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    Sunday, February 23, 2020

    Getting into web development has made me feel like time not spent learning is always a waste of my time. I'm stuck. web developers

    Getting into web development has made me feel like time not spent learning is always a waste of my time. I'm stuck. web developers

    Getting into web development has made me feel like time not spent learning is always a waste of my time. I'm stuck.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 05:01 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I have a feeling I'm not the only one who experiences this. And to preface -- this is not burnout. I have had a bit of that in the past, and it was addressed. This is another issue, and one that I think can lead to burnout again if I'm not careful. But here we go.

    Although I took a few programming courses in college, I definitely wasn't at the level I am today because of it. A lot of my progression was due to following tutorials, reading documentation, doing coding exercises, and also building some things on my own.

    That took a good while. Time both out of my day-to-day, which accumulated to months. I haven't watched a TV show in a couple of years. I routinely come home from my 9-5 and often times pick up where I last left off (if I even get the chance after after cooking food, doing dishes, working out, laundry, etc.).

    Long story short, I rarely have "me time". Sure, I think web development is entertaining, and that's why I'm in this for the long haul. But any free gap I have at home, I feel like I need to spend it learning and honing my craft. There is always something for me to learn. Right now I'm in the Webpack rabbit hole, which seemed unachievable a year ago, so I'm proud that I'm able to start thinking about these things.

    That being said, I'm still of this mindset that if I'm not spending the one or two free hours of my day learning, then I am wasting my career away. How do you guys deal with this?

    Extra notes:

    • Yes, there are opportunities for me to learn at work, however, it's often stripped away by unforeseen meetings and such

    • I will not allow myself to work on my personal projects at work

    • I do give myself Sunday off, always. It's a day where I never open my code editor or read articles on design patterns, best practices, etc.

    • Saturdays are my most effective days, as it's a day to myself where I can focus on a technical book, my personal projects, or learning a new technology

    submitted by /u/gotta-lot
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    A Web Developer’s worst Nightmare

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:18 PM PST

    [Showoff Saturday] My (new-ish) Developer Portfolio Site

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 06:46 PM PST

    Having trouble deciding how to structure data

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:33 PM PST

    It's about being able to create multiple 1-N relationships. For example, where both blog posts and user-submitted pictures can have comments, or where comments, blog posts, and user submissions can have votes.

    I came up with two possible ways to handle it, and I have trouble picking the best one.

    1. Intermediary table.

    It's more explicit and "type-safe", but requires one additional join or other DB operation.

    ``` table Posts int ID NN AI PK varchar Title NN varchar Body NN int Comments NN FK(CommentThreads.ID)

    table Pictures int ID NN AI PK varchar Title NN varchar Url NN int Comments NN FK(CommentThreads.ID)

    table CommentThreads int ID NN AI PK

    table Comments int ID NN AI PK varchar Body NN int Thread NN FK(CommentThreads.ID) ```

    2. Nullable keys

    It should be easier on the database since comments can be directly joined with the other stuff, but it lacks verbosity and safety

    ``` table Posts int ID NN AI PK varchar Title NN varchar Body NN

    table Pictures int ID NN AI PK varchar Title NN varchar Url NN

    table Comments int ID NN AI PK varchar Body NN int Post FK(Posts.ID) int Picture FK(Pictures.ID) ```


    submitted by /u/Atulin
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    Question: Best casing for Firestore DB document field names ?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:31 PM PST

    I tend to use pascalCase when dealing with objects in JS, but I've always been used to using snake_case when naming columns in MySQL. Is there a best practice for naming document fields (e.g., should my field be named "firstName", or "first_name"?) when using Firebase Firestore with a JS frontend?

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/lekevoid
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    Any good tool for image resize + compression for web development on Mac?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:35 AM PST

    I cannot find a tool that doesnt have some massive flaw.

    1. ImageOptim: Doesnt resize pictures, and so if you start with a giant image, the smallest file size with the most compression and lowest quality options available will still leave you a picture that is 400kb. If I have to go to photoshop to resize, I might as well compress there too, whats the point? Pros: Its free. It lets you choose if you want lossy, or not, how much compression, and it replaces the files you drag in so they immediately work in your project.
    2. Pichi: Resizes and compresses, BUT doesnt let you choose how much to compress, AND it makes a batch of renamed images instead of replacing the old ones so I still have to go and manually rename them while carefully deleting the images I am replacing without accidentally deleting an image that I didnt replace.
    3. Websites: No.

    For the love of God, why cant I just open an app, and drop my pictures into it and be done? I have like 40 pictures in current project.

    submitted by /u/Streamote
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    [Advice] How do you guys talk to managerial types who dont listen for more than 10 seconds and make decisions in a moments notice?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:43 PM PST

    I know its doable to work with such types its just i suck at it at the moment

    submitted by /u/DeepKaizen
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    How do I make a paragraph like this using HTML and CSS

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:07 AM PST

    [Showoff Saturday] - Have a Glimpse at your GitHub contributions with Glimpse (first React app)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:01 AM PST

    Are there any tutorials on how to develop a Live-streaming feature on a website

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:05 PM PST

    [Showoff Saturday] Split Screen Slider Demo of "Saasland Multipurpose WordPress Theme"

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 10:09 PM PST

    JavaScript course recommendations?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:25 PM PST

    Any recommendations for udemy courses or anything? Right now I'm looking at the free 30 hour intro with codeacademy as I done my Html and Css with them but I much prefer videos.

    I plan do this course while doing Harvard's intro to computer science on the side?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Crick84
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    How do you stay up-to-date with the latest web dev tools?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 06:19 AM PST

    Just landed my first role as a Junior React Developer!!

    I am very excited about the opportunity but I want to be up to date with whatever new developments within the industry. I want to improve my skills, not just to perform on the job but become a really good developer overall.

    What's your strategies for learning new libraries, or discovering new trends?

    submitted by /u/VandelSavagee
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    CodeMeet: Find Programmers to work with on Projects you love, via Tags e.g. [React] ! It's my first app, still WIP, Sorry for late Entry. https://codemeet.herokuapp.com/

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:08 AM PST

    Mobile first...

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:56 PM PST

    Anyone know any great ways to test and build a website mobile first? I know chrome has a mobile view but I'm just not super keen on it. Would to be able to see my mobile website build on my phone as I go - anyone do anything similar?

    I've got a MacBook Pro & iPhone.

    submitted by /u/mbetowler
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    How to stop my websites from breaking when viewed on different screens?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:52 PM PST

    I've had to make multiple basic websites for my web development class there's a problem I always run into. I can make the website look really good on my 15 inch laptop (1920x1080) but when the same website is viewed on a school monitor or larger screen things break. Images move to other places and blocks of text don't take up the same amount of space.

    How can I make my website look good on all sizes of monitors with only HTML and CSS? We haven't learnt how to design for mobile or responsive web design yet.

    submitted by /u/Fall0utFighter
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    Would appreciate it if I could get some help on this. I am setting up my website to send me an email from a form submission using Mailkit. I used this site to learn how and just want to make sure its a secure way to do this. In the code i have my password for email.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:42 PM PST

    Using mobile browser developer tools from the same device?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:41 PM PST

    (Sorry for the duplicate post. My original title wasn't clear and I deleted it).

    Most guides that tell you how to do mobile web debugging rely on using another device, to connect via ADB over USB/Wifi.

    Is it possible to use enable devtools locally, and use them from the same device? My expectation would be something that's on par with Chrome's devtools.

    FYI, I'm thinking about this in the context of Samsung Dex, so there's plenty of room to show devtools as well as the page.

    Edit: Before it's mentioned, I'm aware of debugging tools that you can inject into the page. (e.g. https://github.com/liriliri/eruda ). I'm not looking for those types of devtools.

    submitted by /u/bifund
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    About to build my first website (and my first API). I have a few questions.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:39 PM PST

    I want to make something very similar to what /u/spoll99's first webapp, an idea generator. The user clicks and gets an idea. The biggest differences would be that it's divided by categories, won't have a "give idea" option, and it stores user preferences (maybe through cookies?). Here are my questions:

    • What's the best, least expensive way to store this "idea" data? Would a relational database like PostgreSQL be overkill?

    • The backend language I choose is irrelevant, right? /u/spoll99 made his site with Flask; I wanna use .NET Core or Node.

    • I'm currently learning React and would love to use it in my project. Will this add too much unnecessary bloat to the frontend? It's probably just as easy to do in vanilla JS, but I'd like to practice my React skills and have some React code to show to employers.

    • Should I build a REST API or use GraphQL? Trying to understand their advantages over each other has given me a headache.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Reddit1396
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    Does anyone else get referred to as a "resource" to their face?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Maybe I'm being weird and it's totally normal, but at work are you ever referred to as a resource? I hear my manager always say stuff like "Yeah, we need two more resources (developers) in this team". And he's actually talking to us.

    It just sounds a bit dehumanising. I get that most companies have a Human Resource department but do they actually call you a resource to your face? Just wondering if anyone else hears that kind of stuff too?

    submitted by /u/n3xtman786
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    Are JIRA skills underrated?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 12:04 AM PST

    Configuring and administering JIRA correctly, particularly for large projects, saves a great deal of a project manager's time.

    I find that on most projects, the PMs are not technically inclined enough to know how to configure JIRA and a lot of developers hate keeping JIRA up to date. Therefore, a lot of the PM reporting ends up being manual and a lot of excel spreadsheet work.

    I happened to have experience with deep JIRA customization because I worked at a company that specifically wanted to automate their reporting and billing processes from JIRA to an external system.

    I am now applying these skills to my current project and am getting a lot of WOWs from other PMs.

    Not trying to toot my horn but JIRA configuration just seems to be underrated in the software engineering profession. Employers rarely ask for it and developers hate it due to the overhead it adds to their daily work.

    But if configured correctly, it adds so much value from a project management perspective.

    Any agree? Disagree?

    submitted by /u/alexandereschate
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    Branches of Web Development

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:19 PM PST

    Hello everyone. I have questions. I don't have a CS or IT background, but I'm trying to learn web development on my free time. I understand that there's a front end and back end. But whenever I browse web dev portfolios, I'd see some of them transition to 'Infrastructure', 'Cloud Architect', 'R&D Developer', 'DevOps'. Are those branches of web development or is it a different field entirely? Can someone explain to me what fields I can specialize in within web development?

    submitted by /u/porkandgames
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    How to create the perfect responsive footer?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:11 AM PST

    Somehow the footer seems to be the hardest part for me and I really struggle to get it right.

    I want my footer to fullfill the following requirements:

    1. If the maincontent does not fill the whole viewport the footer should be displayed at the very bottom but still inside the viewport (no scrolling to see the footer)
    2. If the maincontent is heigher then the viewport the footer should still be the last element and never hide parts of the maincontent (not sticked to the viewport)
    3. There should be never empty space between the bottom of the page and the footer. (even on mobile devices)

    Each time I follow a tutorial on how to create a footer one of the points is not fullfilled. Either the footer only behaves correct if the content is large enough or the footer only behaves correct if the content is not too large. But I want the footer to work properly no matter how big the maincontent is.

    Here is an example. As you can see you have to scroll to the bottom to see the footer:


    submitted by /u/VisibleAir7
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    Looking to compare weapon stats of a video game on my website. Image elaborates on what I’m looking to do (if you can help just reply here, no need to DM)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 12:49 PM PST

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