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    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Fuck it, I've had enough. web developers

    Fuck it, I've had enough. web developers

    Fuck it, I've had enough.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:41 AM PST

    I've had enough of being a freelancer. I hate dealing with customers. I'm just not that type of guy. I seem to spend most of my time having to justify a very reasonable price of £400 for a whole website.

    The rest of my time is spent panicking about generating leads through Google Ads and Facebook. It's the never-ending convoluted digital marketing tactics to generate a lead that has worn me thin...

    I'm done, I can't be fucked with it. All of the above is making me hate what I do. I've never had any stability in my life. I'm 33 now, I just want stability and peace of mind. I've never worked for anyone in my life. I've always made my own way. I've literally never been employed and I've been homeless twice.

    I love coding. After my interesting, but ultimately misdirected 20's, I had to sort my life out because at 29 I was broke, I had no skills and was completely unemployable. I taught myself web development by watching youtube & udemy courses. I know HTML5, CSS, Boostrap, Javascript, React, PHP, Wordpress and MongoDB.

    I've been building websites for small businesses as a freelancer for 3 years. Recently a friend of mine started dating a new woman through another one of our friends. She's an IT recruitment consultant at big global recruitment company.

    I didn't know this when we first met. She asked me what I did and I just said I was a web developer. Immediately her eyes lit up. She just starting enthusiastically asking me "do you know javascript?, do you know php?, do you know wordpress, do you know magento?"

    I said yes to all, at which point she started saying that she can get me £400 - £500 per day as a contractor. She was basically saying they have contracts with all these companies etc and they just send me wherever I'm needed and for however long. So I might be doing contract work for British Airways for a month and then 2 months for some other big company etc.

    From what has been said already, it seems like they handle everything and all i've got to do is just code. I don't have to worry about finding new work, negotiating things etc.

    The problem is that I don't feel confident to say yes. I taught myself how to code in my late 20's and I've only been doing web development work for small local businesses. I've never worked as a developer in a team or on big projects or for big companies.

    I live in one of the biggest cities in the UK and half of my friends work in recruitment. Another friend has made similar offers many times before as he's an IT recruiter for Hayes Recruitment.

    SO.... my question is what do I need to do/learn to confidently say yes to these offers? I know all this stuff but only in the capacity of working from home on my own.


    submitted by /u/MustardGT4
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    Microsoft Paint/Paintbrush in Javascript

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:35 AM PST

    Average Page Load Times for 2020 - According to HTTPArcive and their page weight report, the average size of a website is 1.966 Mb for desktop and 1.778 Mb for mobile at the time of writing. Google’s best practice is to be below 0.5 Mb

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Selectors Explained: A CSS selector to plain English translator.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:14 AM PST

    I feel burnt out and tired of working for my company

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:16 AM PST

    I've always worked freelance, but since I joined a company to make more money I feel like my passion for web development went downhill.

    I love coding, but the thing is that the product this company I work for sells is very bad written and designed. So a task that usually would take me two hours, takes me six or more.

    Most of the time I'm not coding, I'm trying to understand what someone else coded: Functions of 2500 lines, no indentation, no documentation, important variables named like $a, $b, $x.

    It's just frustrating and actually makes me very sad because I could be doing something else instead of wasting this enormous amount of time with this. I'm actually thinking of going solo again even if I make less money.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm just a junior dev, I'm not an expert at all.

    Are all jobs like this?

    submitted by /u/RavenBloq
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    Use an API to get data for your app or website. This has helped many learn the basics of making JavaScript API calls and handling data in JSON format.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:12 AM PST

    How to get colleagues to follow best practices?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:22 PM PST

    So in my workplace, our current Web application is a monolithic mess. Database calls from the UI layer, so much duplication and just some down right horrible code, plus don't get me started on the lack of test coverage.

    Now by no means am I a saint. I'm still very early in my career, but I've taken a keen interest in writing clean, readable and testable code, as I want to instill good habits on myself and also to help those who come after me and read/extend my code.

    The problem I have is that I am so junior. My lead developer is very understanding and she's started to take a vested interest in writing cleaner code, but the other devs on the team don't seem to listen or follow best practices. I feel with being so junior the other devs won't listen to me and shrug me off sort of. I've been trying to lead by example by refactoring code, adding tests and mentioning in code reviews about certain improvements.

    So what have you guys done in your workplace to improve the quality of code? Have you hosted meetings stating the importance and showed some of the steps to writing clean code? Kept mentioning improvements in code reviews? Adding some rules to the code base for test coverage/naming conventions etc?

    submitted by /u/PhilllyB
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    What are some funny code comments you have seen?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:22 PM PST

    These make me giggle

    //seriously doubt this does anything

    //find a better way to do this

    //deal with later

    submitted by /u/eenergabeener
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    Smithsonian Open Access - Download, Share, and Reuse Millions of the Smithsonian’s Images

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:51 AM PST

    What is the best way to optimize wordpress?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:01 PM PST

    Hello guys and girls!

    I have a very slow loading online store created with woocommerce on wordpress. The loading time is aprox 7s.. which is huge. Is there a way I can lower it? A plugin or something? What are the steps to follow if I want to have a fast loading online store / website on wordpress?

    In case you want to waste 10s of your life on a loading screen just check it out: https://kadisport.ro

    Thank you in advance for any site accelerating tips <3

    submitted by /u/maicanvlad7
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    Why do my font-awesome icons look dissorted?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:14 PM PST

    What is the biggest bug you have ever pushed into production?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Title says it all, I am curious what the biggest bugs that you knowingly or unknowingly pushed into production.

    For me, when I was building promotions for some major video games, I was supposed to limit the number of entries for any given item (there were around 50 prizes, all the way up to a custom Jeep) to one entry per person, per prize, anyone that won a prize was ineligible to enter or win for another prize. Instead after a quick update (in production of course) all of a sudden every entry was applied to all of the prizes around 150 times. It would have been easy enough to fix with just a query, except that you couldn't tell what prize a person was trying to win...

    submitted by /u/jcmacon
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    I can't figure out how the animations are created with javascript . Can anyone explain the same to me?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:31 AM PST

    Checklist for modern website best practices?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:05 AM PST

    Does anyone have a good resource that can act as a checklist for a standard website development project? Including things that should be considered for a production-ready site like sitemap.xml, robots.txt creation, recommended meta tags for SEO and social media sharing, recommended favicon tags and sizes, etc...

    submitted by /u/quinlo
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    Which Google Cloud products to I need for a social network like instagram?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:16 PM PST

    Is window.performance broken on the network?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:01 PM PST

    I have a very simple html site. When I do p = window.performance and p.timing.domComplete - p.timing.responseEnd I get absurd numbers like 600ms. When I save the html page locally I get <20ms and sometimes <10ms. For example you can see below that events start and end same millisecond. There's just some kind of magically reason why domComplete happens many milliseconds after domContentLoadedEventEnd and domInteractive.

    Is window.performance completely unusable when loading pages from the network? I tried on both firefox and chrome.

    $ cat test | egrep "\w" | sort -n -t: -k2 redirectEnd: 0 redirectStart: 0 unloadEventEnd: 0 unloadEventStart: 0 navigationStart: 1582764572811 fetchStart: 1582764574109 connectStart: 1582764574362 domainLookupEnd: 1582764574362 domainLookupStart: 1582764574362 secureConnectionStart: 1582764574625 connectEnd: 1582764575255 requestStart: 1582764575255 responseEnd: 1582764576436 responseStart: 1582764576436 domLoading: 1582764576446 domContentLoadedEventEnd: 1582764576456 domContentLoadedEventStart: 1582764576456 domInteractive: 1582764576456 domComplete: 1582764576867 loadEventEnd: 1582764576867 loadEventStart: 1582764576867 
    submitted by /u/PresentConnection999
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    Looking for a responsive navbar with drop down menu

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:52 PM PST

    Hi I am looking for responsive navbar with drop-down menu if somebody could provide me with code or tutorial video I would highly appreciate it I been looking everywhere without success and I am having problems with it

    submitted by /u/Virandell
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    Common ways to share types between front end and backend?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:48 PM PST

    When the backend and the front end communicate, they both need to use the same data types. In a project where the frontend and backend are separate repos, what are some good or common ways to solve this problem?What about creating a third repo for the shared types? Is this a common solution?

    For context, both projects are plain es6 javascript. When I say "types", I mean types in an abstract sense rather than a specific language feature. (Maybe "classes" is a better word?)

    submitted by /u/updice
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    dumb CSSinJS question - what is ___CSS_1___

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:54 PM PST

    I'm looking at examples of how to style components in React with styled components and I keep running into theme files with this syntax ( I get the whole styled-components and object-based styles thangs, I'm referring to the value below such as "___CSS_1__" ).

    const StyledText = styled.span` color: ___CSS_0___; font-family: ___CSS_1___; font-size: ___CSS_2___; font-weight: ___CSS_3___; text-align: ___CSS_4___; line-height: ___CSS_5___; letter-spacing: ___CSS_6___; text-transform: ___CSS_7___; 

    There are a number of repos on git and bit.dev using this convention but my googling is coming up empty. Where can I find info explaining this approach? Not sure what to search for at this point.

    Please and thanks!

    submitted by /u/CleverJsNomDePlume
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    CSS Tutorial: Create Diagonal Layouts Like It's 2020

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:46 AM PST

    Looking for suggestions on how to create a new website

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:15 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I'm trying to create a site, essentially a directory/listing for professionals in $x field.

    I know a bit about webdev (used LAMP to manually created a site for users to login and upload images/text/video/audio, had hashed passwords, an attempt at bot prevention, etc). However, this was probably about ten years ago and I'm sure the landscape has changed a lot since then.

    Basically I need the following functionality:

    • Potential user can apply to be listed (email is fine for this)
    • Upon approval, account is created
    • User can login with username/password and can reset forgotten passwords
    • User can edit their page/profile, including uploading profile image
    • Searchable by visitors across multiple variables (preferably MySQL)
    • Method for admin to accept payment from users to be listed

    Is WordPress capable/suitable for this? If so, what plugins/themes/whatever are recommended? If not, what should be used? Right now I am playing around with a DO droplet and I'm just looking for suggestions on the easiest way to move forward.


    submitted by /u/WebdevQuestions37
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    How to be a freelancer?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:09 PM PST

    I am a underage teen that wants to make some money and become a freelancer... I have learn and study javascript hmtl5 css3 and a little bit of c++. I want to make projects to people... I tried fiveer but no one cares about my stuff. Any advice how I can become a freelancer when I turn 18? What plattaform you recommend to make money doing websites and some stuff?

    I don't really know if this a stupid question to post here but anyway I would like advices...

    submitted by /u/Laranjof
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    Am I crazy for getting AWS certs as a web developer? Please advise

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:06 PM PST

    Greetings all I need a bit of guidance.

    I am a full stack dev at my first job out of a bootcamp. I have been here for about 1 year and 5 months. It is not a tech company and I basically have zero stress here and can study while being at work. I mainly do React development and manage a LAMP stack application at my current job.

    Recently I have had the itch to find another job however I was it seems like it will not be so easy for me

    I am not sure if its due to my area, there are TONS of bootcamps, at least 5 in a 10 mile radius. I simply cannot get past the HR filter for some reason. In my area, seeing hundreds of people apply to the job I am applying to is crazy. But I have applied to about 40 jobs with almost zero response. My job applications are mostly through linkedin / indeed.

    The thing that stuck out to me is it seems most of the job posts nowadays in addition to knowing modern JS / React also want AWS experience and / or python / C#.

    Is it a good investment of my time to get AWS certs, probably just all the associate level ones and / or learn python?

    The issue I foresee is even if I do get AWS certs, I would not be able to use them at all at work since we do not use anything related to AWS currently, nor would my boss want to (my current employer is non-tech mid-sized company so they just want simple and easy). I am pretty sure companies would not give a shit about my certs if I have no real working experience with AWS right?

    However, if I do go for it would it help my chances at getting a better job?

    This job search seems more difficult than the first time!

    Please advise!

    submitted by /u/illitirit
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    http simple custom auth workflow question / suggestions

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:04 PM PST

    I'm fairly new to frontend/security and I have a golang server with three endpoints in the order they are used for a simple auth and serve workflow, I'm wondering if exposing such an endpoint to the public internet would cause me concern apart from DDOS attack (which I don't care about) . AM I missing something crucial ? Any suggestions to improve ?

    Note: Unfortunately I can't share the code but just assume all necessary input filtering etc is taking place.

    Note: Everything is over SSL .


    1. Login:
      1. Serve a generic google SSO page with a login button the basic google SSO javascript sends the id token to the auth endpoint below.
    2. Auth:
      1. This endpoint accepts the google ID token and uses the https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/oauth2 to verify token and get the users email from Google.
      2. If the email matches a list of whitelisted emails IE mine it then generates a HTTPonly|SameSite cookie with an expiry.
      3. The cookie contains a base64 encoded json object, inside this object is a random session ID and expiry epoch.
      4. The contents of the session ID and expiry are signed with a ECDSA algorithm and my privatekey. And the signature is added to the JSON object above.
      5. Cookie is sent back to the users browser.
    3. Verify & Serve
      1. Receives above base64 session ID from request cookie and verifies contents and signature then expiry and finally that the session ID exists (although at this point verifying the session ID exists seems pointless given the signature and the expiry, and we're only needing to know if the cookie was generated by my server and if its still valid)
      2. Serves the secure content ...

    ofcourse if someone had physical access to the users machine or the machine was vulnerable and the cookie was stolen and used by a bad actor before the expiry then this auth workflow wouldn't protect against that.

    submitted by /u/distorce
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    Build process for full stack developer: when building out a web app on a solo project, do you build the back end first and then add the front end or vice versa? If neither then what is your process?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:12 PM PST

    My stack is: AWS (api gateway/lambda/s3), Nodejs, Reactjs

    submitted by /u/gqtrees
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