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    Tuesday, February 4, 2020

    Learn CSS Positioning web developers

    Learn CSS Positioning web developers

    Learn CSS Positioning

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:37 AM PST

    I feel like I'm in web dev quicksand... Is it as bad as I think? Where should I even begin trying to fix this?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:40 AM PST

    I've been wanting to make this post for a while now but honestly don't even know where to start. I'm hoping some of you might have some advice for me.

    I've been working as a web dev for over 10 years in the public sector (mid-size government) working as the senior dev in a team of 4 (me, a new-ish jr dev, my manager, and a non-programmer). My manager is retiring in a few years and I am in line to inherit that position.

    I feel as though I have been treading quicksand development-wise. I've been making changes for the better where I can, with the little influence I have, but I'm feeling overwhelmed by how much there is to fix and do not know where to start or prioritze.

    To give a better idea of what I mean... Our current setup is a LAMP stack that uses PHP 5.3(!!). Despite my pleading, my manager insists that we write everything from scratch because "learning [Drupal/Wordpress/Laravel] is a waste of time and we'd have to rely on a third party's code being up to date, well written and secure". Reddit friends... Our code is procedural spaghetti code with no classes or namespaces in sight. It is not better than Laravel.

    Though there is a DBA and graphics dept on site, we are our own graphic designers and DBAs. I can't say more than that without dying of sadness and embarrassment.

    We are at the beck and call of half a dozen different departments with over 200 clients. My manager told me to stop making designs and mock ups many years ago, because the other depts did not understand that they were only pictures/examples and wanted the application immediately after.

    We have a bare-bones, from scratch CMS that is incomplete and 4+ years in the making. It is currently useful for only the simplest of changes.

    We have no project management system outside of a pile of papers on my own and my manager's desk. I am looking into different scrum/agile apps, and at a bare minimum have been taking notes during meetings and then organizing these notes into different word docs and TODOs.

    Thankfully, we do have a development and staging server... that we do not use. We have no deployment process other than dragging and dropping with FTP. There are live applications on the staging server and most, if not all, changes are made in production. We are "not allowed" to take the site down for maintenance.

    We have no testing to speak of. I honestly don't know how to do proper testing anymore. I have started asking our non-programmer to perform some basic end user testing by laying out a general idea of use cases in a spreadsheet and having them fill it out.

    By the grace of the CS gods, aka our sysadmin, I did manage to get version control a few years ago. Despite going around and teaching everyone how to use SVN, I am the only one using it. The others still rename their files index_YYYMMDD.php when changes are made.

    I do genuinely enjoy my job most of the time. I know that if I were more assertive or had more control, we could shape things up just fine. It's partly my fault for not pushing back harder. We're never going to be Google; I just want a streamlined, organized, and updated workflow and tools. The downside is that we apparently must use self-hosted tools at my workplace, so that seems to limit my options quite a bit.

    I may be able to rearrange some applications so that the staging enviro is free to be used properly in deployment, but I do understand my boss' concerns about speed. Time is a huge issue due to the lack of management and overabundance of projects. And during the busy season, oftentimes we are screamed at if changes or posts take more than 2 minutes to get done. This is not an exaggeration. IMO, this is also an issue of demanding respect and realistic expectations in the workplace, but that's a whole nother post...

    I have been thinking Wordpress as a headless CMS might be the best bet. I am familiar with it and it is easy to use, but I know a lot of devs hate it and it's not very well optimized. Aside from that, I am interested in seeing what Laravel can do, though I have not used anything like it since 2012.

    I'm not at all adverse to learning and researching, I think that comes with the territory of being a web dev.

    Am I screwed? Is this all as bad as it seems to me?

    What do you think is my weakest link here?

    What's the best foundation I can start laying in place to support our future website and applications?

    Any guidance is hugely appreciated! The FAQ here has been very helpful as well. Thanks for listening.

    TL;DR: I have a few years to get my severely outdated, coded-from-scratch dev environment up to snuff before the mess is dumped in my lap. Where should I start and what tools would be best to do it with?

    Edit: I really only expected a couple replies on this monster of a post. I'm really grateful for everyone's thoughts, I am much more confident that I can make a plan and move forward. Thank you all for your time and your kindness!

    submitted by /u/ArlinnKordd
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    [Serious] Devs who prevent pasting into a username and password field on mobile: why?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:34 PM PST

    Basically the title.

    submitted by /u/NUTELLA_CRACKER
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    The challenges of effectively rebuilding the Test Pyramid

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:56 AM PST

    Chrome 80 SameSite changes enforced starting week of February 17th

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:34 AM PST

    For those expecting this today it seems it won't be here until February 17th.


    February, 2020: Enforcement rollout for Chrome 80 Stable: The SameSite-by-default and SameSite=None-requires-Secure behaviors will begin rolling out to Chrome 80 Stable for an initial limited population starting the week of February 17, 2020, excluding the US President's Day holiday on Monday. We will be closely monitoring and evaluating ecosystem impact from this initial limited phase through gradually increasing rollouts.

    submitted by /u/MrTippet
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    What skills do I need to have to call myself a Web Developer?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:45 PM PST

    I'm self learning web development since 4 years and I cannot decide if I'm ready for an actual job or not. I learnt php, javascript and wordpress (theme development, plugin development) mostly.

    Note: I'm currently in first year of college and there's two more years for me to graduate.

    submitted by /u/WeakRoll
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    What tech/stack/programming language have a good market opportunity, where there isn't a lot of competition currently?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:20 AM PST

    So I got laid off last week, well not only me but the entire startup went under, I have been professional full-stack dev for over 5 years, working remotely. While it is depressing getting laid off for no fault of your own, I decided to look at it as an opportunity to learn something new as I have the saftey net to stay unemployed for a couple of months before I actually get desperate.

    I'm from Egypt but I been working remotely for 5 years now and I plan to keep it that way, As I said I'm full stack but I spend most of my time working on the backend and to be frank, I hate nodejs with passion, with its own fragmented dev environment, broken and outdated packages and listing my grief with node would probably take several pages.

    While there a lot of jobs for experienced node dev, but because of javascript low barrier to entry, the competition is fierece. Of course, I'm looking into a remote job so I'm competing with people all over the world, many of them are much better dev and others can do the job in a much lower rate, getting noticed as Node dev is going to be hard.

    So I decided to look into trending technologies, that can be harder to learn and have a few remote jobs posting every month.

    I'm looking into Elixir as I'm interested in functional programming and phoneix framework looks cool and has a similar convention over configuration philosophy like rails.

    So what else? what tech have a good market opportunity, where there isn't a lot of competition currently?

    PS: actually that how I got my first remote job, not in the traditional way, I was learning Node.js 0.10, Angular and used to frequent IRC channel related to node, where I got offered a remote job and from there I started to work full time as a remote developer.

    submitted by /u/supermedo
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    10 tips for writing better tests

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:09 AM PST

    Can you prevent the viewport from shrinking when mobile keyboards appear?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 04:31 PM PST

    Here's an image to illustrate my current approach to my layout.

    This is primarily relevant for mobile-like web apps eg. PWAs or if your app just happens to be mobile friendly to that extent where it looks like it's built for mobile. Specifically I'm talking about when there is a bottom navbar that should be fixed to the bottom of the page(not css fixed) just height splitting eg. navbar is 50px, bottomNavbar is 50px then body is 100vh - 100px sort of thing.

    But yeah when the onscreen keyboard appears it cuts the height of the page in half, so the content inside shrinks upwards/doesn't overflow which I admit sounds like a css problem. I swear I've figured this out before but I can't replicate it right now(where content doesn't collapse it just scrolls). The content should overflow so then the bottom navbar is not visible/under the keyboard while it's active.

    It's hard to test because I have to deploy code/run it on a local server with static ip so my phone with a keyboard can run it.. .dang I wish dev tools had that(soft keyboard simulation).

    My thought in wrapping the flex in block is that the block would not shrink/maintain it's height then the proportionality is kept but it would scroll(overflow). I don't know maybe that sounds contradicting.

    edit: the other weird thing I've noticed is 100vh doesn't seem to work right eg. in mobile the url bar take sup height so the screen is partially pushed below the fold. This is for designs not meant to overflow vertically.

    One ugly hack would be to get the height of the device and set a min-height of that pixel

    I don't know... maybe this is appropriate behavior because if a modal for example that is centered is fixed to show the 50% physical height then it would be partially under the keyboard... No you would scroll down to it or it should auto-focus perhaps.

    submitted by /u/ie11_is_my_fetish
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    What browser do you use?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:56 PM PST

    What works best with web dev?

    submitted by /u/KnowNotAnything
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    Any UX Engineer around here?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:22 PM PST

    Hello! I work for a design studio in Europe and since 2016 we are carring on a UXE team in which Im in.

    For those Who don't know a UXE is someone with both design and development skills that can bring value during the design phase (empowering design) bringing dev knowledge thus improving feasibility, and during the development phase (empowering dev) with prototyping and support.

    I'm wandering if there is someone here and what are your Experience :)


    submitted by /u/the_atari
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    What are your thoughts about User Experience in relation to web design/development?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:15 PM PST

    I closed one of my biggest clients last week, they are a UX agency who desperately needed a rebrand from the ground up. They loved my work so much that they have brought me on as a contractor for one of their clients, a big pharm company from Germany.

    I start getting up to speed with everything and understanding where I fit into the equation. I can't help but feel they are wasting a lot of time and money. They are only getting away with it because the client does not even know what they want besides 'just make it great'.

    I have been working independently for the last few years after working at various creative and tech companies in my 20's. I've learned how to wear many hats and do more with less. I've had to in order to manage multiple projects at one time and keep things on time and on budget.

    Design thinking, authentic content, and versatile websites are essentials to me but I feel disappointed working on this project learning just how inefficient this process is considering I was able to piece together most of this work by myself in the matter of a few hours at least and a few days at most. Even as I scale my agency, I am seeing 3-5 highly competent people could do the work of 12-20 with solid processes and enough accountability.

    I'm sharing all this just to hear what other developers (front-end, back-end, fullstack, etc) think about UX as a whole. Maybe I have this all wrong. Maybe this particular agency is not the best example to be learning from. Maybe there is a book or a speaker who dives deeper into the UX process that I haven't heard of yet.

    Anyways, thanks for reading and for replying.

    submitted by /u/-AMARYANA-
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    New to CSS: How do I make a link change daily?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:27 AM PST

    Hello there!

    To start, I am very fresh to HTML and CSS and know very basic HTML, but am not so familiar with CSS.

    I have been trying to figure this out for awhile now, but with no luck. Pretty much, I have an image and when visitors click on it, it will take them a linked page. I want the page to change daily. Is there a way to set this up so I don't need to do it manually?

    I really don't know much about CSS, so this might be pretty basic but I am struggling.

    Any help would be appreciated! If this does not belong here, my apologies!

    submitted by /u/CerealQueenll
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    How to force cache refresh on peoples browsers for new website design?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:23 AM PST

    Hey folks, I run a small shop and we are currently running into an issue with launching new websites and the client complaining that everything is broken because they need to refresh their cache. Is there any way around this problem? Every time we refresh an old site with a new layout they get upset that for them and their old customers the site is broken and then we have to inform them or put a message on the page to refresh their cache.

    submitted by /u/darkphoen1xx
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    Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:41 PM PST

    Best practice in password recovery process?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:25 AM PST

    Currently users either enter their username or email address (of which they can have multiple email addresses) and then a password reset link is sent to the email.

    Now there are two different emails, one is sent if the email is linked to an account with the reset link. A different email is sent with an explanation that the user account wasn't found and ways to contact support for help.

    Now this does not indicate to the person whether the email address is linked to an account, however the possible downside is the emails are sent to the wrong address or increase email bounces as the address was incorrect thus affecting our email delivery repuatation.

    So would it be better to first check the email was valid (like how LinkedIn checks to see if their is an account linked to the email) before sending it out.

    Now this would reveal that the email was linked to the account but is that a fair tradeoff vs sending emails that can possibly bounce?

    submitted by /u/condornomics
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    Question about text editor for custom made CMS

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:12 PM PST


    So I'm a beginner web developer using php/mysql and my client wants a portfolio/blogging site that gives her the ability to add blog posts with as little to no coding knowledge.

    Now we already setup the design and scope and I've map almost everything out but I'm stuck on how to give my client the ability to add paragraphs, bold, underline and those are just the minimum requirements while being able to save the data in a mysql table.

    I've heard of WYSIWYG editors but I'm a bit confused on how I'm going to send and display the data to and from the table with all of these changes.

    Let me know what you all think


    I need some way to easily capture blog post data to create and read from my mysql db without my client needing to type in <p> tags

    submitted by /u/CookToCode
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    What is the recommended way to limit access to database data based on user login?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 12:00 PM PST

    I have a web-server with sessions and a postgreSQL database. The database has table 'projects' and a table 'users' with a many-to-many join table 'project_users' for them. Suppose user 'john' with userId 1 logs in so now I have userId = 1 in the session data (nodejs server). I know I could limit access to the database by attaching a 'JOIN' statement at the end of each sql query. This seems dirty though. And if other developers join me in the future they could end up writing queries to the projects table without doing a join statement. What is the best practice here? Should I use a view? Keep in mind the userId value will have to be passed with each query.

    submitted by /u/TheWebDever
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    Has anyone used Ed2Go to learn Web Development?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:49 AM PST

    I was wanting to learn web dev from a course, like the one from ed2go. I know their are free resources but I want everything to be structured for me to learn and i would be getting the certificate from the college of my choosing which is nice. Yes I know the certificate doesn't mean much but I feel it may help in my situation.

    I am wanting to know a few answers to my questions, all my questions are below.

    1. Has anyone learned from Ed2go for web dev/front end dev?
    2. Can u guys look at the outline and tell me if this is enough to become a junior web dev at the outline section here - https://www.ed2go.com/courses/computer-science/programming/ctp/web-applications-developer#outline
    3. It says the course is 404 hours which should take me 8-10 months, i think this is enough time to learn what is in the outline, is this correct?
    4. What other things would i need to learn besides this outline to be a web dev employed somewhere?

    I know that I would need to learn React/Angular/Or Vue on my own but besides that does this look like a decent course since I am fine paying the cost and wanting to do it?

    Thx for reading through this

    submitted by /u/bobbythebich
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    Does the average full stack web developer have the skills needed to host their own web server?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:47 AM PST

    Hi! I plan on becoming a full stack web developer. Still getting the core classes of junior college out the way currently.

    Please don't destroy me for asking such a dumb question. However, do free lance full stack developers typically have the skillset needed to properly start a hosting business? That way, they can simply host the websites they create for their clients on their own servers?

    submitted by /u/CallMeZeta
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    Developing remotely with a designer, they never seem to see the changes I make, until usually a day or so later. What are we doing wrong?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:38 AM PST

    To my knowledge, caching is disabled for the site, and we both try to inspect using the same browser with cache disabled during inspection. I'm wondering if this is maybe somehow ISP related? They live in a smaller town a few states over.

    I've been pulling my hair out working this way; it is constantly the same story: I'll make changes, and then wake up to messages saying that nothing looks right. Then I send them what I see and we scratch our heads.

    Any insight and ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/bnimbla
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    Good widget for good 'posts' layout WP?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:25 AM PST

    Hello guys,

    I'm currently building a website for a customer in WordPress. It is my first time actually building a website for a customer. I'm trying to find a widget that has nice layouts for 'posts'. With the basic posts one in WordPress you don't really have alot of options.

    I specifically want a widget because the customer finds it easy to just add a new post in the built in posts thingy. I tried some templates with post editors but she found it a bit too complicated.

    Any tips? Thanksuxxx

    submitted by /u/bottleofglitter
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    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:22 AM PST

    I'm just looking for some feedback from anyone who has successfully integrated DocuSign into their website.

    submitted by /u/dgdevnd
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    In your opinion, what is the most reliable (and affordable) hosting option for 144.45 GB of Bandwidth / month

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:11 AM PST

    I am not happy with my service at InMotion. What do you think?Also, what plans would be the best at said companies?

    submitted by /u/Imperceptions
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