• Breaking News

    Friday, February 21, 2020

    Careful with CSS grid -- display: grid + height: 100% === 💩 web developers

    Careful with CSS grid -- display: grid + height: 100% === �� web developers

    Careful with CSS grid -- display: grid + height: 100% === ��

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 09:25 AM PST

    Was tinkering around with nested grid layouts. Turns out that nested `display: grid` layouts have some sort of exponential performance cost when combined with `height: 100%`. With just 15 levels of nesting, rendering ~30 DOM nodes takes more than *30 seconds* in Chrome/Firefox.


    submitted by /u/jgbbrd
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    Firefox DevTools Survey asking for feedback about new features

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 12:36 AM PST

    Learn low level! Get out of your webdev comfort zone - a little story and advice

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:32 PM PST

    So this post is mostly aimed at people who are web developers without any experience with low level languages.

    My fascination with coding started with web development, before that I tried programming in languages like Pascal and C++, but it wasn't until I learned frontend and backend that I got hooked into programming. First three years were a blast, I was working on personal projects, got a part time job and all. I thought I'll never have to learn anything else, I saw no reason. The thought of using something like C or C++ to write anything was appalling - why bother when I can use web technologies? Even more so when you consider the fact that Javascript runs everywhere right now.

    Then I got into university and was forced to learn C. I gotta say I'm having as much, if not even more fun with low level than with web dev. I still work part time on web projects, but nowadays I find myself working on systems/hardware related stuff more in my free time. Yesterday I finished writing an emulator for chip 8, and today I wrote a disassembler for it, who would've thought 2 years ago? It's not even a part of uni curriculum.

    I wrote stuff like my own memory allocator, FAT12 disk image viewer, chat application that utilizes sockets to name the bigger ones. And countless other smaller programs. Using C forced me to work and think in different ways, and I feel like a better programmer overall. Even though none of it was related to web dev directly, I have much deeper understanding of how web servers work, how WebSockets and HTTP requests work, even Javascript makes more sense now. I have a better grasp on how OSes work, what's the deal with memory management and multithreading etc.

    Heck, it's weird coming back to Javascript, everything is just too damn easy, and where are muh types? You bet I finally started using Typescript.
    There's much more but I don't want this post to get too long.

    Now, I'm not saying that you should learn all of that this instant, and I know that full time web dev job can be time consuming and there's hardly time to learn anything else when you gotta keep up with those React, Electron, Vue, Webpack and what-have-you updates, but I think it's really worth looking into. It's different, it's tough, but it's also rewarding, interesting and will make you a better programmer afterwards

    submitted by /u/Rollers23
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    Build and push your Docker images using Github Actions

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 09:45 AM PST

    I created a step-by-step tutorial demonstrating how to integrate React with Ruby on Rails

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:54 AM PST

    I really wanted to learn React and API development, so I went head first into building a simple application, and documented my experience. I think what sets this apart from other Rails and React tutorials is that I cover...

    • API authorization
    • API versioning
    • Setting HTTP status codes
    • Form validation on the front-end
    • Handling errors
    • Debouncing requests
    • CSRF Countermeasures
    submitted by /u/P013370
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    Codepen doodle inspired by MoneyBox's lovely login animation

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:03 AM PST

    AWS: Where do I start?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:21 AM PST

    Context: I'm coming from a wordpress/shared-host background. I have created and managed in-house servers in the past (Windows and Linux). I recently made a Django web app that I am hosting on Heroku.

    I want to move to a modern dev-ops model but am overwhelmed by the services and options of AWS. I think S3 is what I should use for static files or media buckets, but that's pure speculation on my part. Can anyone clarify how devs use AWS?

    submitted by /u/jeffhowcodes
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    Error handling in React with error boundaries

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:59 AM PST

    What's the next step after WordPress?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 09:07 AM PST

    A buddy and I started a small web dev/digital marketing business a little over a year ago. I'd consider us "WP experts", but we're wanting to take our skills to the next level and start offering more cutting edge websites. What's the next step? I've seen a lot about React & Angular, but really don't know which one to commit to or if there's something else we should be focusing on. Open to all opinions!

    submitted by /u/mickdeez
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    How to make a notification appear to everyone after one user presses a button?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:19 PM PST

    I want to make an app where if a single user presses an "alarm" button, a notification appears for every viewer.

    How would I go about doing this? I need some help imagining how this would happen. Any ideas?

    Any type of help appreciated.

    submitted by /u/albertohojel
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    What are some good HTML and JS animation libraries for interactive displays?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 01:50 PM PST

    We just got a new project building a 'virtual interactive exhibit' for a museum kiosk. The kiosk is sequestered (no internet access), so I'm proposing that we use a PWA in Chrome's kiosk mode.

    However, I'm clueless about how to handle the animation. The app is simple: it lets you look at a copy of a historical document and zoom in, swipe around, parse through the pages, etc. I haven't dealt with animation in years and have no idea what HTML / JS stuff would be a good fit for something like this.

    There are so many tools out there; any recommendations would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/-goldmund-
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    Recommendations for static site CMS

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 06:53 AM PST

    I'd like to hear your recommendations for a content management system that clients can update to change their site. I'd like to use something like Jekyll, Hugo, or Gatsby to build sites for clients but I need a simple solution to allow them to add blog posts or make their own changes without my help.

    I've come across Netlify with Netlify CMS and Forestry.io so far but I'd like to hear if you have used something else that you like. Ideally changes should be pushed to git. I can manage the build process from there to get it to S3.

    submitted by /u/AttentiveUnicorn
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    What is a clean way of changing the contents of a sidebar when opened and closed?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:18 AM PST

    I am making a sidebar where when it is "closed" it is still 70px wide and has 4 main buttons. And when it is open, it is wider and a lot more buttons. I know how to change the width but I am wondering how I should go about changing the contents. Thanks. I'm just using plain JS and plain CSS (no bootstrap).

    submitted by /u/SantaOMG
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    What Time: A Web Application that finds when everyone in your team is available.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:09 PM PST

    Web app: https://what-time.herokuapp.com/

    Github (for those interested): https://github.com/omerdemirkan/whattime

    It requires an account so if you don't want to sign up you can use this dummy account:

    Username: reddit

    Password: Reddit123

    Here's how it works: The user creates a survey with an event name, date, and identifier (to identify submissions). This gives you access to a sharable link. This link allows anyone to submit their available hours and name. The user can see all submissions and available times on their end.

    It's at a very early stage so please let me know what features you would most like to see added. Any feedback would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/crypto_thiccboy
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    What are some worthy vanilla JavaScript projects you'd like to see in someone's portfolio?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:28 PM PST

    It seems like developers need to be really, really good at vanilla JavaScript, so what projects can help devs get better at it, and at the same time showcase on their github and portfolio?

    submitted by /u/canadian_webdev
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    Setting up an interface for a hosted machine learning algorithm

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:37 AM PST

    Hey all,

    It's been a while since I've done any web development type of work. But, I want to set up a site that will allow the public to use a machine learning algorithm I developed during my PhD

    The site would be pretty simple, a form for users to put their data, data gets sent to the server to run the algorithm, and the computed answer get spit back.

    Last I did anything like this, I think the front end was hacked together in JavaScript, and the data was posted back to the server with curl.

    Is this still the general workflow? Are there any good examples or tutorials for setting something like this up? Any resource or guidance would be great - just trying to get pointed in the right direction so I can get a prototype running with minimal hassle


    submitted by /u/AndreasVesalius
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    Cannot Stop Nginx on Linode Ubuntu - $20 to renew my ssl

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:26 AM PST

    My domain says it's served by Nginx but when I go in to stop the service (have to renew ssl) I type "sudo systemctl stop nginx" it gives this error "Failed to stop nginx.service: Unit nginx.service not loaded."

    Not sure what I need to do to stop Nginx. Everything I type acts like nginx is not installed but chrome dev tools says server is nginx. Can't renew ssl when Nginx is attached to port 80.

    I will pay someone $20 if they can renew my ssl.

    submitted by /u/BulgeBracketTrader
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    Upwork users, do you also have this pain point?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 05:19 AM PST

    I prefer to work on brand new web applications (not static marketing websites but larger projects like custom CRMs or SaaS etc). Things like MVPs or larger projects you might call "greenfield".

    Mostly because I enjoy building from scratch and not having to deal with somebody else's technical debt or have to be cog #9 in an existing project.

    On upwork, it's really difficult to locate these projects. I have a mix of search strings and filters to make it slightly better but it still requires significant time to read through them manually.

    Anyone else have the same issue or is it just me?

    Conversely I wonder if job posters who need these projects find upwork a good venue when there's lots of inexperienced folks or people who are rally online good doing minor features or big fixes.

    TLDR: It's really hard to find good MVP/greenfield projects on upwork without a huge time investment in manually reading through posts. Do you also have this issue?

    submitted by /u/foundry41
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    A little help with architecture for a simple site with a form

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:01 PM PST

    I apologize for a large scope of my question but I'm self taught so I'm never sure when I have big gaps in my reasoning and wanted to run this by some experienced people.

    Putting together a website with:

    • a couple static pages

    • multi page application form that includes two PDF attachments

    • login screen for admin

    • backend where admin can view submitted applications in a list form, search and sort them, add to "notes" field and view individual forms in detail

    • PDFs must be stored very securely because they will contain some private data.

    So as I see it I need:

    • a few "front end" php pages

    • a couple "back end" php pages

    • submit.php on front end, save.php on back end and login.php for admin login

    • js/css/assets etc

    Then I need database for storing applications. Looking to use SQL and store PDFs as BLOBs. PDFs don't need to be searchable at the moment.

    Client is expecting dozens of applications per month, couple hundred is possible.

    Considering using Amazon S3 for hosting, both the files and the SQL database.

    Does this sound reasonable? In particular whether Amazon S3 is a good hosting approach here, but any feedback on anything I'm overlooking or mistaken about is warmly welcome. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/HarmoniumSong
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    how much CSS do you need to know in order to land a react job ?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:00 PM PST

    I am a recent college grad and I wanted to get into web development, most places around me seem to be looking for react developers and in the job postings, my question is in your opinion how much CSS does one need to know to land a react job ? I know the basics of css but when I go on code pen and see some of the stuff people are coming up with I feel like it would take me years to get to that level wtih css

    submitted by /u/leadfarmer3000
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    CSS Frameworks becoming obsolete?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 05:06 AM PST

    As I think more of it, with the advent of UI Component frameworks like Vuesax, Vuetify, and god know what else is out there are these going to eventually replace Css frameworks? such as Semantic UI, Materialize css, and perhaps even Bootstrap?

    submitted by /u/Jncocontrol
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    [REQUEST/INQUIRY] Does anyone have more information on the Youtube Playlist Manager?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 01:37 PM PST

    I'm desperately seeking some kind of application that manages youtube videos, subscriptions and mainly playlists. Some way to organize, categorize, add, delete, share, save, all my finds on youtube.

    I've found a few candidates that do this well, but most are incomplete. This is what I got so far:



    Any help? Is this the right subreddit?

    submitted by /u/richaell
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    Parallax scroll with title possible?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:26 AM PST

    I want to create the parallax effect with the title attached to the picture. right now, i have the picture as a container but tutorials show that i need to put the picture under parallax class. is it possible to have a picture under both parallax and container?

    submitted by /u/gamosphere
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    How to disable browser auto-fill?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 01:16 PM PST


    Anyone know how to disable the form auto-fill?

    I have a form with address/city/region/country/zip_postal.
    Since I entered that data before on this or another domain, the browser will try to auto-fill this data as soon as I start typing in a field.

    Also, it creates a dropdown with the previous data, covering the normal dropdown/auto-complete.

    This is a form for a shipping agent that enters the address where to ship a package, the address is never the same, so that auto-fill makes the form unusable.

    autocomplete="off"/autocomplete="random_text" has no effect on the form or inputs.

    submitted by /u/Annh1234
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    Anything like Wix, GoDaddy, etc that allows you to sell products by weight?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 01:15 PM PST

    For a bit of context, I work for a medium sized supermarket chain that is working on expansion into online shopping, they want almost all aspects of controlling the website in house; we don't want to pay somebody outside of the company to create the website for us.

    I was looking at using something like Wix, GoDaddy etc to produce a prototype. From what I can tell however, Wix does not offer a functionality to sell items by weight (such as loose produce). Is there a variant out there that does do this?

    Any and all advice is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/The_Zekta
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