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    Wednesday, January 1, 2020

    Where do I go after getting the hang of basic web dev? web developers

    Where do I go after getting the hang of basic web dev? web developers

    Where do I go after getting the hang of basic web dev?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:44 AM PST

    After a few months I think I have a fundamental understanding of vanilla js, html, css, php, an SQL and have been able to make some very basic websites. Here is what I need advice on:

    • My websites are pretty ugly and I could not imagine anyone paying for them. I have been proud of parts but everything does not look cohesive. What are some good online resources on making your websites more attractive and modern?
    • I hear all the time that vanilla js is not used anymore and people use frameworks. Also almost every job posting has Angular, React, and Vue as necessities. Why do people use them and which one would be the easiest to pick up?
    • Is there a market for selling resources for websites? For example button animations, pseudo-3d graphics, etc.?

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/TheSlothJesus
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    Is a cookie usable for only one server side app process and a user?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:43 AM PST

    Cookies are used for maintaining a session between HTTP requests.

    Is a cookie usable for only one server side app process and a user?


    Is a cookie usable for only one server side app process? Or can a cookie be usable by multiple possibly unrelated/independent server side app processes?

    Is a cookie usable for only one user, or multiple users?

    Is a cookie usable for only one client-side app process, for all the possibly unrelated client-side app processes (Firefox browser, Chrome browser, or any client-side app process) used by a given user?


    submitted by /u/timlee126
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    Thriving on the Technical Leadership Path

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Building custom plugins for Vue.js | Supercharge your Vue.js Development

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:47 PM PST

    Will having a particular domain extension such as (.com, .net, .org) affect my SEO?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:16 PM PST

    So I am looking into a domain name and the one I currently want is taken. That being said, i'm left with the alternative extensions, will having an extension such as .com or a lesser popular extension such as .xyz, have any effect on my SEO or my Google Search Engine rankings?

    submitted by /u/walldeezy
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    PHP - Is there a better way to filter out data rather than using lots of if and or statements ?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:52 PM PST

    $pref1 = "Food"; $pref2 = "History"; $pref3 = "AfterDark"; function assignCategory(& $preference1, & $preference2, & $preference3){ if($preference1 = "Food" || $preference2 = "Food" || $preference3 = "Food"){ echo "Food"; } if ($preference1 = "History" || $preference2 = "History" || $preference3 = "History"){ echo "History"; } if ($preference1 = "Leisure" || $preference2 = "Leisure" || $preference3 = "Leisure"){ echo "Leisure"; } if ($preference1 = "Entertainment" || $preference2 = "Entertainment" || $preference3 = "Entertainment"){ echo "Entertainment"; } if ($preference1 = "Sport" || $preference2 = "Sport" || $preference3 = "Sport"){ echo "Sport"; } if ($preference1 = "PopularPlaces" || $preference2 = "PopularPlaces" || $preference3 = "PopularPlaces"){ echo "PopularPlaces"; } if ($preference1 = "AfterDark" || $preference2 = "AfterDark" || $preference3 = "AfterDark"){ echo "AfterDark"; } if ($preference1 = "Arts_Culture" || $preference2 = "Arts_Culture" || $preference3 = "Arts_Culture"){ echo "Arts_Culture"; } if ($preference1 = "Transport" || $preference2 = "Transport" || $preference3 = "Transport"){ echo "Transport"; } if ($preference1 = "Facility" || $preference2 = "Facility" || $preference3 = "Facility"){ echo "Facility"; } } 

    I have 3 preferences and I want my function to echo out whichever preference is passed in - these preferences can be in any order as they will come in URL format api.com/?pref1=pref2=pref3=

    submitted by /u/Cormac_IRL
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    My first HTML/CSS creation, a pseudoclass-based photo enlargener

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:09 PM PST

    Is there a Headless CMS alternative to WordPress that is as powerful as WP Advanced Custom Fields?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:53 AM PST

    I've looked at a few (Contentful/Prismic/Forestry) and none of them offer features like nested repeaters (at least one level). They do offer some alternatives (like linking to other content types) but they're not as seamless and easy to understand and use from a content editor's perspective.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/intricatebug
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    It's 2020! What do you want to learn this year?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:55 AM PST

    Curious about what technologies, architectures, or languages you all will be learning this year

    submitted by /u/F0064R
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    FrontPage & Dreamweaver

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:58 AM PST

    Just realised I'm ridiculously outdated with my web design knowledge. What are people using today to create website?

    submitted by /u/AddInvest
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    How can I migrate from digital ocean database to a google cloud plus database?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:40 PM PST

    Currently I'm using database from Digital Ocean that I need to migrate to GCP SQL. However when I google these terms there's nothing on how to migrate from one cloud provider to another (specifically database instances).

    submitted by /u/Okmanl
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    I made a (really interesting to me, at least) tool to monitor dark web DNS queries

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Is learning Php worth it?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:43 AM PST

    So I have learned some HTML, CSS and JS. Simple question now... Do I just keep improving my skills within these languages or do I learn Php, SQL etc.?

    I saw a graph of Php popularity going way down so I am asking myself whether this language is still relevant.

    Btw, how do JS and Php compare? I think Php can't do things JS can but can JS do everything Php can? Correct me if i am wrong. Thanks

    submitted by /u/TrebiCz
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    Something I've been trying to wrap my head around...

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:01 PM PST

    I started making websites with WordPress. It took some time but it's not a terribly steep learning curve. Drag and drop functionality is what most normal people are more or less used to by now and it makes sense once you get the hang of the quirks.

    I've started researching frameworks like django and flask. It seems that you have maybe slightly more control over what you can do but with a much steeper learning curve. I wanted to know why would someone create a website using a framework rather than WP. What are the advantages? Or are frameworks mostly used for web APPS and not informational or e-commerce websites?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/BOOSHchill
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    Anybody here made a success out of working for themselves?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:00 PM PST

    Advice for a wordpress noob

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:13 AM PST

    Hey guys, I know wordpress is supposed to be easy but I have a client with a somewhat large WP site and would appreciate some input on how I'm going about helping them.

    So they got hacked by a keyword cloaking attack and I was able to fix it by following that guide. However, the site is still running a vulnerable version of PHP and no SSL. Their host (GoDaddy) offers no easy (or cheap) upgrade options. Additionally, the site is ancient and unusable on mobile.

    The site is ~120 pages, all static. Many following similar templates such as a product description page. They use Paypal links for checkout. Updates do not happen often and the site only gets 100's-1000's of views monthly.

    Here are my ideas for options moving forward:

    • Upgrade Godaddy plan for PHP 7 and SSL
      • expensive and difficult
    • Rebuild with Weebly+Square
      • more expensive than WP or Gatsby, big time investment
    • Leave as is, probably get hacked again
    • Migrate WP site to another host like DotEasy
    • Rebuild with Gatsby+Contentful or some other modern stack

    My questions:

    • Any idea how long it takes for search results to update? Bing seems to be slower than Google...
    • Am I missing any easy option for my client to secure/upgrade their site?
    • What are the SEO impacts of rebuilding the site with a new framework/CMS?
    • What would you do?

    Thanks for any wisdom!

    submitted by /u/jistjoalal
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    Example application for a course

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:46 PM PST

    I'm currently working on a course for creating a larger scale frontend application. This includes login, state management, form validation, and all that kind of stuff.

    Essentially for this course is a demo application, where I'm not completely sure about right now. This demo application will be the "core" of this course (meaning that the course will explain how to build this application). So far I've thought of the following things:

    - blog backend (login, crud for posts & categories, form validation)
    - twitter clone (which would include real time capabilities)
    - personal CRM (login, crud for contacts, more form validation)

    I'd really appreciate some opinions on this :)

    submitted by /u/nehalist
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    Looking for some good examples on Blog Websites for Reference

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:38 PM PST

    I'm trying to build a simple static blog utilizing Jerkyll.

    Although, I do not want to use pre-made templates that are offered in some places and by others. I'm relatively new to the game and still would like to challenge myself in creating something on my own and then deploying it.

    I just can't seem to find any good examples of some static blog pages around on the internet.

    Do you guys have any good examples for me to reference?

    submitted by /u/PitythePete
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    PDO vs MySQLi & a good tutorial for them?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:19 PM PST

    I am new to using databases. I know SQL, but not PHP integration. I am trying to develop a website (https://github.com/chat-t/chat-t) and it currently uses JSON to store user data. Obviously not the best solution. Should I use PDO or MySQLi in 2020? And what is a good tutorial? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/mrbros35
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    Simple website using LAMP stack

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:10 PM PST

    I want to build a basic website to keep track of who currently has certain pieces of equipment at my workplace. I want users (coworkers) to be able to create an account using an email and password, and then be able to simply check in/check out equipment.

    I am a somewhat experienced programmer (C++, Python, etc.), and I currently work as a controls engineer. I am just using this project to learn a bit about web development. My plan is to deploy a LAMP stack and use MySQL and PHP to manage the user accounts and equipment status. I have a couple questions:

    1. Does this seem like a reasonably simple project to start learning about web development? Any tips?

    2. I understand that PHP is commonly used as a backend language, while JavaScript is commonly used as a frontend language. Will I need to use JavaScript (or some other frontend language) to achieve my intended functionality for this website?

    submitted by /u/Th3KillBOT
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    is it possible to use electron.js for actual websites, or is there a workaround?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:02 PM PST

    so excuse if this is somewhat incomprehensive because i'm not a developer.

    so i want to make a simple electron.js like app that is instead based off a website a friend of mine is developing. its kinda like a progressive web app but for desktop, if that's a thing. would electron.js be the best way to go about this or is there a better way to consider it?

    to clarify, it would be a browser, ut instead of connecting to any website it would just connect to only one that is specified before building. is this possible or am i just thinking of nonsense?

    submitted by /u/I_AM_NOT_MAD
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    Is there a way to redirect a bitly link without a $35 subscription for a month?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:22 PM PST

    Last year for my Extra Life charity page I made a bitly/Poulshu link, however, at the beginning of the year, all those pages are shut down and you have to re-register for the new year.

    The Bitly webpage doesn't allow you to redirect links unless you're a subscriber to their services.

    I'm currently attempting to change the original bitly link to bitly/Poulshu2019 to see if that will release the old link, but it hasn't yet. Going to wait 24 hours to see if that works.

    The only reason this is important is that my brother 3D printed me some "business card" keychains that have the original bitly link. He's going to remake some with my new official webpage, but I'd like to also be able to use the original prints.

    submitted by /u/poulshu
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    Looking for a way to style a div based on the position that the website is scrolled to

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:10 PM PST

    I would like to style a div to change the position from fixed to relative based on the scroll position. I would like the div, which contains a button, to be fixed on the screen starting at one point during the scroll down the page and then go back to relative after passing a certain end point on the page during the scroll. Basically I would like to scroll, "pick up" the div so that it is fixed on the page, scroll a certain amount more with the fixed div, and then "drop off" that same div. Dropping it off can either send it back to its initial position or keeping it at the end point as the end point will be behind an image so it won't be seen which would probably be better because then I could "pick up" this div again on the way back to the top.

    Here is code that I have tried based on a post on stack overflow but I couldn't get it to work on my site. This code is suppose to change the CSS style based on scroll position:

    window.onscroll = function() { console.log(window.pageYOffset); var nav = document.getElementById('button'); if ( window.pageYOffset > 100 ) { nav.classList.add("button-css"); } else { nav.classList.remove("button-css"); } } 
    submitted by /u/lifelifebalance
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    Build Command-Line Spinners in Node.js

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:09 PM PST

    What languages should i be learning for entry level positions?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:20 AM PST

    Hello i live in Australia and I was going to try and learn wordpress, .net and php for entry level positions as there are many jobs for them. Are there any other languages I should be learning?

    submitted by /u/iamsmat
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