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    Monday, January 6, 2020

    What is best way to earn from my apps? [C#] Ask Programming

    What is best way to earn from my apps? [C#] Ask Programming

    What is best way to earn from my apps? [C#]

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:15 PM PST

    Since few years I have developed several .NET desktop applications, few of them are quite interesting. I was learning coding by doing them before I got my current job. I would like to refactor them, maybe convert them using Xamarin, to mobile apps and publish, as well as write a new applications later on.

    The problem I am thinking right now about is how to earn money.

    First to my mind was the idea to publish them at stores (Android store / iOS store / Windows store). Maybe I am wrong but I guess not so much people are using Windows Store.

    The next question is how to protect the app against cracking this way? I could download .apk files for applications that are normally in Android Store. How can I prevent people to steal my apps from stores?

    So the other idea is to create a server and deploy clients, so at my server there are main functions that are doing the work, and the clients just send me input, I send them output. That sounds great and I would not be cheated. But, that would be much harder to start it because of additional work for devops, server maintain etc, as well as costs.

    Moreover one application, almost ready, and really cool is about privacy and security. So I do not want to risk user privacy sending me, even ciphered input (MitM risk).

    So the only way is to obfuscate the code and make it hardware dependent by ciphering MAC of motherboard with some keys during installation. But this is still naive way I guess. This app is not a wide in code measure, so cracking would not be hard too.

    Please treat this question for the specific app, that I have mentioned in the last paragraph and in general for all the rest applications.

    Wider question is - What is good way to earn money from desktop/mobile app these days?

    Are stores more profitable rather than making installator by my own?

    What about marketing at store? Is it hard nowadays to sell apps? Is investing in ads to promote my apps is the must?

    Any share of experience would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/boci12
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    Does the speed of a compiled language depend on the language its compiler is written in?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:20 PM PST

    What's the best authentication method that obfuscates API keys well enough on the client side?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:59 PM PST

    So my question stems from this:

    Is somebody able to rip a platforms api keys/tokens and certificates (if any) from their respective clients? (for example Twitter, Instagram, Reddit) - and use those to have unlimited access to api requests? If not, how have they managed to achieve this?

    I hope my question is clear. I haven't been able to get the most solid answer to this. I've found out that usually on-device clients can have their secrets ripped from them when the correct effort is applied.

    I'm now just trying to figure out which authentication method might be the best to apply to a REST API and only allow specific clients to access those APIs, without leaving the vulnerability of someone ripping keys from the client. (Mostly app based clients on Android and iOS)

    submitted by /u/dankcova
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    Is being able to solve an issue *without* using Stack Overflow an important skill?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:35 AM PST

    I've read somewhere recently that being able to get away with using SO, which is obviously the most important single source of programming questions, is a skill that separates senior developers from the rest.

    While all these definitions are obviously vague and relative, I'd like to hear your opinion about it.

    More often than not, it's quicker for me to find out some niche parameter usage or configuration of frameworks and stuff like that on SO than in the actual documentation. Hell, even SO had this attempt to create a universal community-driven documentation system if you remember. I don't think it reflects on my abilities, or the lack of those.

    submitted by /u/MindFruitNinja
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    What do you want to really achieve in life as a software developer?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:49 PM PST


    I was introduced to beautiful world of programming in my final year of college during my curriculum as i didn't had much exposure to this field and internet

    I was doing the assignments related to programming in Java,C,C++ just for the sake of doing and it didn't interest me much during those days.

    But during final year of college placements, i came to know about competitive programming as it was the first round in some companies , i couldn't clear the round as i was not good in Algo & DS.

    Later i started practicing on my own in many sites on cp problems, i was literally addicted to it and i became somehow good at it.

    Fast Forward, after graduation i joined the company which paid me okay as a fresher still less, but i was working on B2B ERP tool called Sterling Integrator and was handling support solutions.I literally found out there was no logical thinking involved in it and no programming and i was not interested in doing it and was not feeling a sense of achievement,but realised how some people are ready to do samething if they were paid enough an were comfortable ,but i was not,somehow time flew and after 1.5 yr i was frustrated and left the company.

    While i was working for the company, i was interested to join the team where programming is involved irrespective of FE/BE, but couldn't and left the company.

    Later i learned all the basics of HTML,CSS,JS and started learning React.js, realised the awesomeness what we see as a normal user on our phones,PC etc is created by it...i started liking FE and later joined the service based company as a FE (mainly working on React.js) it felt good the power of UI programming and its effects on people, as time passed i was getting again bored of doing same wireframing and data driven related part stuff and started looking for job.

    During my personal time i really like to create web app/mobile to solve the problem which i am facing daily even if it is small and somewhat even others are facing.

    Fast Forward, currently working in a new company as a React-Native guy(new to RN), but somehow i am still thinking that i am going into same loop of doing the same thing.

    For me what i feel is i want to work on my ideas,to solve the problem what i feel is out there , rather than just doing the things on getting order or achieving the given tasks, ultimately i am just a guy to them who is getting the things done, i am not getting a feeling,sense of achievement, mostly we are just implementing the things on top of abstraction.

    I want to work on my ideas, problems and i am not saying i want to go in ML,AI etc..but would like to go in research field related to programming,AI,ML.

    Either i want to work as an independent developer(indie maker) or go into research field and create things on my own(whatever library,framework,language,create something that really solves the problems people are facing)

    I am 24 , i cannot see myself working for companies even if is big or are giving money unless what they are trying to solve is my goal.

    I am not good at writing and just expressed my things as what i feel being a programmer

    I want to know from you people , what do you really want to become in your life as a programmer and advice/suggestions for me.


    submitted by /u/rajatrao777
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    What are some interesting projects REST is good for?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:12 PM PST

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I'm really struggling with this question and thought that maybe you guys have some ideas.

    I have a graded JAX-RS project coming up, planned for about ~7 days of work for a group of three. We know the technical aspects, but it's really not our world and we have no ideas what to use it for. I usually do interactive simulations/games for such projects, and that seems like the absolute worst thing for a REST approach. I'd much preferr to use it on something it actually suits.

    All the ideas we came up with seem either spectacularly unoriginal with plenty of available templates and frameworks (web shop, forum) so we would just do a poor version of something that already exists better, or way too small for such a project size.

    Any however outlandish proposals are welcome, just give me some points of reference please!

    submitted by /u/Roflkopt3r
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    How to run and retrieve output of a Python program within C++ program?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:55 PM PST

    I am trying to have a C++ code call a python script of mine and get the output of it and am not sure how it's done. Here is a super simplified example of what I need sort of process I need:


    with open(filename, 'r') as file: filedata = file.read() if "1" in filedata: return(1) else: return(0) 


    \\ I have no idea on what to do here so here is puesdo code int output = run(pythonscript.py); 

    edit - The reason I have to call the python script is to run a decryption function on a file. It's not to actually just read a file. I just made it read because the functionality/outputs are the same.

    submitted by /u/MisplacingCommas
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    Few questions on Python Syntax:

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:07 PM PST

    1 .

    observation, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)

    Does writing it like this just mean all 4 variables are assigned to the env.step(action)? Asking since I've never seen it written like this. Is the only purpose shorter code?

    2 . What are OOP Constructs?

    3 . Could anyone explain


    like is it just

    void setup()

    from C# or what's the difference?

    4 . In the same vein, if I write memory = self.memory in def learn(self) but also have self.memory = [] declared in def init(self) above it somewhere, how's that work, like which memory is equaling which memory in learn()?

    This last question is confusing me a lot so I probably phrased it wrong.

    Thank you for any help

    submitted by /u/billybobjoe179
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    what language to learn to find a new job and be happy? )

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:28 AM PST

    I'm a web developer, I know ruby pretty well and like the language a lot. But ruby is not very popular in my country, so to find a better job, and for self development of course, I want to learn another language. The most popular here (i don't consider php and javascript, since they are not my cup of tea) are java, python and c#. Well, java and c# are basically the same, so let's call them just java :) Which means that my choice is java vs python. I looked into both of them and I think both are great. However, python will be easier to learn since it is dynamically typed, yet java will be more educational, since it will be my first statically typed language and it is, let's say, more strict and will help to understand oop even better. So I seem to be interested in java more. But I would like to know your opinion also. Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/mypenissmellsoranges
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    How can i adjust the desktop bounds in C#? [CSharp}{Windows Presentation Foundation]

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:23 AM PST

    Im trying to make a menu bar so what i'm trying to do is adjust the entire desktop screen real estate down about 32 px, so that my program can run on top.

    submitted by /u/imthewiseguy
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    Converting text from first person to second person, and ignoring quotes

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:05 PM PST

    So I have this:

    import nltk forms = {"am" : "are", "are" : "am", 'i' : 'you', 'my' : 'yours', 'me' : 'you', 'mine' : 'yours', 'you' : 'I', 'your' : 'my', 'yours' : 'mine'} # More? def translate(word): if word.lower() in forms: return forms[word.lower()] return word sent = "I go to the movies, I say "What do you want to see?"" result = " ".join([translate(word) for word in nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(sent)]) print(result.capitalize()) # You go to the movies, you say "What do I want to see?" 

    What do I add to prevent converting words within quotes " "

    Example: example: input is: "I go to the movies, I say "What do you want to see?""

    Conversion I want: "You go to the movies, you say "What do you want to see?""

    Conversion I don't want: 'You go the movies, you say "what do I want to see?""

    Basically I am converting first person stories to second person. But running it through his code comes across a couple issues.

    1. sent = "I go to the movies, I say "What do you want to see?"" When using an input that has quotes already within it, it causes invalid syntex obviously. error: "What do you want to see?""
    2. if the input has quotes within the sentence, it gets converted. Phrases within quotes in a sentence must not be converted.
    submitted by /u/ruuxi17
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    HTML Agility Pack and Selenium

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:02 AM PST

    I'm writing something that will go to a website and get all the data from a table. For now I'm just trying to get it to write into the console, but I would soon like to save the table into an excel file. Right now when I run this:

    WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); string page = webClient.DownloadString(driver.Url); HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(page); List<List<string>> table = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/div[2]/div/main /div/div[4]/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[4]/div[2]/table") .Descendants("tr") .Skip(1) .Where(tr => tr.Elements("td").Count() > 1) .Select(tr => tr.Elements("td").Select(td => td.InnerText.Trim()).ToList()) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine(table); string inTable = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, table); Console.WriteLine(inTable); 

    Console.WriteLine(table); give me: System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.String]] and Console.WriteLine(inTable); doesn't print out anything as far as I can tell.

    Here is the link with one of the tables I'm trying to get: https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/aapl/historical

    (I know there is a download to CSV button, but I'm mostly doing this for practice)

    submitted by /u/ItsRunner
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    Realtime response for all users after the creation of the vote

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:05 AM PST

    I'm working on the project 'vote/poll' on android device's. I want it to work like this: - Users can login(I got REST API php for login/register and its okay for me and working), - Admin can create new voting(available options: yes, no) - i can do it with rest api and its easy for me(I'm beginner). My problem is how to display question and answers(yes/no) for all logged users? I think that I can make async method in client side like timer(send request to api per 1 sec and check new question in database, if it's new return response json) but i think that it's not professional(?) and very expensive(for server). Second solution is websocket but I have never used it and I'm afraid of it that I can't handle it. What do you think? Is there any other way?

    BTW: 40 employees will use my system(Every Saturday for 3-5h only).

    submitted by /u/jrJery
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    Trying to understand where react fits into other frameworks

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:15 PM PST

    To preface, I have worked with some back-end with django and am moving toward using visual studio to develop a full end to end (full stack) web app. I have the oppurtunity to learn what I can and apply it but I am running into some questions that I think I need help answering.

    I first learned with webapps with an MVC approach and it made sense to me. To my understanding, the View was what the user would see, then any changes made there would go to the controller which would return back html that the view could use and the controller would also call other routines that would allow database set/get defined by the model.

    I was asked to look into react.js which I read as 'takes the V out of MVC'. But to me it also seems like its the controller as well. I have read over and over that react.js is a front-end library which makes sense but:

    1. what do I use for the backend (language, framework?)?
    2. I know we wanted to use REST API, is this what connects the front end to backend? Can I write the backend in any language then ( I think someone mentioned using C# at my job)?
    3. Is there a way to have the entire application (front & back) from the same visual studio project or do I need to separate them.
    submitted by /u/wowtempacct10142069
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    Attempting to create a redirect server with an anomaly for root page - Need help.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:55 AM PST

    Hey all,

    Recently I've rebuilt a website that requires all sub-directory based URLs from the old website to redirect to that same sub directory in the new website with a "redirect" url parameter included (e.g., oldsite.com/article -> newsite.com/redirect?=article)

    With that being said, I also need to add an anomaly to the index page of oldsite.com/ that makes the page exempt from the redirect rule, AND is the only page on the site that shows it's own HTML file. That is, index.html.

    What would I add to the nginx or htaccess to achieve this? Or is there another solution?

    Any advice appreciated. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayBizAccount
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    Direct MSG Client a la MSN - no cloud server in between

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:33 AM PST

    Hello there,

    I am looking for open source client, which can be programmed and adjusted to someone's own liking.

    Tried Skype, Discord, Team Speak, etc. and I am not satisfied with the performance nor with the dependency of a server in between.

    I need something with a direct p2p message system, which won't rely upon a temp datacloud server to send and receive messages, like it was on MSN back in the days.

    It should also be usable on Mac OS, not only Windows.


    submitted by /u/divipanda
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    Java and Web programmer interested in developing hardware.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:29 AM PST

    I have an idea for a hardware that integrates with a local server. Like a scanner for a warehouse. This tool should just boot up start the software package. I don't want to write a OS lol. I was thinking of using electron js or writing a Java app as a potential way to make a standalone app, but I'm not sure how to boot up into this on a Linux system that would do as I am describing. Better yet, what software tech stack should I use for this? Android, chrome for mobile hardware and Linux for server? I'm self taught and I can't seem to find much on tutorials for this online.

    submitted by /u/marius_2017
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    GPL question - removing the licence?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:13 AM PST

    My background is more in commercial development, rather than open source free software.

    My understanding of GPL is that once code is GPLed, it cannot be undone and that everything that uses that code has to be GPLed, making it a viral licence.

    I tend to avoid GPL things for this reason, looking more for licences like "You can use this code, but put a credit in" or "Here's code, go play"

    So, with that out of the way...

    I was told of a person who worked at my firm before I started who had taken the library they had created for the company on company time for the company's product, and said "This is a great library that I made, I'm going to MIT licence it and release it myself". And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and some internal issues with doing further work on that library.

    This made me think about a hypothetical:

    Bob works for a firm making ProjectFoo, and releases a library he created for the company under GPL. It is a useful library and some people take it and use it in their software before Bob's firm realise what he has done.

    1: Does ProjectFoo now have to be GPL, since FooLib is GPL

    2: Can the firm say "FooLib is no longer GPL" and continue ProjectFoo as a closed source chargeable solution?

    3: If they can say "FooLib is no longer GPL", what is the effect on other people who have used it in their project?

    submitted by /u/hampshirebrony
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    Did you ever consider creating a programmig (mini)course?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:40 AM PST

    I think it would be great to have more programmers teach others to code. Did you ever consider publishing a (mini) course online? On websites like Teachable and Teachery it should be pretty easy, what would hold you back from doing so?

    submitted by /u/advanderveer
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    What projects should I sign up for?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:40 AM PST

    I'm starting at a software company as a programmer, and we're about to get a list of projects to choose from. It will be in a meeting though so I'll have to choose on the spot.

    What kind of projects or aspects of projects should I look out for? This is my first software job btw (4 month coop)

    submitted by /u/Maltohbr
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    Should I use WSL1 or wait for WSL2? (docker, terminal etc)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:40 AM PST

    Because I'm both a gamer and a developer, my OS of choice is Windows. However, lately I'm running into more and more troubles because of this.

    Currently, I'm having the following two use cases

    • I want to start a new open-source project and I need docker for it. Because I also use vagrant and VB for maintaining other projects, using docker is not that simple. Especially because of the jazz related to Hyper-V.
    • I miss my old onmyzsh shell and scripts.

    While setting up a proper terminal in WSL1 should be enough, only WSL2 will have support for Docker daemon.

    My question is simple: should I set up WSL1 just for configuring the terminal or should I get by for 3-4 more months with bash and Windows Terminal until WSL2 is released and then switch?

    I'm also not sure how my entire setup will be affected by installing WSL in the first place.

    submitted by /u/Erythr0s
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    Can someone see https request?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:28 AM PST

    I know this is not a direct programming question but I couldn't find where to ask.

    So lets assume I have a client and I have monitoring script that will run every 5 minutes and send post request to my server, something like.


    And question is can someone see(man in the middle attack or somehow else) this url i.e. the api key and/or message ?

    submitted by /u/Born_2_Fly
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    In some event-sourcing examples, why are the events and handling part of the domain entities?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:10 AM PST

    I am reading into event sourcing and am looking at the minimal CQRS example of Greg Young. Here you see the domain entities with public methods that apply an event internally. I've seen this multiple times in other examples as well.

    However, it seems to me that this makes event sourcing part of the domain, while it is, according to how I interpret DDD and Clean Architecture, a detail. Event sourcing is, IMHO, a persistence mechanism and not a domain model. The fact that event sourcing matches pretty well with things like Banking Accounts and auditing thereof does not mean that this should be part of the domain object.

    Although the CQRS != Event Sourcing (although they fit nice together) and Greg Young doesn't say he uses a Clean Architecture approach I was wondering if there is a good reason to include it in the domain entities.

    My alternative approach, more inline with Clean Architecture, would be to solve the event-sourcing in the application and persistence layers. When a command is handled the corresponding aggregate root entity is fetched. This fetching can be done by instantiating a new one and modifying the state according to the stored events for that entity, but by using a dedicated hydrator object instead of the entity itself. This hydrator sets the fields of the entity according to the events passed.

    Is there something wrong with my approach or is it all not as black and white as I think?

    submitted by /u/avwie
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    Alternative to every getElementByX/Y/Z and queryselector in javascript.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:43 AM PST

    I'd like to know if there is an alternative to those functions in pure javascript.

    submitted by /u/ptnrula
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