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    Tuesday, February 25, 2020

    A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer learn programming

    A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer learn programming

    A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:13 AM PST

    A multi-month study plan for going from web developer (self-taught, no CS degree) to software engineer for a large company.


    submitted by /u/mmaksimovic
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    I’ve been learning python and java for a while and i’m able to solve problems, but how do i actually MAKE something?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:45 PM PST

    i don't really understand what do to after i have a good understanding of the language.

    submitted by /u/samanthatb1
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    PSA For Anyone Learning Python: The help() function gives you really detailed information on just about anything!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:16 PM PST

    Ever spent a solid 10 minutes trying to Google information about why you're getting an error? Or needed to know all the options you could use for a library?

    Try using the help() function. It gives you a really detailed printout of all the information it has on a given input!

    Works on libraries, classes, variables, object types, functions... anything really. Super useful!

    submitted by /u/MrBreadWater
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    I get frustrated when using c#

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:36 PM PST

    I'm not here to complain, but to notice how I always have a hard time whenever I try to use c#. Thank God I'm working with PHP in My first job as a web developer.

    Is it just me not working hard enough to understand the language or is it something odd about c#? Some people might say it's just because C# is more complex than PHP and other high level languages but I've used Java too and it's not as Bad.

    Any advices? I know c# is not a popular language but I'm worried I'm gonna need it sometime in the future and I'm gonna be as phobic as now.

    submitted by /u/princealiabawa
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    Drawing circles in CSS/other languages

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:09 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I have been thinking about this for a while but I was wondering why circles are drawn as squares (height/width) but with a radius parameter, not just an x,y for the center and a radius. Is it just to allow adding a small radius to a rectangle for rounding corners? Or is it becuase of how it is understood in machine code?

    Thanks for any input :), sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this type of question.

    submitted by /u/lairdy5452
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    What is the most accurate way of predicting a user's location?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:30 PM PST

    I am in the process of developing a weather application in Python that can display the current weather conditions as well as a predicted forecast for their local area. The only problem is that I would like to spare the user the hassle of typing in their address every time they change locations. I have tried getting the user's IP address by calling the IPify API and I have also tried using GeoCoder to convert their IP address to a set of latitude & longitude coordinates. The thing is whenever I try to search the coordinates on Google Maps I see that they are over 135+ miles away from my actual location. I am well aware that IP addresses are not exact locations and that they often display the ISP's location rather than the user's. My question then is how should I go about getting the user's current location? I am planning on porting this program from desktop form to mobile as well, so I would prefer it if your solution was somewhat universal in use. Thanks once again to all of the wonderful people on this subreddit for your helpfulness and patience!

    submitted by /u/Neonz27
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    C++ Project

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:28 PM PST

    I have linked sales.cpp, Song.cpp and Song.h, but nothing outputs. No errors pop up. Ignore the error messages on the .h file but am i doing something wrong?


    submitted by /u/s_zizzle2
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    What is the error in this method that finds the distance between two characters?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:44 PM PST

    It keeps telling me it has to return an integer. Im guessing its because I am not hitting all the possible outcomes but Im not sure how to fix it.


    submitted by /u/secretsecretive
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    Found myself in a "Promise hell in Javascript"

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:13 PM PST

    Technically this works, but I know it's not efficient and difficult to read. Any advice on how to control this?

     // Post new customer app.post("/customers", (req, res) => { const { tableData } = req.body; // Take in array of table data, inserts each object into Customer Table db.Customers.bulkCreate(tableData) .then(customers => { //When new customers are inserted, new Booth Instance gets created db.Booths.create() .then(booth => { // Assign each customer from initial promise a booth_id and activate customers.forEach(customer => { customer.update({ booth_id: booth.booth_id, active: "true" }); }); }) .catch(err => console.log(err.message)); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err.message); }); }); 
    submitted by /u/kingducasse
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    The dummy guide to Cloud computing/solutions?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:49 PM PST

    Can someone please explain cloud computing/solutions to me in the most layman terms? What is going on at Amazon AWS and Microsoft azure? I saw one definition that said it puts costly IT resources on the cloud. What resources?

    submitted by /u/ashdee2
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    Python project ideas for intermediate learner

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:10 AM PST

    I'm looking for some Python project ideas but all the ones I can find online are things such as tictactoe or calculator apps. Ideally I'm looking for a project involving a database but I'm open to other suggestions!

    To give some gauge of my level:

    • I've created a calculator app
    • Created sudoku solver using backtrack algorithm
    • Sentiment analysis based on twitter posts
    • I've recently been learning about Tkinter and folium


    submitted by /u/FinanceLearner123
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    Is there any places that I can get the pre-made modules for C/C++?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:46 PM PST

    Hi, I have been using Python for quite a bit now and decided to learn a new programing language such as C/C++. I have noticed that C/C++ also allow to import a pre-made modules for the ease of remaking functions but can't seem to find anywhere to download it like Python.

    submitted by /u/karrystare
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    [system design] how would you answer this off the top of your head?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:35 PM PST

    Got asked this question during my onsite for an all levels SWE position at a high-growth, but very small start-up. I flunked it badly and I just want to know how others would approach this in an interview setting w/o access to online resources AKA off the top of your head.

    The prompt from what I remember was: "Design a restaurant reservation platform so that it allows restaurants to best manage their reservations and maximize profits."

    They also made sure to explain the format of the interview/how I should form my response/what to focus on:

    1. Don't waste time mentioning any specific technologies, just focus general functionalities the system designer (me) would look for/prioritize in deciding upon a tech stack.
    2. Role-play between the system designer, and them, the engineers for this platform based on my design
    3. Looking for high-level abstraction - if they ask about a certain component THEN dive deeper into its logic

    Finally, any useful/not well known tips for how the interviewee could make sure to portray work culture fit for an extremely fast-paced/chaotic startup?

    Sorry this was super long - just trying to improve as much as possible from my failed interviews and get hired before burning out completely... Thanks :")

    EDIT: I also recorded myself answering this question during the interview - if anyone would be down to critique it for me (or if listening to an entire hour is too long - I can transcribe it) I would really really appreciate it! I'm uncomfortable asking my CS friends here at UC Berkeley to listen to it b/c they're pretty insensitive and kind of sexist (they're all asian males). The last couple of times I asked them to help mock interview me or critique my recordings they didn't provide any constructive criticism - they just laughed and poked fun and I got extremely discouraged.

    submitted by /u/notazorahai
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    Javascript: differentiate libraries

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:31 PM PST

    EDIT: Please ignore the title, it should be "differentiate objects from arrays"

    Recently I had a question that I got wrong because my refactored solution was unable to separate an empty object from an empty array (in both cases they could also have k/v pairs or elements). I tried to test length just now as a solution; even that doesn't work:

    Do you guys how how to differentiate them in vanilla Js without helper libraries?

    I feel like .hasOwnProperty() may be helpful here for testing for a unique object property, if arrays do not have one. But I know that arrays are objects so this is tough.

    const obj = {} const arr = [] const testForLength = dataType => { if (Boolean(dataType.length)) { return "array" } return "object"; } console.log(testForLength(obj)); // object console.log(testForLength(arr)) // object 
    submitted by /u/javascript_dev
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    Would love to hear some advices from bootcamp grads!!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:09 PM PST

    I really want a career change and I have been researching about different bootcamp in Seattle area. At this point I am looking at one bootcamp which focus on teaching front-end and the other one teaches you 3 full stacks which basically helps you learn how to how new programming language quickly in the future. Please don't tell me I should learn by myself, I love learning with a community where I can interact and learn from other people and struggle together. And I would love to hear any advice from bootcamp grads and current bootcamp students!

    submitted by /u/EcstaticRun1
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    Java and c#

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:46 PM PST

    So as of rn I am paying for team treehouse to learn java. Since I am paying I wanna get the best out of it. I would like to make games in unity but that is in c# so is it better for me and my money if I stay with java finish and then move over or move over as of rn. I also rly wanna get a good grasp on oop concepts

    submitted by /u/Nindroz
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    Can you help me understand how Doom works?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:21 PM PST


    I'm new to programming and trying to understand how games are created but I can't seem to grasp where the main game in this code of DOOM is, it is like navigating a maze.

    submitted by /u/kilorod640
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    Simple C++ problem about dynamic arrays

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:58 PM PST

    Why can't I get the length of the dynamic array? Also, can someone explain why when I run the program, it takes a bit of time to compile? I'm trying to get the size of the array, even though I know the size already.

    int total_Size = 10; int count = 0; int *p = new int[total_Size]; while(p != nullptr) { p++; count++; } cout << "Size of dynamic array is: " << count << endl; 
    submitted by /u/DabbingVoy
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    What are some REAL problems of companies do programmers solve? What are some projects that programmers make in their REAL job?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:51 PM PST

    I decided to study programming and have a real career in it. But I know that the world of programming is huge, and me studying by myself might end up with nothing. I want to have a niche in my career, so I want a REAL grasp of what programmers REALLY do. I have no mentors so I have no guide, only reddit. But I wanna know what kind of projects do junior/intermediate programmers REALLY make for the company they are working for? What are some common needs/problems of the company/client that a hired programmer need to solve?

    submitted by /u/09333618940
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    How can you write a method that iterates through elements in a string and returns them as integers to be used in another method?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:51 PM PST

    Unlike writing it in main where you can write a for loop, I want to write a method that takes a string and returns each character of the string as the ascii value.

    submitted by /u/secretsecretive
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    Well, here is my second project, what should I do next?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:39 PM PST


    I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a project that I would find very challenging to do on my own. The harder the better.

    submitted by /u/ghostwilliz
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    A fun language

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:12 PM PST

    So I know this is purely opinion base but what language is the most fun to code in? What is just the most enjoyable language to you guys and why?

    I'm looking to get into learning to code for fun and maybe to help my career in the future. Everyone always says to start with python because it's easy but I always liked a challenged and I just want something that is " fun" I guess.

    I was thinking about learning Nim.

    submitted by /u/rattpackchris
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    Creating an App in Matlab

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:09 PM PST

    Creating an App using Matlab

    I'm an engineering student who has just about a month and a half of experience with cose. So I have a physics project that I need to complete near the end of the semester and for the project I decided to use simple kinematic equations to calculate the slope of a ski hill using data obtained from my phone.

    So I looked on google and found this videoon how to convert Matlab code onto an iPhone and to be quite frank I'm completely lost. I tried to follow the video with a simple piece of code and the Matlab Coder kept giving me error messages so I'm not too sure what I should do. Are their certain commands that I need to use to ask for the data that I need? Is their a more simple way to calculate for my equations?

    Sorry if this is a somewhat complex question, I'm just completely lost and am probably considering changing my project idea.

    submitted by /u/ThatOneGuy2418
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    Can someone explain this openssl decryption command piece by piece?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:56 PM PST

    openssl aes-256-cbc -K encrypt_key -iv encrypt_iv -in credentials.json.enc -out /tmp/credentials.json -d 

    openssl - main command?

    aes-256-cbc - they encryption method?

    -K encrypt_key - the key flag and the var representing the encryption key

    -iv encrypt_iv - ?

    -in credentials.json.enc - the file to decrypt

    -out /tmp/credentials.json - the file to write to

    -d - the flag to tell it to decrypt instead of encrypt

    Can anyone help me fill in the blanks and correct anything I mis understood?

    Also, are there any good tutorials on the encryption method that would result in this being the appropriate DEcryption method? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/work_acc_1
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