• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 7, 2020

    Starting up a training series showing my process for building a character. This is the first episode covering modeling concepts and my workflow. (link to full video and more info in comments)

    Starting up a training series showing my process for building a character. This is the first episode covering modeling concepts and my workflow. (link to full video and more info in comments)

    Starting up a training series showing my process for building a character. This is the first episode covering modeling concepts and my workflow. (link to full video and more info in comments)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Hey guys, I'm starting a free mini tutorial series for the community which will show you how to create stylized game textures for your assets using Substance Painter. Wood, stone, skin, metal, foliage and lots more. Today I'll be showing you my step by step process to create stylized cloth. Enjoy!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:36 AM PST

    Ragnarok acquires Rune II source code and assets following a legal complaint

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:18 PM PST

    Free Material Pack: Fabric (link in the comments)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:11 AM PST

    Hey, been working full time on my adventure game for a year now, here is a teaser trailer!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:48 AM PST

    Is there space for generalists in gamedev industry?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 06:22 AM PST

    I have been learning gamedev as a hobby, I really like it, and I think I'd like to do it professionally. The problem is, the thing I love the most about gamedev is that it allows me to be a generalist, to do a wide variety of things. In one day I get to model, texture, design, rig, animate, do some 2D stuff, write some code. That's what makes me really excited and happy.

    I know that this is counterproductive from the pragmatic standpoint - I'm not great at any of these skills, and I'll never be as good, or as effective as a person who chose to specialize in one thing. But knowing myself, I understand that I won't change my mind, I wouldn't be happy doing one specific job day in and day out.

    Taking that as a premise, is there a place for a guy like me in gamedev? Is there a job for someone who knows a bit of everything, but isn't great at any one specific thing? Or should I just keep doing it as a hobby and hoping that one day I'll make an indie game that takes off?

    submitted by /u/lumenwrites
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    Do you guys know any dev tools for the gameboy advanced?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:08 PM PST

    Sorry for the repost. I fixed the acronym

    submitted by /u/StormioGT
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    Can you procedurally animate pixel art?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:07 AM PST

    Can't find much online about 2d procedural animation. I'm trying to make a "fire-y" jet engine that randomly sputters and burns realistically. I have ZERO experience with art, so doing """24""" frames of just the initial animation was hard enough. I really only drew one frame of it and added in four extra sections. Then mostly ended up doing random brush strokes and flipping parts of the image horizontally and vertically to add variance. I was wondering if I could somehow automate this, and make it react to orientation and interaction.

    submitted by /u/LivingFaithlessness
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    My first game I've ever worked on, and I just released the DEMO of it on Steam! If you have some time to check it out and provide feedback/suggestions, I'd appreciate it! :)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Release date conflicting with the Steam Sale

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 06:02 AM PST

    Over two years of development, few awards for the concept, the release around the corner...And it just came out that Steam Sale is going to conflict with our release date.

    As I get it, there is a strict unofficial rule not to release your game during the Steam Sale, so we don't have any other option but to change our release date and risk annoying some players.

    I wonder what is better:

    A) Release 1-2 days after the end of Sale and risk the situation in which players are still playing the games bought during the saleB) Release 1-2 weeks after the Sale and face much bigger competition in that period

    What would you do if you were at my place?

    submitted by /u/taikute
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    UE4 – January 2020 free assets

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:36 AM PST

    How much money our mobile game made

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:57 PM PST

    Coding Game Mechanic

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:36 AM PST

    Hy guys,

    I'm actually coding a little prototype, but I have an issue in coding one aspect of this feature. Here belo there's the code attachment.

    using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour { [Header("MOVEMENT VALUES")] public float speed; private float moveInput; private Rigidbody2D rb; [Header("JUMP VALUES")] public float jumpForce; public Transform GroundCheck; public float checkRadius; public LayerMask whatIsGround; private bool isJumping; private bool isGrounded; private bool isFalling = false; [Header("ATTACK VALUES")] public float attackSpeed; private Transform characterPosition; private Vector2 targetPosition; private bool isAttacking = false; private bool isInChain = false; //Chain Values public int maxChainAttacks; public float chainAttacks; public float cooldownTime; public float nextFireTime; //AttackGravity values public float chainGravity; public float defaultGravity = 1f; [Header("DEBUGLINES VALUES")] public Color lineColor; public float lineDuration; public bool inDepth; [Header("UI Values")] public Text showAttacks; public Text showChainSeconds; public Text showGravity; [Header("TUNING COLORS")] public GameObject character; public Color attackingColor; public Color defaultColor; public Color chainColor; public Color fallingColor; private Renderer characterRenderer; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); characterRenderer = character.GetComponent<Renderer>(); } //Must handle every physics calculation in the game private void FixedUpdate() { isGrounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(GroundCheck.position, checkRadius, whatIsGround); if(!isAttacking && !isInChain) { moveInput = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); rb.velocity = new Vector2(moveInput * speed, rb.velocity.y); } } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { //Mostra le info a UI ShowUI(); //Debug Instructions Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, targetPosition, lineColor, lineDuration, false); Debug.Log(isGrounded); //FallingState if (!isGrounded && !isAttacking && !isInChain) { isFalling = true; } //Falling Properties if (isFalling) { characterRenderer.material.SetColor("_Color", fallingColor); } ////Jump method //if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && isGrounded) //{ // rb.velocity = Vector2.up * jumpForce; //} //Attack Command if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1") && !isAttacking && chainAttacks > 0) { isAttacking = true; targetPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); StartCoroutine(AttackTo(transform.position, targetPosition, attackSpeed)); } } //Debugging UI information public void ShowUI() { showAttacks.text = "Attacks: " + chainAttacks + "/" + maxChainAttacks; showGravity.text = "Actual Gravity: " + rb.gravityScale; } IEnumerator AttackTo(Vector2 currentPosition, Vector2 targetPosition, float speed) { while (isAttacking) { rb.gravityScale = 0; transform.position = Vector2.Lerp(transform.position, targetPosition, speed * Time.deltaTime); characterRenderer.material.SetColor("_Color", attackingColor); if (Vector2.Distance(transform.position, targetPosition) < 1) { isAttacking = false; characterRenderer.material.SetColor("_Color", defaultColor); rb.gravityScale = defaultGravity; } yield return null; } } 

    What I'm trying to do is: After the player has attacked and the point is reached, I want the player to have a certain amount of time (e.g.: similar to a bullet time) in which the character has a different gravity on him and can attack again until there are chainable attacks available.

    I'm having trouble with coding this "chain time", any hint? Or any method that can help me?

    Thx a lot!

    submitted by /u/Raes93
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    Self taught vs school education.(2020 edition)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Whats up r/gamedev!

    My question today for you is the following;

    What is the general consensus regarding self taught game developers / game designers vs ones who actually went to school for it?

    Is the general hiring climate going more towards applicants with diplomas or its mainly all about the portfolio and as long as you have something solid skillwise, the diplomas dont really matter.

    I think its totally possible to attain passable (or more) knowledge and skills through classes found online and practice but i feel like maybe videogames companies are leaning more towards applicants with diplomas.

    Im starting school next fall and im wondering what kind of competition ill have once i finish and start looking out for jobs.

    Whats your thoughts?


    submitted by /u/AverageNic
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    How to deal with frustration? How do YOU deal with frustration?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:22 AM PST

    Hi, I've been trying to get in the world of game developing, I tried some engines like Unreal, Unity and GameMaker Studio, but I couldn't finish any of my projects and that just made my frustration sky rocket. I want to know how each of you handle frustration, cause right now, I've been thinking about giving up the whole thing.

    submitted by /u/Klauzy
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    Moving to a new Game Development Stack For Mobile 2D Games

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:54 AM PST

    Hi all,Ive been developing, for a year now, mobile games to both stores (IOS and Android) with html5 (Phaser) wrapped with Cordova.And honestly fed with performance issues and limitations.I want to go native..

    So been digging for some time about the options out there in 2019 and its really hard to find anything but the "Unity rush".. (maybe its because its truly the best solution??)

    Coming from a programming background Im naturally drawn more to frameworks then engines but the end gaul is to create finished games and not be a smarty pans with my beautiful code but no completed games

    So, the options I found are:

    1. Unity: is it an overkill for 2D mobile games? is the develop process is slow because of long builds? am Im losing something in performance comparing to native development?
    2. Godot: basically same questions as Unity but also how is it vs Unity (aside from being free)
    3. SpriteKit && LibGDX: This will require me to develop separately to both platforms (I know LibGDX can create an IOS build but from what I read its not really working that well. So, Am I getting a performance advantage over engines? is LibGDX even alive? (could not find a lot of up to date info about it) is it worth the (almost) double work? does anyone is working like this in 2019??
    4. Cococs2D-X: Where does it fit with the mentioned options? performance wise? "is it dead" wise? also found this post in this subreddit which mite sum it for cococs?


    Really hard to find any solid answers for these

    Any thoughts? idea? insights?

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/KittenOfMine
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    Partner Quit. In Need of GameDev Career Advice.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:18 PM PST

    Hello gamedev community,


    I never really thought I would be making one of these posts, but here I am. While part of me needs to vent to an audience that can relate to the struggles of game development, my primary purpose in writing this is to seek advice, especially from those with experience in the industry.


    I'm currently in my late 20's and entering a gap period before medical school. I'll be applying when applications open up in the summer, and with my GPA, MCAT scores, etc. I'm positive I'll be accepted. However, it's been a lifelong dream of mine to make a game. Until last August, I hadn't put much thought into the prospect until I came across an Unreal Engine video that led me down the rabbit hole of game development. Since then, I've taught myself C++, consumed everything I could get my hands on with regards to computer science, game development, etc, and I've loved it! Loved it so much, in fact that I'm currently considering game development as a career path instead of medical school.


    Around this time, I was talking with a friend who took an interest in the artistic side of game development and had begun going to school for it. We decided to make a game in October, and all was great until he started to slack off. I tried motivating him, but it was becoming a part-time job just to keep him motivated and on track which was difficult in itself as I was already the one doing all the programming, story work, game design, audio design, etc. Basically everything but the modelling and texturing. Recently, my partner stopped doing any work at all and has essentially quit the project.


    The experience is till relatively fresh, but I need advice on how to proceed. The whole situation has definitely put a dent in my enthusiasm, but whenever I think about it, I still love it all (especially the coding). The problem is that I don't have a clear path to the finish line anymore as I don't know anyone that is interested or capable of doing the art side of the project, and my talents are very much not in that space to approach it myself.


    I welcome all advice criticism, etc., but I'd also like to ask 3 questions:


    1) As far as progress, I only had a couple months of learning before beginning on the project, but I've completed a complete albeit basic vertical prototype with 4 player classes, a customizable UI, online multiplayer functionality, and a fully functional spell system (all with placeholder assets, obviously). Am I behind where I should be after 2ish months of work?


    2) What's the best way I can I go about finding people to work on a project? I'm okay with splitting profits, but I can't necessarily dole out thousands in fees that may be necessary to have assets made for the game.


    3) I'm strongly contemplating getting a CS degree on top of my Math one and trying to get a job in the game dev industry as a rendering programmer instead of going to medical school. Is there anyone who has switched career paths to game dev that can lend experience to what it's like. Was it worth it, do you have any regrets, etc.


    I greatly appreciate any feedback you guys can provide me. Thanks for reading this far, and I apologize for the long post.

    submitted by /u/Spader15
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    GamesIndustry.biz presents... The Year In Numbers 2019

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:04 AM PST

    Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial: Create Your First AI NPC CHARACTER

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 03:04 AM PST

    DB backend for multiplayer card game

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:30 AM PST


    I'm working on some card game which will supports multiplayer through dedicated server, I started programming dedicated server for it, server will run on Node.js using Websockets, but I get into problem, I don't know which DB should I use which will hold state (placed cards, not drawn cards, players HP, etc) of every running match and players deck, so I would like to get some tips from experienced users. I was thinking about NoSQL like RethinkDB, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, something what is really fast.

    Thank you very much

    submitted by /u/tomsvk
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    Teaching a class on the psychology of video games to student designers. What psych or mental health info would you want to know (or wish you’d learned sooner)?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:49 PM PST

    I have a doctorate is in clinical psych, a masters in game design, and teach graduate students at a local university. I'll be covering basics like perception, memory, attention, as well as research on stuff like violence, addiction, gambling etc, but the main goal is for them to walk away with skills, dev or professional, that will make them better designers.

    submitted by /u/goosechecka
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    I wanted to ask a question about something I thought

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:35 AM PST

    Is there any way I can make a game where a blender object can be placed inside the game, like in vrchat (the characters) and gmod (objects etc)? I'm using engine unity, can I do this inside this engine? if it's possible, how? (sorry for my bad english)

    submitted by /u/lostopkk
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    How do people feel about copying unique mechanics from other games?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:33 AM PST

    It's done a lot, and obviously the core mechanics of games in each genre are similar, but would it be frowned upon (or at what point would it be frowned upon) to make similar stat systems for an RPG?

    I've played a lot of games, but for some reason nothing feels as satisfying as Maplestory did when it comes to min-maxing and rolling for stats. They use 4 main stats (STR DEX INT LUK) with a bunch of others that effect your damage range, making it extremely stable, noticeable, and important how much damage you could do. In a lot of games to me it feels more like "Yes I can kill things faster now" but the numbers themselves never feel as meaningful, and it really mattered seeing your range increase after every level.

    The item system they use is similar to diablo, poe, and other H&S loot games but basically you have a base item with random stats in a certain range that you can upgrade by scrolling, then on top of that you can socket it for a gem, and add "potential" which adds 2-3 random stat lines (%str/dex/int/luk, %dmg, item drop %, etc) that can then be re-rolled. When you re-roll the lines the item has a small chance of going from rare->epic->unique->legendary and depending on the rarity the % values can then go up even higher.

    I would of course change around how it works and tweak it a bit, but I really like how polished the system in MS was. It had a lot of depth but at the same time it was pretty simple to understand and see all of the different options and changes you could make on items. If the skeleton of my own system was extremely similar, would that bother people or be a problem in any way? I really don't want to change any of the core mechanics honestly, but I'd make tweaks and everything would be visually different entirely...

    tldr; I really like an item / stat system from a game I played and want to design something similar but tweak it and make it my own, would that be a problem?

    submitted by /u/Seacrux
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    How different is being a game composer vs electronic music artist

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:34 PM PST

    Hi guys. I've been learning and producing electronic music for quite some time now, trying to find "my sound" and identity as an upcoming artist in this cutthroat market where everyone wants to be the next David Guetta. I couldn't help but notice that I also love video games since ever and, to be honest, I'm quite worried about how my physical and mental health would take a toll if my music project eventually ramps up and people start to call me for gigs and such. (I just don't wanna sleep less than 4 hours per day on tour and die like Avicii did with depression and such...)

    I was wondering if being a video game composer is more of a "stable career" (better sleep, better work-life balance) compared to a DJ/Producer on tour. Please share your experiences with me.

    Disclaimer: I don't need to hurry or anything, I'm a software developer and this is my main source of income. Music is really my passion and I really would like to express myself on projects that people really care, even as a part-time gig...

    submitted by /u/felipelacroix
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