• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 11, 2020

    Just got off the phone with a company who said most of my job will be styling applications through their proprietary software built in Excel. Sounds like it could be a total nightmare. Anyone have any experience or insight into what that means? web developers

    Just got off the phone with a company who said most of my job will be styling applications through their proprietary software built in Excel. Sounds like it could be a total nightmare. Anyone have any experience or insight into what that means? web developers

    Just got off the phone with a company who said most of my job will be styling applications through their proprietary software built in Excel. Sounds like it could be a total nightmare. Anyone have any experience or insight into what that means?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:30 AM PST

    They said I would predominantly be styling modules with CSS inside an Excel application, I've never heard of anything like that. Should I run while I still have the chance?

    submitted by /u/kegfullofshit
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    Have any of you gone straight into freelance early in your dev career (e.g. <1yr experience)?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:44 AM PST

    I love variety in my work and wondering if this might be a good way to go after having some bad luck with my first job out of a 7-month bootcamp. I'm very comfortable translating mockups to code in React and Vue, and have a bunch of years of UX design and research experience. Wondering if this would be enough to get me going on upwork or flexjobs. Have any of you done something similar so early in your dev career?

    submitted by /u/47milliondollars
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    In depth review of top Free Online Full Stack Web Development Bootcamps for the year 2020

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:35 AM PST

    Equifax had an Apache security patch 2 months before their hack and didn’t install it (2017)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:28 PM PST

    Understanding Modern Cloud Architecture on AWS: Docker and Containers

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:04 AM PST

    Live coding

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 03:26 PM PST

    Can someone explain to me in what way coding live provides any insight into whether a person is good at writing code or not? Are you guys all whiteboarding all day every day and I'm the only one who needs time, space, and calm to do anything useful?

    Just started failing coding interviews in my most recent job search. Been working for 20 years in the field. And I have never passed a live coding interview. Yet somehow, I keep getting paid to build websites and run web departments.

    Am I crazy? Is this system crazy? Feeling very alone and kind of unemployable right now and I can't really understand why.

    submitted by /u/abeuscher
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    Chrome 80 introduces a new bug

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:37 AM PST

    Array.prototype.reduce is bugged.


    Apply this temporary patch

     // Patch Chrome 80-82 (and Edgium) bug // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1049982 (function() { const arrayReduce = Array.prototype.reduce; let callback; Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'reduce', { value: function(cb, ...args) { callback = cb; return arrayReduce.call(this, callback, ...args); } }); })(); 
    submitted by /u/_MJomaa_
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    Web MIDI API — sending notes from JavaScript to your synth

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:36 AM PST

    Every year I wish my wife a happy birthday with a website: happybirthdaymaddie.com. Normally it's a song/rap video, but I decided to make a game this year

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 03:54 PM PST

    What do you use for eCommerce?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:18 AM PST

    Hey everyone, currently taking on the project to convert my company's website from Shopify to a more robust service that will make it easier to go international in more countries (currency and translations).

    I've tried WooCommerce in the past and am definitely not going down that road, but have been looking at the following services.

    • Magento
    • X-cart
    • Slatwall Commerce
    • Prestashop

    Any feedback on these platforms would be fantastic, especially from a developer's point of view :) Oh and of course I'm interested in hearing about ones that I may have missed out.

    Edit: Just wanted to add the website will not be for a small business, we have thousands of SKUs, millions in revenue through the website, and would need to integrate with SAP.

    submitted by /u/dotpeenge
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    Advance Web Development (after finishing Udemy course)

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 12:15 PM PST

    I just finished Angela Yu's "The Complete 2020 Web Development Bootcamp". She did a great job at teaching the material, I just wish she went a little more in depth as well as a section where we put the whole stack together. I also feel like there's more topics in React that could've been covered. She talked about Hooks but only covered useState. I want to expand my web development knowledge, and I was wondering if anyone had a good resource I could use to learn more advanced web development and best industry practices. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/LeHoustonJames
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    What's the way to make money from a website nowadays?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 03:26 PM PST

    I have a site now where I get 20,000 users per month. It's an army builder for a few miniatures games, but 95% of my traffic is for one game. I have one advertiser, and a patreon, but they both seem super small for the amount of users I get. I don't want to lose my advertiser by raising my price, and also don't want to get any more obnoxious about my patreon.

    Is there some great option I'm missing? Is AdSense still a thing people do? Or are there other things like it? Pretty much all of the activity on the site happens on one page...the army building page. Is 20,000 not even that much, and I should be happy with the $200 or so I get per month?

    This is my only real hobby project. The rest are for other people so this kind of thing isn't an issue/possibility. So this is kinda new/strange territory for me.

    Anyway, thanks in advance. Sorry if this doesn't fit this sub super duper well, but i figured if anybody would have good advice, it would be you guys.

    submitted by /u/werdnaegni
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    .COM Price Increases - Submit your comments and help

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 12:47 AM PST

    Submit a comment to the avoid .COM Price Increases:

    More info: https://www.namecheap.com/blog/icann-allows-com-price-increases-gets-more-money/?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Service_DomCPIv2_20200210

    How can you help: Send an email to the email address listed below voicing you opinion. Feel free to use the template below.

    Email: [comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20@icann.org](mailto:comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20@icann.org)



    I would like to voice my opposition to Proposed Amendment 3.

    I believe that the global DNS registration system should be run primarily as a public concern.

    The only entities that stand to benefit from the proposed arrangement are verisign itself, at the expense of the public. These price hikes will impact the millions of small, independent businesses and developers that rely on the system as is to make their livelihood. Further, this could prove yet another point of pressure that convinces a small business to make their online presence exclusively in the Facebook walled garden and eschew the web itself.

    The web, and global DNS, were envisioned to be run for the public good, and they SHOULD be run for the public good. Deals such as this are an abdication of that mandate; short sighted profit chasing at the expense of all else. Please do not adopt this proposal.

    submitted by /u/buildingJarl
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    This blog uses twitter as a commenting system, does anyone know the service?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Using EC2 for my website, but s3 for images

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:48 AM PST

    I've currently got my website running on an ec2 instance, however, I've set up my application to upload images into my s3 bucket. Is this a good way to do this? And how would I go about attaching my domain to the image urls? Can I just set up my domain on the bucket as well?

    submitted by /u/Rickygoacher
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    Today I quit my job, am I doing the right thing?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 03:19 PM PST

    Just to give a little context, I'm a backend Java dev with +5 years of experience. The job I just quit involved basically Java microservices with a little bit of front (mainly CSS and JS) for a webapp. The codebase had no frameworks whatsoever and no external tools apart from Lombok, XStream and a couple more. I've been working here for the last six months. During this time:

    • There wasn't any kind of CI/CD. We deployed the services .war to the server via Ant scripts. Also, we deployed artifacts to Archiva using mvn deploy via cmd. Mind that they assured me during the interview process that we'd have CI/CD in two months time. That was back in August.
    • There was no test coverage at all, no unit testing, no regression testing, nothing. Almost every time I deployed an upgrade/bugfix to prod something else broke because it wasn't sufficiently tested. My boss assured me that was ok and that I just needed to fix it (while prod was broken) asap. Everyone in the team broke prod almost twice a week for the same reason.
    • This was due to the need of doing things fast because management wanted things done fast. It lead to poor testing, a growing technical debt and considerable amounts of stress.
    • Jira issues were opened by marketing people who do not (and don't need to) know how to properly report a bug. 100% of the time I had to talk to the person that opened the ticket asking for clarification. There's no priority assessment (meaning every issue is "highest").
    • Nobody analyzes a feature. That means we had a vague set of features and most of the time we had to stop deep into the process to reevaluate because we stumbled upon an unforeseen problem (having to write code outside the scope of the task, etc).
    • We used Eclipse, which systematically crashed, slowed down and froze. It was infuriating.

    There's more, but I think you get the idea.

    All this made my anxiety skyrocket to the point I had two panic attacks during the last month (one of them while driving) and I had to take diazepam just to get to my workplace. I've been ten days in sick leave because of that. Therefore, my performance has been on an all time low since Christmas. I felt like a hamster in a neverending wheel and my work felt pointless, poor and lacking the minimum quality I need to give to be happy with it. At the same time, my poor performance made me feel miserable because I know I'm capable of more, it's just my brain refuses to work.

    Today I had a meeting with my manager because of my poor performance during the last month and we decided to part ways. I'm not the guy they need and that's not a project I'm comfortable with. I'm not blameless, I know I've made mistakes and I need to work on those, but I need to know if I'm doing the right thing because right now it was a matter of pure survival, my anxiety was evolving into something far worse and I had to stop it.

    What really bothers me is that apparently I'm the only one in the whole team (15 people) having this issues, everyone else is ok and happy with this and that makes my imposter syndrome grow to Hulk size.

    What would r/programming have done?

    submitted by /u/PorkChop007
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    Negotiating salary with company recruiters

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 01:23 PM PST

    I have been offered a position and sent an email to the recruiter trying to negotiate a higher salary. He replied that he would check with the manager and get back to me, its been a week so far and I haven't received an answer from him. With that being said, I would like to ask what's your opinion on whether its okay to contact recruiters asking for answers when negotiating and how many days would be enough to be okay to send this type of email?

    submitted by /u/Squexis
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    Code challenges in interviews

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:33 AM PST

    What is causing my navbar to not dock on the top or sides? Links are also not showing up as well.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:54 PM PST

    Purchasing web domain without having a contact, next steps to take

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 12:46 PM PST

    My company is trying to purchase a web domain but every search I do comes up with redacted info. Tried whois.net and domain.com to try to find info but nothing is listed or the info is redacted. Is there a service or something out there who can find more data so we can attempt to reach out to the owner of the domain and make an offer?

    submitted by /u/te00539
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    Need help beating carpal tunnel syndrome from other developers

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 03:27 PM PST

    Does anyone have first hand (no pun intended) experience beating (or improving enough to limit most pain) carpal tunnel syndrome without surgery?

    I would really appreciate any recommendations or war stories.

    One of my teammates (devs) is suffering pretty bad right now and I'd love to provide him with advice from someone with experience.

    submitted by /u/rocco_33
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    Grunt work vs growth work vs time to leave

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:26 AM PST

    Everyone get's the occasional grunt work task, it's bound to happen. But what should one do when grunt work finds it's way into your regular duties on a daily basis, and then becomes a daily occurrence and your core focus on growth work is diminishing?

    One way would be to offer a solution to this grunt work I would think, by proposing a streamlined workflow or even a small system one could write to help solve this communication issue. After all as a web developer we can certainly do this.

    I set out and proposed creating a small CMS system to integrate into websites (too many restrictions here to run WP or other turn key CMS) but my acting manager says no, that the *individuals who send in the edits would get confused further by it.

    As another option, I wrote a work order document for every part of every page to be shared with the individuals however my manager was hesitant to push until I mentioned the impact it was having on my work.

    Once we sat down and reviewed with the individuals and the process started, they still found ways to muck that up by editing the document or worse, completely ignoring the document and still continuing to do their own thing.

    Which leaves me with the question of how much grunt work should one deal with before it starts to have a negative impact on their career, attitude or health?

    It's bound to come up at some point in ones career, young and seasoned, I'm curious on how others have tackled or handled it (other than the usual, quit and find another job).

    • These individuals (all Senior by title) have been sending in edits that are about as cryptic as Egyptian hieroglyphics including referencing "this" on edits, when in their mind they know what page they are talking about but never once mention the actual page and that's just the start. It has been like this apparently since before my time. File names with dozens of spaces in it, no naming conventions, references to files but no file names provided so you have to open every file up and assume what they are talking about, leading to a very long and exhausting back and forth session just to figure out what they are trying to get you to do.
    submitted by /u/Crotchslush
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    Is there an easy way to add a "Remove Ads" purchase option to a website?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:43 AM PST

    I have a website with content and ads. It doesn't have a database or authentication, but I'd like to be able to accept purchases to remove the ads + some other features. I'm looking at options where I'd have to integrate Firebase or Auth0 for authentication and then process payments with Stripe and then figure out a way to bind the subscription data to the account on the front end. But that feels like a lot of work for something that a single service could accomplish if it exists.

    Is there some easy to plug in solution for this?

    submitted by /u/giveusyourlighter
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    Is EJS still relevant?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 12:03 PM PST

    I have been following Angela Yu's Web Development Bootcamp and she teaches templating with EJS. Is EJS still relevant in an era of React, Vue, Svelte? Is this something that I should be studying no matter what, or is it one of the dying techs that are better be avoided?

    submitted by /u/Hrafnstrom
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