project after high-profile project. And at the end of last year, a colleague with whom I occasionally work approached me to warn me against working with them. Just insane...10 years later and it's still that bad)

    I Consulted an Expert

    One of the others shared that she had to let a difficult client go, a local engineer just starting a business, who sent her a blistering critique of her work, provided by an "expert" third-party.

    She responded to this client that it was only fair that she be allowed to know about the third party's qualification, experience, and insight into the client's project parameters, particularly his budget and the areas she spent the most time on. She had built an entire custom back end that the client hadn't even logged into yet.

    There was no reply from the client, and then in the next week she received a letter by mail, requesting that she transfer all assets to the client's new web developer.

    She called the new web developer, made calm but direct reference to the comments she received, and he instantly came clean. He was a "web developer" who was freelancing while finishing up his university studies.

    He wrote the review. And his uncle was the engineer client--he figured his uncle had told her all this already.

    So literally this guy's nephew was trying to tell a veteran web developer that her work was unprofessional, and he had no insight into any of the project details other than what he saw on his screen.

    She told him (broadly) what he'd need to know to set up the back end, and had he ever worked in this kind of environment before?

    Weeks later, the engineer's wife contacted her again, asking if there's any way she could just help them tie up a few loose ends! The nephew had become too busy at school. Needless to say they are looking elsewhere for help with any loose ends.

    Web Development by Gaslight

    Last one: Another one of us shared that he had been called in to consult on "connecting our product database to our website, so people can purchase our products online."

    It turns out the potential client had an old, terminal-mode product management system which they've been using since the 1990s. This does happen quite a bit, and if you like it, why not just maintain it--I think we all got that. And now they want to "connect" that to their website and voila, people can just add to cart and check out, and they're done.

    The potential client immediately put the web developer in touch with their software consultant, who maintains the product management software. "Hey I'm glad you called! They had another guy call, and he bailed, but I kept telling him--it's so easy!"

    The software consultant explained the process:

    • All you need to do is schedule the periodic processing of our export file.
    • Then you just need to parse that and update what's on the website.

    See? Two steps!

    The web developer asked for an export file to examine. Days went by and then he received what looked like a CSV file that had been edited by hand, or otherwise "improved" a bit, including some weird inconsistencies.

    "This is just an example to look at," said the software consultant.

    It turns out, it was missing TONS of important information, and raised a bunch of questions. He scheduled another call. The project consultant kept saying, "well then we just need YOU to develop this other component on your end and show it to us, then we help you process the data into the format you need, then you work with it like this. It's easy!" Then the product software guy related a story about how this kind of thing was easy, for him.

    So this web developer had pretty much decided at this point: The product software guy is protecting his contract. In reality it's hard to do this stuff and work with his system, but he doesn't want to lose this client, so he tells them it's easy.

    The developer just bailed at that point, but said that 5 years later, they still don't have an e-commerce site.

    That's it...there were a lot of funny experiences shared. I would do that again, even though it did seem like some of us were fearing critique from others. Maybe it's because we haven't done this often enough? But the outcome was pretty awesome.

    submitted by /u/thelastcubscout
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    Will going full stack make me more employable?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:43 PM PST

    Hi guys, I've recently started coding and have been teaching myself python over the last month and a half or so, putting in roughly 2 hours a day. I'm really loving/getting into it! And I'm now considering pursuing a career in development. I have been looking into courses online and I'm currently doing a few on codecademy. However I've been contacted by a couple of these online schools , one of which (named learning people) offers a full stack coding course designed to get students ready within 10 months to year with a massive focus on portfolio building.

    the course curriculum include modules on:

    HTML Fundamentals, CSS3 Fundamentals, User Centric Web Frontend Development, JavaScript Fundamentals, Interactive Frontend Python Fundamentals, Practical Python Data Centric Development, Full Stack Frameworks

    I'm wondering if it's worth going down this route, whether it will make me more employable and if they are offering a framework that would attract a potential employer.

    In short should I stick with learning and specialising in python at my own pace or is 'full_stack' actually worth it ?

    submitted by /u/Tomv93
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    How do sites like builtwith.com work?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 01:52 PM PST

    How can you tell if a site was written using programming languages such as php, .net etc. without using a site like builtwith? I'm curious how they get their data because I have an idea for a project but I don't really know where to start.

    Any leads?

    submitted by /u/Amn1225
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    Why are job listing requirements basically 5 full time positions in one?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:15 PM PST

    I'm currently in school learning web development. I consider myself more than proficient in HTML and CSS with a solid foundation of JS(no frameworks as I am currently taking 4 separate programming classes and had to put that on hold). Two of my classes are server-side and database programming so I am thinking by the summer I will have a very well-rounded understanding of the LAMP stack and will use my free time to become familiar with MEAN/MERN.

    My question is, while in my search for entry level/junior Dev jobs, EVERY listing has a ludicrous amount of requirements and desirables. Minimum 5 years experience in multiple server-side languages and front end frameworks? Machine Learning? Cross-platform mobile development? Data analytics? UI/UX and digital marketing? I live in MA and this is just a small sample of the requirements on almost every job I see listed.

    Is this normal across the board? Am I WAY out of touch with the skill set I will actually need to find work? It's incredibly disheartening to see all the work I've put in the last 6 months feel basically useless when the skills employers are seeking will take me multiple years to master.

    TLDR I am confident in front end and have started back end programming so started looking at available positions but all job listings have seemingly impossible requirements and I don't know what to do. Any guidance and advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Fats_Falafel
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    I applied for a job and am now in round 3 of the process. Someone else applied with my code (ok almost my code) do i tell the people who interviewed me?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 08:18 AM PST

    Applied to a new place which gave a take home React test. The task is to pull data from the api and present it on screen with filters according to the tags coming through. I did my work on a codesandbox and then uploaded to github. I got word that I had made it to then next round of the interview... but so had others... so i decided to check github for the unique url they had provided to see who else applied. This is where it gets annoying. Had I been smarter I would've deleted the sandbox and made my github code private. The last applicant more or less copied my code and organization style. (found the same obscure bug i did... and used some of the same array and object deconstruction lines I used.. even the same comments) I really want this job so at first pass I blew up began writing an email to the interviewers with the intent of outing this person. I ended up with a letter saying " made it to the next round thanks for taking the time to interview me" with no mention of the code. I thought it would be petty to rat on someone and i wouldn't want to work with someone who starts of complaining. Woke up this morning still really wanting that job and unsure if i made the right decision on not making it a big deal. I was proud of my code and excited to go through it with the interviewer but they just asked me a few simple questions and didn't get to detailed.

    Edit: As u/mobile-user-guy mentions there is a huge benefit gained from diversity of perspectives. Thank you for all your responses. At this point I going to continue on with the interview process and not waste time thinking about this. Better to focus on doing well on the round of interviews.

    submitted by /u/aregeno
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    Serverless or more traditional backend for my use case (SPA)?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:09 PM PST

    So I want to create a website, and I have decided on Vue as a front end framework (I have some experience there). For the backend I'll need to interact with a database, make some REST calls and do some light processing.

    Would I be able to implement a serverless backend for this with AWS lambda? Or I guess a better question is, is this a good use case for a serverless backend, or would I be better off with just like an EC2?

    If I were to go serverless, what does that architecture actually look like for this kind of use case? For instance, do I have a bunch of different lambdas handling different calls / database operations?

    I know this is pretty broad and I'm not looking for someone to fully architect this, more so just to point me in the right direction.

    submitted by /u/slink58
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    What is the 'best' NodeJs CMS system: evaluating Ghost and KeystoneJS, recommendations sought

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:48 AM PST

    I'm part of a team that's evaluating different options for the website for an NGO. At the moment it's thought that the site will be developed in React/NextJS. Part of the site will be a section where the NGO can publish articles -- including multimedia, images, etc. At some point they may want users to be able to publish articles, subject to approval by staff, but that's a separate issue.

    I'd originally thought of Ghost, using either their templates or consuming their JSON API. However a lead developer wasn't impressed with the fact that one can't modify the admin dashboard of Ghost. He recommended looking into KeystoneJS. It looks interesting and powerful, but requires one to construct ones own front end (not a problem, as we are doing that anyway). More than that, though, it seems one has to construct the admin panel as well -- or rather, it doesn't have anything 'built in', one has to construct the models, etc. That's also not a problem, although it's more work. But I wonder how easy the KeystoneJS admin development experience will be -- Ghost has a dashboard that allows users to easily drop in images, multimedia, YouTube, Instagram, etc, and see that refelected immediately in the document they're composing. Would we have to re-create that all in Keystone? How easy is it?

    The criteria we're evauating on are

    • authentication, what types?
    • plugins, how to develop, and how easy?
    • plugins, what is available?
    • modify dashboard, how easy?
    • are there themes, and how easy to develop and modify?
    • how to get to DB
    • SEO friendliness

    To me, Ghost seems more plug-and-play, but less customizable. KeystoneJS seems like it's powerful, but although we have the technical chops to make it work, I'm wondering whether we'll be having to 'reinvent the wheel' for a lot of things that come included with Ghost. Your feedback much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Informal_Pianist
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    How to find clients as a freelance web developer?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 11:06 AM PST

    How to find clients for long term projects as a freelance web developer?

    Are there any sites that are better alternatives to Upwork? I did not have success with the former, and compensation was way bellow average salary for web developer.

    submitted by /u/InternalPhilosophy
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    Job title for multi-hat people

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:11 PM PST

    I know this probably isn't the best place but it's where I call home.

    My background is in web development—cut and dry, building web apps but now I don't know what to call myself.

    However, I'm no longer building web apps. In my career I've grown into a role at a company where I play implementation architect for an open source information system technology. My main role is building out solutions for our clients in the software—I'm not a developer on the core software team though sometimes submit PRs for patches and stuff. But, I am often developing software (not full stand alone apps) AROUND the core to provide extra support or features that tie into the implementation.

    Furthermore, I worker directly with our server team to debug, manage settings, run scripts, etc as necessary. Also lots of DB work. I'm neither a server admin nor a DBA ...

    So what am I?

    submitted by /u/Back_on_redd
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    Trying to remember the name of a great tool for tech support

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 08:55 AM PST

    A few years ago, I stumbled across a fantastic website which a user visited and it would generate a report of their system which they could then add to a support ticket, I really want to use it for my current client but I can't remember what it was called.

    Has anyone else come across this? If so can you please give me the link?

    submitted by /u/foxleigh81
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    I want to create a simple static website - my normal tools (React, Vue) seem overkill, but I am getting overwhelmed by the number and terminology around static frameworks. What's the best (or your favourite) way to build these?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:45 AM PST

    I've been asked by a friend to make an extremely simple website for his music project. It's to include some images, links and an embedded music player. The website will essentially never need to be updated.

    Normally for my projects I've been using React or Vue, especially since there's some nice music player components out there that I could use. However, it feels like bad practice - the website doesn't need to pull any data, really manage any states, and it feels like it would slow the load down. Not to even mention all the

    I've had a look at static site generators, especially those that use the React structure (so I could use what I know). I'm not very experienced, though the sheer quantity is overwhelming. Next.js, Hugo, Gatsby, Jekyll, Nuxt, React Static and plenty of others. They all promise to be blazingly fast, simple to set up, and generally to solve all my problems, which isn't making choosing one any easier.

    What is the best (or your favourite, since I imagine a lot of this is opinion based) framework or tool to build my website. Should I just do static HTML written by hand? Is my problem a non-problem to begin with (will React/Vue be fast and light enough to not worry about)?

    I appreciate any comments or help.

    P.S. Sorry if this is not the right subreddit for this - I've tried looking but I find the network of development-related subreddits very confusing

    submitted by /u/FatMani
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    How important is visual design when it comes to building websites?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:59 AM PST

    I've been learning HTML, CSS and Javascript for about 6 months and I feel like I'm getting somewhere with how to build a site from scratch. That said, my main headache at the moment comes with layouts, colours and the overall design. I'm not arty at all and I feel like my lack of artistic flair is letting me down. I can find plenty of inspiration online and with some work, I copy most fairly straight forward static layouts but when it comes to designing my own sites, I'm pretty awful at deciding what goes where and how to make the sites look post 1995. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/snoopcatdoguk
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    I use React, but a client wants a website he can make changes to, any solutions?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 01:09 PM PST

    As the title says, I create my websites using React (create react app for now). I have a potential client which once of his main concerns is being able to go in and make small copy changes here and there. Is there a simple solution to this? I've never had this request.

    submitted by /u/rjshoemaker55
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    What are the advantages of using Drupal over WordPress?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:52 AM PST

    I am new to web development. I am having so much confusions about CMS, What is the main difference between Drupal and Wordpress. Where do you we use it?

    submitted by /u/Srivignesh3797
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    Best Practices For PDF Hosting?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:18 PM PST

    I'm running a website for a festival that's on a shared server through Stablehost. It's a Wordpress site, if that matters. We have a volunteer form and a vendor form for download, and so far I've been hosting those just from the media library, but I'm wondering if I should host those on another service? If so, what would y'all recommend?

    submitted by /u/PMDevS
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    Restaurant Data APIs?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:11 PM PST

    I recently made a mobile app, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for APIs to get a collection of restaurants nearby based on location along with restaurant details.

    I've seen alot of food apps lately and quite curious where people are getting their data.

    I have been using Yelp's Fusion API, and it has been great, but I was looking into Zomato API, and it looked like everything I needed( + Menus, Resversation API ), but they have a max cap at 1k a day.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/codellamaz
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    Here is what you need to know about JavaScript’s Number type

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 07:02 AM PST

    Can anyone recommend some slacks/discords for help/discussion in web dev?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:32 PM PST

    I am in this discord : https://discord.gg/kaNNwM

    ( Sorry if not allowed to share, just seemed like an easy example to share )

    Switching from tutorials to building was daunting at first, but having this group of people to ask questions when I just couldn't figure something out has been such a good resource.

    Yes I know theres SO, but this has been a really helpful resource for me for immediate help for alot of tech and further elaborate or discuss things, so I was wondering if there were bigger/better groups to check out as well

    submitted by /u/Hump_Master
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    AST data transformer (extract meaningful structured data from code)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:23 PM PST

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