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    Sunday, February 9, 2020

    I'm constantly developing my 2010 era forums, but for less and less users web developers

    I'm constantly developing my 2010 era forums, but for less and less users web developers

    I'm constantly developing my 2010 era forums, but for less and less users

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:48 AM PST

    Starting Note: I won't post the link to the website here because I don't want this post to be considered a stealth marketing ploy. This is a rant from one web dev to others.

    Web Forums have always been an important part of my life. As a socially awkward kid they were my main source of social interaction. As an adult, they are the motivation for my career switch from Accounting to Data Science. I first got involved with forums in 2006, eventually became a moderator of my favorite website, and in 2010 I broke off to make my own set of vbulletin forums. Finding myself sick of dealing with profit-driven website owners, I finally had the freedom to do whatever the community wanted and let the community members do (almost) anything that they wanted. I've paid for the website entirely out of pocket, save for a few months during college where I took some donations. Profit was never my motivation. It was always about the experience and the community.

    Over the past decade I taught myself PHP and added countless custom features to the forums. Robots with home-made AI, a virtual economy based on the forum currency, a fully functional user-controlled government, countless forum games and simulations and more. As I started studying data science, I delved into subjects like data mining and user behavior analysis and predictions. Without any sort of profit motive I was always able to focus entirely on user experience and what's best for the community. Most recently I added an entire Pokemon Go module to the forums, where users can catch and train pokemon by posting in various sections. Now I'm in the middle of developing a financial markets section, with loans and investments.

    Now for the elephant in the room. Looking at the statistics, my userbase has been in decline ever since 2012. The first couple of years we siphoned users off of several big forum communities that had terrible moderation. Ever since then it has been a dedicated base of core users (lifelong friends at this point) with a few off them dropping off every once in a while. Peoples' lives change and their online habits change with them. A lot of people prefer discord, reddit, twitter, whatsapp, telegram and whatever other platform is more convenient for them. People get in fights over politics, or romance (there are at least two marriages between people who met on this website). Attrition is unavoidable. However, there has never really been a reliable source of new members.

    Maybe in the back of my head I have the hope that someone will give me an idea to bring new people to the community. But realistically, I'm jaded and I don't expect that things will ever get better. The problem is, as the community gets ever smaller my projects get less and less feasible. I may code an entire financial market system, but without enough users it simply can't function. Aside from usability of the website, I just have this feeling of sadness that so few people in the world will ever benefit from all my efforts. I have put so many hours into developing features and games, into keeping the website economy stable, into mediating fights, and I've made the greatest effort to always keep a fair and respected moderation team.

    But such a small number of people have ever seen it, experienced it, appreciated it. And as time goes on it will continue to deteriorate down to nothing. I will keep the lights on as long as I'm alive and have a few dollars to my name. But I am scared that one day it will just be me working on large scale projects that only half a dozen people ever even see.

    Am I crazy? Am I wasting my time?

    It feels like I'm spending my life writing some massive novel that will never be published or read.

    Edit: I never expected so much positive feedback on this post. You guys are giving me so much inspiration and so much to think about. I think in the immediate future I'll draft a post about the Pokemon system for next Showoff Saturday. For the near future, I'll be starting a new project: Capitalism MMO. Technically, it will be entirely separate from the forums. I can employ best practices and compile all the code on github.

    But discussions about the development will be on the regular forums, and forum currency can be used to buy in game cash (it's not capitalism without unfair advantages from old money!). Lastly, the direction and management of the game will ultimately be guided by a reinstated forum based government.

    If anyone is interested in being a part of this open source project (particularly front end CSS is my weakness) you can contact me with a private chat.

    Thank you all for giving me a new motivation and hope!

    submitted by /u/jaredNC
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    I'm a front-end engineer who loves building side-projects. My latest is an AI Art Generator app. Here's how I built and launched a fairly complex app in under a month thanks to some good choices of technology.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:40 PM PST

    I'm a front-end engineer who loves building side-projects. My latest is an AI Art Generator app. Here's how I built and launched a fairly complex app in under a month thanks to some good choices of technology.

    Hi r/webdev, I'm a front-end engineer who loves building side-projects. My latest is an AI Art Generator. In this article I talk about the technology choices I made while building it, why I made them, and how they helped me launch the app a lot faster than I otherwise would have been able to. Note: I originally posted this on Medium. I've stripped all mentions of the actual app to comply with this sub's self-promotion rules.


    First, a brief timeline

    October 14, 2019 — Looking back at my commit history, this is the day I switched focus from validating the idea of selling AI-generated artworks, to actually building the app.

    October 28 — 2 weeks later I sent a Slack message to some friends showing them my progress, a completely un-styled, zero polish "app" (web page) that allowed them to upload an image, upload a style, queue a style-transfer job and view the result.

    October 30 — I sent another Slack message saying "It looks a lot better now" (I'd added styles and a bit of polish).

    November 13 — I posted it to Reddit for the first time on r/SideProject and r/deepdream. Launched.


    A lot of functionality is required for an app like this:

    • GPUs in the cloud to queue and run jobs on
    • An API to create jobs on the GPUs
    • A way for the client to be alerted of finished jobs and display them (E.g. websockets or polling)
    • A database of style transfer jobs
    • Authentication and user accounts so you can see your own creations
    • Email and/or native notifications to alert the user that their job is finished (jobs run for 5+ minutes so the user has usually moved on)
    • And of course all the usual things like UI, a way to deploy, etc

    How did I achieve all this in under a month? It's not that I'm a crazy-fast coder — I don't even know Python, the language that the neural style transfer algorithm is built in — I put it down to a few guiding principles that led to some smart choices (and a few flukes).

    Guiding Principles

    • No premature optimisation
    • Choose the technologies that will be fastest to work with
    • Build once for as many platforms as possible
    • Play to my own strengths
    • Absolute MVP (Minimum Viable Product) — do the bare minimum to get each feature ready for launch as soon as possible

    The reasoning behind the first four principles can be summarised by the last one. The last principle — Absolute MVP — is derived from the lean startup principle of getting feedback as early as possible. It's important to get feedback ASAP so you can learn whether you're on the right track, you don't waste time building the wrong features (features nobody wants), and you can start measuring your impact. I've also found it important for side-projects in particular, because they are so often abandoned before being released, but long after an MVP launch could have been done.

    Now that the stage has been set, let's dive into what these "smart technology choices" were.

    Challenge #1 — Queueing and running jobs on cloud GPUs

    I'm primarily a front-end engineer, so this is the challenge that worried me the most, and so it's the one that I tackled first. The direction that a more experienced devops engineer would likely have taken is to set up a server (or multiple) with a GPU on an Amazon EC2 or Google Compute Engine instance and write an API and queueing system for it. I could foresee a few problems with this approach:

    • Being a front-end engineer, it would take me a long time to do all this
    • I could still only run one job at a time (unless I set up auto-scaling and load balancing, which I know even less about)
    • I don't know enough devops to be confident in maintaining it

    What I wanted instead was to have this all abstracted away for me — I wanted something like AWS Lambda (i.e. serverless functions) but with GPUs. Neither Google nor AWS provide such a service (at least at the time of writing), but with a bit of Googling I did find some options. I settled on a platform called Algorithmia. Here's a quote from their home page:

    Data scientists never have to worry about infrastructure again

    Perfect! Algorithmia abstracts away the infrastructure, queueing, autoscaling, devops and API layer, leaving me to simply port the algorithm to the platform and be done! (I haven't touched on it here, but I was simply using an open-source style-transfer implementation in tensorflow). Not really knowing Python, it still took me a while, but I estimate that I saved weeks or even months by offloading the hard parts to Algorithmia.

    Challenge #2 — The UI

    This is me. This is my jam. The UI was an easy choice, I just had to play to my strengths, so going with React was a no-brainer. I used Create-React-App initially because it's the fastest way to get off the ground.

    However, I also decided — against my guiding principles — to use TypeScript for the first time. The reason I made this choice was simply that I'd been noticing TypeScript show up in more and more job descriptions, blog posts and JS libraries, and realised I needed to learn it some time — why not right now? Adding TypeScript definitely slowed me down at times, and even at the time of launch — a month later — it was still slowing me down. Now though, a few months later, I'm glad I made this choice — not for speed and MVP reasons but purely for personal development. I now feel a bit less safe when working with plain JavaScript.

    Challenge #3 — A database of style-transfer jobs

    I'm much better with databases than with devops, but as a front-end engineer, they're still not really my specialty. Similar to my search for a cloud GPU solution, I knew I needed an option that abstracts away the hard parts (setup, hosting, devops, etc). I also thought that the data was fairly well suited to NoSQL (jobs could just live under users). I'd used DynamoDB before, but even that had its issues (like an overly verbose API). I'd heard a lot about Firebase but never actually used it, so I watched a few videos. I was surprised to learn that not only was Firebase a good database option, it also had services like simple authentication, cloud functions (much like AWS Lambda), static site hosting, file storage, analytics and more. As it says on the Firebase website, firebase is:

    A comprehensive app development platform

    There were also plenty of React libraries and integration examples, which made the choice easy. I decided to go with Firebase for the database (Firestore more specifically), and also make use of the other services where necessary. It was super easy to setup — all through a GUI — and I had a database running in no time.

    Challenge #4 — Alerting the client when a job is complete

    This also sounded like a fairly difficult problem. A couple of traditional options that might have come to mind were:

    • Polling the jobs database to look for a "completed" status
    • Keeping a websocket open to the Algorithmia layer (this seemed like it would be very difficult)

    I didn't have to think about this one too much, because I realised — after choosing Firestore for the database — that the problem was solved. Firestore is a realtime database that keeps a websocket open to the database server and pushes updates straight into your app. All I had to do was write to Firestore from my Algorithmia function when the job was finished, and the rest was handled automagically. What a win! This one was a bit of a fluke, but now that I've realised it's power I'll definitely keep this little trick in my repertoire.

    Challenge #5 — Authentication, Notifications and Deployment

    These also came as a bit of a fluke through my discovery of Firebase. Firebase makes authentication easy (especially with the readily available React libraries), and also has static site hosting (perfect for a Create-React-App build) and a notifications API. Without Firebase, rolling my own authentication would have taken at least a week using something like Passport.js, or a bit less with Auth0. With Firebase it took less than a day.

    Native notifications would have taken me even longer — in fact I wouldn't have even thought about including native notifications in the MVP release if it hadn't been for Firebase. It took longer than a day to get notifications working — they're a bit of a complex beast — but still dramatically less time than rolling my own solution.

    For email notifications I created a Firebase function that listens to database updates — something Firebase functions can do out-of-the-box. If the update corresponds to a job being completed, I just use the SendGrid API to email the user.

    Creating an email template is always a pain, but I found the BEE Free HTML email creator and used it to export a template and convert it into a SendGrid Transactional Email Template (the BEE Free template creator is miles better than SendGrid's).

    Finally, Firebase static site hosting made deployment a breeze. I could deploy from the command line via the Firebase CLI using a command as simple as

    npm run build && firebase deploy

    Which of course I turned into an even simpler script

    npm run deploy

    A few things I learned

    The speed and success of this project really reinforced my belief in the guiding principles I followed. By doing each thing in the fastest, easiest way I was able to build and release a complex project in under a month. By releasing so soon I was able to get plenty of user feedback and adjust my roadmap accordingly. I've even made a few sales!

    Another thing I learned is that Firebase is awesome. I'll definitely be using it for future side-projects (though I hope that this one is successful enough to remain my only side-project for a while).

    Things I've changed or added since launching

    Of course, doing everything the easiest/fastest way means you might need to replace a few pieces down the track. That's expected, and it's fine. It is important to consider how hard a piece might be to replace later — and the likelihood that it will become necessary — while making your decisions.

    One big thing I've changed since launching is swapping the front-end from Create React App to Next.js, and hosting to Zeit Now. I knew that Create React App is not well suited to server-side rendering for SEO, but I'd been thinking I could just build a static home page for search engines. I later realised that server-side rendering was going to be important for getting link previews when sharing to Facebook and other apps that use Open Graph tags. I honestly hadn't considered the Open Graph aspect of SEO before choosing CRA, and Next.js would have probably been a better choice from the start. Oh well, live and learn!

    submitted by /u/GusRuss89
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    Page Transitions in Vanilla JavaScript

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Why is it so frustrating to learn where to start?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:33 AM PST

    I know you probably get this question a lot, but I'm so frustrated right now. I'm attempting to learn web development.. so I figured I should learn html, css, and javascript first. It seems every free method I try to use, I can find threads and warning about it. Example: I was going to just go through W3Schools HTML Tutorial , but I can find a lot of reddit threads and forums saying how that's a bad idea..then I might look at particular youtube tutorial and there will be comments describing the problems with the lessons. It's just so frustrating. I don't want to spend hours upon hours going through an entire course just to find out that it was out of date or not as good another tutorial or course. Sorry for the rant, I just want to learn these skills, but just don't know where to start.

    submitted by /u/NomadicRav3n
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    What are the best websites you've seen in terms of design and copy?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 02:44 PM PST

    One of my favorite sites all around is Stripe.com. It's very simple and clean, the copy is very good and descriptive, there is color but not too much.

    I'm working on a new site for my company and just wanting to look around at the best out there for inspiration and ideas. I'm sure there are many others besides Stripe that are as equally good or better.

    submitted by /u/-AMARYANA-
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    Just found this great article with ideas to help Entry Level Developers build up a portfolio for resumes

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:19 PM PST

    Need advice on a domain for my new business

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:28 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    Hopefully this is the right place to post my rookie question. I saw similar discussions on this sub so figured the topic must be fair game.

    Basically, there is a domain I really want for my new business. Because its popular, the price reflects it (a couple hundo lol). I'm actually probably ok paying the high price to purchase the domain. However, GoDaddy estimates the renewal will be $120. Even that is ok with me, but I don't want that $120 to turn to $240 or worse in a year.

    So my question is, is there any way to find comfort in the renewals staying close to the estimated $120?

    submitted by /u/35usc271a
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    Headless CMS recommendations

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:38 AM PST


    I'm currently in the initial phase of building a headless e-commerce site with Next.js and Shopify.

    The site is about 50:50 in terms of content and products. Shopify's e-commerce side is great but it isn't gonna cut the mustard as a CMS.

    The business isn't that big, so little to no extra cost would be a big plus.

    What I'd love would be an existing integration with Shopify to let the client easily add a product inside a post, or even via the CMS. Though there is the Shopify Admin API so it's not a dealbreaker

    There seems to be a plethora of options out there, both FOSS and paid options, which is why I've come to you fine folks and would like to hear your thoughts/experiences/recommendations.


    submitted by /u/Hazetheai
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    Wanting a challenge for html , css and bootstrap

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 02:15 PM PST

    Title. A beginner here who just finished learning HTML , css and bootstrap. I don't know JavaScript so please provide me some websites that I can design and have a practice at

    submitted by /u/Rohin1212
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    ES5 compatibility of npm modules isn’t a guarantee anymore

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:18 AM PST

    Best JavaScript framework for data visualization project by backend dev...lots of nav

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 12:50 PM PST

    Hi All, I need to write an application to navigate about 50MB of complex hierarchical JSON.

    I am new to front-end and JavaScript development. Which framework should I use? I am an expert backend developer (Java/DB), but have only written simple JavaScript. I wrote the first version in bootstrap with minimal jquery and mostly vanilla JavaScript. It was fun & I want to take it to the next level.

    My application extracts useful information from a proprietary coding language and allows users to navigate about 6GB of code written in XML to navigate to patterns of potential bugs. It's a lot like the eclipse problems view in a Java Application or Sonar. It's designed to diff a git feature branch with the main code line and perform impact analysis and provide "compiler warnings" to the user. My backend logic scans the giant codebase and indexes useful facts into about 50MB of JavaScript, which I have no problem loading and using in Chrome with my current prototype.

    Here's what I am hoping to accomplish by learning a new framework:

    • Load large JSON data in 1st step. (I do that now and only render a small subset)
    • Allow user to navigate into a topic in greater depth by clicking on a link and re-rendering the page using data from the 1st large payload. (I do this, not, but it's pretty ugly and amateurish)
    • I want them to navigate to any page without reloading the data from step 1, but I want them to be able to bookmark (I wrote a lot of sloppy old-fashioned DHTML to reload the page from the initial REST service hit, but I didn't do anything regarding navigation/bookmarking)
    • On occasion, they need to submit a form to update the dataset (I've written that now), but it's rare and pretty secondary.
    • If possible, any table-oriented helpers would be huge because eventually the hierarchical data becomes tables with about 4 or 5 columns.
    • My app is 90% read-only and has about a dozen "views" but they're all fed from a single expensive REST call right now. Its usecase is more visualization than CRUD.

    I don't have good insight into the front-end state of the art these days. I know Angular and React are 2 I hear the most about.

    • Most examples I see for react revolve around tying a REST service call to a page. My usecase is different. I want to pass JSON subsets from the first call to pages. Is that difficult to do in Angular?
    • React Router seems to do what I want regarding navigation, but that's just because I found examples that explained it well. I don't know how well Angular handles the same use case. Is react relatively easy to learn? I don't want to delay my next prototype by too much.
    • Do any of the frameworks have helpers for putting data in a table, such as sorting or filtering? I wrote some in vanilla JS, but imagine there are better ways of doing it than I have.
    • Ideally, I'd like to learn a marketable skill, so probably would only want to stick with the top 5 or so frameworks.
    • Speed is exciting for me, but simplicity and short learning curve unfortunately are more in line with the company's goals.

    Given that many of you have much much more experience in this area, can you provide tips on what I should research and learn?

    React router seems exciting and smaller in scope, but I hear so much more about Angular. Plus I don't know anything about Vue.js and the other top frameworks. I am trying to take this app and my skills to the next level without distracting me too much (my job is to ensure the backend is there and data is valid).

    I appreciate you reading this and would love any insight into where to go next!

    submitted by /u/SomervillainSB
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    Does anyone know how i can get rid of the textarea and input?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:56 PM PST

    Building an app/website that involves alot of custom coding - I have ZERO coding experience. Tips?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:47 PM PST

    I have an idea for an app/website that I want to build (hiring freelancers on upwork). It is not a super complicated enterprise level app, but it involves a fair amount of custom coding. Besides basic HTML I have never learned programming.

    Having said that - I am not completely clueless when it comes to web development. I have built or commissioned countless websites and programs. These web based businesses currently generate 7 figures per year gross. So I am no stranger to hiring developers but this particular project seems more complicated than what I am used to and concerned with a few things.

    The following tech phrases have been thrown around: Python, Django, Vue, React, Dockerized, Lambda function. Of those I am only vaguely familiar with python.

    Do I risk being scammed or taken advantage of with my lack of knowledge of the technical development of this app?

    For updates/changes to the app will I pretty much need this developer on payroll to make even simple changes? Would a new developer be able to come in and become familiar with the app and code fairly easily?

    Am I just asking for this project to fail with my lack of tech expertise? Are there any resources I should turn to? Is it common for website/app owners to not have coding experience? This project is not very large in terms of development cost. Probably around $5-10k, but still I do not want to this project to fail if I go forward with it.

    Sorry for the rant! Thanks for any help

    submitted by /u/cof9
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    First webdev project, but kinda lost.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:54 AM PST

    I am currently developing my first web app using Pythons Flask framework.

    I am working on an app, that let the users create an account and enter some data in their own little database which is stored on the server. So I would need to store user accounts and for each account one list with a couple of strings. I also need to send users notifications by mail.

    Now my questions:

    What kind of database should I use for this project? I have so experience with SQlite, but I don't know if I should switch to something else. I don't know how many users will use this site, so I don't know how big the db is going to get.

    Where could I host such a site for free or cheap? Tbh I don't think the site will bring a lot of traffic so I guess I won't need a super high end package. But that is just my unexperienced assumption.

    submitted by /u/chaozuu
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    Book-like layout without demarking pages in HTML

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:45 AM PST

    So, I'm trying to get build a pure CSS layout that I feel cannot be all that novel. It's simple; I want to divide (on wide monitors) the page into two parts, and fill either side with text. These two columns are filled as best as possible, and then the next page, like a book, can be reached either by scrolling down, and getting two new pages, or scrolling right, so your right-hand page is now on your left.

    I've almost got a horizontally scrolling version working, except for the fact that I can't seem to get the container with the column properties to expand to accommodate all of its columns; it renders the first two pages, and the others simply disappear.

    Plus, I would prefer vertical scrolling, but I have absolutely no idea how I might manage that. I thought CSS grids would be what I want, but as far as I can tell, that won't work without changing the markup.

    Ideally, the markup would just be a container, then all of the headings and paragraphs in series inside of that, not divided up any further.

    Am I missing something, or is this just not possible? Worst case, I could resize the containers width with some clever JS calculations, but that would be pretty gross IMO. I may as well use JS to build actual pages at that point, but it seems to me I should be able to manage this without JavaScript.

    EDIT: Horizontal implementation is working, but I would still prefer vertical scrolling instead, so ideas on that front would be cool.

    To clarify, I want two columns as tall as the page, which overflow into a new row of columns below. Each 'page' should be filled with as many paragraphs as possible, and paragraphs should be able to break into the next 'page'.

    submitted by /u/IsaaqYouTube
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    ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR on my new site

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:42 AM PST

    Overlapping database queries

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:39 AM PST


    I have a slider which sends a post request whenever the mouseup event is fired. The post request triggers a script to be run on the server which updates a graph database - it deletes a node in it, then recreates it and its relationship depending on the information sent by the client.

    My problem is that if somebody rapidly triggers the event on the slider then two events get fired sending two requests. Now my backend is using gunicorn which i think means it is multithreaded so I think what is happening is that the database script twice at the same time, or at least they overlap. Then this causing duplication of nodes and other unwanted effects.

    I'm guessing this is a reasonably common scenario so I was wondering what was best practice. Should I implement some sort of queue so that they one request only gets sent after the last one has finished? Or maybe prevent the slider from moving until it is finished? Or is there something I can do on the back end?

    submitted by /u/TheMcGarr
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    What Exactly is a Local Host and Why Do I Need One?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:19 PM PST

    I am very new to web development and have a basic question about what "developing locally" means and entails.

    One approach that I have been taught is to simply write html, css, and js code, open the html file with my web browser, and everything seems to run fine.

    However, many tutorials I see involve "spinning up a local server," like Apache and doing development on, say, localhost:4200 or localhost:5000.

    What is the difference between these two approaches? When/why would you do one or the other?

    submitted by /u/donny_don_don
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    Building for clients - How do you manage content? Do you need a CMS?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:32 AM PST

    Hi, I've been on-and-off web dev for a couple years now and I'm starting to look into doing it a little more professionally. At the moment, I've only built a few small websites for myself, but I'm using additional tech like React, Redux, CSS grid, flexbox, etc.

    I'm interested in how websites are built for clients. More specifically, with regards to copywriting and content on pages.

    If, for instance, I were building a site for a coffee shop, I know I'd need things such as a list of their products, and some fancy banners on the homepage. But I don't know how I'd implement these. If I'm understanding correctly, a headless CMS would give me the power to create hard-coded elements and allow admins to edit the data contained in those elements. However, what if they wanted an additional element added to the page? Would they need to contact me, and have me add it? What if it's a one-off freelance project?

    I'd be very grateful for input from those who have done web dev (semi-)professionally, as this is what I'm aiming to do.

    So, TL;DR:

    • Do I really need a CMS for clients to add information to pages?
    • Do I need to make it possible to add new elements to pages?
      • If yes, how?
    • If no to either, do I need to be there to add stuff for clients?
      • Do I charge extra for this?


    submitted by /u/vhexs
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    Whats the coolest technology you have worked with recently?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 05:06 PM PST

    I have an itch to really dive into something cool and modern. My full time job still works with JSPS.. luckily we have been refactoring to Vue.js and the rest approach. I wanna check out something that is pretty modern and interesting. Anyone worked with anything that has just been a "whoa" experience?

    Could be anything... hosting, framework, language etc!

    submitted by /u/mrich6347
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    How does a HTTP client authenticate itself with a HTTP server?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 02:34 PM PST

    Is it correct that there are various ways that a HTTP client can authenticate itself with a HTTP server?

    Are the following such ways?

    1. authorization header: for various authorization protocols (e.g. basic, digest, ...)

    2. digital certificates: as used in HTTPS.

    3. specify user name and passwords in HTTP request's message body, by applying HTTP POST method on form data

    Are they used individually or together? Are they used for the same or different purposes? When is each way used?

    In the second way, is digital certificates specified in some HTTP request header(s)? (In curl, it is specified via --cerf)

    In the third way, when specify user name and passwords in HTTP request's message body, are they encrypted? Does the server know how to decrypt them?


    submitted by /u/timlee126
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    Web developers of reddit: what do you wear to work?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:36 AM PST

    A quick survey to see if there's a norm or trend.

    Business professional? Business casual? Casual?

    Add any other helpful information as you see fit

    submitted by /u/yeapotatoes
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    In PHP can I give all class members a default value and when the object is created and the member has a value it overwrites my default?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:14 AM PST

    I am creating an php object via some JSON I get from Google Places API.

    The JSON tends to change, for example not every place has a rating or opening hours.

    This object has about 12 members. I was thinking that I could have a Rating member and set the default to 0 so if the JSON returns a response without Rating my object member is set to 0 or No Rating by default.


    This saves me having to have an if statement for each member checking that they are there. For example;

     if (!empty($json_data['results'][$i]["rating"])) { $rating = $json_data['results'][$i]["rating"]; } else{ $rating = "No Rating"; } 
    submitted by /u/Cormac_IRL
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