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    Sunday, February 16, 2020

    Gorgeous web page, even on mobile web developers

    Gorgeous web page, even on mobile web developers

    Gorgeous web page, even on mobile

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 05:26 AM PST

    They can't be serious.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 10:42 AM PST

    Linguix Grammar Checker for Chrome - Check grammar instantly in real-time on your favorite sites

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 10:11 AM PST

    Maybe Linkedin will be a nicer place to hang out after I removed all the recruiters from my network.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 07:59 AM PST

    I received a random connection request and a message from another SWE in the area. We had a nice chat about the projects we are working on. I realised I had never had a conversation on Linkedin that was not from a recruiter. This got me thinking that maybe Linkedin would be a nicer place to hang out without all the recruiters. So I deleted all recruiters from my network. Then sent out a couple connection requests and messages to other local SWEs. I'll see how it goes.

    submitted by /u/dugb
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    A very handy tool if you can’t remember git commands.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 06:58 AM PST

    3 tribes of programming

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 01:40 AM PST

    Do any of you have weekend/side jobs?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 07:19 AM PST

    Hi, I'm a web dev with 3ish years of experience. Making decent money but NYC is expensive and it would be nice to make some extra money in my downtime on weekends (4-8 hours would be ideal). Do any of you have any experience with "part time" web dev work, and if so, could you share what you do and how you got into it?

    submitted by /u/Articunozard
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    How exactly would I prevent unwanted HTTP requests to backend node server?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 11:52 AM PST

    Hey I am a noob to the web dev scene (embedded guy here), and was wondering if there is anyway to prevent random people from performing http requests to a backend node server.

    For instance, I am planning on hosting a react app on heroku, and a backend node server on a digitalocean droplet. If I am going to communicate with my backend via http requests, what prevents others from doing the same with something like postman? Is there any way to limit the backend access to just my heroku front end server? I don't think I can white list my heroku server because I don't think it has a static ip. Or am I just looking at the mating of front end and back end wrong? Sorry for the vague question!

    submitted by /u/csinternquestionxd
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    [Advice] About storing passwords...

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 01:14 PM PST

    So I've heard that I shouldn't store password because... it's not safe if you're not up to date with current security standards I guess?

    I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do : Should I learn about said security standards and manage user AUTH myself ? If so, is just salt + hashing good enough ?

    or should I use a 3rd party service ? which one do you guys recommend ?


    submitted by /u/Iann7
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    Best way to make lecture content available online to students?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 12:23 PM PST

    Not sure this is the right subreddit for this question, if it's not I apologize.

    My father is a professor that teaches at a university a bit behind the times. He would like to provide lecture content (audio, slides, etc) to his students on some sort of website.

    He will have to pay out of pocket, so would prefer an option that is not too expensive.

    He also doesn't have the technical know-how to maintain a website, and simplicity once set up would be ideal.

    The website (or whatever platform is best) doesn't have to be particularly fancy or visually striking - the main goal is making sure students can find the content without writing him tons of emails trying to figure out how to access it.

    What would be the best way to go about doing this? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/CognitiveAdventurer
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    ESBuild: An extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:19 AM PST

    Host a Websocket on a VPS

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:46 PM PST


    I try to make an online game. I currently use Unity with Websocket sharp to create a Websocket service, where my players can connect to the server. A C# script in Unity opens a local server, and I connect to it with javascript. It's fairly simple and works really good on a local network.

    But now I want to put the Websocket server online, meaning the C# script is still executed locally (when I launch the Unity application), but use an internet IP address to create a server, that the javascript file can connect to.

    I currently have a DigitalOcean's droplet (which is a VPS if I'm not wrong), but I can't seem to make it work.

    Does someone know how to do it ? Remember that I want the script to be executed on my computer, not on the server. I just want an IP address that can be used to connect the server and the clients across the internet.

    Thanks a lot for your answers.

    submitted by /u/Perdonium
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    TIL about Arizona Bill SB 1406, which resulted in websites being excluded from ADA requirements due to frivolous lawsuits

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:15 PM PST

    Any great podcasts where people discuss how they created their applications in detail and theory?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 08:38 AM PST


    Thanks my dudes

    submitted by /u/Archeelux
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    Where to learn HTML & CSS

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 02:22 PM PST

    Hi there, I'm looking for a course that I can do where that teaches the basics and understanding of HTML and CSS,Just enough that I can Google when I have a specific thing I'm trying to do Ie I don't want to spend too much time learning the ins and outs as ive been told its more of a Google as you go language.

    Hope you know what I mean, Im looking to get this done in a few days if I can work hard enough, I know this might seem short but like I said Im not wanting to memorize lots of stuff rather understand the concepts/structure/possibilities and move on to JavaScript

    Does anyone have any ideas? Also, Can I ask - How long do you recommend I spend on html and CSS? I'm a bit clueless I don't mean to come across as ignorant

    submitted by /u/Mr_Crick84
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    Optimal design and architecture for a multi-tenant, multi-source OAuth2 system

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 02:12 PM PST

    I need some advice and some assistance on the architecture of OAuth2 system. I have not built anything of this nature before so even just coming up with OAuth2 itself as a solution and then designing the workflow described later was a challenge. Now I have the workflow, but I am currently stuck on the architecture. It's a long post, but please read through if you can. I have some questions at the end.


    I am trying to design an OAuth2 authentication and authorization mechanism for a school system in a small country. I am looking for advice on the architecture and setup of the system as I am not the best with software architecture involving multi-tenancy. The end product is an Oauth2 API that would allow sites and apps to have the students validate their identity using their Student ID and PIN and then giving permissions to said apps accordingly.


    The way it is currently setup, each school has a unique short code that the students dial into to get access to services via a USSD menu on mobile phones. That is, from their mobile phones, a student dials a short code like 125# (unique for each school) and then a menu comes up with options: 1) *Results 2) Fees Balance 3) Class Schedule

    To view any of the menu options upon selection, a student has to input a PIN that they chose when they registered at the school. Upon successful PIN input, they can then see stuff like their results etc.

    **Also, each school's infrastructure is completely separate from another school's. Each school has it's own database and shortcode, although the databases have the same structure as per the requirements of the education ministry.


    So as it is, no external apps can access the student resources. This is what I want to build. I want to build an authentication, authorization and fetching API that will allow other apps, sites and developers to gain permission from the students to access their resources from the school (Assume the schools will play along as long as the setup is secure). A student should be able to go to an external app, which then asks for permission to get the students data from their school, like "Results" for example. Once the student grants the permission, the app can then fetch the necessary data.

    For security reasons, I don't want to touch or at any point see or have the student's PIN. So I am thinking it should work like this, using OAuth2. Again, assuming the school plays along. I would introduce a 4th USSD entry called "Authorize App" for the student menu in the school's USSD offerings. It would also require a PIN to access its contents just like the other options. So everything it would flow as follows:

    1) Web app requires permission to access Results data for student 2) Dialogue box appears for student to enter their Full Name and Phone Number 3) System generates a 6-digit code that is sent to the mobile number and will only be accessible via the "Authorize App" USSD menu option which will also require their PIN input to access 4) Dialogue box appears for student to input the 6-digit code sent to their. It would have instructions to tell them to to dial their school shortcode *125# and get the code by accessing the "Authorize App" menu option 5) Student inputs PIN and retrieves 6-digit code and inputs it into web app dialogue box 6) App is granted permission to fetch the data from the school's database

    *** This workflow, since it requires PIN, serves to validate the identity of the student and then allow them to grant permissions to certain data, just like any other OAuth2 flow like "Sign in with Google" or "Sign in with Facebook"


    So now that you have an idea of what I am trying to build, I want to know how I could best set up my OAuth2 system.

    I am thinking I could do this with one OAuth2 server and then consider each school as a separate data source but I don't know exactly how i'd set it up or go about it or even if OAuth2 allows this. I know the norm is to try out things first but this is quite a big task and because of the large time investment, I would really love to just get off the ground in the right direction. Please bear with me.

    1) Is this even possible?

    2) How does OAuth2 work for multi-tenant systems? Can one OAuth2 server generate, manage and orchestrate tokenization and authorization for multiple secure database?

    3) Do i have to give each school it's own server?

    4) How would you ideally set this up?

    I would love to hear your critique and receive some optimizations for this architecture.

    submitted by /u/chirau
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    Rant: The slowest assets are from Google

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:00 PM PST

    This just seems do counter-intuitive. A CDN is always recommended for asset placement to get the best page load speeds. Sure. Got it. I'm with ya.

    In 2016 Google had 2.5 Million servers, making them (reasonably) the biggest CDN in the world. So how the hell is it that the slowest asset on any site I make Google Analytics or a Google font?

    submitted by /u/opus-thirteen
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    Why JavaScript is Eating HTML | CSS-Tricks

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 08:40 AM PST

    Facebook Developer Individual Verification Limitations

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 11:58 AM PST

    Hello, I am trying to create an Android app for school that creates an aggregated timeline of users social medias. I have recently applied for individual verification to access the old Instagram api but just read this article detailing limitations for individual devs (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review/#individual-verification)

    It says I won't be able to ask users for permission to access user_posts . Am I pretty much done for or is there I way to be able to use these parts of the API if I am not a business?

    submitted by /u/harrreth
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    Is there a way to connect to my remote server with my local IDE and edit files directly?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 11:55 AM PST

    I'm not talking about FTP'ing into a remote server, downloading the files to my local machine, editing them, then re-uploading the files to the remote server. What I'm looking to do is open a local IDE (Like Notepad++ or SublimeText), connect directly to my remote machine, and edit those files directly on the remote machine, without transferring the files to my local machine?

    My first approach was to set up a web-browser-based IDE on my remote machine, that I could connect to from my local machine, but I've had trouble getting that to work. Then I thought maybe a better way would be to use a local editor, but somehow 'tunnel' into the remote server so I can edit files there directly. Is there a way to do that?

    submitted by /u/neocamel
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    UK based developers - would you say you're happy with your job/life?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 11:25 AM PST

    Are you happy in this career? Do you regret the choice? What else do you think you would do if not web dev?

    submitted by /u/CaughtInthought1
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    Cracking the Chaos - Tips on reading and debugging other programmer's code

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:25 AM PST

    Help me :(

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 02:39 PM PST

    Its really a noob question, i have made an upload image box and description box in html but now ofc that shit doesnt work. Where will be send the images that are uploaded and the text??

    submitted by /u/thatguy3333333
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